Read Dorothy Dale: A Girl of To-Day Page 14



  It took but a short time for Mr. MacAllister to explain everythingsatisfactorily to Miss Ellis and her pupils. He was a gentleman anydaughter might well be proud of, and, indeed, Alice showed a pardonablepride as he stood there smiling and assuring the teacher that, aspresident of the Selectmen of Dalton, he would promise a holiday to theclass that would make up in every way for the disappointment of themorning.

  When the visitor had departed, Miss Ellis announced she would carry outthe intended program as far as a half session was concerned, but, as itwas too late to go on the picnic then the pupils might go home andenjoy themselves as they wished.

  Tavia and Alice were now regarded as heroines. To think they had reallybeen in the court, and that they had been witnesses to--"a fight," asTavia declared Squire Sanders' attack on Ralph was "nothing more norless than a common roll around fight."

  Finally the picnic lunches were disposed of, and Tavia took Dorothy'sarm as they walked homeward--she had much to tell Dorothy and knew thatno girl would interrupt such apparent confidence as "arm in arm"indicated.

  "And what do you think Mr. MacAllister said?" began Tavia. "That oldSquire Sanders let that horrible man get out of Dalton--the man whofrightened us so!"

  "Did he?" replied Dorothy, absently.

  "And you knew, of course, about poor Miles Burlock--he died when youwere sick, so I did not tell you anything about it."

  "Yes, father told me."

  "What are you thinking of, Doro? You are not listening to me at all."

  "I have so much to think of," answered Dorothy, smiling. "I can hardlykeep my thoughts in line."

  "But you should have seen Alice--Oh, she just pulled the old squire bythe collar. She didn't wait for a man to come. And look at my dress!Isn't it a sight? I might have known there would be an earthquake or afight when I attempted to wear anything like this."

  "It is too bad, but that is a straight tear. You can easily mend it."

  "But Ralph's eye; that will not darn so neatly. I hope that hateful oldsquire never shows his ugly 'phiz-mahogony' in Dalton again."

  "Do you think Ralph is much hurt?" Dorothy inquired anxiously. "Wasn'tit disgraceful?"

  "Perfectly rambunctious!" declared Tavia, "although it might have beenjolly good fun if Ralph had another fellow in his place--one not quiteso careful of the squire's feelings and features. But you should haveseen the squire with the handcuffs on! Oh! it was better than the playI saw in Rochester," and Tavia relieved her pent-up jollity by tossinginto the air the borrowed lunch box and making "passes" at it, withqueer pranks in imitation of the jugglers she had seen at Rochester.

  "Tavia," asked Dorothy, very seriously, "do you think you could keep asecret?"

  "Keep a secret? Dorothy darling, Dare-me!"

  "Now, no joking, Tavia," insisted Dorothy, "this is a matter ofimportance."

  "Oh, I just love importance. That was what mostly happened to me andAlice to-day in the squire's office--importance!"

  "Well, if you really can't be serious--

  "Oh, but, Doro dear, just try me. I shall weep if you say so,only--pardon, mamselle, but do not, if you please, make that weep toolong, a few sniffs only, for I have not with me in this fleshlingcostume ze 'kerchief," and she made a most ridiculous little French"squat," further evidence of the Rochester play.

  "I am afraid Tavia, that trip to your Aunt Mary's has affected yourhead; they say nothing can do so more effectively than certain kinds ofplays."

  "Well, the one I saw was the certain kind. Why, last night mothernearly had nervous prostration because I was practicing up in my room.I was trying to do a fall--and I did it all right."

  "How foolish you are, Tavia," said Dorothy slightly frowning, "I wouldnot think of such nonsense if I were you."

  "Yes, it was awfully foolish, for it knocked the ceiling down in thekitchen, just dusting Johnnie's pompadour. The escape, however, mademother happy, so that the ceiling did not count."

  Dorothy "gave in." She had to laugh and did laugh so heartily she wasobliged to sit down on the grass to enjoy the "tragedy" as Taviadescribed the stage fall and the "ceiling drop."

  "But the secret?" demanded Tavia, making sure her skirt would not bestained, before taking her place on the grass beside Dorothy.

