Read Don't Trust A Killer Page 16

  The last thing he felt was smug. Furious. Ready to kill. Ready to destroy. But Kace shrugged. “Bree’s FBI. She’s tainted.”

  Bree would hear those words. He hated that.

  “Tainted?” Karin repeated as she stood near the table.

  “I can’t have her around me anymore. It was fine when the rest of the world didn’t know who she really was. I do enjoy playing games with the FBI.” He smiled, carelessly. “But now that the secret is out, you need to send Bree back to Quantico. Reassign her somewhere else, because she won’t be close to me any longer. Consider her all-access pass revoked. Playtime is over.”

  “You sonofabitch.” Grayson leaned close. “You fucked her, and now you want to walk away? When she’s got a target on her back?”


  Bree felt all of the blood leave her face. Her skin went icy, and she could not look away from the scene before her.

  You fucked her, and now you want to walk away? When she’s got a target on her back?

  “That’s not true, is it?” Dominic asked, voice stilted and awkward as hell. “Grayson is just trying to push the guy. Get him to spill something we can use.”

  “There isn’t anything we can use on this case. I told you, Kace isn’t the killer.” She was still certain of him. Absolutely certain.

  Even though he was apparently…done with her. Tainted. He’d called her tainted? Her hand fisted. She’d show him tainted.

  “Did you sleep with him, Bree?”

  She didn’t answer.

  Dominic let out a sad sigh. “People aren’t always who you think, Bree.” He pushed up the sleeve on his left arm, revealing his tattoo. A rose, encircled by thorns. “Got this to remind myself of that fact when I screwed up a long time ago. Trusted the wrong woman.”

  Her gaze lingered on the tattoo. The blood red rose. Blood…

  He covered the tat. “With our job, we can’t afford to take chances. We can’t afford to cross the line. You might think you can trust someone, but you can’t. People lie. They deceive. It’s just who they are.” He hesitated. “So, I’m gonna ask you again, did you sleep with him?”

  “I slept in Kace’s house.” Her voice sounded brittle to her own ears. “After Grayson screwed me over and trashed my room.” She returned her gaze to Kace, wondering just what he’d say next.

  He’d told her he wasn’t the type to kiss and tell. But this was his moment. Would he reveal their secret?

  Grayson had a wild look in his eyes. He wasn’t going to stop. He was pushing and pushing and pushing—

  “Did you fuck Agent Harlow?” Grayson shoved that rough question at Kace.

  Kace smiled at Grayson. And it was an absolutely chilling sight. “I believe you did that, Agent Wesley.”

  Her skin didn’t feel like ice any longer. It was absolutely red hot.


  Grayson’s face purpled with fury. “You—”

  “You fucked over your own agent,” Kace continued smoothly. “When you set her up as a ‘victim’ at the bed and breakfast. You destroyed her room and forced her to turn to me for help. Then she stayed at my house, under your direction, no doubt.”

  “Oh, this is some shady bullshit.” Deidre sniffed. “I will have a field day with this if any charges are ever pressed against my—”

  “If the killer has turned his sights on Bree,” Kace didn’t let his voice alter a bit as he focused on Grayson, “it’s entirely your fault. You sent her to me. You knew what would happen.”

  “Because she looks like Brittney Lang?” Grayson pushed silkily. “The first girl to be strangled…the girl you loved when you were still just a punk kid? Same blond hair. Same—”

  “Appearances are skin deep. When I look at Bree, she is the only person I see.” They needed to be clear on that. Bree wasn’t a stand-in for anyone. Never would be. “You sent her to me because you’ve been watching me too long. Building your flawed profile. Studying me. Always hating me because you thought I’d tell your dirty little secret to the world one day. You thought I’d expose you.”

  Grayson shot to his feet. “This interview is over.”

  Actually, it wasn’t. It was just getting started. He’d planned this moment perfectly, even arranged the audience he wanted. He could feel Deidre’s avid attention.

  And Bree’s. Bree would be watching so carefully. She needed to hear this. Needed to understand all about the man she worked for.

