Read Dirty Page 14

  "Mm-hmm," I said, trying to stay polite.

  "So I have to think about Fender guitars."

  "Fender guitars. Right."

  "Are you paying attention?" he asked. His thumb rubbed over my hard nipple, making everything that much worse (better). Hell, the way he looked at me with such hunger. I didn't know how much more I could take. The heat of his skin and the scent of his sweat, everything about the man made me insane. Insatiable. Whatever.

  "What? Oh, yeah. Mostly." I rubbed myself against his leg, beyond caring what I looked like. Only getting off mattered. "And?"

  "And." His hand grabbed hold of my ass, pulling me more firmly against his leg, grinding me against him. Meanwhile his other hand was performing awesome feats with my left breast, rolling and lightly pinching the nipple. Fingers grabbing hold of me a smidgeon harder than necessary. It was strange. With him, I liked that edge.

  "Damn, you're wet. The smell of you is killing me. I could eat you fucking whole."

  "In me now. Oral later."

  "Later," he agreed. "We need to move this to the bedroom."

  "No time."

  "Shit." He focused on my lips, alternating nips with kisses. But his hands kept doing good things too. Wonderful, amazing things. And seriously, enough was enough. Time to move onto the actual penis-in-vagina part of the show.

  I shoved my hand into his boxer briefs, sliding the palm of my hand over his dick. Soft, smooth skin over the most perfect hardness. It was official. My hand was in heaven. Seriously, who'd have thought salvation lay hidden in Vaughan's pants? Not me.

  I wrapped my fingers around him, stroking reverently.

  With a groan, his head fell forward, resting against mine. Pre-cum dampened my fingers, encouraging my hold, increasing my rhythm.

  "Do not make me fuck you against this door, Lydia."

  Everything inside me squeezed tight. "God, that sounds good. Let's do that."


  I slid my free hand into the back of his hair, pulling his mouth down to mine. The time had come to take what I wanted. Everything I wanted. And hell yeah, I was all over that.

  With a growl, he attacked my mouth, kissing me ferociously. We each used our lips, teeth, and tongues. Desperate to get into each other any way we could. Wars had been less messy. His tongue tangled with mine, giving me a taste of him. But it wasn't enough. It could never be enough.

  Hips working, he fucked my fist. His cock growing harder and thicker. Much more of this and I'd come on his leg, he'd come on my hand. What an awesome idea. The thought alone nearly got me there.

  So close.

  Then in an almighty rush he pushed back, out of my grip, away from my mouth. Slightly dangerous, though I guess the man knew what he was doing. Maybe. Without his thigh propping me up, my ass almost hit the floor. My back started sliding down the door, knees wobbling. It took a while for me to stand back up.


  Hand wrapped tight around his cock he stood, hanging his head. "Wait."

  Bra straps were sliding down my arms, the undergarment slowly falling off. I helped it along, well past caring about the whole body image thing. "But--"

  "One sec." He grabbed his jeans, rifling through the pockets. Out came a condom packet and he tore into it like a man possessed.

  Yes. YES.

  I shoved down my panties as he did likewise to his boxer briefs. It could have been a race judging by the determined set of his mouth, the fierce look in his eyes. With movements swift and sure, he donned the condom. Then he came at me. For a moment, I almost felt fear. Sweet and Fun Vaughan had long left the building. This man was someone else completely. I tried to back up but there was nowhere to go.

  Our bodies collided, hitting the door. Hands grasped my face, maneuvering my mouth, holding it in position for a soul-searing kiss. Then he gripped my thighs, urging me up, taking my weight and wrapping my legs around him. It all happened so quickly. With one hand to my ass, he reached down between us with the other, moving his cock into position. The blunt head immediately started pushing in, parting my flesh, becoming one with me. All I could do was hold tight to his neck and take him.

  Slowly but surely, he filled me. Only when his hips were flat against me and we were skin to skin did he pause. His lips brushed over my cheek, placing open-mouthed kisses along my jaw.

  "Okay?" he asked, his body shaking with the effort to hold back, to wait for my reply.