  "Yes, I do want to tell you," answered Dorothy, "Now listen. You knowSquire Sanders was particularly anxious that you should stand all theblame for Sarah's accident."

  "Particularly anxious? He was dead set on it. Polite language doesn'tfit the case."

  "Tavia, you really are too slangy. It may be all right just for fun, intalking to girls, but some day you will be sorry. It will become ahabit."

  "Like Jake Schmid taking the pledge. I saw him yesterday very closeto--a saloon!"

  "Poor Jake!" said Dorothy with a sigh. "But he does seem to try--"

  "To take the pledge? Indeed he does and I admire his perseverance.That's just the way I try to avoid slang."

  "I am afraid, Tavia, we will not accomplish much in the way ofconfidences, if you persist in being--ridiculous," and Dorothy made asif to continue on her way home.

  "Sit right down there, Dorothy Dale," insisted Tavia, pulling herfriend's skirt, and bringing Dorothy down beside her rather suddenly."I will have to play the villain and demand that 'secret'!"

  "Well, it is simply this: I think I see the motive Squire Sanders hadin trying to disgrace you."

  "Let me see it quick!" snapped Tavia.

  "Didn't your father run against him last year for the office of TownSquire?"

  "Certainly," said Tavia, briefly.

  "And the only reason he did not get the office was because the squirewas so old the men thought it best not to disturb him just then."

  "Right, again," answered Tavia.

  "Election time is now almost here. Your father would be up for theoffice again. Don't you see by bringing trouble to you and your folksyour father would become unpopular?"

  "And get left!"

  "Yes; be defeated."

  "But he will not!" and Tavia's brown eyes danced significantly. "Thesquire is down and out. And worse yet he has to run for his money. Nowmy own dear dad will have a chance. Oh, Doro, I love politics betterthan eating. I hope some day soon, while Tavia Travers is still incirculation, the women will vote in Dalton same as they do inRochester--they don't just exactly vote in Rochester, but a lot of themtalk about it."

  "Now you must not mention my suspicions," cautioned Dorothy, "for Imust speak to father first. It does not seem fair that the Fords shouldbe blamed for making statements about you that, perhaps, the squire putinto their heads."

  "Dorothy Dale, you would make a first class lawyer, and when you want ajob at it I will engage you to defend my case. But I do not see how Iam to keep all that momsey. It would be so good to have father back ata desk again. They say he really was a first class justice out inMillville. And he just hates his work now--so little wages; mom cannotseem to make them go around--me and Johnnie; Johnnie mostly gets theknot at the end."

  "It certainly would be splendid to have him get the position. And I amsure father will do all he can for him: but I would not mention it toyour mother, just yet."

  "All right Doro, I have given you my promise, but you have made me sohappy!" and Tavia hugged Dorothy so enthusiastically that the latterwas obliged to beg off.

  "And I tell you what," went on Tavia, "when Pop gets Squire Sander'splace I--this--me--you know" and she made another wonderful, sweepingall-around bow, "I will be 'city clerk.' I will keep the books andDorothy Hill-and-Dale, if ever your name gets on the books it shall bepromptly eliminated, elucidated, expurgated--there now! Don't you thinkI should be in the grad. class? I was looking up words with 'ate'in--my favorite pastime,--and I came across that bunch."

  "I do really think, Tavia, that you would do better at school if youonly tried. We cannot always have studies that we are especiallyinterested in. It is like the scales in piano practice, they give us
the mechanical work for pretty dances and other brilliant pieces."

  "Well, we have no piano, so I do not have to worry about that. Isuppose you will play at the closing exercises?"

  "Miss Ellis has asked me to. But Tavia, we really must be going. I havepromised to go over to Sarah's this afternoon."

  "May I go with you? I just would like to feel that we had talked it alloff, you know. I do not want to think Sarah has any hard feelings."

  "Certainly; come, I am sure Sarah will be glad to see you, and hermother is very pleasant. Be careful not to tell too much about to-day'saffairs, It might worry Sarah."

  "If I forget myself you just squint, and I'll be as mum as a mummy."

  So Dorothy and Tavia started off homeward, arm in arm.