Read Disenchanted & Co. Page 7

  I’d never realized how vast and intricate the labyrinth of tubes, drainageways, and mech rooms beneath the city was until I searched them for the source of the rodents. I’d discovered the hotel’s new rubbish tubes had actually been the culprit, for the builders had used substandard materials that had allowed the rats infesting the city’s landfill to gnaw through a joint and come up into the hotel’s kitchens. The old tunneler had been too poor to pay me, but thinking I might someday need to use his warren, I’d accepted a favor to be claimed as settlement.

  Gaining access to the underground from the surface was not easy; the storm drains were protected by mesh to keep out debris, and the busy downtown traffic ruled out using one of the hatch drops spaced along the middle of the streets. Fortunately my investigation had also taught me where the less traditional access points in the city were, and I went to the nearest bathhouse where I was known.

  My native disguise didn’t fool the proprietor, a genial woman named Delia, for longer than an eyeblink.

  “Eh, Miss Kit, is that you under all that bronze? So it is.” She chuckled as she handed me a cowled cloak. “Mind you keep your head down in there. Don’t want the ladies thinking I’ve sold them out to the savages.”

  She led me back through the communal baths to the private rooms used by ladies who enjoyed a rub before or after their wash. The young men who attended them worked stripped to the waist and had been trained to use their hands to deliver various degrees of pleasure. Rina always claimed the bathboys were doing a great deal more than that behind the locked doors, but I thought not. If a woman wished to be penetrated and run the risk of catching a babe, she went to her husband, or a lover who resembled her husband. If she wished to be stroked and petted and made to feel beautiful in her skin, she came here for a rub.

  Delia let me into her tube room and the stairs leading down to the small sorting station beneath it. “Tell Clancy while you’re down there that I don’t want no holdup on the linens in those tubes today. Missus Trevors and her ducklings are coming in at three.”

  “All nine of them?” I pulled on my gloves and gogs. “Better let the boys have an early supper, Del.”

  I climbed down through the darkness on the rusty, rickety staircase and stepped off into a damp, murky room filled with tubes from the bathhouse and several other businesses. Four of Delia’s brothers worked in the station, and they rarely had a moment’s rest from dawn until dusk, when all the tubes finally closed. Clancy, her eldest sibling, paused long enough to laugh soon as he saw me.

  “What’s all this, then?” He rerouted a load of damp, soiled towels from the bathhouse to the launderer’s tube. “You giving up the civilized life, Miss Kit?”

  I sighed. “Why do I never fool you people?”

  He chuckled. “You may dress the part of a savage well enough, but you smell of roses and lavender. That lot, they smell of horses or trees, or naught ’tall.”

  “Next time I’ll have to remember to dab some pine resin behind my ears.” I passed along his sister’s message, and then asked, “Have you seen Hedger today?”

  “Aye, he came up with his bucket at noon.” Clancy waved his hand toward the tubes that curved out of sight beside a hatch. “Said to me he were off to scram under the exchange today. Here.” He tossed me a watershed. “Keep your heathen skin from washing off.”

  “Thanks, Clance.” I pulled on the rubber cloak and followed the tubes.

  Descending into Rumsen’s bowels required I bring my own light, so I borrowed a flystick from Clancy and gently shook it until the bugs inside the glass rod gave off a blue-green glow. That lit my path down into the sublevels and tunnels where old Hedger dwelled and worked.


  As usual, the stink from the sewer tubes hit me first and took my breath away. Every time I came belowground I wondered how the old man could tolerate living in it. He claimed one became accustomed to it and even grew to like it, although I doubted I’d ever accomplish the feat.

  Toriana’s first citizens had used pit privies and rubbish dumps for their waste, but when the blues sent over their architects to begin building a more permanent settlement, the builders had been instructed to attend first to the works needed belowground. For every building erected, three sublevels had been dug out and reinforced around what had been sewer lines and root bunkers.

  As tubeworks and iceboxes had come along into common use, the sewer lines had been converted over, and the bunkers emptied. Now and then I spotted a cluster of carrot or potato plants that had grown from what had been left to rot in the old storage bins, their stunted, whitish-green leaves looking ghostly and unnatural.

