Read Dinoworld Scarface Origins Page 6

  While his opponent's back was turned, Scarface ran quickly and leapt onto Ravage's back and began to claw mercilessly. Ravage cried out in surprise and pain, throwing himself against the wall. Scarface dropped before he was crushed by the man's back but leapt once again when the opportunity came.

  Spinning quickly, Ravage lashed out with a blind back fist that made contact with the raptor in mid-air. Not waiting for the raptor to recover, he grabbed the closest weapon and began to slash down in an attempt to cut the dinosaur into small pieces.

  Scarface struggled to dodge the blows, but finally saw an opportunity for a counterstrike. Knowing where the next strike would land, Scarface waited until the blow was in full swing and then lashed out at Ravage's hand. He bit into the knuckles and locked his jaw firmly.

  In a panic Ravage grabbed the raptor's body and pulled it away forcefully, opening up several wounds from the dinosaur's teeth. Scarface skid to a stop and immediately attacked again. Instead of meeting his opponent head on, he ran past Ravage and rebounded from the wall. Once again, he was on his opponent's back.

  With claws piercing his flesh, Ravage tried to grab the raptor again but failed due to the creature’s small and nimble body. A sharp pain penetrated his lower back and he suddenly fell to the ground. Trying desperately to stand he found that he could not move, or even feel, his legs. Scarface had severed his spinal cord just above the waist.

  Still wielding the sword, Ravage swung the blade at Scarface as he tried to roll over. A blood soaked hand caused the weapon to slip from his grasp and slide across the floor. Rolling onto his stomach, Ravage pulled himself across the ground as fast as he could toward the blade. Looking over his shoulder, he could see the young raptor standing on his backside, tearing a piece of flesh from his leg.

  Ravage shook his body as best he could while he struggled to move closer to his fallen weapon. Curious, Scarface removed himself and walked beside the fallen man, matching his meager pace. The raptor's jaws parted in a wicked grin. Ravage was all but helpless now.

  The gladiator took hold of the blade and rolled to his back, ready to strike. But Scarface had learned quickly. Before Ravage could move the blade, Scarface had his foot holding the man's hand down by the wrist. The flexed wrist proved to be an advantage to Scarface, as it brought the tendons to the top of the skin.

  Looking Ravage in the eyes, Scarface slashed with his elongated claw. Ravage screamed in pain and the realization that one hand was now useless. Shock began to overtake him as Scarface moved slowly and confidently onto the man's chest.

  Scarface leaned in close, grinning wickedly. He could see the fear in the man's eyes. He could feel the terror. He liked it. With a lunge to the throat, Scarface bit hard and then watched as the life drained from his victim.

  None of the observers said a word as silence fell over the arena. They stared in stunned silence as the small raptor killed their gladiator. Scarface spread his arms and gave a cry of victory. Chills ran down the spines of many a visitor, as it was not the cry of a youngster they heard, but a demon from their nightmares. What they saw looked like a weak and helpless creature, but they now knew how deceiving looks could be.

  "Scarface," someone finally said. "Scarface!"

  Soon, every mouth in the observation area was sounding the name. The name of their new champion.

  "Scarface! Scarface! Scarface!"

  Chapter 10

  Another four months passed with Scarface fast becoming a favorite in The Pit. The spectators loved the raw bestial nature of the raptor, and Scarface was learning how to fight more there than he ever did in training with the military raptors. General Paddon had since forgotten about the raptor and continued to oversee his duties. In time, he believed, Scarface would be killed. It always happened, even to the best of fighters.

  So caught up in the paperwork on his desk, the General barely noticed when Trevor strode into his office. The former soldier had a furious look in his eye as he walked straight to the General's desk.

  "Just what the hell do you think you've done?" Trevor asked.

  "I think I much preferred it when you saluted," Paddon said. "And what, pray tell, have I done to make you so upset?"

  "As if you didn't know? I am talking about my raptor. Scarface."

  Paddon leaned back and thought a moment. "Scarface? Ah, yes. That spiteful little creature you brought in to be trained. Is he still around?"

  Trevor glared at the General. "I started hearing rumors of a scarred raptor winning several matches in The Pit. Now, that wouldn't happen to be my scarred raptor, would it?"

  Paddon finished signing a paper and leaned back in his chair. "Your raptor caused quite a stir during his training. He did well for a few months but then went and killed some of his colleagues before attacking the soldier in charge of them. Needless to say, he had to be taken care of. But four months in The Pit and he is still alive? That is indeed impressive."

  Trevor leaned in close, scowling at Paddon. "I want him back."

  Paddon rose and made his way to the window, looking at the soldiers training outside. "I'm afraid his fate is out of my hands now. Once someone, or something in this case, enters The Pit they are out of our jurisdiction. I suppose if you wanted to see him I could get you in for the match tonight."

  "You always were a bastard son of a bitch."

  "Just following protocol. So did you want to see your raptor one more time or not? With his reputation, I doubt he will survive much longer down there. This may be your last chance."

