Read Discovery (Book One of the Dream Fighter Chronicles Page 5

  Chapter Five

  So, they practiced their powers. Haley worked on floating, something Uncle Johnny told her how to do better. It was hard for him to do that being stuck in a doll, but Haley got the hang of it. The first few times she lifted off the ground and then fell back down. She had to concentrate, Uncle Johnny said, and think of the air below her coming together like a magic carpet to hold her up. After a few minutes, she started to get tired, and he told her to stop, because they had work to do and she needed her energy.

  Jillian had found a pair of doll jeans and a shirt that fit Uncle Johnny, so he would stop complaining about having to wear a dress. She didn’t see why it was such a big deal, but she knew she stuck him in Baby-Wets-A-Lot in the first place.

  “Now, that’s better,” Uncle Johnny said. “Wait, am I wearing a diaper?”

  “Yes,” Jillian said.

  “Okay, simple question here. Why?”

  “It came with the doll,” Haley said, floating over to where they stood.

  “You can’t take it off?” Uncle Johnny asked.

  “It wouldn’t be a good idea. It would ruin the doll.”

  “Ruin the doll? What sort of doll is this, anyway?" The doll moved its head left and right to look at itself.

  “A regular doll, like I said. And yes, the diaper is attached. Plus, you never know when you might need it,” Haley said, hoping that would end the talk about it.

  “All right.” Uncle Johnny turned his head toward Jillian.

  “Next time, could you pick something different?” “I’m sorry,” Jillian answered.

  “It’s okay. I’d prefer something a little more, um, manly, next time, if you know what I mean. G.I. Joe, a Transformer, maybe. Something like that.”

  “Okay, Uncle Johnny.”

  Jillian had practiced thinking of things and making them appear but she kept losing focus and getting things that weren’t exactly what she wanted. She tried to think of a cup she liked but instead she got a different one. It was still a cup, but not the one she wanted. Uncle Johnny said this happened in the beginning, that Jillian’s power was the most difficult and needed the most concentration. As she practiced more and more, she got better, almost to the point where she didn’t call something she didn’t want. It took a lot of practice, though.

  Braden had a pretty easy time controlling things. He could float two objects at one time. He'd gotten to the point where he didn't feel weak doing it, too. He felt ready to try three objects, but Uncle Johnny told him to wait for that. Most times, one was more than enough. To be able to float two objects so quickly only meant Braden practiced well.

  Uncle Johnny said Braden needed to do more than float things across the room. They needed Braden's power for offense, as a weapon. He couldn't practice this part in the basement, but Uncle Johnny said Braden needed to learn to sling things at the enemy when the time came for that. They wondered when that would happen.

  “Sling them?” Braden asked.

  “Yes, like if you could take a rock and send it at someone trying to attack you so you can get away.”

  “Oh, I get it. I did something like that in a video game one time. I used the rocks as a distraction.”

  “Yes, exactly like that.” Uncle Johnny looked at Haley. “Pick me up.”

  Haley walked over and picked him up. “Where do you want to go?” she asked.

  “Over there,” Uncle Johnny pointed, to a spot by the stairs. “I am pretty sure I saw a Nerf ball over there before.” “I know the one you are talking about, the blue football,” Jack said.

  “That’s it.”

  “We took it outside before,” Jack said.

  “Well, that won’t work. We’re not ready to go upstairs yet.”

  After a moment, Uncle Johnny had an idea. “Jillian?”

  “Yes Uncle Johnny?”

  “Do you know the ball I am talking about?”

  “I think so. The blue one Jack and Braden were throwing in the backyard?” she asked.

  “That’s it. Can you get it for me?”

  “I’ll try.”

  “No, Jillian. Don’t try. Do it. Believe.”

  Jillian crinkled her nose at Uncle Johnny and then closed her eyes. Again, it looked like she thought really hard. Everyone watched her and waited for something to happen. For almost a minute, nothing did.

  Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a blue Nerf football fell to the ground by Jillian’s feet. Her eyes opened wide when she saw it. She did it right on the first try.

  “Wow,” Braden said, “that was good.”

  “Okay Braden. Now I want you to practice slinging that ball into the wall over there. I wanted the Nerf ball so you don’t hurt anyone or break anything.”

  “No problem.” Braden floated the ball close to him then slung it against the wall. The ball traveled fast and it made a loud ‘thud’ when it hit the wood paneling.

  “That’s good,” Uncle Johnny said, “but try to do it harder. Make it like a missile.”

  “But aren’t Nanny and Pop gonna be mad at me if I break something on the wall?”

  “No, this isn’t really Nanny and Pop’s house,” Jillian said.

  “Well, it is and it isn’t,” Uncle Johnny answered. “Still, you don’t want to go and break something in any house. No one would like that very much, so try to be careful where you aim.”

