Read Domesticated Page 36

  “Yes I can. Just like I shopped for that house. Money talks. How many times do I have to tell you that?”

  “I’m done trying. You won’t listen to anyone. You’re the most stubborn human being on the face of this earth. Do what you want. Why don’t you put an ad out on Craig’s list? I bet you can find all kinds of weirdos to be your husband.” Whatever. I didn’t need Olivia’s permission, and I sure as hell didn’t need her approval.

  I did everything I set out to do, starting with selling the house, well I was trying anyway. It may take some time, but the realtor assured me he would sell it. I donated all the contents to the local Red Cross. After spending days and days and days, looking at houses around Hartford, Olivia finally picked a house. She was determined to plant her roots there. I finally placed an offer on one between her parent’s and Jackson’s parents.

  I’m pretty sure Olivia was one of those things that happened for a reason. Spending the night in her parent’s home with her was exactly what I wanted. I loved how she and her mother talked while they cooked dinner. I loved the interaction they shared with each other over dinner and I sort of wanted to fuck her brother.

  The next evening we had dinner at Jackson’s parents. Total culture shock. I came from the most concealed line of prejudice there was. Adriana used to call black kids, nasty, and not that I was anything like her, it was still a little different for me. Sophia was beautiful. Jackson’s mother was as blonde and white as I was, and his dad was, well, he wasn’t white at all, but you could tell they were so in love, and the relationship Olivia had with Sophia was what I wanted, too. I wanted my baby to have at least one loving grandma like Rita was to Savannah.

  Jackson’s brother Jamal was there, home from school, too. I loved the way they all talked and joked around the table like a real family was supposed to, and I sort of wanted to fuck him, too. I wanted to fuck him a lot. I think it was the fascination that he was black. I wanted to at least try. Olivia wouldn’t let me, or I may have attempted it. I needed sex. Not just with myself. I needed the feel of it. Like Sam’s hands all over my body, his naked chest on mine, and his lips… Oh how I missed Sam’s lips.

  I fell madly in love with my new little town, and my house. I missed Olivia being around, but I knew with her new house, she was busy, trying to make it a home for when Jackson came home. I loved my new OBGYN, and was happy I chose her. She even invited me to their fall harvest on their tree farm. I went with the intentions of shopping for a daddy. I never found one, not that day anyway. There were a lot of good-looking, nice men. They were just with their wives and kids. Oh, well. It wasn’t like I was going to find one while I was still pregnant anyway, but the sex would have been nice.

  I settled in quite nice and even made a few friends. Nobody asked questions and I didn’t volunteer unasked answers. It was best that way. I was doing well in Port Pemba, and I felt happy, and relaxed. I received the last of the twenty-three million from my mother and after depositing Paris’s half, I set out to close the last chapter.

  I had nothing but time, and Dr. Patterson assured me that the drive would do me good. I couldn’t wait to see Olivia, and hoped to talk her into venturing to the beach house with me for one last visit. I needed to sign papers for the new owners. That chapter was closed and only needed my signature to finalize it.

  On October twelfth, Olivia and I were on the streets, rallying with the rest of the electoral politicians. The streets howled and came to life at the mention of my mother’s reelection to the New York Supreme Court 10th Judicial District. This would be the closing chapter of that, and I could not wait to see the look on her face.

  She took the podium with pride, thanking the cheering audience. As soon as the crowd settled, letting her speak, the white scene behind her came alive. Right on cue. The gentleman running the homeless shelter thanked her dearly for the change of heart. It mean so much to him and the eleven million dollar donation on her behalf would go down in history for the nicest thing anyone had ever done for the community.

  The priceless look on my mother’s face while everyone quietly listened was worth it all. I was sure her well-prepared speech had just been shut down. Let’s see what you’ve got now. Bitch.

  Olivia and I bumped shoulders, smiling from ear to ear when the first reporter asked, why. The next one reminded her of her pre-election statement about moving it to a more suitable part of town. I’ve got to give the bitch credit. She came out smelling like a bed of roses after explaining how she wanted to break the segregation, teach the homeless new trades, and offer help with drug and alcohol problems.