  “You thought I’d forgotten you.” Kace laughed. “I don’t forget faces. The minute I saw you with Bree, I recognized you from the old days. Only you didn’t go by the name Grayson back then. Just your first name. Alton. You were a green uniform who tried to keep out of the spotlight during my trial, but I remembered you. And I did my checking when our paths crossed again.” He was savoring this moment. Kace cocked his head as he studied the agent who wanted to destroy him. “You think I just forgot about Brittney? You think I didn’t want to find her killer? Didn’t want to know every detail about what happened back then?”

  Grayson whirled for the door.

  “You fucked her.”

  Grayson stilled.

  Karin and Deidre were both avidly watching the scene. Sometimes, it was good to have an audience.

  So he played to his audience, and Kace enjoyed the torment he saw in Grayson’s gaze. “You were involved with Brittney Lang, too. It was the rage that gave you away. You had too much hate and fury whenever you’d come close to me.”

  “Shut up.”

  “And here I thought I was in this room so that I could talk.” Kace laughed—and kept talking. “After I was cleared of her murder—you know, found not guilty by a jury of my peers—I did my digging. Sheldon Taggert? He was one of her lovers, all right. But so were you. A lover that the Press and the DA never heard about.”

  Grayson marched toward the small table and flattened his hands on the surface as he leaned toward Kace. “You are mistaken.”

  No, he wasn’t. He could see the truth staring straight at him. “You’re back in town, and women are dying in the exact same way as poor Brittney.” Kace let out a low whistle. “One hell of a coincidence, don’t you think, Agent Wesley?”

  Grayson surged across the table at him. Kace didn’t even let the guy get in a punch. He just wasn’t in the mood for that shit. He grabbed the agent’s arm, moving quickly, and he sent the fellow flying toward the one-way mirror.

  Deidre surged to her feet. “You just attacked my client! I will be pressing charges.”

  Grayson pushed himself upright.

  Kace stalked toward the SOB. He leaned in close. Grayson’s control was back, Kace could see it right then. Too late. Kace had already used the guy’s weakness against him. That anger issue will bite you in the ass. “You just screwed up,” Kace said, grinning. “I think I might even be able to get your badge for this.”

  “You sonofa—”

  “Take your best shot,” Kace dared. “Bet we can get jail time if you try hard enough.”

  Grayson’s breath heaved in and out. Karin shoved between the two men. “We’re done here.”

  For the moment, they were.

  “Kace, let’s go. Now.” Deidre was already at the door. “I’ll be getting a restraining order, too, Agent Wesley. After that attack, you won’t be able to get near my client again.”

  “The FBI should all stay the hell away from me.” Now Kace’s gaze rose, and he peered at the one-way mirror. “Stay away.” That message was for Bree. Because, dammit, it wasn’t safe for her to be near him.

  He followed Deidre into the hallway, and as soon as he stepped onto that gleaming, tiled floor, the door to the right flew open. Bree stood there, glaring at him.

  He drank her in even as he made sure a mask covered his expression.

  Bree wasn’t wearing a mask. Her emotions were clear to see as she strode toward him. “You lied to me.”

  “Uh, who is this?” Deidre demanded in a tone that could have frozen a desert. “My client is done—”

bsp; Bree poked her index finger into Kace’s chest. “You never told me about your connection to Grayson. You knew who he was, I told you about our past, and you never mentioned a word to me.”

  No, he hadn’t. “Wasn’t part of my plan.”

  Her skin seemed to pale. “You used me.”

  “We used each other. That’s the whole reason you came in Fantasy undercover, isn’t it?” He kept his voice mocking. “Now it’s time for you to leave. Get your sweet ass out of New Orleans, Bree. This isn’t the place for you any longer.”

  A gasp came from behind him. “Are you threatening her?” Karin demanded. He hadn’t even realized she’d slipped from the interrogation room.

  “No!” Deidre snapped. “My client was absolutely not—”

  “We’re done,” Kace told Bree.

  Pain flashed on her face.

  Every muscle in his body tightened. He wanted to grab her and hold tight. Instead, he didn’t move.

