Read Dominic Page 3

  Oh, my Jesus.

  Did this motherfucker have a death wish?

  "I'll give you three seconds to get your hands and body away from me, otherwise I will knock you the fuck out!"

  Dominic's chuckle in my ear made my body tense up even more than it already was.

  "You think you can take me, pretty girl?"

  Pretty girl?

  Was he trying to be funny or something?

  "I do!" I snapped then said, "Don't call me that again!"

  "I can call you what I like and say what I like to you, freedom of speech and all that."

  "You're so fuckin' stupid and a knob head… get off me!" I snapped then gasped when one of his arms came up and made a blatant grab for my cookies.

  No. Fucking. Way!

  I lifted my leg and kicked back against Dominic's shin; he grunted as he jumped back away from me. I whirled around and glared at him while he shook out his leg probably trying to shake the pain away.

  "You fucking bitch!" he hissed.

  I smiled at him. "That will be your balls if you ever touch me again. Have you not learned your lesson that touchin' me results in me hittin' you?"

  He rolled his eyes and rubbed his cheek as if still feeling the pain of the slap I delivered to him on Wednesday for touching my arse.

  He dropped his hands and grinned at me. "You have a phat ass, I couldn't help myself from having a feel."

  I gaped at him.

  He just called me fat.

  He actually just called me fat.

  I didn't care if I looked the size of a whale; you just didn't call a girl fat, especially to her fucking face.

  The insult hurt me, and I hated that. I wanted to hurt Dominic back so I threw the insult back at him even though he was nothing but trimmed muscle.

  "You are fat!" I snapped, turning and grabbing my trolley with one hand to push it away.

  Fuckface stopped me though.

  He wedged himself between me and my trolley. I didn't like it, not one bit.

  "I didn't call you fat."

  The dirty liar!

  I growled at him. "You did too, you lying sack of shite!"

  "I said you have a phat ass, there is a difference," he stated.


  "No there isn't, you said me arse is fat-"

  "Phat as in sexy," he purred.

  I stared at him, suppressing the urge to beat him to death with my cookies.

  "Fat is not sexy," I stated.

  "When you have a phat ass it is," Dominic said, still standing in front of me. "I don't mean fat as in fat, I just meant it as in good type of big, not an obese type of big. You have a big butt, and that is sexy."

  Why the fuck were we having this conversation about my fat but not fat arse?

  "I don't give a fuck. Me and me fat arse want to move on with our trolley so get outta the way."

  Dominic smirked and held out his hand and said, "Cookies first."

  I gripped the cookies tighter. "You will have to pry them from me cold, dead fingers, you lanky bastard."

  Dominic smirked and took a step towards me; I panicked and swung my arm catching him across the face with my hand. He actually stumbled to the side and out of my way as he gripped his face. I shot forward, grabbed my trolley, and all but sprinted up the aisle.

  "Bronagh!" he shouted.

  I turned and headed straight for a checkout till, more than ready to pay for the items and get home. People obviously heard Dominic shouting and were looking down the aisle where I just shot out from. I pretended to be confused as well; I didn't want anyone thinking I was the Bronagh that Dominic was shouting after.

  I jumped into a queue and began to unload my trolley items onto the conveyor belt, while mentally shouting at the woman in front of me to hurry up and pack her things.

  "I could have you arrested for assault, you know that right? That's twice you hit me back there."

  I sighed, knowing he purposely chose to come to this till just to piss me off.

  "It was self-defence, you put your hands on me first without permission," I spat as I nudged my trolley forward without looking around at him.

  "That's bullshit," Dominic snarled.

  I rolled my eyes. "Get over it, you big baby."

  I surged forward when the lady in front of me was finished, and thankfully, the woman serving me had my stuff scanned and helped me bag them in record time.

  "Those cookies are the nicest ones in the entire shop, they are always sold out." The woman smiled when she tucked them into a bag.

  I looked up at Dominic, who was glaring at me. It made me smile before I looked at the woman.

