Read Dorothy Dale at Glenwood School Page 12



  At the change of cars the Dalton girls were met by Viola and Mrs.Green. Viola and her mother soon arranged seats for four in the chaircar, and Dorothy, with Tavia, joined them in such comfortable quartersas are provided for long distance passengers. Then the little partysettled down for a long ride--and all the enjoyment that might bediscovered therein. Viola appeared delighted to meet the Daltongirls--she inquired particularly about Dorothy's cousin Nat, but thissociety "stunt," as Tavia termed it, was due more to the city habit ofremembering friends' friends, than a weakness on Viola's part for goodlooking boys.

  But it was Viola's mother who interested both Dorothy and Tavia. Shewas a small woman, evidently of foreign extraction (Spanish, Dorothythought) and with such a look of adoration for Viola that, to Dorothyand Tavia, observing the wonderful mother-love, it seemed likesomething inhuman, divine perhaps, or was it a physical weakness?

  They noticed that Mrs. Green used her smelling salts freely, she oftenpressed her hand to her head, and seemed much like a person toodelicate to travel.

  "Are you all right, momsey?" Viola would ask continually. "I do wishyou had not risked coming."

  "But I could not allow you to travel all alone," the mother wouldanswer with a delightful foreign accent. "And you know, my daughter,that father was too busy."

  "But, momsey, do not sit up if you are tired," cautioned Viola. "Justlie back and try to be comfortable."

  "I am enjoying every word you speak," declared the little woman,inhaling her salts. "You and your charming friends."

  Dorothy had never seen so wonderful a mother--to actually hang on herdaughter's frivolous nonsense. And the attention was a positive tonicto Tavia's chatter. She said such amusing things and saw suchridiculous comparisons--the kind little children surprise their elderswith.

  To Dorothy, who had never known a mother's affection (she was such atot when her own dear mother left her), this devotion appeared to benothing short of marvelous. Tavia thought it unusual--Viola seemedworried when it became too extreme. Then she would urge her mother torest and not excite herself over foolish schoolgirl talk. Even such anadmonition from a mere daughter did not appear to bother the strangelittle woman, with the almost glaring black eyes. Tavia observed thispeculiarity, then made a mental observation that whatever ailed Violamight have to do with a similar affliction on the mother'spart--perhaps a family weakness!

  As they journeyed on Dorothy found it very pleasant to talk with Mrs.Green and so left Viola and Tavia pretty much to themselves.

  Numbers of Glenwood girls were picked up at various stations, and, aseach was espied, the chair car party hailed them, Viola beingacquainted with the last year's girls. Before the last station--sometwenty miles from the destination of the students--had been struck offthe time-table, there were actually twelve "Glenwoods," aboard. Thosefrom Dalton felt just a bit "green" Tavia admitted, never before havingmingled with a boarding school "tribe," but on the whole the scholarswere very sociable and agreeable, and made all sorts of promises forfuture good times.

  "You see," explained Rose-Mary Markin, a very dear girl from somewherein Connecticut, "we count all this side of Boston in the Knickerbockerset, 'Knicks,' we call them. The others are the Pilgrims; and isn't itdreadful to nickname them the 'Pills?'"

  Tavia thought that "the best ever," and declared she would join theKnicks (spelled "Nicks" in the school paper) no matter what theinitiation would cost her.

  "Viola is secretary of the Nicks," volunteered Amy Brook, a girl whowore her hair parted exactly in the middle and looked classical. "Wehave lots of sport; plays and meetings. You will join, surely,Dorothy, won't you?"

  "But I will not be secretary this year," interrupted Viola, withoutallowing Dorothy to answer Amy. "It's too much trouble."

  "But you can't resign until the first regular meeting in November,"said Amy, surprised that Viola should wish to give up the office.

  "I intend to resign the very first thing," asserted Viola. "The Nickscan get along with a pro-tem until the regular meeting."