  In answer I turned my head, meeting his mouth with my own, kissing him stupid. And so it began. I can't say I know exactly what it feels like to be nailed to a door. But the way Vaughan did it made for one hell of an experience.

  He pulled back before driving deep into me, thrusting hard and sure from the beginning. There was no going easy. No gentle buildup. We were both too far gone for such things. Our skin slapped hard together, his balls tapping my ass. The thick length of him plunged into me time and again. With our teeth knocking together, we had to stop kissing before someone got hurt. Sweat slicked our skins and the sounds of our panting filled the room.

  In all honesty, we were kind of feral. Animalistic. Definitely dirty.

  Fingers dug deep into my ass cheeks as he angled us right. So his pelvis kept making contact with my clit. Again and again, he hit my sweet spot, pushing me closer to the edge, sending me out of my mind. Electricity raced through me, blood rushing, every nerve singing. I'd never been so strung out, everything tensed from top to toe, desperately in need of release. The strength of him holding me, the way his muscles stood out in stark relief. The scent of sex and sweat. It was all good and right. Even the occasional edge of pain. Vaughan pounded me into the door, stretching me, filling me beyond what I thought I could take.

  Then his fingers tightened, gripping my butt cheeks bruisingly hard. Somehow, he changed what he was doing slightly. The angle or the manner of god only knows. But his hips smacked into me as he thrust hard, grinding his pelvis against my clit. Pressure built to the breaking point at the base of my spine, every muscle in me contracting. Once, twice, three times he did this and then my world turned to white.

  Stars. Fireworks. Every part of me convulsing like I was shaking apart, exploding. Soon, there'd be nothing of me left. And still, he held me tight. My spine hit the door, making it rattle, its hinges squeaking. His body moving in mine, our body parts entangled to the point I didn't think we'd ever part.

  Until he made this noise, a guttural yell. Twice more he filled me. Face buried in my neck, he came.


  "Hope you're happy with yourself," grumped Vaughan, lying on his back, staring at the bedroom ceiling.

  I hid my grin against his side, breathing him in. Turns out, the man smelled even better the morning after hot sex. I wanted to lick him from top to toe, then come back for more. Instead I yawned, cautiously stretching. Certain things hurt in the very best way. After months and months of neglect, joy had finally come my vagina's way. "I honestly don't think I could be happier."

  A grunt.

  "Thank you for all the effort. I really appreciated it."

  "You went straight to sleep."

  "I know," I said. "But it'd been a very long day and I'd just come hard enough to cause myself actual neurological damage."

  Another grunt.

  "Now that I think about it, it was probably closer to a coma than sleep."

  "Babe, you're not funny." He slipped an arm around me despite his lack of amusement, fingers stroking the side of my breast. Of course. Such a tit man. "It was supposed to be romantic."

  "It was."

  He raised his weary head. "Lydia, you've got bruises down your back from me banging you so hard against the front door. I might not have a lot of experience in this area, but I'm pretty fucking sure that's not romance."

  This from Mr. Bitey himself. The dude was serious.

  Stripes of sunlight shone through the gaps in the curtains. Just enough to illuminate the unlit candles scattered around the room, the vases overflowing wit
h wildflowers. An unopened bottle of champagne sat in a bucket of long since melted ice. I'm certain the fresh sheets were Egyptian cotton. I wanted to roll around on them with Vaughan until the world went boom. What a perfect way to make my exit.

  I wiggled closer, holding on tight. Acting like a limpet sometimes is soothing, don't question it. "I do appreciate you going to all this trouble. Thank you."

  With a sigh, he laid his head back against the pillow. "I'm going to owe Joe for years for doing all this while we were at work."

  "You certainly went all out. The room looks amazing."

  "Yeah." His frowny face turned sheepish. "Actually, I just gave him twenty and asked him to grab a bunch of flowers and a couple of candles. I had no idea he'd do all this."

  "Huh. Who'd have thought Joe would have the soul of a romantic."

  All the flowers and the clusters of candles, the bubbly on ice and awesome sheets. Amazing. The big blond bear of a bartender knew how to woo.

  He patted me on the arm. "Got to use the bathroom."