  "I agree, they are delicious."

  "Evil bitch," Dominic muttered, making the woman snap her head to him, and it caused me to snort a little.

  I paid the woman, grabbed the three carrier bags, and heaved them down. They were heavy, and I hated that Branna wasn't here with her car to help me bring them home.

  I sucked in a large breath and headed for the exit of the shop only to pause at the doors, almost whimpering right there and then. It was absolutely lashing rain outside. I didn't know why I was so surprised, it always happened. It could be mild and cool here in Dublin one minute then belting rain the next.

  I sighed and looked up at the sky after a full minute of just staring out at the rain. "You just can't cut me a break, can you, Jesus?"

  "I don't think he replies to people who assault innocents."

  I jumped at his voice, which he laughed at.

  I shook my head without looking at Dominic when he came to stand next to me. "How the hell did you pack your things and pay for them so quickly?" I questioned.

  "Magic," he replied.

  I rolled my eyes. "Well, use some magic and disappear from me presence."

  Dominic snorted. "You would love that, wouldn't you?"

  I looked at him, narrowed my eyes, and smiled. "I would love nothin' more than for you to disappear from the face of the earth, Fuckface."

  Dominic looked like he suddenly wanted to murder me so I stepped away from him.

  "No wonder you bought tampons, it must be that time of the month." He shook his head.

  He saw my tampons?

  Oh, God!

  I felt my face flush. "Shut the hell up!"

  He grinned at me. "You're seriously mean on your period."

  Oh, my God!

  Get me the hell out of here.

  "Well, this was horrible, I hope we don't run into each other here - or anywhere - ever again. Bad day to you, sir." I bowed my head and stepped out into the rain.

  I felt a chill run up my spine, so I straightened myself up, ignored the pain of the plastic bags digging into my fingers, and pushed on walking.

  "Do you want a ride?" I heard Dominic's voice shout from my far left.

  I gasped and spun in his direction, noticing that he was moving towards a large black Jeep.

  "You dirty bastard! How dare you ask me that!” I shouted.

  Dominic paused his stride and looked at me with his eyebrows raised before he laughed.

  "Crap, I meant a lift as in a lift home in my car. I didn't mean a ride as in the meaning of what a ride is over here… I'm not asking you to ride me, Bronagh."

  I felt myself flush.

  "Whatever, I don't need a lift!" I turned and continue walking out of the car park and onto the pathway.

  The rain was coming down so hard that it was dribbling down into my eyes, making it hard to see. I rubbed my eyes against my shoulder and pressed on.

  I never cared about the rain – I was used to it – and actually liked walking in it when it rained hard. But not when I was carrying heavy things. I glared at Dominic's Jeep when it passed me by, then screamed when he came close to the path and splashed dirty water all over me.

  "You prick!" I screamed as loud as I could.

  I had dropped my shopping bags during the soaking, so I quickly bent down to pick them up. I swear Dominic was lucky everything I bought wa
s in sealed packaging and wouldn't be destroyed by the water.

  "I know you won't believe me but I was actually pulling up beside you to offer you a ride again. I really didn't mean to get you all wet," Dominic's voice shouted out from his car - the passenger side window was rolled down - then followed with a laugh.

  He was actually laughing at me!

  I growled as I looked to my right and glared into the opened window of Dominic's Jeep. I used my shoulder to get the water out of my eyes again before spitting some out of my mouth.


  His eyebrows jumped a little at my shouting, but I didn't care. Fuck him. I turned and pretty much jogged away and all the way home. I didn't stop moving until I was safely inside my house. I sank down to my arse with the hall door pressed to my back.

  "Bronagh? Is that you? I got off early and tried ringin' you to see if you needed-" Branna's voice was cut off mid-sentence before a muffled laugh quickly filled up the silence. "You look like a soaked rat!"

  I growled and leaned my head back against the door and closed my eyes. I winced a little when my stomach began to cramp up, adding further horribleness to my already shitty day.

