Read Doctor O-Maker Page 3

  His fingers rolled harder, deliberately, pushing on my little nub and flicking over it as the pleasure and the pressure inside of me grew hotter, and bigger. His other hand slid over my jaw, cupping my face possessively as he claimed my lips — kissing me like no one had ever kissed me before. Not even close. I moaned deeper, rocking against him and clawing at his crisp white button up shirt as the white light inside grew hotter, and brighter, until…

  Oh God.

  It was going to happen. It was really going to happen.

  His thumb rubbed my clit in circles, his finger curling in and out of my slippery, dripping wet pussy. His growls and my whimpering moans filled the room, and my hips moved harder against his hand.

  It was happening, I was really really hap—

  “Doctor Owenson?”

  The intercom on the exam room wall squawked to life, the voice tinny and loud and completely shattering the moment. I gasped, the feeling of pure bliss and pleasure I’d just been feeling evaporating around me like mist.

  Doctor Owenson swore fiercely, pulling away from me and whirling towards the intercom. He slammed his hand across a switch, shutting it off. His shoulders heaved, and I could hear him growl as he turned to look at me.

  “I’m sorry, Natalie,” he growled, shaking his head.

  “That’s—” I sucked in a breath of air, panting and feeling the heat blazing through my body.

  “That’s o—”

  “No,” he muttered. “It’s not. They know never to interrupt me when I’m with a patient.”

  His eyes slid over me, and I knew I should have felt mortified, sitting there with my panties around my knees and my legs spread for him.

  But I wasn’t. Not with him. I supposed that was the other part of the unexplainable, magnetic attraction to this man. It was the pure physical, of course — the way my body craved him, and how I wanted him to do whatever he wanted to me. But then, there was more to it too. There was the part of me that felt so real with him — so at ease and so natural around him.

  He started to move towards me, when there was a sharp knock at the door. Aiden swore, whirling towards the door.

  “I am with a patient!”

  “Doctor,” the woman cleared her throat. “I’m sorry, but there’s an emergency in neonatal that they need you for immediately.”

  He turned back to me, closing his eyes and taking a breath as he nodded.

  “Tell them I’ll be right down.”

  He opened his eyes, and I gasped as he stormed towards me. And I before I knew it, he was kissing me all over again. I moaned into his lips, letting his hands slide around me and pull me into him as he growled into my mouth. My hands slid up his muscled arms, clutching to his broad shoulders as he kissed me harder and fiercer than I’d ever been kissed before.

  “That— I mean, I’ve never…” I pulled away, my eyes locked with his as I bit my lip. “That was really good,” I whispered.

  “That was just the beginning, princess,” he purred, kissing me slowly. “I hate to leave you.”

  “I understand.”

  His eyes pierced into mine.

  “When are you on the schedule next?”

  “I don’t—”

  “Tomorrow,” he growled. “You’re coming in tomorrow. Because tomorrow, I’m finishing what I started.”



  The thrill of a job done fucking right always got my motor going. Being a doctor called into action, and especially where a newborn was involved, was a rush unlike anything I’d ever known.

  …That was before Natalie Connors walked into my life. Because after her? Hell, after her, the rest of the world paled in comparison.

  I tossed my scrubs away, waking over to the sink in the changing room and bending over it. I splashed cold water into my face, gritting my teeth as I stood and reached for a towel.

  “Hell of a job back there, man.”

  I turned to grin at my best friend and fellow doc, Jackson, a fertility specialist. We’d come up together, though he’d left the hospital to go head up a high-end fertility clinic in midtown as their resident medical director. But he still had his affiliation here at the hospital, and when there was an emergency like the one we’d just tackled, they tended to call the both of us in.

  And he was right, we’d done a hell of a job. The baby had breached as his mom was halfway through labor, and when the little guy started have some issues with his heart rate keeping up, they called us. Things had gotten dicey there for a minute or two, but with Jackson and my expertise, both mom and baby boy were doing great.

  I was happy, obviously. But like I said, where I used to get this rush and a thrill, I was having a hard time feeling it that day. And it was one-hundred percent because of her. Because my every damn thought was on Natalie. When I was in the job, yeah, I was in it and focused entirely. But now that it was over, all I wanted was her. All I wanted was to go back to tasting those lips, and feeling her body writhe against me.

  I wanted the sounds of her pleasure dripping through my ears as her tight little cunt gripped my fingers so tight.

  I blinked, looking up and realizing I’d basically just zoned out in the middle of talking to my buddy. Shit, that’s how wrapped up I was with this girl.


  I almost laughed, as I realized he was about as zoned out as I was — the same dopey grin on his face as he stared at nothing.


  He cleared his throat, shaking his head as he snapped out of it.


  I chuckled deeply, shaking my head.

  “Nothing, you were just blanked the fuck out staring at the wall. The hell is going on with you?”

  “Nothing,” Jackson snapped, scowling.

  Well holy shit. I knew that look. Hell, it was the same as the one I was willing to bet was on my face. There was a girl on his mind too, I knew it.

  “You did a kick-ass job in there, bud.” I raised a brow at him. “That kid’s going to be just fine.”


