Read Dorothy Dale at Glenwood School Page 9



  "Isn't it too delicious," exclaimed Tavia, excitedly.

  "Delightful," answered Dorothy. "I hope hereafter you will never doubtthe goodness of your fairy godmother."

  "Or that of my fairy godsister," added Tavia.

  "And Aunt Winnie is to do all your shopping. Your mother asked her toget everything you will need. The money you received from the railroadcompany for the loss of your hair in the accident has been put aside byyour father for your education. So you cannot longer boast of thatromantic poverty you have been holding over my poor, innocent head,"and Dorothy gave her friend a "knowing squeeze," that kind of embracethat only girl friends understand fully.

  "I can scarcely realize it," pondered Tavia, "not to have you leave mehere all alone! Why, Doro, I could not sleep nights, worrying aboutwhat would become of me in this hamlet without you."

  "And I was equally tortured with worries about what would become of me,when I could not tell you all my troubles. Especially when I thoughtof having to--"

  "Fight the Green Violet alone! I don't blame you. But I am just dyingto know what use she will make of the muskmelon story. I met Aliceyesterday and she felt dreadfully about the way Viola acted. She iscoming over to apologize to you as soon as she can do so withoutcarting the vegetable along. Pity they did not name her cucumberinstead of violet--the green would match her better. I am going tocall her 'Cuke' hereafter! Short for cucumber, you know."

  "Oh, that would be unkind," objected Dorothy.

  "Unkind nothing," replied the impulsive one. "I wish I could think ofa good rhyme for her new name. I would pass it around--"

  "Now, Tavia, you must not keep me worrying about the mischievous thingsyou intend to do at Glenwood. Remember that is one of thestipulations--you are to be very, very good."

  "I feel a sore spot under my shoulder blade now," declared Tavia,putting her hand back. "Wings as sure as you live, just feel!"

  "But do you realize it, we have only this week? We must be in Glenwoodnext Monday."

  "All the better. I cannot wait. Won't it be too gloriotious?" andTavia again indulged in "steps," her favorite outlet for pent-upsentiment.

  "The boys are coming over to-morrow afternoon," announced Dorothy, "Ihad a note from Ned this morning."

  "Goody," exclaimed Tavia, coming to a full stop with a twirl that stoodfor the pedal period. "Another ride?"

  "No, I'm afraid not. Ned said he and Nat were going to spend theafternoon with us."

  "Well, it will be fun anyway. It always is when the boys get jollying.I am afraid I do love boys--next to you, Doro, I think a real nice boyis the very nicest human possible."

  "Next to me? On the other side you mean?"

  "No, on the second side, the boy is on the outside of the argument.You are always first, Doro."

  Meanwhile the news, that Dorothy and Tavia were to leave Dalton for aschool in New England, had spread among their former school companions.Alice MacAllister, Sarah Ford, May Egner and a number of others hadheld a little consultation over the matter and decided that some sortof testimonial should be arranged to give their friends a partingacknowledgment of the regard and esteem in which Dalton school girlsheld Tavia Travers and Dorothy Dale. Of course Tavia was never aspopular as Dorothy had always been--she was too antagonistic, andinsisted upon having too much fun at the expense of others. But, nowthat she was leaving them, the girls admitted she had been a "jollygood fellow," and they would surely miss her mischief if nothing more.

  May Egner wanted the committee of arrangements to make the affair a"Linen Shower" such as brides are given.

  "Because," argued the practical May, "it will be so nice to have alovely lot of handkerchiefs and collars. No one can have too many."

  "Well, we can include the shower if you like," said Alice, who waschairman, "but I vote for a lawn party, with boys invited."

  "A lawn party with boys!" chorused the majority, in enthusiasticapproval.

  "I think it would be a charity to let the Dalton boys come tosomething," declared Sarah Ford. "If we leave them out all the time,by and by, when we want someone to take us home on a dark night--"

  "When you stay chinning too long with Roberta," interrupted a girl whoknew Sarah's weakness for "dragging along the way."

  "Well, you may be out in the dark some time yourself, Nettie, and it isvery nice to have--"

  "A very nice boy--"

  "Order! Order!" called the chairman. "We have voted to invite themand--"

  "It's up to them," persisted Nettie Niles, who, next to Tavia Travers,had the reputation and privilege of using more slang than any otherwell-bred girl in Dalton.

  "It is to be a lawn party then," declared the chairman, with befittingdignity. "And we have only one day to arrange the whole thing."

  "I'll collect the boys," volunteered the irrepressible Nettie.

  "Then you are appointed a committee of one to invite all the nice boysin the first class," said Alice, much to the surprise of the joker.

  "And not any other?" pouted Nettie. "If I should run across a realnice little fellow, with light curly hair, and pale pink cheeks,and--and--"

  "New tennis suit," suggested someone, who had seen Nettie walking homewith a boy of the tennis-suit description.

  "Oh, yes," agreed the chairman, "I forgot to include Charlie. He isnot now at Dalton school, but of course, Nettie, you may inviteCharlie."

  "Thanks," said Nettie, determined not to be abashed by the teasing.

  "We will have cake and lemonade," proposed May Egner.

  "I'm glad I only have to bring boys," said Nettie aside, "I couldn'tbake a cake to save me."

  "And I'll bring a whole pan of fresh taffy," volunteered Sarah.

  "Put me down for two dozen lemons," offered May Egner, who seemed tothink the entire success of a lawn party depended upon the refreshinglemonade.

  "Where shall we have it?" asked Alice.

