Read Dinoworld Scarface Origins Page 9

  Pressing another button, Trevor could feel the space around him begin to stretch and warp. An instant later he was thrown back hard against his seat as the world around him flashed white. A second later, all was quiet. The world of Khepri was gone, replaced by a small brown planet covered in craters. Looking in the back, Trevor saw Scarface struggling to stand and shaking his head in frustration.

  "Yeah, I don't like space jumps either, but we were in kind of a hurry."

  Scarface tried to take a step but instead found himself floating inside the rear of the craft. More in frustration than fear, the raptor latched on to the closest thing he could find.

  "You're not used to zero gravity," Trevor said as he unbuckled himself and floated to the back. "But I have to figure out where to go next. Khepri is out of the question and I can't risk you running off if I take you back to Dinoworld."

  Floating over to a computer console, readouts of a dozen worlds appeared with data such as distance, size, population, and climate. A few caught his eye, and looking over at Scarface, he decided the closer the better. The raptor was clearly annoyed at the lack of gravity and yearned for solid ground.

  "Looks like there are three worlds we could hide on for a while," Trevor said. "Carnius and Florian have a few outlying colonies, but space travel will certainly draw attention. I would think Damara would be our best bet. Gravity is one point five G's, but that is something we can get used to. Air quality isn't the best, but at least it isn't toxic."

  Several worlds had been discovered during the first days of planetary exploration. Seven were colonized permanently with smaller settlements on no fewer than ten other worlds. Still more had been found, but after spending an extended period exposed on the surface the atmosphere proved to be toxic to humans. Damara, while habitable, provided smaller oxygen content and more nitrogen in the atmosphere. While well known, the lack of anything profitable meant very few chose to land on its surface.

  Making his way back to the pilot seat, Trevor punched in the coordinates. He yelled back to Scarface, who tensed when the whine of the hyperdrive engines began. With a flash and a jolt, the craft was suddenly in another part of the galaxy. Scarface hissed his displeasure and lodged himself next to one of the prison cells.

  Outside the window, a large brown world appeared as the spacecraft turned. A few streaks of blue and green told of liquid water and photosynthesis, proving that life existed. Nevertheless, despite these patches of greenery and water, the majority of the surface was barren rock. Trevor switched from automatic pilot to manual and began flying toward an area next to one of the green and blue outcroppings.

  The craft shook violently as it entered the atmosphere, yellow sparks flying from the sides and the heat inside the cabin increased dramatically. Scarface yelled out in frustration but held firm. A moment later, the shaking stopped and the raptor could feel the weight of his own body once again.

  After several more minutes, Trevor maneuvered the craft to a flat area. Stabilizing jets blew air against the ground to slow the descent until, with a final jolt, the craft landed and was still. Scarface breathed a visible sigh of relief, as did Trevor.

  "Sorry about that. You're going to have to get used to that now that you're with me."

  Checking the systems before shutting down, Trevor saw they had enough fuel for two more hyperspace jumps. He would have to carefully calculate their next destination or risk running out of fuel. If they went to one world and were found out, they would only be able to jump once more in a hurry and through his experience, Trevor knew hasty jumps often led into deeper trouble.

  Unstrapping himself, Trevor immediately felt the increased gravity one and a half times stronger than to what humans were accustomed. Scarface, however, showed no such strain. Having spent years with weights strapped to his body he welcomed the increased gravity.

  The side panel hissed and slid open, letting in a blast of native Damarian air. It was stale and thick, causing Trevor to cough a few times before finding his breath. He stepped outside and examined the landscape. Deep brown sand covered the surface with boulders and a few hills breaking up the terrain. A few hundred yards away was the edge of a forest, unearthly shades of green on the foliage covering deep black tree trunks. A small stream ran to the south of them, making access to water easy.

  "I'll bring up some information to see what we'll be dealing with here," Trevor said as he returned to the back of the spacecraft. "All I know is that not too many people have come here in the past."

  While the bounty hunter looked at the readout, Scarface ventured onto the surface of the world. The sand, though coarse looking, actually felt soft between his toes. A wealth of new smells welcomed him and curiosity overcame caution. Making his way to the stream, Scarface sniffed the water. It smelled similar to the water he was used to, but was still different.

  Taking a cautionary taste, he found the liquid was rich in minerals his body craved. Having spent so much time eating human made food and drinking human filtered water, the raptor relished in the all natural flavor and composition of the liquid. Taking long, satisfying gulps, his body now craved something more. He needed raw meat. If there was one thing he remembered from his home world, it was that water always drew in prey items.

  Scarface did not have to wait long. The sun glinted off something in the raptor's peripheral vision. A flash of red and black scales was all it took for Scarface to be on guard. The creature slithered, knowing it had been discovered. But its confidence grew as it felt no fear from Scarface.

