Read Dirty Blood Page 21

When we got to Jack’s after school, an extra car sat in the driveway. Before I could ask Wes about it, Jack and Fee rounded the corner of the house accompanied by the aristocratic woman I’d seen at The Cause meeting. They were talking and laughing, though Jack’s booming voice drowned out the women. Wes nudged me, veering toward the house.

  “Oh, hey, you two,” Fee called, coming toward us.

  Wes grimaced but his expression cleared before he turned to face them. “What’s up?”

  “Oh, nothing, Vera was just reinforcing the wards,” Fee said.

  “Is everything okay?” Wes asked.

  “Everything’s fine,” Vera assured him. “Just a routine checkup.” She smiled at me. “Tara, I don’t think we’ve officially been introduced.”

  Fee smiled apologetically at her and then gestured to me. “Yes, I almost forgot. Tara, this is Vera Gallagher. She’s a member of The Cause. Vera, Tara Godfrey.”

  She smiled, a gesture that didn’t quite reach her eyes, and extended her hand. “A pleasure to meet you, Tara. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  I took her hand, shaking it slowly, trying to figure out the odd expression she’d worn a second ago. “Nice to meet you,” I returned.

  “Jack and Fee tell me that you’re new to all this. No training at all, yet you managed to take down a Werewolf all by yourself. Impressive,” she said.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled, wondering why it felt like an insult when her words were meant to be a compliment. “Good reflexes, I guess.”

  “Hmm.” She frowned. “Have you been able to determine any more of your Hunter heritage?” she asked, her eyes sharp as they searched my face.

  “Um, no, not really.” I was starting to feel a little uncomfortable, like she was searching for something I hadn’t given her permission to see.

  The others finally seemed to catch on to Vera’s scrutiny. Wes glanced at me and then back at Vera. Fee and Jack watched Vera like they expected something. An awkward moment passed.

  “Well,” said Vera, “let us know if we can help in any way.”

  The thickness in the air receded and everyone exhaled. I nodded. I wasn’t sure what had just happened but I was glad it was over.

  “Vera’s a Hunter, Tara. If you need anything, she’s here to help as well,” said Fee.

  “Thanks,” I said, pretty sure I wouldn’t be going to her for much of anything.

  The three of them wandered away toward Vera’s car. Wes led me inside.

  “What was that about?” I asked once we were alone in the house. He didn’t answer, just kept walking, into the living room. I followed. “Wes?”

  He stopped in front of the bookcase, hands stuffed into his pockets and turned to face me. He looked just as confused as I was, and lost in thought. “Honestly, I don’t know.”

  “But you have an idea.”

  “Vera’s very … intuitive. It’s sort of a gift of hers. Sometimes, she just knows things, and other times, she picks up on a flash or an idea of something, with no real details as to the whole picture.”

  “Is that what just happened with me?”

  “Maybe.” He seemed guarded.

  “Well? Can’t you ask her?”

  He shook his head. “Vera’s also very traditional. She won’t share anything she sees with anyone but Jack and Fee. Then, they’ll decide together if it should be shared with the rest of us.”

  “If it’s about me, I think I have a right to know.”

  “Vera doesn’t necessarily see it that way.” He had his back to me so I couldn’t see his face. His voice was hard, and again I felt like I’d hit a wall of information he was holding back.

  I sighed, knowing I wouldn’t get anywhere, even if I pressed it. “Why Jack and Fee?”

  “They’re the leaders of The Cause, and they represent the Werewolf half of our group. Vera represents the Hunter side.”

  “So they’re like the board of directors or something?”

  “Sort of.”

  The front door opened and closed and Jack appeared in the doorway. “Training time. You ready?” he asked, looking at me.

  “Ready,” I said, glancing at Wes one last time before following Jack out.

  ~ 19 ~