  Braden nodded and went back to practicing.

  “Okay, we need to get some stuff together. First, we need some food,” Uncle Johnny said.

  “Yeah, I’m hungry,” Jack said.

  “You’re always hungry,” Haley said.

  “There’s nothing wrong with that. That’s how you get bigger and stronger, by eating,” Uncle Johnny said.

  “Until you become a doll,” Braden said, not taking his eyes off the football.

  “You just worry about practicing, wise guy. For the rest of you, it’s time to get the supplies together. Go into the pantry in the laundry room and grab some stuff to eat. I am sure Nanny has a whole load of food. And don’t go grabbing all junk. Get something that is good for you.”

  “We know,” Jack said. He walked into the laundry room and turned on the light. “How are Lunchables?”

  “Fine with me. I won’t be eating them. I am thirsty, though.”

  “I’m not so sure that the doll can drink anything,” Haley said.

  “Sure she, um, he can,” Jillian said excitedly. “It’s one of the things the doll can do.”

  Haley looked at Jillian with a stern face. “But now is not the time for Uncle Johnny to be finding out what the doll can and can’t do, right?”

  It took a second, but Jillian got it. “Oh, right.”

  “Is there something you guys want to tell me?” Uncle Johnny asked, sounding a little worried.

  “Nope. Everything’s good. Don’t worry,” Haley answered. She knew it wouldn’t be long before Uncle Johnny figured it out but she wanted to take as much time as possible. She was pretty sure he wasn’t going to like it.

  “Why do I feel like I should worry?” Uncle Johnny asked.

  “Probably because you are stuck in the body of a doll and don’t feel like yourself,” Haley said. She was proud of herself for being able to convince Uncle Johnny that everything would be okay even when she knew he would most likely go wee-wee soon. She didn't want to think about how she'd handle that.

  “Well, I guess that makes sense.” “Trust me,” Haley said.

  “I found a box of Capri-Suns,” Jack yelled from the pantry.

  “What flavor?” Uncle Johnny asked.

  ‘Tropical Punch.”

  “That sounds fine. Bring the box. And try to find a backpack. I think I saw one in the laundry room.”

  “You mean something like this?” Jillian asked, holding up a pink Dora the Explorer backpack.

  “Good job. Not my first choice on color, but you did fine.”

  Jack came out with the box of drinks and what looked to be about eight Lunchables. “This good?

  “It should be fine,” Uncle Johnny said. “Now throw as much of it as you can into the backpack. It shouldn’t be too heavy. Remember, you all are stronger in this world.”

  Jack did as Uncle Johnny asked, and without being told, Braden helped. When they finished, they carried the backpack over to Uncle Johnny.

  “How heavy is it?”

  Jack lifted it up pretty easily. “Not too bad.”

  “Remember, someone is going to have to carry that on their back for a while. Even though you are stronger here, that strength doesn’t last forever. You can get tired.”

  Haley walked over and put it on her back. “I could carry this. It’s about as heavy as my backpack for my school books is. It should be fine for me,” she said.

  “Okay then. Now, I want you to continue practicing for a little bit longer. I won’t be able to talk to you for what will feel like half an hour, so be sure to behave. Don’t worry, I will be back.”

  “But, Uncle Johnny, don’t leave,” Jillian said, “We’re scared.” All of the children pleaded with him not to go.

  “Remember rule number one?”

  Haley and Jack said, “Listen to Uncle—“

  Uncle Johnny laughed. “No, not that rule number one.

  The other one.”

  “Don’t doubt ourselves?” Braden asked.

  “That’s it. Don’t. And believe in each other, too. It’s sort of the same thing and it will definitely help you. I will be back very soon. I promise.”

  Then, the doll went back to looking the way it did before

  Uncle Johnny started talking through it. It went lifeless in Jillian’s hands, and she almost dropped it because the quick change shocked her.

  “Okay, we should practice,” Haley said. “If we keep doing that, it will make the time go by faster.” She wanted to keep the kids focused on something so they wouldn't think about Uncle Johnny being gone.

  No one argued with her. Everyone, except Gabby and Jack, practiced their abilities. Jack went over to where Gabby sat and put her on his lap. He wanted to watch TV but didn’t know if it would work and he figured someone would get mad at him for trying to turn it on. So he just stared at the wall and thought about what it would be like to move real fast like Uncle Johnny said he could. He saw cartoon shows where boys could do that and it he always wanted to have that ability. He could play baseball better. He wondered if anyone in the Major Leagues could run as fast as he could.

  Jack wished that his abilities in the dream world worked in the real one. He could impress his friends with his incredible speed. If he got into trouble, he could just run away and no one would could catch him. That would be great. Of course, he figured Uncle Johnny would say he shouldn't get into trouble at all.