  I was okay with her being the hero. I knew how much it was eating her up inside to know she had to walk or drive right past there to come to work. That made me very happy.

  Olivia and I were halfway to California before I told her the news I had been waiting to tell.

  “Are you still set on Avery Hope?” Olivia asked.

  “No, I don’t like Avery as a boy’s name.”

  It took a minute for her to realize what I had said. I thought she was going to wreck us. “Note to self. Don’t give Olivia news while she’s driving. Jesus, Liv.”

  “You’re having a boy? Does that mean they did the DNA?”

  “Yeah, there is no possible chance of Garrison being his daddy.”

  “Holy shit! You’re having a boy. How do you feel about that?”

  “I don’t know yet. I asked Dr. Patterson if there was anything she could give me to make it fall off, but she thought I was joking.”

  “Names?!” Olivia asked excited.

  “I’m still only four months along, but as of right now, I’m liking Jerica or Jaymes.”

  “Hmm, I like Jaymes. It’s different. You have to tell Sam.”

  “Like hell I do. He’s just going to try to pin some crazy unfit mother wrap on me. He has Savannah. He doesn’t need to know shit.”

  “I think he does, but that’s all you. It’s your life and I know you’re going to love this little guy like you’ve never loved before.”

  “What are you doing for Christmas?”

  “What? I swear your hormones have affected your brain a little.”

  “I just don’t want to talk about Sam. I’m not telling him. What are you doing for Christmas? I have been buying stuff, and I want to decorate my house. I guess it’s a big thing in Port Pemba. The whole town goes all out for Christmas.

  “I might fly there before the holidays, but I want to be home during. You should come to my house for Thanksgiving.”

  “Are you going to Jackson’s, too?”

  “Yeah, you can come there, too, if you want.”

  “I do want. I want to fuck Jamal.”

  “I know you’re only half joking, but you’re not fucking Jamal.”

  “Why not. I want to see if his cock is as big as the black ones I’ve seen on porn.”

  “If it’s anything like Jackson take my word for it. It is.”

  “Seriously? Jackson has a big dick?”

  “Oh my god. How do we end up in these conversations?”

  “Does he, Olivia?”

  “Yes, he’s well equipped.”

  “Do you have any pics?”

  “NO!” Olivia exclaimed a little too fast while seizing her phone from the cup holder.

  “Yes you do. Give me your phone.”

  “No way. I’m not showing you my fiancé’s penis.”

  “Look, I’ll show you Sam’s,” I said, swiping my phone to find it. It was my favorite one. He was stroking himself above my tits that day and I talked him into a photo.

  “I don’t want to see Sam’s penis. I felt it. I know he’s got a package.”

  “Look,” I said, forcing her glance at it.

  “Holy shitzballs,” she laughed.

  “Fine, but if you ever meet him, you better not say one word. He would kill me.”

  Olivia relinquished her phone, and searched her photos. A lot were of family, but more were of her and Jackson. I smiled, seeing h
ow happy she was with him, before getting to the good ones.

  “I am going to meet Jackson, and holy shit girl. That’s gotta hurt. Sam was well endowed, Jackson was horse endowed. “What the hell do you do with that?”

  Olivia laughed, “I take every last inch of it and love the hell out of it. I can’t wait to feel him again.”

  “Jesus, now I need to come.”

  “Oh no you don’t. You can wait. You’re starting to give me a complex. I never masturbated before I met you, now I do it all the time.”

  “I’ll do it while you drive, and then you can do it while I drive.”

  “No! I’m good, and you’re not doing that going down the road. It’s daylight. A trucker might see you.”

  “That’s perfect,” I said, sliding my pants over my hips.

  “What the fuck are you doing? Oh my god. You’re a freak.”

  “Get in the passing lane and slow down when you get to that trucker.”

  “You’re crazy. No.”

  “Do it. Come on. It’ll be fun.”

  Olivia groaned, but moved to the left lane, while my fingers moistened in my pussy. I used my white cotton pants to cover my growing little bump and rolled down the tinted window. We both laughed when the trucker looked down and blew his horn.

