Read Domitia Page 9



  According to an Oriental legend, the dominion of Solomon over the spiritsresided in the power of his staff on which he stayed himself. So long ashe wielded that, none might disobey.

  But the Jins sent a white ant up through the floor, that ate out the heartof the rod, so that when he leaned on it, it gave way and resolved itselfinto a cloud of fine powder. Solomon fell, and his authority was at an endforever.

  The termites that consumed the core of the sceptre of Nero were his ownvices and follies. Its power was at an end and his fall as sudden as inthe case of Solomon, and as unexpected.

  In March he was possessed of dominion over the world, and was at the headof incalculable forces. In June all was dissolved in the dust of decay; hewas prostrate, helpless, bereft of the shadow of authority, unable tocommand a single slave. The first token of what was about to take placewas this.

  In Rome the rabble was kept in good humor by the Caesars distributing amongthem bread gratis, and entertaining them with shows free of charge.

  During the winter, contrary winds had delayed the corn-ships from Egypt,and the amount of bread distributed was accordingly curtailed. Games were,indeed, promised, but these would serve as condiments to the bread and notas substitutes. Then a vessel arrived in port, and the hungry peoplebelieved that she was laden with the wished-for corn. When, however, theylearned that her cargo was white sand for strewing the arena at thesports, they broke into a storm of discontent and swept, howling insultingwords, under Nero's windows.

  Next day all Rome heard that Galba, at the head of the legions of Spainand Gaul, was marching into Italy, and that none of the troops of Nerosent to guard the frontier of the Alps would draw a sword in his defence.

  The prince, now only seriously alarmed, bade his household guard conducthim to Ostia, where he would mount the vessel that had discharged its loadof sand, and escape to Egypt. They contemptuously refused, and disbanded.Then, in an agony of fear, Nero left the Palatine, and fled across theriver to the Servilian mansion that adjoined the racecourse, to lightwhich he had burned Christians swathed in tarred wraps.

  There he found none save his secretary Epaphroditus, whom he had sentthere to be chained at the door, and to act as porter because he hadoffended him. Guards, freedmen, courtiers, actors, all had taken to theirheels, but not before they had pillaged the palace.

  He wandered about the house, knocking at every door, and nowhere meetingwith an answer.

  Night by this time had settled in, murk and close, but at intervalselectric flashes shivered overhead.

  Then suddenly the earth reeled, and there passed a sound as of chariotwheels rolling heavily through the streets; yet the streets were deserted.Trembling, despairing, Nero crouched on his bed, bit his nails till he hadgnawed them to the quick, then started up and hunted for his jewel case.He would fly on foot, carrying that, hide in some hovel, till danger waspast. But a thievish slave had stolen it.

  Sick at heart, picking, then biting at his nails, shrinking withapprehension at the least noise, wrapping a kerchief about a finger whereblood came, he looked with dazed eyes at the red flare of the heavenlyfires pulsating through his open door.

  He heard a step and ran out, to encounter a freedman, Phaon by name, whowas coming along the passage, holding aloft a torch, attended by twoslaves.

  The wretched prince clung to him, and entreated that he might not be leftalone; that Phaon would protect him, and contrive a means of escape.

  "Augustus!" answered the freedman, "I am not ungrateful for favors shownme, but my assistance at this hour is unavailing. I am but one man, astranger, a Greek, and all Rome, all Italy, the entire world, have risenagainst you."

  "I must fly. They will allow me to earn my livelihood on the stage. Ofwhat value to any man is my life?"

  "My lord, in what value have you held the lives of the thousands that youhave taken? Each life cut off has raised against you a hundred enemies.All will pursue, like a pack of hounds baying for the blood of him whomurdered their kinsfolk. Even now I passed one--Lucius AElius Lamia,--and hestayed me to inquire where you might be found. In his hand he held anunsheathed sword."

  Nero shrieked out; then looked timidly about him, terrified at the soundof his own voice.