  Crawling over a boulder was a large reptilian creature with six legs attached to a narrow body twelve feet in length. The head was short but powerful, filled with a double row of needle-like teeth. Making its way over the boulder with four-toed feet, the creature's tail whipped back and forth in excitement.

  After a brief stare down, the creature lunged with frightening speed. Having grown as a predator on a world with higher gravity, the creature's muscles were well adapted. However, Scarface was also used to the weight from his training with the Black Dragon.

  Scarface leapt out of the way as the creature's jaws closed, sending a plume of sand as its head crashed into the ground. Undeterred, the creature spun to find Scarface lunging. The raptor struck the creature hard in the side, causing it to stagger slightly, but steel-like claws gripped the ground below.

  The creature hissed and began whipping its tail. Rocks broke under the tail's impact as Scarface dodged. Timing it perfectly, the raptor lunged in as the tail lashed forward again and caught it within his jaws. The creature howled, more in protest than pain, and tried to free itself.

  Scarface pulled backward, but the creature he fought was physically superior and pulled him forward. Biting down with full force and twisting, the raptor bit off the piece of tail he was grasping. The creature shrieked and whipped its tail around, sending a spray of crimson blood on the surrounding soil.

  Spitting out the tail, Scarface leapt and landed squarely on the reptile's head. His aim had been perfect. Without hesitating the raptor flexed his elongated kill claws, burying them deep in his opponent's eyes.

  The creature hissed and tried to wriggle free. It landed hard on its side and flipped onto its back in an attempt to squash its attacker, but Scarface had felt the muscle messages. He had leapt upward and when he landed, it was upon the creature's chest. Wasting no time, the raptor tore into the creature's exposed belly while six clawed feet flailed wildly around him.

  The creature slowly lost its strength, the movements lessening before ceasing all together. Scarface let loose a cry of victory before burying his muzzle into the tissue of his fallen prey. The flesh tasted a bit odd, having much higher iron content than what he was accustomed, but he relished it nonetheless.

  Trevor exited the spacecraft quickly and found his saurian companion atop his victim. Approaching slowly, the bounty hunter stared at the fallen prey. Scarface eyed him warily before pulling
off another piece of flesh.

  "I've been trying to figure out where to go next," said Trevor. "And I think you've just given me an idea.

  Chapter 15

  The craft exited hyperspace, Scarface once again growling his disapproval at the method of travel and the sensation of weightlessness. Trevor only peered through the front window of his craft and smiled. Before him was the gray mass of a moon orbiting a yellow gas giant planet.

  "There it is," said Trevor. "The Greenhouse at Delta."

  The Greenhouse was more a nickname, and Delta a location. Originally planted on the moon because of its gravity being comparable to that of Earth, it was an outpost set to study the effects of various plant life in the depths of space. The engineers expanded the original facility and, becoming bored with routine, began placing bets on small rodents they had discovered on a nearby moon that climbed aboard their exploration crafts.

  Not content with the small sport, a few scientists began engineering the rodents to become larger and stronger. Word spread as rotations of workers changed and though it remained unofficial, the Greenhouse had now become a hub for criminals and illegal gambling. The prize entertainment was the creature fights.

  Genetic abominations, these creatures had been created in labs purely for entertainment. Like the Pit on Khepri, only one competitor left the arena alive. Millions of credits were invested in the creation of each creature, and billions were to be won or lost. Fight and die. That was their purpose. Many never make it beyond the first fight, but for those that do it is only a matter of time.

  "Attention, approaching craft," a voice sounded over the radio. "We have you on our scanners. Please declare your destination and purpose."

  Trevor pressed a button to transmit. "Requesting permission to land on Delta station for refueling and delivery of precious cargo," he said. Being this far from civilization, refueling was common at stations such as this for explorers and other travelers. As for the precious cargo, that indicated he wanted to participate in the fights.

  "Please transmit your identification clearance codes," the voice sounded.

  Pressing a few buttons on his control panel, Trevor sent an encrypted message with his ship's identification as well as his exact intentions. Nothing with that information was ever broadcast openly. The risk of discovery was still high, especially if someone was working as an agent for one of the governments of the colonized worlds.

  "Your clearance has been accepted. Please proceed to docking bay twelve."

  Trevor made his way to the docking bay, a landing platform normally covered by a ceiling made of folding metal sheets. Originally, these had been expansions of the greenhouses but were later adapted to store ships. While closed, the bays would appear indiscriminate.

  Landing on the surface of the world, Scarface was happy to once again have ground beneath his feet. Trevor had to stop the raptor from going outside until the bay was pressurized again. The moon had no real atmosphere itself and the bays took several minutes to pressurize before anyone could move about.

  "Pressurization complete," the voice said. "You may now exit your craft."

  The side door of the craft opened, letting in a waft of fresh air. Unlike many other stations that used air recyclers, Delta Greenhouse was still a functioning greenhouse with photosynthesis. The only air storage was for use with pressurizing the docking bays as people came and went, and the many plants the facility housed easily replaced that air.