  Mrs. Green now fixed her strange gaze upon her daughter, and Dorothy,who was plainly more interested in the delicate little woman than inthe schoolgirls' chatter, noticed a shadow come into the pale face.Evidently Mrs. Green could stand no arguments, no confusion, and, whenthe girls continued to discuss the pros and cons of a secretarypro-tem, Dorothy suggested that they change the subject as it might bedistressing to Mrs. Green. Quick as a flash Viola was all attention toher mother, inquiring about her head, offering to bring fresh icewater, and showing unusual anxiety, so it seemed to Dorothy's keenobservation, when the lady was not really ill.

  Then, at the first opportunity Viola called the girls down to the endcompartment, and told them that her mother had only just recovered froma serious illness.

  "She had a dreadful attack this time," said Viola, "and she shouldnever have come on this journey."

  "Then why did she?" asked Tavia, in her blunt way.

  "Well, she seemed so set upon it," declared Viola, "that the doctorsthought it more dangerous to cross her about it than to allow her tocome. Our doctor is on the train, but mother does not know it. I dowish she could get strong!"

  The tears that came to the girl's eyes seemed very pitiable--every oneof the party felt like crying with Viola.

  Dorothy attempted to put her arms about the sad girl, but Viola was onher feet instantly.

  "We must go back," she said.

  "Then we can arrange to sit in another place," suggested Dorothy."Perhaps if she were quiet she might fall off asleep."

  Viola left the compartment first. There were people in the aisle--infront of her mother. What had happened?

  "Oh!" screamed the girl. "Mother! Let me go to her!" and she hurriedthrough the car, pushing aside the trainmen who had been summoned."Mother! Mother!" called the frightened Viola, for her mother was sopale and so still!

  "Oh, she is dead!" whispered Tavia, who had succeeded in reaching thechair.

  "Open the windows!" commanded Viola. "Call Dr. Reed, quick! He is inthe next car!"

  It seemed an eternity--but in reality was only a few minutes--beforethe doctor reached the spot. Dorothy could see that Mrs. Green had notfainted--her eyes were moving. But poor Viola! How could they everhave thought ill of her when this was her sorrow: this her sad burden!

  Dorothy Dale resolved in her heart, at that moment, that never a carenor a sorrow should come to Viola Green if she could protect her fromit. She would be her champion at school, she would try to share thissecret sorrow with her; she would do anything in her power to make lifebrighter for a girl who had this awful grief to bear.

  "It's her mind," Dorothy had heard someone whisper. Then the doctorhad the porters carry the sick woman to a private compartment, and withher Viola remained, until the train reached Hanover. There Dr. Reedleft the train and with him went Mrs. Green in care of an attendant.When they were gone Viola returned to her companions weeping and almostsick herself.

  "The doctor would not let me go back home," she sighed, "and as soon asmother was conscious she insisted on me going on to school. Dr. Reedcan always manage her so well, and if I were with him perhaps motherwould fret more. But I did think she would get over those awfulspells--" and the girl burst into fresh tears.

  "Viola, dear," said Dorothy soothingly. "Try to be brave. Perhaps thetrip may benefit her in the end."

  "Oh, don't try to be kind to me," wailed the unhappy girl. "I can'tstand it! I hate everybody and everything in this world only mydarling little sweet mother! And I cannot have her! She can never gowith me to her own country now, and we had planned it all! Oh, motherdarling! Why did you inherit that awful sickness! Why can't we cureyou!" and so the sad daughter wailed and wept, while her companionslooked on helplessly.

  "But you will let me be you friend," pleaded Dorothy. "Try to think itwill all come right some day--every sorrow must unfold some blessin

  "My friend!" and Viola looked with that same sharp glance that hermother had shown--that queer glare at Dorothy. "Dorothy Dale, you donot know what you are talking about!"

  And every girl present had reason to remember this strange remark whendays at Glenwood school proved their meaning.