Read Do You Want to Go to Jail Today? Page 19

  His fingers ran down my ribcage, stopping at the top my panties. When his thumb hooked onto the waistband and started to tug downward, I used my good hand to push his hand away.

  “I can manage, Ryder.”

  Using my uninjured hand, I pushed my panties down. Gathering the tiny bit of lace, I raised my hand to throw it to shore.

  “I’ll do it. You always threw like a girl,” he said with a grin. His large hand enveloped mine, taking the lace from me. Effortlessly, he threw my panties dead center in our pile of other discarded clothing.

  I frowned as he gave me a teasing smile. He was up to something.

  “Brody toss me the soap.”

  I watched with nervous anticipation as Brody threw the bar of soap and Ryder caught it midair. What was he planning? I was afraid to find out from the look on his face. It was never a good thing when Ryder looked mischievous.

  “Come closer,” he said, his deep voice sounding like pure silk.

  I took a step, calling myself a fool the entire time. This close I could see his black spiky eyelashes and the blue specks in his eyes. His nose was perfect, just the right size for his face, but it turned slightly from being broken in a bar fight many years ago. There was a small scar above his right eyebrow, thanks to a beer bottle to the face. I remembered each injury, each fight. I was always there, picking up the pieces and patching him up. Taking care of him like he took care of me. That would never change.

  Taking my injured hand, Ryder placed it on his broad shoulder. “Keep it here so the bandage won’t get wet.”

  With one hand resting on his shoulder, I watched as he created a soapy lather in his palms. The anticipation was killing me. What exactly did he plan on…Oh! I jumped when he ran his soapy hands down my arms to my fingertips and back up again.

  “Relax, Maddie, it’s just soap. You’re acting as if we’ve never swam together before.”

  Having spent most of our summers swimming in the river that cut through our properties, I knew he was right but skinny dipping put a whole new spin on things.

  “Things are different between us now,” I said, sounding husky.

  “No, not really. I wanted you then and I want you now. The difference is now I know what it feels like to be with you. Before I could only use my imagination and my imagination was nothing compared to being with you.”

  Words escaped me.

  I pulled my lower lip between my teeth as he lathered his hands again and ran them over my shoulders then down to disappear beneath the water. Fingers skimmed lightly over my breasts, sending sensations throughout me. Pulling me closer, his hands traveled down over my stomach. I could feel his leg nudging between my thighs, silently asking me to let him in.

  I wanted to obey, to let him touch me, but I came to my senses. Reaching down, I grabbed his wrist before his hand dipped any lower.

  “Ryder, stop,” I pleaded, hoping he didn’t hear the yearning in my voice.

  The corner of his mouth shot up in a crooked smile. “I’ll leave that to you but I wouldn’t mind helping if you need me to.”

  For a second, I was tempted to let him do whatever he wanted.

  “Turn around. I’ll wash your hair.”

  I turned, conscious of him so close behind me. Placing his hands on my shoulders, he leaned me back, letting my hair disappear beneath the water. Once my hair was wet, he started massaging soap into the strands. His large fingers moved in my hair, rubbing my scalp with just the right amount of pressure. I closed my eyes, feeling the heat from the sun on my cheeks and his body behind mine.

  His fingers moved down to the nape of my neck, pushing my long hair over my shoulder and out of the way. He started rubbing the stiff muscles at the base of my neck, almost making me moan with pleasure. From there, his hands slowly traveled to my shoulders again, leaning me back and washing the soap away.

  I didn’t want it to end.

  “What the hell are we doing, Maddie?” he whispered in my ear as his hands lingered on my waist.

  “You’re washing my hair, Ryder, nothing else,” I answered, turning around.

  His gaze dropped down to my lips. “I think it is something else.”

  “Purely innocent,” I said, breathlessly.

  “No, there’s nothing innocent about this,” he rasped, pulling me toward him.

  My body slammed into his, knocking the air from my lungs. Staring at me with unbridled hunger, he wrapped my legs around his hips. I felt his hardness nudge between my thighs, begging for entry. I gasped and met his heated eyes.

