Read Dorothy Dale in the City Page 14


  "I guess I'll wear my skating cap, the wind blows so on top of those'buses," remarked Tavia, as she and Dorothy prepared to go downtown tosee the shops. It was their second day in New York.

  "And I'll wear my fur cap," Dorothy announced, "as that sticks on sowell. It is windy to-day."

  "Wasn't it too funny about the little boys? I do believe if that janitorhad caught them he would have punished them somehow. The idea of theirkite dropping around the neck of the old gentleman on the next floor! Ishould have given anything to see the fun," and Tavia laughed at thethought.

  "The poor old gentleman," Dorothy reflected. "To think he was not safetaking the air on his own balcony. I was afraid that Ned would be blamed.Then our apartment would be marked as something dangerous. But AuntWinnie fixed it all right. Janitors love small change."

  "Most people do," Tavia agreed. "I hope we find things cheap in New York.I do want so many odds and ends."

  "It will be quite an experience for us to go all alone," Dorothy said."We will have to be careful not to--break any laws."

  "Or any bric-a-brac," added Tavia. "Some of those men we saw coming uplooked to me like statues. I wonder anyone could enjoy life and be sostiff and statuesque."

  "We will see some strange things, I am sure," Dorothy said. "I'm ready.Wait. I guess I'll take my handbag. We may want to carry some littlethings home."

  "And I'll take your silk bag if you don't mind," Tavia spoke. "I did notbring any along."

  So, after accepting all sorts of warnings from Ned and Mrs. White, eachdeclaring that young girls had to be very well behaved, and very carefulin such a large city, the two companions started off for their firstday's shopping.

  Climbing up the little winding steps to the top of the Fifth Avenue 'busTavia dropped her muff. Of course a young fellow, with a fuzzy-wuzzy sortof a hat, caught it--on the hat. Tavia was plainly embarrassed, andDorothy blushed. But it must be said that the young man with the velvethat only looked at Tavia once and that was when he handed her muff up toher.

  On top of the 'bus, away from the crowd (for they were alone up there),Dorothy and Tavia gave in to the laughter that was stifling them. Theyknew something would happen and it had, promptly.

  "Perhaps that is why they wear such broad-brimmed hats," Dorothyremarked, "to catch things."

  Soon an elderly woman puffed up the steps. She was so done up in furs shecould not get her breath outside of them. Tavia and Dorothy took a doubleseat nearer the front, to allow the lady room near the steps.

  "Oh, my! Thank you," gasped the lady who had a little dog in her muff."It does do one up so to climb steps!"

  The country girls conversed in glances. They had read about dogs onstrings, but had never heard of dogs in muffs.

  "Lucky that muff did not drop," Dorothy said, in a whisper. "I fancy thelittle dog would not like it."

  "I wish it had," Tavia confessed. "The idea of a woman, who fairly has tocrawl, carrying a dog with her."

  Once settled, the woman and the dog no longer interested our youngfriends. There were the boys on the street corners with their trays ofviolets; there were the wonderful mansions with so many sets of curtainsthat one might wonder how daylight ever penetrated; there were thetaxicabs floating along like a new species of big bird; then the privateauto conveyances--with orchids in hanging glasses! No wonder that Dorothyand Tavia scarcely spoke a word as they rode along.

  There is only one New York. And perhaps the most interesting part of itis that which shows how real people live there.

  "I wonder who's cooking there now," misquoted Tavia, as she got a peekinto an open door that seemed to lead to nowhere in particular.

  "Can you imagine people living in such closed-in quarters?" Dorothyremarked, "I should think they would become--canned."

  "They don't live there,--they only sleep there," Tavia disclosed, with ashow of pride. "I do not believe a single person along here ever eats ameal in his or her house. They all go out to hotels."

  "But they can't take the babies," said Dorothy. "I often wonder whatbecomes of the babies after dark, when the parks are not so attractive."

  "Do you really suppose that people do live in those vaults?" musinglyasked Tavia. "I should think they would smother."

  "We can't see the back yards," Dorothy suggested.

  "Perhaps New York is like ancient Rome--all walls and back yards."

  "But the fountains," exclaimed Tavia, "where are they?"

  "There are sunken gardens behind those walls, I imagine," explainedDorothy, "and they must be there."

  For some moments neither spoke further. The 'bus rattled along and asthey neared Thirty-fourth Street stops were made more frequently.

  "We will get off at the next corner," Dorothy told Tavia, "I know of onebig store up here."

  They climbed down the narrow, winding stairs and with a bound were in themidst of the Fifth Avenue shopping crowd.

  Dorothy shivered under her furs. "Where," she asked, "do all the flowerscome from? No one in the country ever sees flowers in the winter, andhere they are blooming like spring time."

  "Do you feel peculiar?" demanded Tavia, stopping suddenly.

  "Why, no," answered Dorothy innocently; "do you?"

  "I feel just as if I needed a--nosegay," said Tavia, laughing slily."We're not at all as dashing as we might be!"

  They purchased from a thinly-clad little boy two bunches of violets,sweetly scented, daintily tasseled--but made of silk!

  "The silkiness accounts for the always fresh and blooming violets,"Dorothy said ruefully. "Now, we look just like real New Yorkers."