  Trevor looked out the window, then at the General. "I'll take your offer, but this is the last time I will be coming back."

  "So you just turn away from all our benefits and become a lowly bounty hunter? You do realize you will lose access to our database of wanted men, right? Then what? You’ll just become another face in the crowd hoping to make it big. I’ve seen it happen all too often."

  "There are plenty of other bounties out there. And I swear to you, I will get my raptor back."

  "It's been seven months since you dropped him off. Do you really think he will even remember you?"

  "If he doesn't, I'll just have to remind him."


  Trevor had never before visited The Pit but as with most people, he knew exactly where it was located. He managed to get inside without difficulty thanks to a pass written up by General Paddon. Although he hunted men for a living now, turning the whole thing into a spectacle was more than he appreciated. Those he killed were taken out fast and efficient with little collateral damage if he could help it.

  Approaching the edge of the seating area was difficult as the crowd was larger than usual. He had heard the whispers and although most people enjoyed the man vs. man spectacle, the real reason was obvious. They wanted to see Scarface. But as with all spectator attractions, they were saving the best for last.

  For three matches Trevor sat, silently waiting to see his raptor again. The cheers and applause at particularly hard or gruesome blows sickened him. There was no honor in this. He had killed many men in his lifetime and had seen those around him killed, but at least they had died for something meaningful. This was just barbaric. At last, the announcer gave the crowd, and Trevor, what they had been waiting all night for.

  "It sure looks like we've had our fair share of sport tonight, haven't we?" the announcer said. His question was met with applause and shouting for more. "Well, you asked for it and we're going to deliver. Folks, nobody has lasted longer in The Pit and nothing could have prepared us for his rise to glory. The time has come for man versus beast. I give to you Scarface!"

  The crowd erupted into a deafening roar as the bars slid open and the raptor emerged. Trevor recognized the marks, but the way the raptor moved was different. Now at five feet in length, it had more than doubled in size since he first picked up the raptor. What was more, the raptor's eyes had a longing for blood. A chill ran down Trevor's spine as
the realization came that Scarface was enjoying this.

  "Folks," the announcer said, gaining a hushed silence from the audience. "We have seen Scarface take down one enemy after another, so we have decided to spice things up a bit. Rather than taking on one contender, tonight you are in for a treat. Scarface will pit himself against two human opponents! But as per the rules of the pit, only one will emerge victorious!"

  The deafening roar returned as two gates opened and a man emerged from both. They eyed the raptor before arming themselves. They all knew only one would emerge, but had to team up to take down Scarface first.

  The first man grabbed a chain and swung it at the dinosaur, which easily dodged and lunged. The second man grabbed a wooden spear and swung it at the raptor, only to lose his balance in his haste. The raptor was on top of him a second later gnawing at the spear, then jumped as the second man swung a metal bar.

  Scarface lunged, grazing the second man's hand with his teeth. The first stood and began to swing wildly, only to miss his marks and receive cuts and lacerations from the raptor's claws.

  "Such ferocity but poor form," someone beside Trevor said. "If he knew how to really fight this match would be over by now."

  Trevor turned to see a slender man of Chinese origin watching intently as the fight progressed. Dressed in a sharp black shirt with red tie, his facial hair displayed the manner of someone with great wealth.

  "He was supposed to be trained by the Khepri Military," Trevor said. "I brought him here only to find he had been thrown down with the scum."

  The Chinese man turned with a quizzical expression. "So he is yours? A pity. Such raw talent gone to waste for the garbage of mankind."

  "If I may say so, you're watching the event as well."

  Laughing, the man turned his attention back to the arena. "I am not here to be entertained," he said. "I am here to recruit. My organization has heard of a great fighter by the name of Scarface and I have been sent to investigate. Perhaps even purchase him."

  "I won't let you take him away like Paddon did," Trevor scowled. "He belongs to me."

  "And yet he is outside of your grasp. Tell you what. I will test this Scarface and if I find him worthy, I will take him and train him properly. Not like your military did. I know we have been enemies in the past, but perhaps we can put that behind us."

  Trevor looked at the man, who slowly met his gaze and smiled. He slowly rolled up the silky black sleeve to reveal a tattoo on his foe arm. "Yun Chow," he whispered. "Master trainer of the Black Dragon."

  Trevor's heart skipped a beat upon seeing the symbol and hearing the name of the clan. Although he had never fought any from the organization himself, the Clan of the Black Dragon had fought against the Khepri military during the recent war.

  "You would be willing to train Scarface?" Trevor asked.

  Yun smiled. "We shall see."

  The crowd burst into applause, indicating the match was over. Scarface stood over the bodies of the two men, roaring in victory. The announcer declared another victory for Scarface and began to move to the next set of competitors when Yun raised his hand.

  "I challenge the contender Scarface," Yun said. An eerie silence came over the crowd as the man quickly made his way to the arena. When at the bottom, Yun entered through a steel door to find Scarface waiting anxiously.