  A doorway on the side of the bay opened and a well-groomed man dressed in a fancy red silk shirt and black trousers emerged.

  "Trevor, what an unexpected surprise," the man said. "To what do I owe your presence?"

  "Hello, Don," said Trevor. "I need fuel and a place to lay low for a while. I ran into a bit of trouble with the Black Dragon."

  "Oh, that is quite serious. However, as is our policy, we cannot ask the details. Come and relax. And who might this be?" Don's eyes looked up and down the feathery hide of Scarface, who only gave an annoyed hiss in response.

  "This is Scarface. I believe he will do well in the fights."

  Don's eyes grew wide. "Are you certain, Trevor? I know you have placed bets in the past, but are you willing to risk such a prize in the arena?"

  "You have not seen what he is capable of as I have. Besides, I need some immediate funds. I can't risk what I have left betting on creatures I am unfamiliar with."

  "Very well, but the arena is closed for today. It will open again in ten hours. I trust you have the registration fee?"

  "I have thirty-five hundred credits on hand."

  "Oh, no, that will not do. Registration is five thousand."

  "Five?! I can't afford that! Give me a break, Don."

  Don scratched his chin, tracing along an elaborate mustache. "I normally don't do this with first time competitors, but I am willing to cut you a break. Give me what you have and I will credit the remainder to you. If your raptor wins, you pay the remainder out of your winnings. However, if you lose, you will owe me for both the credit and the fuel. Plus interest."

  Trevor groaned inwardly. It was risky, but the payout would more than cover any expenses. Of course, that would only be if he won. Looking at Scarface and then Don, he came to a decision.

  "All right," Trevor said grudgingly. "You have a deal."


  The majority of the facility was nothing special. Long hallways passing glass rooms revealed a thousand variants of extraterrestrial plant life, many being tested to see what effects they would have on one another. Other rooms had scientists in white lab coats conducting experiments to see what medicinal properties certain plants held, and still more seeing what plants were edible.

  Overall, there was nothing to suspect anything illegal going on within the facility. That was, however, until the end of one particularly long hallway. A single guard was stationed in a chair, a large bolted door with a biohazard sign across its face stood behind him.

  "Hello, Don," the guard said, noticing the raptor following behind him and the visitor. "Some more experimentation?"

  "In a manner of speaking," Don replied.

  Both men removed a security card and scanned them simultaneously, and then each of them punched in a security code. Two green lights turned on as the door hissed open on its own. Don and Trevor entered, followed by Scarface. Behind them, the door closed loudly and all was quiet.

  "That guy never suspects anything?" Trevor asked as they began walking.

  Don shook his head. "Not many of the employees out there know about what goes on back here. I can pass off as a wealthy executive who is interested in preserving the human race. Animals are brought down here for what we refer to as closed environments. As far as they know, we are testing the sustainability of various plants should we ever decide to artificially populate a world."

  At the end of the hall was another door, also thick and bolted. Don entered his personal identification number and the door clicked open. The group stepped through to find a dozen shady figures scattered across a well-maintained waiting area with fancy couches and expensive paintings lining the walls. Some patrons were engrossed in a game of cards with stacks of coins being wagered while others slept or were browsing a galactic network for various intents.

  A few eyes turned upward upon their arrival, some watching warily as the raptor looked at each new face with the same menacing scowl. Some of the guests began to smile with the promise of a new competitor to the fights while others clung closer to their precious winnings.

  "We have about fifty guests right now," said Don. Most of the rooms are currently being occupied, but I can spot you a spare until tomorrow. Just add it on to your tab."

  Trevor nodded as they passed wary faces and turned down a corridor. After passing a dozen doorways, Don stopped and removed an electronic key from his pocket. Scanning it on the handle, the door opened to reveal a spacious room. A cushioned bed was next to the far wall
with a mini bar bordering the left side. The carpet itself was very stylish and Trevor found himself wondering why Don bothered with such finery for such rambunctious guests that frequented here.

  "I will have some fresh meat brought up for your pet," Don said as he retreated down the hall. "The two of you have quite a big day tomorrow."

  Trevor closed the door and relished in the quiet air. Scarface made his way next to the bed and, finding a preferable piece of carpet, curled up on the floor. The raptor relished in the warmth, reminding him of the down feathers of his parents.

  The sudden memory of his murdered family caused Scarface to tense as he tried his best to hide the frustration while in the presence of the human. A renewed hatred surged through his veins and Scarface had to look away. He reminded himself that this human was his only chance of returning him home to find those who had wronged him.

  A knock on the door caused both Scarface and Trevor to tense. When Trevor answered, a waiter dressed in white wheeled in a metal cart. He opened the side and removed a pile of fresh meat, placing it on a platter. At the smell of the flesh, Scarface approached and began to gorge himself.

  "I'm glad you have some of this stuff prepared already," Trevor told the waiter.