Read Dirty Royals Page 5

  Jack’s eyes widen, and I chuckle. I’ve shocked him.


  Now, he knows I’m still the cold-hearted bastard I’ve always been even if I don’t exactly mean every word I just said.

  “That’s a fantastic plan.” The sound of Margo’s voice causes an electric shock to my spine. I spin around on my heels and take in the pained expression on her face.

  “Margo…I…” I stumble over my own words as my heart crumbles. She heard me say that I really didn’t love her, and she believed it. How the hell am I supposed to explain myself after that? She heard my cold, hard words with her own ears. I can’t backpedal my way out of this.

  She swallows hard, and I can tell she’s barely holding things together as she tries to flip the switch back into the cold, hard bitch she was when we first met. “You might have a little trouble carrying that one out now that I know about it, so good luck coming up with another one of your ridiculous schemes on how to screw me over.”

  She takes a step backward, and I realize I’m losing her right before my very eyes, and it’s all my own doing. I want to stop her from leaving, but if I go after her now, I’ll prove Jack right and basically give him the greenlight to be with Diem. I’m fucking stuck between a rock and a hard place.

  I drop my head as soon as Margo’s out of sight and pinch the bridge of my nose. I fucked up.

  Big time.

  It’s just that this being in love thing is so damn foreign to me. How can I love Margo without making myself look like a fucking pussy?

  “Aren’t you going to go after her?” Jack’s voice cuts through the otherwise quiet room, reminding me if Jack had stayed away from my sister like I told him, this fucking argument would’ve never happened.

  My nostrils flare as I stare at my best friend. “Why don’t you mind your own goddamn business? If you’d done as I told you and stayed away from Diem, I would’ve never said those things at all. You’re ruining everything.”

  “No, Alexander. You’re fucking everything up because you’re trying to control everyone’s lives when you’re having trouble keeping your own shit straight. You can’t even admit to me, your best friend, that you love Margo.” I stare at him, unable to say a word. Deep down, I know what he’s saying is true, but I fucking hate the idea of admitting it.

  Jack shakes his head. “Man, if you don’t fix this, you’ll end up lonely and alone. I’m not going to end up like you. I’m asking your sister to marry me, and I don’t give a damn anymore what you think anymore.”

  Everything around me begins to spin, and before I realize what I’m doing, I lunge for Jack. Wrinkling the crisp fabric of his white shirt in my hand, I draw my fist back and blast him square in the face. “I forbid it. You hear me.”

  “Fuck you, Alex,” Jack spits before throwing a punch and catching me in the jaw. “Diem is old enough to make her own decisions.”

  We both tumble to the floor, tossing expletives at each other as we grapple for control.

  “Oh, my God. Stop it! Stop it right now!” Diem’s shrill scream precedes her jumping on my back, attempting to pull me off Jack. “What the hell are you doing?”

  I grab her by the arm just as I did when we wrestled around as children and fling her off me. She lands between Jack and me, wearing her black gown and a scowl like I’ve never seen before.

  “What’s your problem, Alexander? Why can’t you be happy that I’ve found someone who loves me and that I love back?” Diem shouts. She turns and cups Jacks face as she examines the damage I inflicted.

  “Love isn’t real, Diem. It can’t be.” She whips around to face me, and before she can open her mouth to argue with me, I cut her off with my logic. “Because if love is real, why doesn’t our own mother love us? She left us when we needed her the most. People run when things get too tough. The best you can ever expect in this life is to find a loyal person who will stand by your side no matter what, and Jack isn’t the right guy for you to expect to stick around. Look at me—I just betrayed Margo’s trust to protect my pride, and what I have with her is the closest thing to love I’ve felt in a really long time.”

  Diem frowns. “Alexander, Mom left because she’s a bitch. She was young when she got with Dad, and he tolerated being with her, putting up with her gold-digging ways, for our sake. He was hoping she’d change and become a real mother to us, but it just wasn’t in her. You can’t sabotage every relationship you’re going to have because you believe everyone is selfish like Mom.