  "I didn't think it was rainin' that hard. You're seriously soaked, Bee. What happened?"

  I grunted as I continued to sit on the floor, shopping bags gathered around me. I could easily tell her that an American prick soaked me with his car after harassing me inside the supermarket, but I honestly didn't want to talk about Dominic or even think about the arsehole.

  "I don't want to talk about it."

  Fuming that I was soaked to the bone and annoyed that I had a female reproductive system, I leaned my head back against the door and closed my eyes again before exhaling loudly. Dominic was pretty much to blame for one of those things, so I decided to blame everything that was wrong with me on him as well.

  It was official, I now and would forever more hate Dominic Slater.

  "I don't want to go, I still feel like shite. Please, Branna, don't make me go. If you love me at all, you won't make me do this," I wailed and flung my limbs around like it was nobody's business.

  Branna grunted as she continued to pull at my waist, trying to get me to release the handle of the passenger door of her car.

  "I'm goin' to be late for class and so are you, so let go and get goin'!"

  I gripped the handle of the car tighter. "Never!"

  Branna sighed, loudly. "I didn't want to have to do this but you leave me no choice."

  I furrowed my eyebrows together and wondered what was she talking about- "Ahh!" I screamed, cutting my thoughts off. "No, Branna, don't tickle me! Mercy, mercy!"

  She showed no mercy, she tickled under my armpits and down my ribs until I was a convulsing mess and jumped away from the car and her. She quickly locked up the car by pressing a button on her keys as soon as I was a metre or two away.

  I was straightening my clothes out and shivering a little in my tickle aftermath while Branna folded her arms across her chest and cocked her eyebrow at me, daring me to come at her and the car again.

  I groaned. "You're the worst sister ever, I'm dyin' here!"

  Branna rolled her eyes. "You took your painkillers and ate some food, you can't miss class just to lay in bed and do nothin' so get!"

  I narrowed my eyes at her. "When the day comes that you're in labour with a child I'm goin' to laugh at you and remind you of this day!" With that said, I turned and stomped across the car park towards my school's entrance.

  "Have a nice day, you big baby!" Branna shouted after me, laughing.


  I entered school just as the class bell rang, so I picked up my pace to a little jog. I didn't want to get a late stamp and be told off by teachers because that would just make me feel even worse. I got to registration class roughly three minutes after class started so when I entered the room, everyone was already seated and looked at the door when it opened. I didn't look at anyone, only my tutor who smiled at me when I walked in.

  She looked a little too happy to see me.

  "Welcome back, Bronagh, we missed you on Friday."


  "Uh, sorry I'm late, I overslept," I muttered.

  The miss waved me off. "Not a bother, you're actually the girl I need to do a job for me since you're already on your feet."

  Oh, bollocks.

  "Uh, okay," I muttered.

  She turned to the rest of the class. "I need another female volunteer for this special job."

  Not one single girl raised her hand, and I didn't blame them, doing 'jobs' for teachers was always shite.

  The miss sighed. "Okay, I'll just pick someone then… Destiny."

  Destiny groaned out loud making everyone, except me, chuckle.

  "Fine, what's the job?" she sighed.

  "Well, as you all know, it's our annual Raise To Praise event day today, and this year the second year classes and tutors are in charge of decoratin' the hall and organisin' the games. But as usual there is only one job that two senior girls must do, no younger girls can do it. I've been asked to choose two lovely girls from my tutor class for the job."

  A smile lit up on Destiny's face while a look of sheer horror overtook mine. I forgot all about the Raise To Praise event day; I would have locked myself in my bedroom if I had remembered it!

  "The kissin' booth!" Destiny and I said in unison, only my tone was that of disgust while Destiny's tone was one of excitement.

  "That's the one," the miss beamed.

  Some of the boys in class whooped making Destiny playfully laugh.

  I moved towards the miss. "Miss, pick someone else, please. This day is to raise money for the sports team; you will lose money if I help out at the kissin' booth, I guarantee you that."

