Read Doctor Forester - Abridged Edition Page 45

  Roddy Goes to Church

  Church Life and Church People

  Derek Osborne

  No, not a children’s book! An affectionate, optimistic look at church life involving, as it happens, Roddy and his friends who live in a small town. Problems and opportunities related to change and outreach are not, of course, unique to their church!

  Maybe you know Miss Prickly-Cat who pointedly sits in the same pew occupied by generations of her forebears, and perhaps know many of the characters in this look at church life today. A wordy Archdeacon comes on the scene, and Roddy is taken aback by the events following his first visit to church. Roddy’s best friend Bushy-Beard says wise things, and he hears an enlightened Bishop . . .

  Bishop David Pytches writes: A unique spoof on church life. Will you recognise yourself and your church here? ... Derek Osborne’s mind here is insightful, his characters graphic and typical and the style acutely comical, but there is a serious message in his madness. Buy this, read it and enjoy!

  David Pytches, Chorleywood

  Paperback ISBN: 978-09927642-0-3

  46 pages 5.5 x 8.5 inches paperback UK £3.95

  Available from bookstores and major internet sellers

  eBook coming late 2015

  eBook due January 2016