  “Go!” I said, wanting her to move on to the next trucker. The guy in the semi tried like hell to catch up, but the weight of his truck left him in the dust and we were on to our next victim who almost drove off the road. We left him, too. He was too old. I wasn’t looking to give anyone a heart attack, just have some fun while having an orgasm. We played this game for five semi-trucks. The fifth one was the lucky one. He got to watch me squirm while holding on to the door handle and letting go.

  Olivia protested half a dozen times, before she finally pulled over and let me drive. And then I still had to make her do it. I tried to just do what she did and pull up to the sides of the truckers, but I was having a harder time at it than she did. I got in the slow lane and stayed there when she moaned. I didn’t really touch her per se, not really. I just moved her leg out a little more, and used two fingers to pull back on her lip while she brought home the finale, rubbing her swollen nub to a screaming orgasm.

  My eyes darted back and forth from the road to her pussy with mine throbbing like mad in my seat. I needed to do that again. I don’t even really remember doing it, but feeling the wet, warm way her pussy gripped my two fingers, I knew I did. She didn’t stop me. Olivia was too busy riding out the orgasm to care that I went that far. I didn’t even mean to do it. It just happened, but if I’m being honest. I liked it. Turning my attention back to the road, I pulled out, letting my fingers drag up her slippery folds.

  Just like that, we were done, and neither of us would mention it again. We were back to discussing her house that she was in love with. She couldn’t wait for Jackson to see it. I listened, happy that she was happy. I couldn’t help but nonchalantly scratch my nose or touch my lips. Her scent lingered on my fingers and I couldn’t wait to get to the hotel to touch myself again. I’m sure I wasn’t dry down there the whole ride.

  I always hated leaving the beach house, but this time was for different reasons. I wasn’t going back to Connecticut to a pretend life. I was going to my own home where I loved. It was bitter sweet this time. I felt like I was saying goodbye to Sam for the very last time. This home was the only thing I had left of him. Once I handed over those keys, I knew I would never see him again.

  Olivia and I spent one last night at the beach. We ate supper on Seafood Strip and she drank too many RumChata’s. So many happy memories of Sam and I there overwhelmed me. I wasn’t sure I would ever find another Sam. Man, I missed him.

  We were almost home free, walking down the sidewalk back the way we came, our eyes locked. Not Sam. I think that would have been better. Rita’s eyes went right to my very noticeable baby bump. Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. I smiled, nodded and shoved Olivia down the next alley. Dammit. She would tell Sam. I suddenly wanted to leave that night. What if he was there? I couldn’t let him take my baby. I had to get the hell out of there.

  Olivia protested the entire time we loaded the car. I did one more, quick walkthrough and left the key on the counter. The one Sam and I did dirty little things on. It was best for us to leave right away. I didn’t want any trouble with Sam. I was doing awesome with this pregnancy, doing everything by the book and avoiding stress. Sam was stress. I needed to avoid him.

  “I’ll drive until you sober up a bit,” I offered, closing the door on my house for the last time.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute, Kendra?”

  I closed my eyes and let my forehead beat off the glass door once, before turning to Rita. Olivia took the overnight bag from my hand and left us alone. She wanted to walk the beach one more time anyway.

  “Have a seat,” Rita offered with a wave of her hand to the table and chairs on my deck. I didn’t want to have a seat. I didn’t want to do this with her.

  I sat, but didn’t speak. I had no idea what Sam told her. I wasn’t about to let that cat out. He could do that.

  “Are you carrying Sam’s baby?” Well let’s just be blunt about it, why don’t you. Wait. That’s exactly what I would have done.

  “Yes,” I honestly replied.

  “For sure?”

  “Yes, for sure. I had the DNA test, proving my soon to be ex-husband is in no way related to this baby. And he is the only other possibility aside from Sam.”

  “Were you planning on telling him, or just running away with his child?”

  “I was just planning to run away. It’s safer that way. Sam hates me.”