  "It appears we have a challenger," the announcer said. "Please, state your name and conditions."

  Yun removed his shirt and tie before showing his tattoo to the crowd. "I am Yun Chow of the Black Dragon. My conditions are these. If I lose, then I die before you as entertainment. If I win, then I shall take ownership of this contender. Is this acceptable?"

  Eager for another fight with Scarface and not caring about the consequences, the crowd erupted into cheers and shouts. The bell sounded for the beginning of another match, and Scarface was more than willing to comply. The two slowly circled, Scarface in a low crouch while Yun stood indifferently with his hands behind his back.

  Scarface lunged forward full speed, expecting Yun to do the same. Instead, the Clan member held his ground until the last possible moment and stepped to the side as casually as if he were turning a corner. Scarface skid to a halt, then lunged again. For a second time, Yun merely stepped aside while his hands remained behind his back.

  Not to be denied his lust for blood, Scarface lashed out in a flurry of attacks but Yun was well trained, even if it were not against a saurian opponent. The raptor snapped his jaws forward, only to close on open air. Before he could react, Yun struck the raptor squarely in the jaw with the palm of his hand.

  "Your technique is sloppy," said Yun. "It is a wonder you have survived this long."

  Scarface shook off the blow, moving his tongue to find that three teeth had broken free of his jaws. Infuriated, the raptor lunged again in a flurry of attacks. Every strike was either dodged or countered by the opponent, until another strong blow hit Scarface in the side of his body. He landed hard on the ground, picking himself up again slowly as he glared into the eyes of his human adversary.

  "You have rage, but it is unfocused. You have learned much in here, but you lack control. See what a true master can do!"

  With blinding speed, Yun went on the offensive. Scarface was barely able to dodge many of the attacks, and those he failed to avoid struck him squarely until a strong blow sent him flying into the wall. Before he could recover, Yun was on top of him. A strong stomp with his foot would have ended the raptor's life, but Yun stopped it with perfect control as soon as the boot touched the feathery hide of the saurian contender.

  Scarface only stared as Yun removed his boot slowly and turned to walk away. As soon as the man's back was turned, the raptor lunged and shrieked in rage. While in mid-stride, Yun spun around and struck Scarface squarely on the side with a kick. The raptor shrieked in pain as the wind was knocked from his lungs. Yun approached slowly and knelt at the raptor's side.

  "You are as foolish as you are clumsy," whispered Yun. "But I can make you so much more than what you are now capable of."

  What Scarface saw in the human's eyes was not anger or hatred, but something that made him understand. The humans he was fighting and killing inside this place were too weak. If he were ever to kill those responsible for destroying his life, he had to go with this man. Reluctantly, he lowered his head in a submissive posture. He knew this human would teach him to be a more efficient killer.

  "The victory is mine," Yun declared. "And now I will take my prize."

  Shouts of outrage poured down from the viewers as Yun exited with Scarface following. They were infuriated that not only was their new champion defeated, but they would never again be able to see the furious animal carnage they had come to enjoy.

  Trevor was waiting when Yun exited the arena and upon seeing the raptor face to face, he saw a glimmer of recognition that shone in Scarface's eyes. The raptor did remember him after all. Together, the trio exited and made their way to a fancy black vehicle waiting outside. Yun opened the rear door, allowing Scarface to enter. He followed, and then waited for Trevor.

  "Are you not coming as well?" Yun asked. "He is your dinosaur after all, is he not?"

  Trevor stepped in cautiously. "I'm sorry, but it's just that he is unrestrained."

  "If the raptor causes trouble he will be dealt with appropriately. You have nothing to fear."

  Hesitantly, Trevor entered and sat down. The interior of the vehicle was spacious, giving plenty of room for the two men and the raptor. Scarface had curled up in a far corner, eyeing the men warily but made no aggressive movements. Yun removed two glasses from a compartment and began to pour a bottle of red wine for them.

  "You should consider yourself lucky," said Yun. "Outsiders are normally not allowed within our walls. But I believe in this case we will make an exception."

  Trevor took the glass of wine and stared at Yun. "You mean we're going to the head of the Black Dragon?

  Yun took a sip of wine and nodded. "Of course. Scarface will serve not only as my pupil, but also as a symbol of power for us. You wanted him trained, is that correct?"

  Trevor nodded as he took a sip of wine. "Yeah, that's right."

  "When we are finished with him, this beast will be greater than anything that has ever lived, and nothing that comes after would compare. We will do great things together, my friend. And before this day is done, we will make it known that the Black Dragon is, and always shall be, the greatest of the Old World organizations."

  Chapter 11

  Upon entering the building, which appeared to be nothing more than a warehouse from the outside, Trevor found no fewer than fifty people dressed in black tunics branding the same dragon logo as he had seen on Yun’s arm. They were all in the process of sparring one another, either hand-to-hand or brandishing wooden practice weapons, when a single word from Yun drew the entire assembly into silence. They all immediately stopped and simultaneously bowed before their chief instructor.