  The darkness and the smell didn’t unnerve me, nor had the rats I’d helped the old tunneler clear out. (Crate traps baited with raw bacon and nut butter had done the trick, along with some judicious reinforcement of the dump tubes.) The inherent dampness of the tunnels made trodding through them a wet business, but my bucks and Clancy’s watershed kept me dry enough. I even liked the echoing clatter, plings, and bongs of the mechworks overhead, and the constant rush of air sucked along by the tubes.

  Something else crawled along my skin, however. Something I didn’t feel aboveground, a kind of awareness I’d never understood. A sense of presence just out of view, of watching eyes and waiting fists.

  “ ’Ere ye, hold on.” Hedger popped out of a hatch some three feet to the side of me, his gnarled hands pulling up his fogged gogs to expose bulging, tunnel-dilated eyes. “Miss Kit? Is that ye in all that getup?”

  “It is.” I smiled. “Afternoon, Mr. Hedgeworth.”

  “I’ll be blind.” The old man hoisted himself out of the drop and stood, shaking some of the water from the old-fashioned waders he wore over his clothes. “Never tell them hotel people sent ye back. I’ve not seen hide nor hair down here since we emptied the last of them crates uptoppers.”

  “No, I’m here to collect on the favor owed for that, if you’ve some time now.”

  “Right with ye.” He hoisted his catchall and a dripping kipbag. “Just let me empty these in the blower.”

  I followed him to one of his stations, the one where he dried out whatever he found while inspecting the tubes. Every tube in the city suffered occasional blockages, and snakelike unjammers were sent through those that conveyed goods that could not be lost. Every station had the ability to valve off their tubes and blow out blockages through release doors, however, and did so with goods unworthy of the time and expense of unjamming. Once blown out of the tubes, whatever had been discarded fell into the gutters that ran under the tubes, where they were carried off to be redeposited in the main rubbish tube. Anything thus dumped in the gutter was referred to as scram.

  Hedger’s main occupation was to keep the underground tubes in good repair, but he did a nice side business in reselling whatever he retrieved from the scram before it reached the rubbish tube. Today he emptied two voluminous skirts, a gent’s velvet bacco jacket, and several pairs of homespun stockings into an elbow tube that had a mesh plate on either end to prevent the contents from being sucked into the feed tube. The air still passed through the mesh, which blew the contents into a constant, billowing tumble that eventually dried them.

  “Keeping the jacket?” I guessed. Hedger disdained most of the creature comforts most citizens took for granted, but he did have a soft spot for embroidered velvet.

  “Aye. Cold season’s just round the corner.” He secured the blower and turned to me. “So what can I do ye for, Miss Kit? Ye’re wanting a thing or a service?”

  “Service,” I said. “I need to get into the vault under the City Archives.”

  He grimaced. “That’ll be a trick and a half. They keep it under close watch round the clock.”

  “If anyone can smuggle me in and out of there,” I assured him, “it’ll be you, Mr. Hedgeworth.”

  He nodded toward my bucks. “Ye’ll need to change out of that getup and put on me spare waders.” He went to a rack of dried garments and se
lected a small workman’s shirt, trousers, and skullcap. “These first. I’ll collect the waders. Use the basin to wash that muck from yer face; they’ll never believe I’ve taken on a native ’prentice.”

  He left me there to change and returned just as I was scrubbing the bronzen off my face. After helping me step in and fasten the waders, he smeared his dirty hands over my cheeks, chin, and brow, and handed me a heavy tool pouch. He then shouldered two air tanks onto his bent back.

  “Let me take one of those,” I said.

  “Master all the ways carries the tank. Ye just keep yer head down and let me do the yammering,” he advised as I followed him out of the station. “ ’Em boys up there aren’t as thick as I’d like.”

  We crossed through several tunnels until we reached a staircase and climbed up into the back of an enormous room packed with shelves of boxes. Before he approached the two guards sitting at the front, Hedger used a wrench to loosen a joint on a water pipe, just enough to create a steady drip.