  I set him free and slowly sat up, holding the sheet to my chest. A fine position for watching all of the goodness that was Vaughan Hewson rise from the bed. The pale skin and ink work on his back, his broad shoulders and firm ass. All so good. He shoved a hand through his shaggy golden-red hair and yawned long and loud, wandering out into the hallway in all his naked glory. "I should get a haircut."

  "No," I commanded, a bit too forcefully considering the temporary nature of our relationship. "Get one when I'm gone."

  He laughed and went to heed the call of nature. I needed to do some of that and teeth brushing too. Also, my hair felt remarkably similar to hell. I should probably fix it sometime. Funny, with Chris I'd been all over my presentation. Constantly checking my hair and makeup to the point of OCD. Not just at work, as per the usual, but all the time. Yet here I sat a thoroughly rumpled mess and quite relaxed about the whole thing. Strange how easily the woman I'd been with Chris had dropped away. I could kiss Paul for sending the video and stopping me from making the biggest mistake of my life. Kiss him and hit him too. The rage hadn't completely abated.

  "Hey." Vaughan sat at the end of the bed, gently pulling at the sheet.

  I held it to my chest, keeping things covered. "Hey."

  "You're frowning."

  "I was just thinking about Chris. How badly I let him mess with my head."

  He nodded, giving the sheet another surreptitious tug.

  I held on tighter. "You know, it wasn't just him. It was their whole world. Everything was image, all the time. The right hair, the right clothes, the right labels. And I let myself get sucked into that. I bought into it."

  "You were looking for happiness, Lydia. How do you know whether something works unless you give it a try?"


  "I'm looking for happiness." He pulled at the sheet.

  I clutched it against my chest. "Are you?"

  "Oh, yeah." The sexy bastard gave me a slow smile. "No work today. We're free to do what we want."

  Instantly, my sex fired up, knowing exactly how and what it wanted. But Practical Lydia got to my mouth first, the cow. Some habits are hard to break. "I thought you said you were going to fix the kitchen door and do some more work on the Mustang, start on the back garden. And I should really go over the paperwork from Ray and look for a car."

  Brows drawn down, he gave me a disappointed look.


  "Babe." Vaughan shook his head, pulling a little harder on the sheet. "Those things are work. They won't make us happy."


  "No. But fucking will."

  "True. Okay then." I grinned.

  The crazy man launched himself at me. My back hit the mattress and I was covered, the long length of his body suspended over mine. Luckily, he'd caught himself before impact. We both had enough bruises. Skin is our largest organ and he played with mine like a maestro. While I laughed like a lunatic, squirming beneath him, he nuzzled my neck, stubble tickling every damn sensitive spot. The heat of his body, the feel of his hair brushing against me, all of it fed the fire building between us. Slowly, he worked his way down to my breasts. All of my girl parts still sore from the night before were wide awake and wanting more. Squadrons of butterflies took flight in my stomach. The man was a whole-body experience, awesome and addictive. I couldn't see how I'd ever get enough of him.

  A day in bed with Vaughan sounded like heaven. His cell phone buzzing away on the bedside table, not so much.

  "Shit," he muttered, reaching over and lifting it to take a look at the screen. "It's Nell. I better answer or she'll keep calling."

  I cried on the inside, my craving for the man making me weak.

  "Yeah?" he answered, lying on his side next to me. The corners of his mouth turned down. "We're still in bed. What do you want to talk to her for?"

  Nell's voice sounded small and far away. As much as I liked the woman, I did not want to talk to her right now.

  "Fuck's sake." He held the cell out.

  I took it. "Hi, Nell."

  "You need to get your own phone," she said.

  "I know."

  "And what are you doing in my brother's bed?"

  The brother in question pushed aside the exceptionally fine top sheet and started kissing his way down my torso once more. Licking here, nibbling there. What a nice man. My heart beat double time, flooding me with even more happy hormones. I caressed his hair, then pushed him in the direction of my pussy. In a friendly manner. You know. He laughed and shook off my hold, sharp teeth snapping at my fingers. Christ, he was cute. And hot.

  "You don't really want me to answer that question," I told her.

  Nell groaned. "Well, whatever you're doing, cut it out. I need you at the bar."