  “Sam doesn’t hate you. I’ve watched him walk around like he lost his best friend for weeks now. Sam is so in love with you it’s sickening. Before whatever, this is that happened between you, he was driving us all crazy. I couldn’t even call him on the phone and talk for one second without you being the topic. Now he doesn’t talk about you, he just doesn’t talk. That’s not like Sam. He has a right to know.”

  “It’s going to make him hate me more. He thinks I did this on purpose. I didn’t. I didn’t even think I could have a baby.”

  “Why does he think that then?”

  “If I tell you then you’re going to hate me, too.”

  “I may very well be mad at you, but hate’s a pretty strong word, plus you’re carrying my grandbaby. I want to know him or her.”

  “Him. It’s a boy,” I offered for whatever reason.

  “Simon.” She smiled.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Simon. It was supposed to be Savannah and Simon. Sam was going to have two kids, a boy and a girl.”

  I took a deep breath, wondering what the hell I was supposed to do now. Did Sam have a leg to stand on? Would he actually even try to take my baby? I wasn’t sure I was willing to take that chance.

  I flew home to Connecticut and spent the week with Olivia. I loved the way she decorated her three-bedroom ranch. I tried to tell her she could buy something more, bigger, better, but she didn’t want it. She loved the neighborhood, the park across the road, and she had already fallen head over heels in love with the little old lady next door.

  The house was completely remodeled. I didn’t even know Jackson, and I knew he was going to love his man-cave in the basement. Olivia had it done in football, mostly San Francisco. That was his team. The two bedrooms the little ones would sleep in were just down the hall from where she and Jackson would sleep. I loved her house. I loved seeing her so happy in her house.

  We had dinner at her parent’s first, and then later in the evening went to Jackson’s for another Thanksgiving feast. I loved going around the table, disclosing what everyone was thankful for. I was going to adopt that tradition for my own family Thanksgiving. I of course said my baby, and then looked up, and said, Olivia. I was thankful for her.

  “I’m very thankful for my family and Olivia, too,” the voice said from the kitchen door. I thought Olivia wa
s going to jump through the roof. I have never in my life seen anyone move fast, or that happy to see someone in my life. Jackson wrapped her in is arms and her legs went around his waist. She was more excited than I had ever seen her, and I am so happy I was there to see it. Olivia was so in love with that man.

  I tried my best to get out of going back home with her. I didn’t want to intrude. Jackson only had a two-week leave, and I wanted her to spend every waking minute with him. She insisted I come home with her, but I had already booked the flight back the next day. She could come see me when he left. They needed their time.

  I hated her again, lying in bed that night. Of course, they were going to fuck. Why wouldn’t I think they were going to fuck, and how did I expect her to be quiet with a cock that size? I would be screaming, too.

  I lay there staring up at the ceiling with one arm around my little mouse and one hand between my legs, listening to the moaning. Jackson was my hero. He didn’t stop. I had two orgasms with Olivia, but then she had two more. No wonder she loved him. I wanted to love him, too, at least try.

  I left my friend alone with her fiancé the very next afternoon, feeling happy yet sad. I was happy that she was so happy, and that Jackson made her that way. I was sad to be going home alone. I wanted to be happy like that, too. I hated the thought of going home to my empty, hollow home, and I couldn’t wait until this little guy filled the walls with laughter. March couldn’t come soon enough. Why the hell did it have to take so long to have a baby anyway?

  I kept myself busy by decorating my house, one room at a time. I had a carpenter come in, put a door between my room and the babies, and knock a wall out so his room would be twice the size. I know it was silly, but I did it thinking that maybe Olivia would have a little girl. I decorated the room right across from the baby’s room for a little girl. Savannah may have had something to do with it as well. I would be lying if I didn’t think about her while decorating it.

  The window seat was transformed into the best dollhouse a girl could ask for. I did it myself after seeing a pin on Pinterest for it. Spending time on the house, ordering wallpaper, tile, and furniture took up a lot of my time. I think I got more out of decorating that pink room than I did my own little guys. Savannah would love it if she ever got the chance to see it, and who knows. I could still find Mr. Sam and have a little girl. Stranger things have happened.