  About twenty minutes passed by, and Jillian came over and sat on the couch. She looked tired.

  “I miss Uncle Johnny,” she said. “I keep trying to wish him back here but he’s not coming.”

  “He said he would be here in half an hour,” Haley said. “Isn’t it half an hour already?”

  “No,” Jack answered.

  “How long is half an hour?” Jillian asked.

  Haley thought for a bit. She knew how long half an hour was, but she didn't know how to explain it to someone who didn’t. Then, she had an idea.

  “Do you know how long a TV show lasts?”

  “I think so.”

  “Well, it’s about that long. Most TV shows anyway.”

  “That’s a long time,” Jillian said. “And Uncle Johnny’s been gone a long time, so shouldn’t he be back already?”

  “He should be back in about five minutes,” Braden said, “If I timed it right. My new watch has a timer on it. I set it right when Uncle Johnny left.”

  “That’s cool,” Jack said.

  “Thanks. Hey, I want something to eat.”

  “Uncle Johnny didn’t say we should eat yet,” Haley said. She felt like she should be the one in charge, being that she was the oldest.

  “He didn’t say we shouldn’t, either.”

  “Well, I don’t think he wants us to,” Haley said.

  “I think he doesn’t care,” Jack said. “And I am hungry too. Let’s eat.”

  “You can’t wait less than five minutes?”

  “I could go for a snack too,” Jillian said, rubbing her belly. “I can’t remember the last time I ate something.”

  “All you guys have to do is wait a couple of minutes.” Haley wondered if she now understood what parents went through. At least she knew why her mother complained about kids sometimes.

  “There’s other stuff to eat in the laundry room. I saw Doritos and potato chips and a whole bunch of other stuff.”

  “Just wait,” Haley said, raising her voice so they would listen to her. She figured they probably wouldn’t, but she had to try.

  “Nah,” Braden said.

  Haley floated over to the door to the laundry room. “I am not letting you in,” she said.

  “Who made you boss?”

  “I am the oldest, so you have to listen to me.” “No we don’t,” Jack said.

  “Maybe we should listen to her,” Jillian said, making this another boys against girls fight.

  “She’s not my mother, and she isn’t Uncle Johnny,” Jack said, “I say we eat.”

  With that, Jack tried to run past her. He looked like one big blur going toward the laundry room. Haley felt very angry that no one listened to her. She felt something tingly on her skin. She knelt down to try and block Jack.

  Then, something really strange happened. A purple bubble formed around her body. Jack bounced into the bubble, came almost within an inch of hitting her, then bounced back, crashing onto the couch. Haley wasn’t sure if he got hurt. She would have felt very bad if he did. She didn’t want to hurt him. Then again, he didn't listen.

  “I want to eat now!” Braden yelled, and put his hand out like he wanted to hurl something at Haley. He didn't have anything to throw. Instead, a small purple ball of energy came from his palm and shot at Haley.

  The bubble was still around her, and the energy ball crashed into it, sending sparks all around. The ball bounced off into the ceiling, where it left a small burn mark.

  “Uh-oh,” Braden said. “I am sorry Haley. I didn’t mean to do that.”

  Haley wanted to say something angry back but calmed herself first. They were all scared, even her, and she didn't want to make it worse with a fight. “It’s okay,” she said as she watched the bubble disappear. “Just don’t do it again. That would have hurt.”

  Haley walked over to Jack. He was sitting up, and rubbing his shoulder. “That hurt,” he said.

  “It was your fault,” Haley said, even though she really wanted to say she was sorry. She was just angry at Jack for trying to run at her in the first place. “Are you okay?”

  “I think so. My shoulder hurts a little.”

  “You’re all lucky that’s all that happened,” Uncle Johnny said.

  “You’re back, thank goodness,” Jillian said.

  “Yes. You see what happened? I was gone less than half an hour and you guys started arguing.”

  “I just wanted to get something to eat and Haley wouldn’t let me,” Braden said, sounding as nice as possible.

  “I am the oldest, so I thought I should be the one to tell people what to do.”

  “Leading has nothing to do with telling people what to do, Haley. Unless, you are sure you know what the right thing to do is. Were you sure you knew that?”

  “No,” Haley said, “I didn’t mean to do anything wrong.”

  “I didn’t say you did. Really, you all did something wrong. You didn’t trust each other in a bad situation. You didn’t listen to each other. Imagine if this was during something really important, like a battle against the Gorgons. It would have been worse. And, you guys did the worst thing you could do in this situation. You got angry without control.”

  “We didn’t mean to,” Jillian said.
r />   “I didn’t want to do what I did to Haley,” Braden added. He really looked upset. He got a little scared about what happened.