  “We need to find some privacy,” he murmured, clenching his jaw hard.

  “We can’t do this Ryder, not again.”

  He squeezed his eyes closed, the internal struggle written all over his face. When he let go of my waist, I slid my legs off of him but remained close. I couldn’t back away even though I should.

  As Eva and Brody headed back to the creek bank, Ryder tugged me close again.

  “You make me weak,” he whispered near my ear. "So damn weak."

  I let out a soft moan as his warm breath tickled my ear. If he only knew how weak he made me, we might never leave this creek.

  “We’re heading back to the house,” Brody said, plunging me back to reality. He took Eva’s hand and helped her out of the water, giving Ryder and I privacy.

  When they were gone, nervousness had me pulling away from him. We were alone. There was nothing stopping us now. He could take what he wanted. But instead, he took my uninjured hand and led me toward the creek bank. When the water almost dipped below my breasts, I stopped, too embarrassed to go further.

  “Ryder, hold on,” I said. Slowly, I began unwrapping the dirty bandage from around my broken finger, wincing when it hurt.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I want to wash my finger.”

  “Here, let me,” he said, taking my hand and slowly unwinding the bandage.

  He sucked in a breath when he unwound the last bit of cloth. My finger was still black and blue but the swelling had gone down significantly.

  “Shit, Maddie, that has to hurt,” Ryder said, looking at me with concern.

  I shrugged. “I can deal with a little broken finger. I’m just happy I made it out of the club alive.”

  He took my face in his hands and stared deeply into my eyes. Time stood still. I could hear the birds above and a dragonfly buzzing around the water. I waited, knowing he was going to kiss me, hoping he would.

  Abruptly, he dropped his hands. "Let’s get you dried off," he said, starting for the shore.

  “I can get out on my own,” I said, reluctant for him to see me naked. “Turn around and give me a minute.”

  “You can’t climb out with one good hand. That finger is going to hurt like a sonofabitch if you hit it,” he said, giving me a frustrated look. “I promise I’ll be good.”

  I didn’t believe him.

  “I won’t touch you except to help you out.”

  “No looking or touching?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

  He laughed. “No looking? That’s impossible! You’re too beautiful not to look at.”

  “Fine. I’ll do this on my own,” I said stubbornly, taking a few steps closer to the shore.

  “Okay, you win!” he said as his hand shot out and grabbed my arm.

  With one hand on me, he led me carefully to the creek bank. I kept my eyes trained on his back, refusing to look any lower. He was the perfect combination of muscles and leanness, his body toned and oozing sexiness. Without clothing, the effect of him was ten times greater on me.

  When our feet hit dry ground, he grabbed a towel and wrapped me in it. As I squeezed water from my hair, I watched as he wound a towel around his waist, leaving it hanging on his hips.

  He began rummaging in our backpacks for clothes.

  “That was the best bath I’ve ever had,” he said.

  “I prefer a real bath in a real tub,” I said, holding onto my towel tightly.

  He looked up, giving me
a seductive grin. “I’m not complaining. I could bathe in a creek with you forever.”

  I blushed. Forever? Ryder didn’t do forever. I told myself that it was just an innocent statement, nothing more. I couldn’t read more into it like some lovesick schoolgirl crushing over her first love.

  With his help, I quickly shimmied into shorts and a shirt without dropping the towel from around me. The grin on Ryder’s face grew wider as he watched me wiggle underneath the towel. I didn’t care. I was determined to maintain what little amount of modesty I had left.

  Once my clothes were on, he backed away. I felt relief but it was short–lived. Without warning, he dropped his towel, letting it fall to the ground. My face grew hot as I looked away, embarrassed.

  “Every time you blush, I fight the urge to take you right then,” he said, with laughter in his voice.

  The sound of him pulling on his shorts had me hot and bothered. His words just made it worse.

  I couldn’t help but ask, “Is that why you are always embarrassing me?”