  "What? No," I said, voice panicky. "I can't. I have the black plague."

  "Good one," murmured Vaughan, moving ever closer to where I wanted him. Needed him.

  "Take an Advil," said Nell. "Rosie's caught the puking bug off her kid and Joe's helping his dad with a building job. We're booked out for lunch. Masa can't handle it on his own."

  "Who's Masa?" I asked.

  "One of my waiters, he just got back from holidays. Goes to the local tech college. You'll like him."

  "Great. But what about Eric, can't he help?"

  "Eric's behind the bar," she said, obviously growing impatient. "Come on, I'll cook something delicious just for you."


  "Look, I know you'd rather do stuff in bed with my brother, but I need you. Please, Lydia?"

  GAH. "Fine. Let me take a quick shower then I'll be in."

  "Thank you." She hung up in my ear.

  People were the worst. I dramatically flung my arm over my eyes, quietly crying. Okay, so they weren't real tears. The sadness, though, was unfeigned.

  Vaughan took this opportunity to bite my thigh, sinking his teeth into my flesh and holding on. It hurt. "Ow."

  "That's for not putting your happiness first." He kissed the sore spot a time or two. Then he licked it. "And that's for helping my sister. I'll make it feel better when you get off work."

  "You better. Jerk." I put his cell back on the bedside table, climbing off the bed. "Keep biting me like that and I'm going to buy you a teething ring."

  "Your skin's so pretty, I can't resist leaving my mark on you. It's your own fault." Not even a hint of remorse from him. "Go on. I'll make coffee, you shower."

  "Thanks. Can I borrow your car?"

  "I'll drive you in, pick you up when you're finished." Arms wound around me as he hugged me from behind, pressing himself against my back. I'd forgotten how nice having a hot and horny male around felt. This one in particular worked for me big-time. Huge.

  "Are you sure?"

  "Gives me a chance to pick up some strings from Andre. Run a few errands."

  "Cool." I ran my hands over his arms, enjoying the feel of him, of being with him.

  He lined up the length of his cock with t
he divide between my butt cheeks, rubbing himself against me. Whoa. What an interesting sensation. My spine stiffened then relaxed, getting into the feeling. He rumbled a low noise of approval in my ear.

  "We don't have time," I said, getting turned on once again. I was a wet and wanton, swollen mess. No way could Nell cook me anything delicious enough to make up for losing out on bed time with Vaughan. Impossible.

  "I know." Big hands gripped my hips, pulling me firmly back against him. "Fuck, that's sweet."

  "Vaughan." The feel of him hardening, lengthening, made breathing difficult. Thinking was pretty much right out.

  "I like your ass, babe. I like it a lot."

  "Thought you were a breast man."

  His hot mouth pressed against my neck, lighting fires wherever it went. One hand splayed over my belly, the other playing with a nipple. He continued to rub himself against me, making everything that much worse. Or better. Both, maybe.

  "So did I," he said. "But I pretty much want to kiss, lick, bite, and fuck every bit of you."

  Oh, god. My knees shook.

  "Shit. Nell's timing sucks." He groaned, stepping back. "Go shower."

  "Right." My weak knees wobbled. "Go make coffee."


  I stumbled toward the door. Then stopped, befuddled in body and mind, but curious about something. "Hey. You never did finish that story last night."

  With a pained face, he held his cock against his stomach. "What?"

  "The one about the girl and you coming too soon."

  He half smiled. "Ah, yeah. So she tells me to think about something else that I like while we're fucking. To take my mind off of being inside her and everything. Next time we're doing it, I think about Fender guitars. I think about them good and hard. I tell her my plan so she knows that I'm trying."


  "I lasted. She came shouting, 'Yes! Fenders!'" He smiled. "Woke up her parents. I've never climbed out a window so fast in my life."

  Quietly, I laughed, shaking my head. "Great."


  "Why were you telling me that?" I leaned against the doorway, watching him. Carefully, slowly, he sat on the edge of the bed. "I mean, it's a great story. But why last night?"

  "I don't know." He sighed. "To get you to relax, to take your mind off worrying about your body."