  Jackson looked away, distracted, and I shook my head.

  “But you’re not thinking about that, are you?”

  My friend glanced up, but he kept his mouth shut.

  I chuckled. “Well whatever her name was, I hope it was fun.”

  Jackson whirled on me, snarling as he raised a fist.

  “Whoa, easy man.” I raised a brow at him.

  “Oh, what?”

  I laughed. “Nothing, man, you’re just…” I shrugged. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you actually look happy. Careful, it might stick.”

  And I could say the same thing about myself.

  Because the truth was, while I was always proud to say how happy my job and my work made me, nothing had ever compared to the pure feeling I felt in my heart after Natalie.

  Jackson tried to brush it off and flip me off the more I badgered him, but I kept going. And yeah, it was to keep the pressure off of me, and why the fuck I was smiling so damn much, because I wasn’t sure how to even go there yet, even with my best friend. What was I going to say, that she was a pati—

  “She’s a patient.”

  I blinked out of my thoughts at Jackson’s words before I realized he was talking about his mystery girl.

  “Not the greatest PR, but people will live.”

  “She’s young.”

  My brow furrowed. “Shit, how young are we talking here, Brody.”

  Jackson scowled that brooding, gruff scowl of his at me. “C’mon, don’t look at me like that. She’s almost twenty, it’s not like that. But still…”

  “But still, you’re thirty-two.”


  I mean, shit, who’d have ever thought — two guys basically married to their work and this happened to the both of us — the both of us getting all tripped up over a girl. Jackson kept rambling about his mystery woman until I basically told him to fuck off and go find her instead of shooting the shit
with me.

  But after he left, my head was still in the clouds — still on Natalie.

  She wasn’t just “a patient.” And I wasn’t just “her doctor.” Hell, I doubted either of us was under that illusion after what’d happened earlier. Yeah, I was helping her with her problem, as a doctor, but it wasn’t just that.

  I was helping her because I wanted to make her come.

  I wanted to be the one to make her scream in pleasure for the very first time. Me, and me only.

  I wanted to show her every damn way I could make her fucking explode, and show her things that would blow her mind. She’d gotten a taste that day, and I’d just been using my fingers.

  ...Fuck, I couldn’t wait to show her what I could do to her with my tongue. Or my cock for that matter.

  I knew today had been pushing it. But she did too, and I knew it. I also didn’t care, because rules be damned, and professionalism could go get fucked.

  Natalie Connors had stepped into my life with a problem. She’d come to me, and I was going to make her come for me.

  “Doctor Owenson.”

  The curt, icy voice behind me made me stop cold in my steps, my jaw tightening. I clenched my hands into fists, pushing the rage back down as I turned to face her.

  Naomi Mansour had never been a nice person, but in the last few months, she’d become downright fucking impossible to be around. As the head administrator for the hospital, technically, she was my boss, even if she wasn’t a doc. Technically, she was in charge of overseeing me and my duties within the hospital, and technically, she had a say in how I ran things.

  Technically, she was a real bitch.

  Like I said, Naomi and I had never really gotten along, but then, it’s not like we’d been enemies or anything either. I did my job, she did hers, and we tended to avoid each other.

  …That is, until the lawsuit.

  My blood boiled just thinking about it, especially since in the back of my head, it felt like I was “keeping it” from Natalie, since she didn’t know about it yet. The whole thing was bullshit — a smear campaign meant to hurt my career — but that didn’t mean telling the girl I was falling for about it wasn’t going to be hard.

  The woman’s name was Deliah, and she’d been a patient of mine months before. I’d seen her all of twice before she’d pulled a no-show on her third appointment, and I never heard from her again.

  …I heard from her lawyer instead.

  It seems that Deliah was pregnant, and miraculously, the father was apparently me. I use the word “miraculously” because there’s no other possible way I could have possible fathered a child with that woman outside of a miracle, because I’d never even touched her.

  No, literally, not even in a professional sense. Our two visits had been her just babbling on about what guy she was dating, and whether she thought she should sleep with him. I’d informed her that maybe a therapist would be a better person to ask than a gynecologist, but she just kept at it. The second visit had been the same thing — a full twenty minutes of me sitting utterly bored in my chair while this woman prattled on about her dating history.

  Then she’d never come back, and suddenly, I was being accused of “gross professional misconduct and sexual assault.”

  The whole thing had hit me like a blow to the head. After all, I’d spent my life building my career, and an incident like the one with Deliah — however bullshit it was — had the ability to stick, and to tear down everything I’d done. Naomi had of course been involved — insisting the whole thing be kept private between me, her, and the hospital lawyer until we could figure it out. But, “figuring it out” was turning into Naomi pressuring me to resign.

  I turned, glaring at her.

  “What is it, Naomi?”

  She narrowed her eyes at me. “You’ve been dodging my calls.”

  I wasn’t going to deny it. I had been. But, I’d also been completely preoccupied with Natalie, to the point where bullshit like Naomi and this Deliah shit had been pushed out of my head. Natalie had been the only thing I could think about — consuming me entirely and becoming my whole world like nothing else ever had.