  “Hmmm. Maybe.”

  My gaze shot to him. I tried not to stare at what I saw. His white t–shirt fit him like a glove and his dark brown shorts clung to his hipbones. His face was sunburned and his sun–kissed hair was wet, begging to be touched.

  As he took my hand and led me up the incline, I wondered how we would resist this attraction. I wasn’t sure it was possible anymore.

  Chapter Twenty–One

  The sun was setting quickly by the time we arrived back at the old house. Eva immediately rewrapped my finger in the bathroom, chastising me the whole time for walking around without a bandage or splint.

  She was just finishing when a car engine rumbled loudly outside. We looked at each other with round, alarmed eyes. The first thought that ran through my mind was — where was Ryder? Fear had me hurrying out of the bathroom and into the hallway. If the convicts followed us here to finish what they started, Ryder would be right there, ready to fight and willing to die.

  Eva and I were halfway down the hallway when Ryder stepped in front of us. He held a finger to his lips, telling us to be quiet. Grabbing my hand, he dragged me toward the nearest bedroom. Brody passed us, holding a handgun pointed at the floor. I wondered briefly where he had found it.

  Ryder led me to a corner of the bedroom with Eva following close behind.

  “Stay here and stay quiet,” he instructed in a no–nonsense voice. I nodded and watched as he swiftly left, on to fight an unseen enemy.

  Eva huddled close beside me, gripping my arm tightly. We could hear people talking outside but their words were muffled. Was it the homeowners returning? I felt sick knowing that Ryder was going to confront them, possibly putting himself in danger.

  I suddenly needed to be next to him. With our world in shambles, I was afraid to let him out of my sight. What if something happened and I was in here hiding like a coward? I would never forgive myself.

  I shrugged off Eva’s hand when she tried to stop me from leaving. I have to be with him! I had only made it a few steps when she grabbed a handful of my shirt and without speaking, started to follow me out of the room.

  We made our way into the growing darkness of the hallway. I could hear voices in the living room. One angry, another pleading. Moving quicker, Eva and I rounded the corner and stopped.

  Ryder stood with his feet apart, a shotgun propped on his shoulder. There was only one person who had his attention right then — the stranger standing outside the old screen door.

  I faltered, feeling the tension in the room. The wooden floor beneath my feet creaked loudly, announcing our presence. Brody’s head whipped around at the sound. He motioned for us to leave but I ignored him.

  “We’re looking for food and water,” the stranger said. He was middle–aged, balding, and a little pudgy in the middle. Behind him, I could see a haggard–looking woman and four small children.

  The man glanced over at me. Ryder’s back stiffened as he took a step in front of the stranger, blocking his view.

  “Eva, go get this guy some supplies,” Ryder said, his voice low and deadly.

  Eva let go of my shirt to hurry into the kitchen. The air was thick with tension as we waited for her to return.

  “You live here?” the man asked, his voice cracking.

  “No questions,” Ryder warned.

  I could hear one of the children start to cry and the woman quickly hushing her.

  “It’s dangerous traveling,” Ryder said. I saw his eyes glance over to the crying little girl. “We ran into some trouble on the road earlier.”

  “Thanks for the warning,” the man said.

  Eva rushed back, her arms loaded with some food and water. Stuffing the gun into the back of his waistband, Brody met her halfway across the room and took the supplies from her. Ryder eased the screen door open as Brody handed the food over.

  “Thank you! We haven’t eaten in a day.”

  “You have a weapon?” Ryder asked, his voice calm now.

  “No. We were driving home when it hit.”

  “Go get him a gun and some ammo, Brody,” Ryder said, keeping his eyes locked on the stranger.

  “What? Are you crazy?” Brody exclaimed with disbelief.

  “He has kids, Brody,” Ryder said, flatly.

  Brody stalked past me, the anger on his face evident of what he thought of Ryder’s decision. A few minutes later, Ryder was handing over a pistol and a handful of ammo to the man despite the pissed off attitude Brody was giving him.