  “Here’s the leak, Jimmy,” he said in a loud tone, and then called out, “Tunnel service.”

  One of the guards strolled back. “Hang on, old man, you can’t go barging in here.”

  “Sure and I’ll leave now.” Hedger nodded toward the leaking pipe. “But ye boys best put on yer waders and fetch some pails.”

  The guard surveyed the pipe. “How bad is it?”

  “Might not burst right away,” Hedger said. “Could go tomorrow, the day after. But it’s a main line, lad. When she goes, she’ll go a-gusher.”

  “Well, then what are you pissing about for?” The big man gestured toward the pipe. “Get on with it.”

  “Can’t use me torches with ye lot in here,” Hedger said patiently. “Gas’ll leave ye senseless.” He hefted the tanks he carried. “Only brought enough air and nozzes for me and the lad.”

  “Flame my ass. Oy, Jerry,” the guard called to his partner. “Tunneler’s got to torch a sprung pipe. Fancy an early tea?”

  The other guard grumbled but left with his partner, leaving us alone in the vault room. Hedger immediately began setting up his torches.

  “You needn’t do that,” I said. “Just tighten the joint again.”

  “I’ve got to burn a bit of it; they’ll be sniffing the air and checking the pipe when they get back.” He thrust a tank at me. “Keep the noz on while ye’re looking, or the gas will knock ye on yer little bum.”

  Even with the cumbersome air tank on, being allowed to roam freely through the city’s protected archives was a bit like being a hungry child turned loose in an unattended sweets shop.

  I gave in to the temptation briefly and glanced inside one long box at random; the first sheaf of glassines inside held the birth records of three royal bastards, the testimony of a minister who had uncovered a massive swindling scheme to defraud and embarrass the Crown, and an old, slashed waistcoat marked as belonging to the governor’s deceased valet, whose blood staining it had dried to an ugly dark maroon.

  Something twinkled at me from the bottom corner of the box, and when I took it out, I saw it was a tiny silver disk, marked with the queen’s rose and edged with runes.

  I dropped the wardling, shoved the box back in place, and took a deep breath through the noz. Whatever I found here would be dangerous to know, the sort of information I always avoided. But even if I were suffering from some form of hopefully temporary madness, I had to know who my grandfather was. Otherwise I’d spend the rest of my days wondering until I truly went mad.

  I took a few moments and checked the sides of the long boxes, noting how they were sorted by date and surname and following the sequence back to the annum of my mother’s birth. There I searched through the glassines one by one until at last I found a thin envelope marked Doyle-Weiss. Until she married, Mum had used the name Doyle. But who was this Weiss?

  “Lad. Lad.”

  A rough hand shook my shoulder, startling me back to the present. I turned my head to Hedger, who had taken off his noz to speak. I did the same and smelled a trace of the sickening-sweet scent of gas. “What?”

  “They’re coming back,” he whispered. “Shake yer ass, gel.” He stalked back to the pipe.

  I regarded the pile of glassines I’d taken from the box, which I now had no time to read. Destroying them would serve no purpose; six copies of them were stored in the protected archives of the other provinces, and the Crown would have the originals safely secured in the Royal vaults. But I had to know what they contained.

  With a trembling hand I removed from the box all the glassines pertaining to my grandfather and mother and stuffed them inside my shirt before I trudged back to rejoin the old tunneler.

  “Good enough, then.” Hedger tapped the pipe with the side of his fist. “Did you see any seepage under the shelves, lad?”

  I heard the guards unlocking the gates to the vault room behind me and managed a strangled “No, marster.”

  “Good on ye.” Hedger tramped through the aisle of shelving, had a word with the guards about opening the outside air slats to ventilate the last of the gas from the room, and then brought one back to see the unnecessary work he’d done.

  “You’re sure this’ll hold?” the guard asked.

  “Aye, it’s as strong a patch as any I’ve done, and none of them ever have cracked.”

  The guard yawned. “Get on with you, then.”

  As I stepped toward the hatch, the glassine in my shirt crackled, and something grabbed my collar and turned me around.

  “What you got on you, boy?” the guard demanded.