  “You were young when you met Jess, and she sure didn’t do anything to turn your opinion about love and relationships around, so you can’t use that as a comparison either. Margo is different, and I can tell she’s really got genuine feelings for you. She’s stuck by your side when she didn’t have to. Why can’t you open yourself up to be loved? If you could, then maybe you’d understand what I have with Jack isn’t going to hurt me. He isn’t out to use me for our money, and deep down, you know that. You’ve been best friends since college; you know he’s a good man or you wouldn’t have allowed him to stay in your life.”

  My gaze flicks over to Jack’s face, and I notice a trickle of blood coming from his nose. Instantly, I feel like shit for what I just did to him.

  I nod as Diem’s words ring through my mind. “I’m sorry, Jack. You’re my best friend, and I fucked up. I know you’re a good guy. Hell, I’d trust my life in your hands, but when it comes to my baby sister, I guess I’m overprotective.”

  I shove myself up to my feet, help Diem up, and then extend my hand down to Jack. “I apologize for—well, everything.”

  Jack stares at my outstretched hand for a long moment before finally taking it, allowing me to help him to his feet. “I get it, man, I do, but like I said before, you have nothing to worry about when it comes to me being with your sister.” Jack wraps his arm around Diem’s shoulders and stares down at her. “I love her.”

  Diem’s green eyes soften as she gazes up at Jack. “You do?”

  He nods. “I have for a while, and now that Alexander seems okay with us…?” His gaze flicks over in my direction, awaiting confirmation from me, so I nod. He focuses his attention back on her. “Now that he’s okay with us, I want to know if you’d be okay with marrying me?”

  She bites her bottom lip, and her shoulders shrug up a little with excitement. “Really?”

  “Really,” he confirms, causing her to squeal with delight, just like she did when she opened her gifts at Christmas, and then throws her arms around his neck.

  “Yes. Yes. A thousand times yes!” she says as he wraps her in an embrace.

  I smile. It’s good to see her so happy, and thinking about her getting married causes me to think about Margo. I’ve ruined my chance of possible happiness.

  Diem releases Jack and then turns to hug me. “Thank you, Alexander. Your blessing means everything to me.”

  “I just want you to be happy, Squirt,” I whisper in her ear. “I’m sorry for being such an asshole. I should’ve have trusted your judgment and allowed you to live your life. You are a grown woman now.”

  She squeezes me tight. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Diem pulls back, tears glistening in her eyes. “Now, go find Margo. Apologize and make things right between the two of you. I like her.”

  I give her a small smile. “I like her too, but I’m afraid she won’t forgive me after what she overheard me saying to Jack.”

  “The woman loves you. If you tell her you’re sorry and really mean it, she’s going to forgive you.”

  “Let’s hope.”

  I turn and head out the door, on a mission to do something I’ve never done before … grovel at the feet of the woman I love.

  I Should’ve Known Better

  Chapter 8


  What in the hell was I thinking? I should’ve known this was all just some sick twisted game to him. How could I have been so stupid to believe that he meant it when he said he loved me.
  The cab grinds to a halt in front of Alexander’s building, and I fish money from my clutch to pay for my ride. Before I have a chance to grab the handle, the door opens, and Darby extends his hand to help me out of the car.

  “No Alex?” he asks as I step out of the car.

  I shake my head. “Not this time.”

  My eyes sting, and I’m having difficulty fighting back the tears that would reveal my devastation. The truth of finding out Alexander doesn’t love me hurts more than I’m ready to admit.

  Darby matches his step with mine and then pauses ahead of me to open the door, allowing me inside the building. He studies my face as I pass and his lips pull into a tight line. “Are you okay, lass? Is there anything I can do?”

  I place my hand on his forearm. “I’ll be fine. I’ve just come to collect my things. I would appreciate it if you can arrange a cab to pick me up in fifteen minutes. I’m only grabbing the essentials and then I’ll be returning to my apartment.”