  "Let us hide. Disguise me. Get me a horse. I cannot run, I am too fat;besides, I have on my felt slippers only."

  Phaon spoke to one of his slaves, and the man left.

  "Master," said the freedman, "Do not deceive yourself. There is no escape.Prepare to die as a man. Slay yourself. It is not hard to die. Better sofall than get into the hands of implacable enemies."

  "I cannot. I have not the courage. I will do it only when everythingfails. I have many theatrical wigs. I can paint my face."

  "Sire! the people are so wont to see your face besmeared with color, thatthey are less likely to recognize a face bleached to tallow."

  "I have a broad-brimmed fisherman's hat. I wear it against becomingfreckled. That will shade my face. Find me an ample cloak. Here, atlength, comes Sporus."

  An eunuch appeared in the doorway.

  Breathless, in short, broken sentences, Nero entreated him to look out inhis wardrobe for a sorry mantle, and to bring it him.

  "But whither will--can you go?" asked Phaon. "The Senate has beenassembled--it has been convoked for midnight to vote your deposition anddeath."

  "I will go before it. Nay! I will haste to the Forum, I will mount theTribune. I will ask to be given the government of Egypt. That at leastwill not be refused me."

  "My lord, the streets are filling with people. They will tear you topieces ere you reach the Forum."

  "Think you so! Why so? I have amused the people so well. Good Phaon, hireme a swift galley, and I will take refuge with Tiridates. I restored tohim the crown of Armenia. He will not be ungrateful."

  "My lord, it will not be possible for you to leave Italy."

  "Then I will retire to a farm. I will grow cabbages and turnips. The godTiberius was fond of turnips. O Divine Powers that rule the fate of men!shall I ever eat turnips again? Phaon, hide me for a season. Men's mindsare changeable. They are heated now. They will cool to-morrow. They cannotkill such a superlative artist as myself."

  "I have a villa between the Salarian and the Nomentane Roads. If it pleaseyou to go thither----"

  "At once. I think I hear horse-hoofs. O Phaon, save me!"

  Sporus came up, offering an old moth-eaten cloak. The wardrobe had beenplundered, only the refuse had been abandoned.

  A voice was heard pealing through the empty corridors: "Horses! horses atthe door!"

  "Who calls so loud? Silence him. He will betray us!" said Nero. "Hah! Itis Epaphroditus."

  At the entrance, chained to a cumbrous log, was the Greek, Epaphroditus,formerly a pampered favorite. But two days previously he had ventured tocorrect a false quantity in some verses by his master, and Nero, in aburst of resentment and mortified vanity, had ordered him to be fastenedto a beam as doorkeeper to the Servilian Palace.

  "The horses are here," shouted the freedman. "May it please my lord tomount. Sporus and the slaves can run afoot."

  Nero unwound the kerchief from his hand and wrapped it about his throat,drew the broad-brimmed hat over his head, enveloped himself in the blanketcloak, and shuffled in his slippers to the door.

  The chained Greek at once cried out: "Master! my chain has becomeentangled and is so knotted that I cannot stir. I have been thus sincenoon, and none have regarded me. I pray thee, let me go."

  "Thou fool! cease hallooing!" retorted Nero angrily. "Dost think I carryabout with me the key of thy shackles?" Then to those who followed, "Smitehim on the mouth and silence him, or he will call attention to me."

  "The gods smite thee!" yelled the scribe, striving to reach an uprightposture, but falling again, owing to the tangle in the links. "May theyblight thee as they have stricken Livia's laurel!"(3)

p; Mounted on an old gray horse, Nero rode to the AElian Bridge, where standsnow that of St. Angelo, crossed it and began to traverse the CampusMartius.

  Electric flashes quivered across the sky. Then again an earthquake madethe city rock as if drunk; the buildings were rent, and masses of cornicefell down.

  A glare of white lightning illumined the whole field and lighted up themausoleum of Augustus, and the blank faces of such men as were abroad.