  “Naught but lunch, Cap’n,” Hedger said, taking out a glassine bundle from his pocket and holding it up. “Wet down here. The old glassies we scram make fine wraps, keep our sandwiches dry.”

  If the guard demanded I show him my nonexistent sandwich, Hedger and I were going to the gaol. The whimper that broke from my lips was quite genuine.

  “ ’Sall right, boy,” the guard said, releasing my collar and giving my shoulder a rough shove. “I’d eat dirt before I’d touch scram.” He turned to Hedger. “You be sure to secure that hatch, old rat.”

  Hedger nodded eagerly and hustled me out of the vault. Once he’d closed the hatch and spun the hub to lock it, he leaned against it and pressed a blacking-streaked fist against his heart as he murmured a prayer.

  If I’d been Church, I’d have done the same. “Sorry.”

  “So am I.” He dragged me down the tunnel until we were well away from the vault. “What were ye thinking, Kit? Ye’re no thief. Were ye trying to get us shot?”

  I was too shaken to lie. “The papers are about my family. There’s a man who’s looking into my past, and I can’t let him find them.”

  He held out his hand. “Give ’em over.”


  “There’s naught about ye that could rattle me bars,” he snapped. “But I’ll see what ye just near stretched me neck over.”

  I pulled out the glassines and handed them to him and watched as he sorted through them. In the midst of the pile he went still.

  “Ye’re Harry’s Charm.” He looked at me, his face gone leech white under the layer of dirt. “Why did ye never say so, gel?”

  “Because I don’t quite know who I am, Hedger.” I tried to smile. “Did you know my grandfather?”

  “Served with him, I did.” His voice grew distant as he stared at nothing in particular. “Until he went up to the North Country. Then he disappeared for years, until . . .”

  He didn’t say anything else, and my skin prickled with unease. “Mr. Hedgeworth?”

  His face darkened abruptly. “This settles things between us.” He seized my arm. “Ye’re to go now, and ye’re not to come back down here, do ye understand? Never again.”

  “Why not?”

  “The debt is settled,” was all he would say.

  He allowed me just enough time to change back into my bucks before he marched me back to the bathhouse, where he gave me a hard push toward the stai

  I couldn’t leave without knowing. “Who was my grandfather, Mr. Hedgeworth?” I asked. “What did he do?”

  His face twisted. “Get on with ye now.” He turned away.

  “Please,” I called after him. “I have to know.”

  Hedger glanced back at me. “Harry saved me life. And I’ve cursed him every day since. Now get out.”

  I rode home, shoved the papers I’d stolen in my cashsafe, washed the rest of the bronzen from my body, and spent another hour soaking in the tub. I kept seeing the hatred in Hedger’s eyes. Whatever Harry had done, it had made the old scrammer loathe him.

  I climbed out of the tepid water to dry off and dress. It had never been my habit to avoid the truth. Weiss sounded too much like White; the name had to belong to Harry or his family. It was time to find out.

  A few minutes later, I finished reading the last of the glassines I’d stolen. Harry’s name, as I assumed, had been Weiss, not White. He’d been born a Hungarian.

  He’d also been an agent for the Crown.

  Dread iced the blood in my veins, but anger soon thawed it out and set it to boil. Harry, the nice old gent, had been a traitor. An informer. One of Her Majesty’s rats. For a moment the elegant words on the royal documents proving I was the granddaughter of a filthy sodding turncoat blurred. I blinked, and they instantly rewrote themselves.

  Working as a royal spy had obviously been quite lucrative for my grandfather, who had probably used his earnings to change his identity, marry, and acquire Torian citizenship. That my mother had been the daughter and I the granddaughter of a Hungarian—an enemy of the Crown—hardly registered anymore. I was bound by blood to a member of H.M.’s secret service.

  After the failure of the Great Uprising, Toriana may have remained part of the Empire, and grown accustomed to the occupation and institution of Crown law, but we’d never fostered any love for it. Now and then some young hothead commoners would stage a small revolt, embarrass their parents, and spend a few years in the gaol, but they always got out quieter and wiser—or they were kept behind bars where they could make no mischief.