  “Sheldon Taggert.” Bree dropped the name. “Did you kill him?”

  The question caught him off guard. He stared into her eyes, the past surging up toward him—

  “My client will not answer that question.” Deidre pulled him away from Bree. “And, of course, he’s not some killer. He’s a respected member of the community. A businessman who supports an assortment of non-profit agencies and charitable causes. He works to help the down trodden and—”

  Bree jumped in front of Kace again. “I’m not leaving this city.”

  Shit. Shit.

  “And I’m not going to let someone else die. I’ve got his attention. The perp wants me? Then he can come and get me.”

  No, hell, no. “You’re making a mistake.”

  She leaned toward him. “No, you are.” Her words were low, for him alone. “And you’ll regret it.”

  “Let him go, Bree.” From Grayson.

  That piece of shit didn’t need to order her to do anything.

  Kace spun to glare at the other man.

  Grayson was straightening his shirt and coat. “We have other witnesses that we need to interview. We are done with Mr. Quick for now.”

  But Mr. Quick isn’t done with you.

  “Not another word,” Deidre hissed to Kace. “We’re getting out of here, right now.”


  Bree watched Kace walk away. He’d been using her. Keeping secrets.

  “I warned you,” Grayson muttered.

  “Seriously? You just assaulted a suspect.” He didn’t get to act self-righteous about anything.

  “I never touched him.”

  “Because he was too fast for you.” She couldn’t trust Grayson. He’d been holding back too much. So had Kace. “This is about the past for you. That’s why you’re so locked on Kace. You can’t see other suspects because you want him to pay for a crime that was committed years ago.”

  “Fifteen years ago. His crime.”

  Bree could only shake her head. “You want to destroy him, and he’s determined to do the same to you.” But Kace had been keeping his intentions secret much better. “And while you two piss at each other, women are dying. Someone is killing them, and I’m done with innocent women hurting. You and Kace should just go kick the crap out of each other.” Bree spun on her heel. “I’m taking interview room two.” Remy was in there.

  “I’m in charge,” Grayson barked. “I can—”

  “Uh, no.” Karin’s voice was crisp and very clear. “You’re sitting this one out. I already sent in a text about what went down, and FBI Brass says you are to step back until we see if Kace Quick will be pressing charges. Until we hear otherwise, I’m in charge, and your ass is benched.”

  Bree glanced back at her. Karin and Dominic were huddled together. Both had their phones out.

  “Do the interviews, Bree,” Karin urged. “You’re the one who’s had more contact with Remy and Abby. Talk to them both. They’ll tell you more than they’ll share with anyone else.”

  She wasn’t so sure of that, but Bree was more than willing to try and get to the truth.


  “What in the hell was that?” Deidre’s long, red nails bit into Kace’s arm, penetrating through the shirt he wore. “When your lawyer tells you to stop talking, you stop!”

  He smiled at her. “You know I don’t follow directions for shit.”

  “This is serious! Women are dead! The last victim was found in your club—and with your DNA all over her because you grabbed the body. This isn’t some joke! We have to play this case carefully or you could wind up charged with murder!”

  “I didn’t kill Marie. Or the other women.”

  “I didn’t ask.” That was always her rule. She never asked if he’d committed any crimes. She just defended him against every accusation. “And, Jesus, you let an FBI agent into your home? Knowing she was an agent?”

  “Bree isn’t a threat to me.”

  “She is the biggest threat to you! You can’t go thinking with your dick. The woman will turn on you in an instant. Hell, that’s her only job. To sell you out.”

  “She doesn’t have anything that she can use against me.” He was two steps ahead of the Feds, had been all along.

  He’d known who Grayson really was. He never forgot a face. He’d just played along. When you played dumb, it was the cops who fucked up.

  “Stay away from her, Kace. I’m serious. Stay away from the pretty Fed.”

  “Not a problem. The FBI should be shipping her back to Quantico now.”

  Deidre turned away with a snap of her Jimmy Choo’s. “Don’t be too sure of that. They’ll probably promote the woman. After all, she did her job, didn’t she? She got close to you.”