  Darby pauses and the expression on his face tells me he wants to ask so much, but he refrains. Instead, he tips his hat a bit and gives me a sad smile. “As you wish.”

  “Thank you, Darby. You have been very kind to me while I’ve been here—you and Aggie. I shall miss you both.”

  With that, I turn and make my way to the elevator, knowing this is the last time I’ll probably ever see this old man who’s been nothing but kind to me while I’ve been here.

  When the elevator opens up to the penthouse, I rush through the door and head straight to my room. The suitcase I brought with me initially is only large enough to hold the items I brought with me when I first agreed to stay with Alexander to pass off our sham marriage. I stare at my walk-in closet and I’m surprised at all the clothing and jewelry I’ve amassed since I’ve been here. Alexander was always having Aggie pick up new things for me. It doesn’t seem right to take all of this with me, so I grab the things that I remember bringing and quickly pack my suitcase. Once it’s filled, I hurry into the bathroom to grab my makeup. The sight of my own reflection alarms me. The delicate skin beneath my eyes is puffy from crying during the cab ride here, and a few strands of my dark hair have fallen from the French twist sitting on the back of my head. I’m horrible at hiding my emotions, and my disheveled appearance proves just that.

  Alexander King did a number on me with his acting abilities. I believed him. I believed we had a shot at being happy together.

  A single tear slips down my cheek, and I quickly wipe it away. The sparkle of the diamond ring Alexander gave me catches my eye. I stare down at the ring on my left hand, and it suddenly occurs to me the bargain I made with Alexander is null and void. He has no intention to uphold his end of the deal by helping me save Buchanan Industries, so why should I wear this and continue to play the part of doting wife in order to convince the board that Alexander is fit to control the King Corporation.

  Our deal is done—nonexistent—just like our relationship.

  I slide the ring off my finger, holding it up for inspection one final time before laying it down on the counter. “Goodbye, Alexander.”

  I let out a sigh before I rush out of the bathroom, grab my suitcase, and head for the door with my chin tipped up. From now on, my judgment will not be clouded by my feelings for Alexander King. I will avoid him at all costs. It’s time to get back into action and figure out a way to save Buchanan Industries without Alexander’s help.

  It Must’ve Been Love

  Chapter 9


  Traffic in New York is ridiculous. It always moves at a snail’s pace when you’re in a rush. My leg bounces uncontrollably as I wait in the back of the limo. I’m an idiot for not going after Margo the moment she tore out of Diem’s event, but I’m hoping that when I find her, she allows me to plead my case.

  I strain my neck, trying to figure out why in the hell this car is sitting still. “How far are we from my building?”

  “We’re about ten blocks away, sir,” the driver answers.

  This is ridiculous.

  I fling open the door. “I’ll continue on foot. Park the car in front of the building and wait until I dismiss you.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  I spring out of the car and take off toward my building. A block in, and my anxiety about possibly losing Margo forever engulfs every inch of my being, pushing me to move faster. Soon, I find myself sprinting down the busy Manhattan sidewalk in a tux, looking like a crazy man on a mission, but I don’t give a shit. The only thing on my mind is fixing this thing I’ve fucked up with Margo. The thought of her hating me causes my stomach to twist.

  The dress shoes on my feet slap the concrete as I enter into the home stretch, and I push my body to move faster. My eyes widen when I spot Margo—suitcase in hand—standing on the sidewalk speaking with Darby.

  “Margo!” I scream her name and every head within the vicinity whips in my direction.

  Margo points her gaze in my direction and then she instantly rushes toward a waiting cab. Darby opens the trunk and reaches for Margo’s bag, knowing she’s doing her best to get away before I can reach her.

  I rush over, grabbing her bag away from Darby and drop it next to me as I stand before my wife, trying to catch my breath. “Wait. I’m sorry. Stay. Let me explain.”

  Her nostrils flare, and her beautiful face contorts in hurt. “No explanation is necessary, Alexander. I received your message loud and clear. I refuse to stand here and allow you to play me for a fool.”