  “I’ve been busy.”

  “Yeah, well, so have I, dealing with your mess.”

  I growled. “I don’t know how many times I can go over this, Naomi. I never touched her. Literally. I never even gave her a fucking exam.”

  “That is not true and we both know it, Aiden!” she snapped back, her face scowling at me. “She has proof of—”

  “The fuck she does!” I roared back, my blood rising like fire inside. “Whatever she says she has is bullshit! I—”

  “I’ve seen the paternity test, you arrogant asshole,” Naomi spat. “And so has the hospital’s legal counsel.”

  My jaw dropped.

  “That’s impossible.”

  “Save it,” she sneered. “And save this hospital’s reputation while you’re at it and just resign, like we keep going over.”

  “Not going to happen.”

  Naomi swore under her breath, shaking her head as she glanced at her watch.

  “I have a meeting.”

  “Bye,” I growled.

  She glared at me. “This isn’t going away, Aiden. And when I’m done with you, you’re going to sorely wish you’d just resigned.”

  She turned on her heel and stormed away, leaving me seething.

  This whole thing was getting insane, like I was getting sucked into a thriller movie script. I hadn’t touched Deliah, and there wasn’t a chance in hell her child — if she was even pregnant — was mine. And yet, here it all was, threatening to tear down everything I’d built.

  I swore to myself, my muscles tightening before I slowly closed my eyes and took a deep breath.


  It was her face that appeared in my head — her gorgeous, hazel eyes holding mine, and her soft, sweet lips kissing me gently. It was her that calmed the fire roaring inside of me, and brought me back down to earth.

  Soon, I’d see her again. Soon, she’d be in my arms again. I barely knew her, but she was everything. And the next time I saw her, and the next time I put my hands on her, I knew one thing: I’d never be letting her go.

  When I got home that night, I knew I should have been exhausted from the day I’d had, but my mind was moving a million miles an hour. And take a wild guess who was starring in every single thought going through my head.

  I remembered the way her moans had filled my ears — the sweet, soft, innocent way she’d gasped for more. I remembered the way her body had moved for me, arching towards my hand like it was begging for more. I remembered the smoothness of her skin, the way her lips were so fucking kissable and so damn fuckable.

  And I remembered how wet that little cunt had been. I remembered how her soft, slick, velvety lips had gripped my finger — how her hard little clit had throbbed against my thumb. And I thought about her sweet honey, coating my hand as I’d gotten her so fucking close to coming for me.

  My cock was out in an instant as I sank into a big chair in the living room of my apartment. I growled, wrapping my fist around it and squeezing as I pumped my hand up and down my length. My cock throbbed, pulsing rock hard as white precum beaded at the crown to drip down my shaft to my balls.

  I threw my head back, stroking up and down every throbbing inch as I pictured my little princess, spreading her legs with her panties around her knees, crooking a finger at me. And in my head, she threw her head back and moaned as I slid my swollen head into her tight little pussy and fucked her hard — fucked her like I knew she needed to be fucked to make her come.

  I could feel the cum boiling in my balls, and I was so fucking close when suddenly, I froze.

  I stopped, gritting my teeth as I somehow pulled my hand away from my trembling cock.


  I wouldn’t come until I made her come. And when I did, this would all be for her. I’d make Natalie come for me, and then I’d give her my cum.


  I lay awake that night, my skin tingling with heat and desire. What’d happened in Aiden’s office replayed through my head on repeat, like this sultry sex dream. Except it’d been real — very, very real.

  I knew what’d happened had gone way farther than it probably should have, but I didn’t care. And I didn’t think he did either. We’d left any semblance of a professional doctor-patient relationship at the door when I’d stayed in that room. Taking my clothes off for him, and trembling with heat and desire as I’d felt his eyes on me had pushed it even further. And kissing him?

  Well, that’d sealed the deal.

  I moaned quietly in bed, sliding my panties down my legs and kicking them away. My hands slid over my body, teasing over my breasts and toying with my nipples before moving lower. My skin prickled and tingled as they slid between my thighs, my legs spreading wide as my fingers found my eager, dripping wet slit.

  I gasped, sliding a finger over my clit as another eased inside my slick pussy. I’d been so fucking close back in his office — I knew it. I’d been closer than I’d ever been before, and as I lay in my bed, I did everything I could to get back to that place. I squeezed my eyes shut tight, and tried to imagine every single detail of that rush of pleasure in his office. I imagined his hands on me, pushing my panties down and teasing my little pussy. I remembered his deep, masculine voice and his breath in my ear as he’d toyed with me, stroking my clit and making me see stars.

  I tried so hard to recreate the moment. But the more I tried to force it, the more the moment slipped away, until with a groan of defeat, I sank into my bed. My brow furrowed in frustration as I hurled a pillow across my room, muttering to myself as I yanked the blankets up around me.

  It was bullshit that I couldn’t get there. It was just so unfair. But then, he’d gotten close. He’d gotten so close that I knew he’d have brought me there if we hadn’t had been interrupted. And then next day, I was going to see him again…