  He didn’t follow her down the steps. “Bree has to leave.” There wasn’t an option. If the FBI didn’t send Bree away, then he’d have to see to the deed himself. The town wasn’t safe for her.

  He would not let her be taken by the bastard after him.

  Kace could still remember the fear he’d felt when he thought Bree had died.

  She has to leave. I’ll make her leave.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Look, let’s just save time on this thing, okay?” Remy tapped his hands on the old table before him. “I already told the Feds everything I know. I told you guys at the scene. I don’t have anything else to add. So, I’m ready to get the hell out of here.”

  Bree pulled out the chair across from him. Dominic had tailed her into the room, and he sat next to her.

  “Two Feds? Really? Because you both need to hear this story again?” Remy rolled his eyes. “Do I need to get a lawyer in here, too?”

  “That depends,” Dominic said quietly. “Have you done something wrong?” He opened the file he’d carried into the room and pushed the picture of Marie Argeneaux toward Remy. “Like kill this poor woman?”

  Remy stared at the picture. No expression crossed his face.

  “You did have access to Fantasy,” Dominic continued. “You had a key. You had the alarm codes.”

  Remy sighed. He glanced up, but didn’t focus on Dominic. Instead, he stared straight at Bree. “Is that the new idea? That I’m the bad guy? That I’m watching my boss, seeing the women close to him, then murdering them? Maybe framing him, too? Because—what? Why?”

  “Because you want his power,” Bree answered carefully as she studied Remy. “Because you’re his right-hand man, but maybe you’re tired of that position. Maybe you want to take over, and the easiest way to do that is to get Kace out of your way.”

  Remy leaned toward her. His gaze was cold and hard. “If I wanted Kace out of my way, wouldn’t I just kill the guy? Seems a lot simpler than strangling women and trying do some frame-up job on him.”

  It did. “Where were you last night?”

  Remy shrugged. “At my house. Sleeping.”

  “No one can vouch for you? You don’t have a lover or a friend or someone who can alibi you?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  They stared at each other.
  “My lovers don’t stay the night. I’m not exactly the relationship sort. I like quick and dirty sex.” He pushed the picture back toward Dominic. “Now are we done?”

  “No.” Bree’s voice was hard. “We’re not.”

  Remy’s lips curled a bit.

  “You know every aspect of Kace’s life. You know him.”

  “I know what Kace wants me to know. I don’t think anyone—not even you, Bree—will ever understand who he truly is.”

  Dominic shut his folder. “Was he sleeping with any of the victims?”

  Remy shook his head. “No, not as far as I know.”

  On a hunch, Bree pushed, “Were you sleeping with any of the victims?”

  His lips pressed together. “I don’t think I’m going to answer that.”

  Holy shit.

  “Actually, I think I’m done talking. My lawyer—Deidre Shaw—should still be close by. And I’m pretty sure that she will have me out of here in the next five minutes.” He offered a shark’s smile to them. His head turned toward Dominic. “Go get Deidre. I’d bet money she’s outside the building, talking to Kace. They wouldn’t leave without me. Not their style.”

  Dominic didn’t move.

  Remy started to rise.

  “Sit down,” Bree ordered flatly. She slanted a glance at Dominic. “Go get his lawyer.” She hoped he could see the message in her eyes. I want to be alone with Remy for a few minutes.

  Dominic’s chair scraped across the floor, then he hurried out. She waited until he was gone and then—

  “It was Marie. You were involved with her.”

  He stared back at her.

  “I saw you when you realized Marie wasn’t working at Fantasy any longer. You were surprised. You took out your phone, and I think you texted her. We’re going to get her phone records. If you’ve called her, if you’ve—”

  “Yes,” he gritted out. “It was Marie. And you shouldn’t have pushed. I told you no more questions. I asked for my lawyer, I—”

  “I didn’t ask you a question. I stated facts. You’re the one who just made the confession.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You’re better than I thought.”

  “I keep being underestimated. Story of my life.” Her heart was racing, but her voice was utterly flat.