  Some people laughed, but I didn't care; they and I both knew it was true. I didn't look like Destiny at all; she was slim with curvy hips, big boobs, flaming red hair, and a beautiful face that was hardly ever in need of makeup. She was naturally stunning while I… wasn't. I knew I wasn't fat, but I wasn't slim like Destiny either. Like I mentioned before, I had a pear shape frame, which meant I was all small boobs and waist with a big arse and thighs that made me look huge unless I wore the right clothing.

  "Oh, nonsense, don't even go there. You and Destiny are both pretty as can be so no backin' out," the miss stated, pulling me from my thoughts and making me sigh.

  "Whatever," I mumbled and dragged my feet as I walked over to my desk, not looking down at the back row.

  Down in the back was where it sat.

  Unfortunately, first period was over like the snap of my fingers, and it made me inwardly groan and wish the class went on for longer.

  "Everyone can head to the main hall now; have fun, and don't do anythin' that will wind up in me givin' out detention. Understood?"

  Everyone mumbled a yeah to the miss, which made her happy, as we all headed out of class and towards the main hall. I felt a firm tap on my shoulder when I got inside, and it made me jump a little.

  "Sorry," Destiny's voice chuckled as she rounded on me. "Didn't mean to scare you."

  Yeah, like I believe that.

  "You didn't," I lied.

  Destiny smirked a little before fully smiling. "Let's go to the kissin' booth and get workin'."

  She turned and pranced off towards the back of the hall where the kissing booth was always set up. I reluctantly followed her with my head down and my shoulders slumped.

  When I got to the booth, Destiny was already settled into hers. So I slid into mine, put my bag on the floor next to me, closed my eyes, and proceeded to wish I was dead.

  "Two Euro per kiss, ladies. Get the money first."

  I opened my eyes and nodded to the male teacher who was talking to me and Destiny.

  "The kissin' booth is open, lads," the sir then shouted.

  I groaned, then dropped my head to my hands; this was so bloody embarrassing. About two minutes pa
ssed until a group of first year lads got the courage to inch their way towards the booth.

  "We have money," one of the lads said.

  I couldn't help but recoil a little; these lads were all only thirteen or so, and it was possible that Destiny or I was about to be their first kiss. That thought didn't sit well with me.

  "Okay, lads. No blondes this year so those who prefer redheads line up in front of me and those who prefer brunettes line up in front of Bronagh," Destiny said taking charge with the line that the girls working the booth each year had to use.

  It was a quick way to get the lines formed in front of the girls doing the kissing and made things less awkward incase the lad didn't know whom to choose.

  There were eight lads and five of them lined up in front of me, which shocked the hell out of me. I figured they would pick Destiny even if they preferred brunettes, because she was so much better looking than me, even on a bad day.

  I blinked when the first lad stepped towards me, held out his two Euro coin, and dropped it in my collection basket.

  "I'm Toby." He smiled and revealed the cutest gap between his front teeth.

  "Hi Toby, I'm Bronagh." I smiled and forced myself not to puke.

  This lad was so cute, and I felt like I was about to violate him.

  He shifted his stance and just looked at me like he was waiting for the green light to kiss me so I blew out a breath, puckered my lips, and leaned towards him. He jumped a little, smiled, then mimicked my actions and met my lips, pressing his against mine.

  It was the type of kiss that was five seconds long and tight-lipped. The kind you would give someone as a quick peck on the cheek but, instead, it was on my lips, and Toby seemed to be thrilled with that.

  "Thanks," he breathed.

  When I pulled back from him, he just stood staring at me with a bright smile and wide eyes.

  "Toby, it's my turn to kiss 'er now," a lad from behind Toby hollered.

  Toby frowned but quickly smiled at me again before moving off. The four lads that followed Toby all got the same five second long, closed-mouthed kiss, and afterwards they acted like I had flashed them my boobs with the way they gazed at me.

  "This is fun," Destiny chirped from my left.

  I looked at her, my face scrunched up in horror. "They were practically babies!"