  The girls glanced around at the splendid lawn upon which the littlemeeting was being held. It was the MacAllister place, and had thereputation of being well-kept besides affording a recreation ground forthe family--the secret of the combination lay in the extent of thegrounds: they might be walked upon, but were never trampled upon. Mr.MacAllister made it a rule that games should be kept to theirrestricted provinces, as the tennis court and croquet grounds: othergames should never be indulged in on the range close to the house ornear the paths. "Plenty of room to play tag in the orchard," he wouldtell the children, and this plan kept the place in an enviablecondition.

  "The schoolyard is awfully dry and dusty," remarked Nettie in answer tothe question of a site for the party.

  "You are welcome to come here," said Alice, modestly.

  "Oh, that would be splendid!" declared May, whereat all the othersvoiced similar sentiments.

  It was promptly decided that the invitation to hold the affair on theMacAllister grounds should be accepted with thanks, and as thereremained not many hours of the day to attend to arrangements, as thenext afternoon would bring them to the test, the girls hastilyscattered to begin their respective duties in the matter.

  Viola Green was present at the meeting. Alice had told her of itspurpose, and as only a few days remained of the time allotted Viola toremain at Dalton, Alice was not sorry when her visitor pleaded anotherengagement.

  That engagement consisted of a promise to walk through the Green withTom Burbank--he, too, was a stranger in Dalton, spending a week of hisholiday with the Bennet family.

  Viola could boast of a well-filled trunk of stylish clothes, and in noother place, of the many she had visited during her vacation, had thiswardrobe shown to such advantage as in Dalton. Even the attractivelinens that Alice was invariably gowned in (except on Sundays, when shewore a simple summer silk), seemed of "back date" compared with theshowy dresses Viola exhibited. They were stylish in that acceptance ofthe term that made them popular, but were not distinctive, a
nd wouldprobably be entirely out of date by the following summer.

  On this particular afternoon Viola wore a deep blue crepe with shadedribbons, a dress, according to the feminine ethics of Dalton, "fit fora party."

  Tom Burbank sported white flannels, a very good summer suit indeed, buta little out of the ordinary in Dalton. It was not to be wondered at,then, that the appearance of these two strangers attracted someattention on the Green. Neither could it be doubted that suchattention was flattering to Viola, a stylishly dressed girl oftenenjoys being credited with her efforts.

  "Wasn't that the greatest," Tom was drawling to Viola, "about thosefolks riding in the police wagon."

  "Disgraceful, I should say," replied Viola, emphatically.

  "And the fellow in the--farmer's duds. Wasn't he a sight?" and theyoung man chuckled at the thought of Nat in the overalls and jumper.

  "And those two girls are going to Glenwood--the boarding school Iattend!" and Viola's lip curled in hauteur.

  "The dickens they are! I--beg your pardon, but I was so surprised,"said Tom.

  "I don't blame you. I was equally surprised myself. In fact, I guesseveryone was--they made up their minds so suddenly. I suppose--" ThenViola stopped.

  "Well, what do you suppose?"

  "Perhaps I shouldn't say it--"

  "Why not? Can't you trust me?"

  "Oh, it wasn't that. But it might seem unkind."

  "Nonsense," and the young man gave Viola a reassuring look. "A thingsaid in good faith is never unkind."

  "I'm so glad you feel that way. Alice is so different, and I have beenjust dying to talk to somebody--somebody who would look at things as Ido. Sometimes I am almost homesick."

  "I suppose you are," said the youth, falling a victim to the girl'scoquetry as readily as water runs down hill. "A fellow is never thatway--homesick, I mean; but for a girl--"

  "Oh, yes," sighed Viola, "this visiting is not all it is supposed tobe. Alice is a lovely girl, of course, but--"

  "A trifle high flown," said Tom, trying to help the faltering girl withher criticism.

  "And so strangely fascinated with that Dorothy." Viola toyed evasivelywith the stick of her parasol. "Of course she is a pretty girl--"

  "Too yellow--I mean too blondy," said Tom, feeling obliged to saysomething against Dorothy.

  "Do you know her cousin, Nat White?"

  "Not very well, I only met him the other night. But he seems like adecent fellow."

  "I cannot imagine any boy allowing two girls to get in such apredicament," said Viola, "feeling her way" to further criticism.

  "It was rough, but then you see he was not with them, he had gone tothe blacksmith shop to get something fixed, I believe."

  "Oh, they were alone!" and Viola had gained one point. "Was it reallymelons, do you suppose?"

  "So he said, but he seemed to take the whole thing as a joke. Ginger!It was funny to go out in a red flyer and come back in a Black Maria,"and Tom laughed at his own attempt at a pun.

  "Then, when the cousin came back the girls were in the police patrol?That accounts for it. I could not possibly see how any young fellowcould allow girls to get into such a scrape," persisted Viola.

  "Yes," said Tom vaguely, not being at all particular as to what was thenature of the remark he had given acquiescence to.

  "But to be arrested!" went on Viola.

  "Were they arrested?" asked Tom in surprise.

  "Why, of course," declared Viola. "Didn't Mr. White say so?"

  "Oh, I suppose he did. That is--I really had not looked at it thatway. I thought it was some kind of joke."

  But Tom had said, "Yes," Nat told him they had been arrested! And TomBurbank never intended to say anything of the kind! Viola Green withher pretty clothes and pretty looks had "put the words into his mouthand had taken them out again!"

  "We must be going!" said Viola, leaving her seat beside the little fishpond in the park. "I suppose I shall see you at the lawn party?"

  "If I am invited?"

  "Then I invite you now. You need not say you got my invitation beforethe others were out--but be sure to come!"