  The horse trembled and refused to move. It was some time before the alarmof the brute could be allayed, and it could be coaxed to go forward andbegin the ascent of the Quirinal. The advance was slow; and Nero's fearsbecame greater as the road approached the Praetorian Camp, and he expectedrecognition by the sentinels. Yet in the midst of his fear wild flashes ofhope shot, and he said to Phaon:

  "What think you, if I were to enter the camp? Surely the Praetorians wouldrally about me, and I might dissolve the Senate."

  "Sire, they have destroyed your images, and have proclaimed Galba. Theywould take off your head and set it on a pike."

  Nero uttered a groan, and kicked the flanks of his steed. At that moment apasser-by saluted him.

  "By the Immortals! I am recognized."

  "We have but to go a little further."

  "Phaon, what if the Senate declare me an enemy of the State?"

  "Then you will fare in the customary manner."

  "How is that?"

  The prince put his trembling hand to his brow and in his agitation knockedoff his hat.

  The freedman picked it up.

  "The customary manner, sire! your neck will be put in the cleft of aforked stick and you will be beaten, lashed, kicked to death. Better takethe sword and fall on it."

  "Oh, Phaon! not yet! I cannot endure pain. I have a spring nail now--and ithurts! it hurts!"

  "Ride on, my lord; at the cypress hedge we will turn our horses loose, andby a path through the fields reach my villa."

  Half an hour after Nero had left the Servilian palace, where now standsthe Lateran, Lamia arrived followed by two servants. He found thesecretary in a heap at the door, vainly writhing in his knotted chains.Lamia at once asked him about the prince, whether he was there.

  "I will both answer and show you whither he is fled," said Epaphroditus,"if you will release me. Otherwise my tongue is tied like my limbs."

  "Is he here?"

  "Nay, he has been here, but is gone. Whither I alone can say. The price ofthe information is release."

  "Tell me where I can find tools."

  Epaphroditus gave the required information and Lamia despatched a servantto bring hammer and chisel. They were speedily produced; but some time wastaken up in cutting through the links.

  This, however, was finally effected, and the secretary gathered up ahandful of the broken chain and clenched it in his fist.

  "Now I will lead the way," said he, stretching himself.

  The wretched, fallen emperor had in the meanwhile scrambled through hedgesand waded through a marsh, and had at last found a temporary shelter in agarden tool-house of the villa. Phaon feared to introduce him into hishouse.

  Wearied out, he cast himself on a sort of bier on which the gardenerscarried citron trees to and from the conservatory. The cloak had fallenfrom him and lay on the soil.

  His feet were muddy and bleeding. He had tried to eat some oat-cake thathad been offered him, but was unable to swallow.

  He continued to be teased with, and to pick or bite at his spring nails.

  "I hear steps!" he cried. "They will kill me!"

  "Sire, play the man."

  Phaon offered him a couple of poniards.

  Nero put the point of one to his breast, shrunk and threw it away.

  "It is too blunt, it will not enter," he said.

  He tried the other and dropped it.

  "It is over sharp. It cuts," he said.

  At that moment the door opened and Lamia and Epaphroditus entered.

  Nero cried out and covered his face:

  "Sporus! Phaon! one or both! kill yourselves and show me how to do it."

  "To do it!" said Lamia sternly. "That is not difficult. Do you need asword? Here is one--the sword of Corbulo."

  He extended the weapon to the prince, who accepted it with tremulous hand,looking at Lamia with glassy eyes.

  "Oh! a moment! I feel sick."

  Then Phaon said: "Sire--at once!"

  Then Nero, with all power going out of his fingers, pointed the blade tohis throat.

  "I cannot," he gasped, "my hand is numb."

  Immediately, Epaphroditus with his hand full of chain, brought theweighted fist against the haft, and drove the sword into the coward'sthroat.

  He sank back on the bier.

  Then Lamia stooped, gathered up the moth-eaten cloak, and threw it overthe face of the dying man.