Read Donalblane of Darien Page 8



  During his previous visit to the Darien region Mr. Paterson had gainedsome knowledge of the native language, and this now stood him and hiscompanions in good stead, as it caused them to be received not onlywith kindness, but with honour, by the Indians when they met them.

  It was towards the close of their second day's journey that the quickear of Donalblane, who was in the lead with the guides, caught a soundthat was different from anything he had hitherto heard.

  "Eh! but is na that music?" he cried, turning to the nearest guide, whosmiled assent, although in truth he did not understand the question."I maun gang and tell Mr. Paterson;" and he raced back with theinformation.

  Mr. Paterson was very pleased at the news, for he understood it to meanthat the report of their expedition had preceded them, and that theIndians were coming to welcome them in their own way; and so it proved,for the music grew louder as they advanced, until, on entering one ofthe long forest aisles, they beheld a group of musicians playing uponreeds, accompanied by a chorus who joined in from time to time with akind of musical humming.

  Donalblane's eyes opened wide at this. He had never expected to findan orchestra and a choral society among savages, and he expressed hissurprise to Mr. Sutherland, who smilingly replied--

  "Don't be astonished at anything in this strange New World, my lad. Itis as full of wonders as it is of perils."

  When the Scotsmen had come up to them, the musicians changed theirmarch into a curious kind of dance, which continued until they crosseda small savannah and drew near a lofty grove standing by itself, withinwhose recesses it was understood the king awaited his visitors.

  Then the dancing ceased, the music resumed, and there issued from thegrove a bevy of graceful girls, glittering with golden ornaments, andcarrying garlands of flowers which they threw over the necks of Mr.Paterson and his companions, not neglecting Donalblane, who blushed tothe roots of his sandy hair at this unlooked-for adornment.

  Guided by them, the visitors at length were ushered into the presenceof the King of Darien, and Donalblane caught his breath at the imposingsight. Seated upon a huge throne of mahogany logs, decked with Spanishcrimson cloth, and wearing a great crown of gold, the duskypotentate--albeit his robes were only of some light cotton stuff, andbig shining rings dangled from his ears and nose--looked every inch aking.

  So royal indeed was his appearance that the Scotsmen, moved by a commonimpulse, not only bowed, but knelt before him, which mark of respectevidently impressed his Majesty very favourably. Standing about himwere fine-looking men, whose stature was heightened by diadems of thegold plumage of the mocking-bird, out of which rose two long feathersfrom the scarlet macaw. They leaned upon gleaming spears, and were nodoubt ready to execute the commands of their master for life or death.

  Thanks to Mr. Paterson's acquaintance with the native language, therewas no need of an interpreter, and he proceeded to explain the purposeof his visit.

  "We are come," said he, "from the other side of the globe to greet you,O King! We are come as friends, not as enemies. We would take nothingfrom you without due payment. We offer to purchase from you sufficientland for our settlement, and we want not only your land, but yourfriendship. If you treat us kindly, if you deal with us honourably, wewill help to make you and your people greater and richer, and we willalso aid you against your enemies. We will be your allies; and if youare attacked, our guns and our swords will be at your service, for yourcause will be ours. What say you, O King?" And without waiting for aresponse, the shrewd leader of the expedition proceeded to exhibit thepresents of beads, trinkets, and scarlet cloth which he had brought.

  The dignity of the monarch was not entirely proof against this temptingdisplay. His dark eyes gleamed with eager desire, and it was by amanifest effort that he controlled the impulse to make a hasty descentfrom the throne in order to take the presents into his royal hands.

  Suddenly the ceremony, which had been proceeding so auspiciously, wasinterrupted by an extraordinary disturbance that thoroughly startledevery member of the visiting party save Mr. Paterson.

  During the progress of the solemn function there had gathered in thetrees overhead a curious congregation, to wit, a large troop ofmonkeys, whose curiosity had evidently been excited by what was goingon below. They came in thousands, leaping from bough to bough, andfrom tree to tree, until they assembled right above the king and hisvisitors.

