Read Don't Just Speak Love Page 25

  Chapter 15


  Three weeks after my horrifying ordeal abroad, I stepped out of the examination hall after my last paper—Chemistry. It hadn’t sucked as much as I’d thought it would. In fact, it went pretty well. Together with Chaste and Sasuke, I’d spent the past three weeks under Atward Savant’s tutelage. We’d no longer done physical training with Sir Albion; instead, every day after school, we’d done revision with Atward—subject after subject—in every single free minute we had. It was necessary since graduation examinations were just around the corner. Besides, it had kept me from thinking about Asa...the younger brother I’d never really got to know.

  I sat down at a table in the cafeteria, waiting for Chaste and Sasuke. We always met up here after being dispatched—group by group—from the school hall. The system was set in place since there were plenty of private candidates taking the exams as well. If everyone was dismissed all together after a paper, chaos would definitely ensue. My name, beginning with an ‘A’ as it does, was near the front of the list, so I was always the first to leave.

  As I savoured my first breath of liberation, a mixture of emotions washed over me. I was definitely relieved and glad, but sadness was the most prominent among them all. The stressful exam period had finally come to an end. And now, it was the start of a new chapter in my life. While waiting for my results, I was going to start work at my father’s F&B company. Uncle Dave and my father—Morgan, not Lucifer—would be there to guide and teach me about the proceedings of the business.

  In the last three weeks, a lot had changed…

  Shortly after I returned to Singapore, my mother showed up at our house at Holland Road, Street Thirteen, for the second time in recent years. She wasn’t asking to see me this time; she’d come for my father. Keeping her word, she spoke to my father, and they sorted out the mess that had built up over the past seven years. It took some time, but things straightened out at last. My father finally resumed a normal life, and with the aid of Uncle Dave, he even went back to running his company.

  My parents eventually filed for divorce, but they didn’t fall apart completely; they’d remained in contact. As for me, I moved out of Holland Road as I’d wished to countless times before, but the intention was completely different from my original one. I moved out not because I wanted to escape from my broken home, but because Dad and I had decided we needed a change of environment. My mum was back in Singapore, permanently, and she asked if I’d like to have her back in my life. I said yes, but we didn’t stay together. She got her own apartment while I continued to live with Dad in our new house. It had been that way for more than a week now, and I was starting to get used to it.

  Everyone’s life was finally set right again—even Lucifer’s. With my mother’s and Atward’s support, Lucifer had gone out of hiding and returned to Heaven to face what he’d done on his own accord. He made the decision not long after he found out what had happened to Asa. Apparently, he’d been remorseful and done the right thing for once. Honestly, I was proud of him.

  “Averie?” Acacia called my name.

  Acacia and Jace strolled up to me hand in hand. Nobody knew why and how it had happened, but they’d become an item recently.

  “Hi. What’s up?” I returned her smile as they sat down opposite me. The feud between us had diffused following the horrible incident from three weeks ago. She no longer had issues with her—and my—half-brother after he’d saved her back in the loft in Vancouver. And, despite our previous enmity, I’d decided to pick up Asa’s forgiving nature and let go of the past. Acacia had done the same. I only regretted that it had been at Asa’s expense to teach us to forgive.

  “I’ve come to say goodbye. After all, this is our last day in Black Gold,” she said with a weak smile.

  “We’ll still meet at the graduation ceremony next week,” I offered.

  “Actually...there’s another thing.” She turned to Jace and nudged him with an elbow. “Jace has something to say to you.”

  I looked to Jace. “Yeah?”

  “I’ve...erm...heard that you were the one who saved my life,” he stammered awkwardly. “So...thanks...”

  “No problem,” I said just as Chaste joined us at the table, taking the seat next to me.

  “Finally!” she said, flashing us a full, ecstatic smile. However, she quickly dropped off the joyful tone. “On the other hand, this is the end of our journey here.”

  “Everyone has plans for the future?” I asked offhandedly. “Chaste and I are both going for local universities.”

  “We’re going for universities in Singapore, too,” Acacia said. “I’m looking at business degrees so I can help with my family business, and Jace is going for law courses. His dream is to become a lawyer to help less fortunate people fight for their rights.”

  With his aspiration disclosed, Jace fidgeted in his seat, looking bashful.

  “Wow,” I said, honestly awed. “Those courses are really tough to get into.”

  “What are you two applying for?” asked Acacia.

  “Chaste is going to apply for art courses. As for me,” I sighed, “I have no idea. Maybe business management? If my results are good enough, that is.”

  Acacia gave me a light, encouraging pat on the shoulder. “Don’t worry too much. You have plenty of time to consider your path.”

  “What path?” Sasuke joined in the conversation as he arrived, stopping by the end of our table.

  “We’re discussing plans for our future paths,” explained Chaste. “What about yours? Any plans to further your studies?”

  “He doesn’t have to consider that,” said Acacia. “He’s long set out on his path.”

  “There’s nothing I want to do except showbiz, but I’ll have to continue to work hard,” said Sasuke with an easy laugh. “There’s so much to get done.”

  Disheartened, I let out a silent sigh. I was the only one without a clear direction in life. I had no idea what I wanted to do as a career, while my friends had already decided on theirs.

  “When are you going back to Japan?” Acacia asked Sasuke.

  “Tomorrow,” I answered in his place—a little too miserably, apparently, because everyone’s eyes were now on me. I acted like I hadn’t noticed.

  “You’re giving the graduation ceremony a miss?” asked Chaste, disappointment in her voice. She probably wanted to see Sasuke graduate.

  Sasuke’s smile faded. “Yeah, I guess so,” he said in a low, dejected voice.

  “Anyone have plans for today?” asked Acacia suddenly.

  Everyone shook their heads. We’d all been too busy studying to have time to make plans for post-exam celebrations.

  “Why don’t we do something fun together?”

  “Why not?” agreed Sasuke enthusiastically. “Everyone in?”

  We all nodded.

  “Any suggestions?” asked Chaste. “Where should we go?”

  “I’ve been wanting to try Universal Studios Singapore,” suggested Sasuke.

  “Yeah, sure, I haven’t been there before,” I said.

  “Me too!” said Acacia excitedly.

  “Well, me too,” said Chaste with a wide grin.

  Everyone turned to Jace, waiting for him to nod.

  “Sure, let’s go,” he said, and Acacia gave his hand an approving squeeze.

  “Let’s get the rest of the class to join us,” she said, and we all nodded in agreement.