  “Thank you!” the man said, his voice shaking.

  Ryder shut the screen door, sending a clear message. “You can leave now,” he said, his voice hard again.

  The man nodded and turned to walk down the porch steps. My heart leaped in panic when Ryder swung open the screen door and followed the stranger out. His shotgun was pointed at the ground but ready to pull up and shoot if necessary.

  In a few minutes, we heard car doors slamming shut then a vehicle roar to life. The tension was leaving my body when Ryder yanked open the screen door and stalked in, his eyes finding mine.

  Within seconds, he was standing in front of me, livid.

  “What the hell were you thinking, Maddie? When I say stay in the room, I mean stay in the room!”

  “And I didn’t want to cower in some corner when you were out here in danger!” No way was I going to bow down to his every demand!

  I could tell he was itching to strangle my neck but instead he took a deep breath and walked around me, heading down the hallway.

  Leaving Eva and Brody behind, I hurried to follow him. He walked quickly but I was only a few feet behind him when he entered the master bedroom. The shades were pulled in the room, casting shadows in the corners and leaving the room dim.

  Without thinking twice, I closed the distance between us. I just needed to be near him. I needed his touch.

  He looked stunned as I reached up and pulled his head down. My lips met his with hunger. As his hands glided down to my hips, I opened my mouth slightly, inviting him to enter. His tongue slipped inside to stroke against mine. One of his hands cupped my bottom and drew me closer.

  “What’s this?” he asked against my lips.

  “Me taking charge.”

  His lips took over, hungry for more. I threaded my fingers through his hair as he held me against him.

  “What happened to ’we can’t do this again’?” he murmured against my mouth.

  I managed to get an answer out despite his hands slowly trailing up my back.

  “It’s just a kiss, Ryder.”

  “It’s never just a kiss with you, Maddie. It’s so much more.”

  His kiss deepened, a groan escaping from deep in his throat. His hands ran beneath my hair, cupping my head, as his lips turned gentle on me. With one last kiss, he gently set me away from him. Staring at me with forced restraint, he took a deep breath. I saw him slowly bring himself back under control. We stared at each other, both of us wanting the other. We we
re fighting it, this hunger between us. And we were losing.

  Without a word, he turned away and walked into the closet. I let out the breath I had been holding and ignored my body screaming to be touched.

  "So Brody found a shit load of guns and ammo hidden in here," his voice said, sounding muffled in the closet. A minute later, he walked out and laid a pistol on the bed. “I need to know you will be safe before I go.”

  “Where are you going?” I asked, my desire replaced with concern.

  “I’m going to make sure that man left.” He picked up the pistol and started to load it. “I want you to keep this gun on you at all times.” After it was loaded, he held the pistol out to me. “Remember what I taught you — don’t hesitate and shoot to kill.”

  I looked at it with distrust. Ryder and my dad insisted I learn to use a gun from a young age. Ryder had spent many Saturday afternoons shooting targets with me. As a little girl, I went hunting with my dad often but targets and deer were not the same as a human.

  “I won’t shoot a person, Ryder.”

  His eyes became hard as he waited for me to take the gun. “You can and will if someone is hurting you, Maddie. Hesitate a second and it will be too late. All it takes is one shot to the chest and you’ll be safe.”

  I took the gun reluctantly, studying it as it lay in my hand.

  “Maddie,” he paused, waiting for me to look up, “promise me you’ll protect yourself.”

  I nodded numbly, feeling the weight of the pistol in my hand.

  “I’ll be back soon.”

  He left, leaving me alone.

  I stood in a stranger’s bedroom holding a loaded gun, worried about my best friend that I was in love with. I wondered what had happened to my life.


  Dusk descended quickly. Our dinner consisted of cold canned chili and stale potato chips. Brody wouldn’t let us build a fire to warm the chili because it might attract unwanted attention. We didn’t care that we had to eat it cold. We were just thankful for the food. Deciding the living room was the safest place in the house, we sat everything on a small coffee table.