  Here they remained tolerably quiet for awhile, until, just as hisMajesty was about to reply to Mr. Paterson, the impudent intrudersbroke into a deafening chorus of chattering and screaming which madeevery other sound inaudible. Not only so, but, in utter fearlessnessof human presence, they began a series of wild antics, which culminatedin their forming living chains, one holding on to the other's tail, andthen they let themselves down from the lofty trees until they wereactually within reach of the people below.

  One of these animated chains swung to and fro so near to Donalblanethat he thought the grinning, grasping creatures meant to attack him,and he drew his cutlass to strike at them, when happily Mr. Patersondivined his intention, and with a quick movement caught his arm.

  "Let them alone, my lad," he said almost sternly. "They will do you noharm. They are sacred here. Be careful."

  It was well he had been so quick, for already some of the stalwartattendants of the king had observed Donalblane, and were lifting theirlong spears menacingly.

  Donalblane's weapon went back into its sheath; and, bracing himself up,he said under his breath--

  "Ye grinning loons, ye'll not scairt me, but gin ye do lay hands on me,I'll gi'e ye a clout that'll teach ye manners."

  The uneasiness of the Scotsmen at the monkeys' antics must have beenamusing enough to the natives, who not only tolerated the saucycreatures, but looked upon them as sacred, and therefore regarded theirappearance on the scene as a favourable omen; in fact, nothing morefortunate for the success of the embassy could have occurred. Thepawarress, or priests, were particularly pleased. So, too, was theking; and when at last the monkeys, doubling up their chains again,returned to the tree-tops and scampered off in high glee, both he andthe priests were ready to enter into negotiations.

  A treaty was accordingly drawn up and ratified, whereby full freedomwas given to the Scots to settle in the land and enjoy it, and betweenthem and the natives there was declared to be peace "as long as riversran, and gold was found in Darien." Then followed a banquet preparedand served in true native style. The roast flesh of the peccary,broiled fish from the mountain streams, and luscious fruit from thetrees all around composed the bill of fare; and the hungry visitorsneeded no urging until there was produced the dish of honour, being ahuge lizard, called the iguana, carefully baked and served up withtomato sauce.

  One look at it was quite sufficient to make the Scotsmen suddenly losetheir appetites. With one consent they began to invent excuses forletting the tempting dish go by them. All except Mr. Paterson. He hadtasted iguana before and knew it was not at all unsavoury. Moreover,good manners required that this item should not be treated withdisgust. So he bravely helped himself to a goodly slice, and when itcame round to Donalblane, he, by way of atoning for his mistake inregard to the monkeys, did likewise.

  It was a hard job getting down the first morsel, but the flesh provingwhite, firm, and of fine quality, with a flavour somewhat resemblingchicken, he actually managed to polish off his portion, being rewardedtherefor by a look of warm approval from Mr. Paterson.

  The following morning the embassy set forth on their return to thecoast, attended by all the honours and marks of goodwill that hadmarked their arrival; but before they reached their destinationDonalblane had an adventure that came within an ace of costing him hislife.

  The purpose of their mission having been so satisfactorilyaccomplished, Mr. Paterson readily assented to the request of hiscompanions, that they should linger on the way back in order to enjoysome hunting.
  This delighted Donalblane, who was impatient to try what he could do asa sportsman, and, in company with Mr. Sutherland and a native guide, heset out joyously. There was no lack of game to be feared. From theharmless iguana or more attractive _corrosou_ (wild turkey) up to thefierce wild boar or terrible panther or jaguar, the forest simplyswarmed with fair subjects for his bullets. It was only a question ofpicking and choosing. Following their guide he and Mr. Sutherland hadbeen tramping for several hours, and securing a creditable "bag," when,feeling weary, they threw themselves down to rest under a big tree, andquite naturally fell sound asleep. An hour slipped by, and Donalblane,from a troubled dream, awoke to find glaring down upon him from anupper branch the most appalling eyes he had ever beheld. Their balefulgleam seemed to freeze his blood. He was for the moment paralysed. Hecould not turn aside to glance at his companions, who lay like logs afew feet away, and his tongue refused to act. He could just discernthrough the deep shade a great dark body crouched behind the eyes, andhis instinct told him that the most dreaded denizen of the forest--theblack panther--was preparing to spring upon him!