  I hold out my hands in surrender. “I know what you heard sounded horrible, but you’ve got to believe me—I didn’t mean it.”

  “I’m not an idiot. You were telling Jack exactly how you felt about me since you thought I wasn’t around to hear it.”

  “You’re right. I never intended for your ears to hear those words, but it doesn’t mean I was lying when I said I love you.”

  She folds her slender arms across her chest. “You honestly expect me to believe you? I’m just a game to you—a plaything you can control and bend to your will. Everything you ever said or did to make me believe you’re a good man was all bullshit.”

  “It wasn’t. I meant it when I said I wanted to give this marriage a real shot.”

  “Then why would you deny how you feel in front of Jack?”

  “Because I allowed my ego to get the best of me. Loving someone makes you weak. I can’t show my weakness by loving the one woman who’s supposed to be my enemy. Showing people your real feelings will get you eaten alive in my world, so I’ve learned to keep my emotions under wraps. If people find your weakness, they’ll go after it. Please …” I grab her shoulders and pull her closer to me as I plead with her. “Margo, please. Don’t walk away from this. Don’t walk away from me. I do love you.”

  Tears stream down her cheeks and everything at this moment teeters on what those tears mean. I brush the pad of my thumb across her face in an attempt to wipe her pain away, praying that she believes me.

  I cup her face and peer into her blue eyes. “Stay with me.”

  She closes her eyes and then lets out a shaky breath. The pain in the pit of my stomach tells me I’m losing her.

  “I can’t,” she whispers before opening her eyes to meet my gaze. “Without trust, a relationship means nothing. Actions speak louder than words, Alexander.” She grabs the suitcase from my grasp and then takes a step back toward the cab, asks Darby to load her bag, but doesn’t say another word to me.

  My mind races as I watch her get into the cab. What can I say to make her stay? What can I do to prove to her I’m telling her the truth?

  The door slams shut, making me jump, and it hits me that this may be it—the last time I see Margo. I dash over and shove my hand against the glass, but she won’t even look at me.

  “Margo! Margo, please,” I plead with her through the window. “I’ll do anything.”

  She won’t even look at me as she leans forward and instructs the cabbie to drive. As the car slowly pulls
into traffic, I pound my fist on the glass. “Stop! Please!”

  It’s not like me to beg, but I’m willing to endure the public humiliation if it will make her look at me. Horns blare at me as I drop to the ground while the yellow car pulls away, leaving me stranded in the middle of the crowded New York City street. I hang my head as a feeling of emptiness fills every inch inside me.

  I’ve fucked up. I ruined the best thing that’s happened to me in a long, long time, and I’m not sure there’s a way to ever fix all that I’ve broken.

  A strong grip on my right shoulder startles me, and I glance up to see Darby standing next to me with a somber expression on his face. “Come on, son. Getting ran over isn’t going to help the situation.”

  I take a ragged breath and then struggle to make it up on my two feet. Each step is harder to take than the last as I follow Darby into the building.

  He’s quiet as he steps onto the elevator with me. It reminds me of the times when I was just a boy and Darby would be with me whenever I would hear my mother and father fighting. He would never say much, but his strong, stoic presence was always comforting.

  The elevator dings as it comes to a stop on the top floor, and Darby holds the door open for me. He opens his mouth to say something, but scans the deep frown on my face and then closes his mouth. Darby gives my shoulder a hard pat as I pass by, and I know it’s his way of showing he understands what I’m going through.

  The elevator closes behind me, and before I have a chance to grab the handle to my apartment door, it opens for me.

  Aggie stands there in her pale blue uniform with her lips turned down, and a deep wrinkle standing out in her forehead as looks at me, concerned. “Are you all right?”

  I scrub my hand down my face. “No. She’s gone, Aggie.”

  “I know, dear.” She pulls her lips into a tight line. “She was crying the entire time she was packing her clothes. What happened between the two of ye? The two of ye seemed so happy when ye left here.”