  “I know. You have other powers I didn’t get a chance to explain. Some of them will come out when you are out of control and angry. You have to be very careful. Also, if you are scared, even crazier things can happen, so try to stay calm whenever you can. We can't predict anger powers. You could have hurt each other.”

  Uncle Johnny turned the doll’s head to look at Jack. “And I thought I told you not to go racing around the room.”

  “I don’t know what happened Uncle Johnny. It was like I really wanted something to eat. That I had to have something to eat or I would go nuts.”

  “Hmm,” Uncle Johnny said. “Okay, that makes sense.

  And I think someone here really is hungry.” “I would like something,” Braden said. “No, it’s not you. It’s Gabby.”

  “How do you know?” Haley asked.

  “She linked with Jack before to get her the doll. They might still have that link. When she decided she wanted something to eat, she might have just made him do what he did to get it.”

  “I had her on my lap,” Jack said.

  “That could do it. Anything could do it, really. That’s why you have to be careful, and you have to make sure that what you are doing is what you want to do. Make sure your thoughts are your own, and don't react right away. Control your urges.”

  “Urges?” Jillian asked.

  “You have to control what you want. As I am sure your mothers and fathers have told you, you can’t always have what you want. And on top of that, you have to make sure it is what you want, not what someone else does.” “Oh,” Jillian said.

  “I’m really not that hungry at all,” Jack said. “That’s scary, that she can do that.”

  “You all have special powers, like I said. Haley, you learned how to protect yourself. And Braden, you found a new power too.”

  “An energy ball shot from my hand!” Braden said, excited.

  “Well, that’s not exactly a good thing. You used it as an anger power. You got really angry, probably just because you are trapped here, a little scared about what’s going to happen, and maybe frustrated that you can’t do anything about it right now. Your new power can be used in a good way, but it is uncontrollable when used out of anger, understand?”

  Braden nodded. “I’m really sorry.”

  “It’s nice that you apologized, but it’s okay. You really didn’t mean it, and I think Haley and everyone else knows it. You don’t want to hurt anyone. None of you do. Just remember that, and try to control yourselves, okay?”

  “Okay,” everyone answered.

  “It won’t be easy, but you have to remember that. And you have to decide to agree on things, especially in an emergency. Or if I am not around for a minute and something has to be done. I can't worry when I can't be here. I have to know I can trust you all to do the right thing. You guys can choose a leader if you want, but remember, being a leader isn’t about telling people what to do. You have to listen and then decide. It takes a lot of work.”

  The kids thought about that for a minute, and no one said they wanted to be leader. Everyone thought Uncle Johnny was going to pick Haley because she was the oldest. That was what adults usually did. When they were down in the basement, Haley was always told she was in charge.

  “No, it doesn’t have to be Haley,” Uncle Johnny said, “I know that’s what you guys are thinking.” “How did you know?” Jillian asked.

  “It had to be what you guys were thinking. Haley has to want to be the leader, and you guys have to agree. It won’t work any other way.”

  “I’ll do it if everyone wants me to,” Haley said, because she thought that’s what she was supposed to say.

  “That’s not exactly the way you should volunteer. Why don’t you guys think about that for a little while? Before that, I’ll tell you about who you will be facing, and what you have to do.”

  Uncle Johnny told them the story of the Gorgons, and how their leader, Lord D’Raygon, was the one who was causing trouble. They came from a galaxy far away from Earth, right near the North Star. They had been friendly in the past but recently became evil and angry and wanted to attack Earth.

  “I thought you said the bad guy was Sarlak,” Jack said.

  “He is, but he won't be who you face this time. It turns

  out that the Lord is on his way himself. This is important for them. Sarlak is the evil one, and he has taken control of the Lord’s mind. You guys need to show him that he is wrong, that we were friends and they shouldn’t do this,” Uncle Johnny explained.

  “But this isn’t Earth,” Braden said.

  “It isn’t. But if this world, the dream world, becomes controlled by Sarlak, then our real world will become more evil. He will be able to come to the real world and affect it. You won’t notice a difference at first, but after a while, you will see that people are meaner, and no one will care about what’s really important.” “Wow,” Haley said.

  “Yeah, wow,” Uncle Johnny replied. “This is serious stuff. You need to stick together and use your strengths to fight off the Gorgons. Then we have to find a way to convince Lord D’Raygon that he is wrong, that he is being controlled. None of this will be easy. Your best chance is to fight off this attack without actually 'fighting'. Get it?” “We’re ready,” Haley said.

  “And Haley will lead us,” Braden added. Everyone else nodded in agreement.

  “Sure?” Uncle Johnny asked.

  Haley looked at her brother and cousins. “Yes. Let’s get rid of these smelly Gorgons.”

  Uncle Johnny chuckled. “It’s only their breath that stinks.”