  "Now where is that store?" said Dorothy, looking about with a puzzledair. "I'm sure it was right over there."

  "Isn't that a store," said Tavia, "where all those autos and carriagesare?"

  "Where?" asked Dorothy, still bewildered.

  "Where the brown-liveried man is helping ladies out of carriages andthings," Tavia answered.

  "Oh," said Dorothy meekly, "I thought that was a hotel!"

  If there was anything in the world more subduedly rich, or more quietlylavish, than the shop that Dorothy and Tavia entered, the girls from thecountry could not imagine it. The richest and most costly of all thingsfor which the feminine heart yearns, were displayed here. For the firstfew moments the girls did not talk. They were silent with the wonder ofthe costliness on every side. Then Tavia said timidly: "Nothing has aprice mark on!"

  "Hush!" whispered Dorothy, "they don't have vulgar prices here. They onlysell to persons who never ask prices."

  "Oh!" said Tavia, with quick understanding, "however, dare me to ask thatwonderful creature with the coiffure, the price of those finger bowls,"murmured Tavia, a yearning entering her soul to possess a pricelessarticle.

  "What do you want with finger bowls?" asked Dorothy, mystified.

  "How do I know? I may yet need a finger bowl," enigmatically respondedTavia, "maybe to plant a little fern in." She handled the finger bowltenderly. Dorothy, too, picked up a tiny brass horse, hammered inexquisite lines. "Isn't this lovely!" she exclaimed.

  "It's a wonderful piece of work," admired Tavia, while she clung withintense yearning to the finger bowl.

  "How much are these, please?" Dorothy asked the saleswoman.

  The saleswoman carefully brushed back two stray locks that had escapedfrom their net, and gazing into space said: "Five dollars and Six dollarsand ninety-seven cents." Her attitude was slightly scornful at beingasked the very common "how much."

  The scorn was too much for Tavia's spirit. She lifted her chin: "I'lltake two of each kind, if you please, send them C.O.D.," and, giving herRiverside Drive address, Tavia, followed by Dorothy, turned andgracefully swayed from the counter, in grand imitation of an elegantlygowned young girl who had just purchased some brass, and had it charged.

  "Tavia, how awful!" gasped Dorothy. "Whatever will you do with thosethings!"

  "Send them back," answered Tavia, with great recklessness, her chin stillheld high.

  Dorothy admitted that of course it wasn't at all possible to back awayfrom such a saleswoman, but she felt quite guilty about something. "Weshouldn't have yielded to our feelings," she said gently, "it would, atbest, have been only momentary humiliation."

  "We're in the wrong store," said Tavia, decidedly, "I must see pricesigns that can be read a block away. This place is too exquisite!"

  "Isn't this the dearest!" Dorothy darted to the handkerchief counter, andpicked up a dainty bit of lace.

  Tavia gazed at the small lacy thing with rapt attention, cautiouslytrying to see some hidden mark to indicate the cost, but there was none.

  "Something finer than this, please," queried Tavia, of the saleswoman,"it's exquisite, Dorothy, but not just what I like, you see."

  Dorothy kept a frightened pair of eyes downcast, as the saleswoman handedTavia another lace handkerchief saying, with a genial smile: "Eighteendollars." Tavia held up the handkerchief critically: "And this one?" sheasked, pointing to another.

  "Twelve dollars," replied the saleswoman, all attention.

  "We must hurry on," interposed Dorothy, grasping Tavia's arm in sheerdesperation, "there are so many other things, suppose we leave thehandkerchiefs until last?"

  Critically Tavia fingered the costly bits of lace, as if unable todecide. Then she smiled artlessly at the saleswoman. "It's hard to say,of course, we're so rushed for time, but we'll look at them again."Together the girls hurried for the street door.

  "That was really New York style; wasn't it?" triumphantly declared Tavia."Never again will I submit to superior airs when I want to know theprice."

  "Hadn't we better ask someone where stores are that sell goods with pricemarks on them?" laughingly asked Dorothy.

  They followed the crowd toward Broadway and Sixth Avenue. Gaily Taviatripped along. She never had been happier in all her life. She loved thewhirl and the people, and the never-ending air of gaiety. Dorothy likedit all, but it made her a bit weary; the festal air of the crowd did seemso meaningless.

  When they reached Sixth Avenue it took but an instant for both girls topick out the most enticing shop and thither they hurried. It wasbrilliantly lighted, the gorgeous splendor was Oriental in its beauty,there was no quiet hidden loveliness about this store, it dazzled andcharmed and it had price signs! Just nice little white signs, with dullred figures, not at all "screeching" at customers, but most useful topersons of limited means. One could tell with the merest glance just whatcounter to keep away from.

  A struggling mass of humanity, mostly women, were packed in tightly aboutone counter. The girls could not get closer than five feet, but patientlythey stood waiting their turn to see what wonderful thing was on sale. Itwas Tavia's first bargain rush, and for every elbow that was jammed intoher ribs, she stepped on someone's foot. Dorothy held her head high abovethe crowd to breathe. At last they reached the counter, and the bargainsthat all were frantically aiming to reach were saucepans at ten centseach.

  "After that struggle, we must get one, just for a memento of the bargainrush," exclaimed Dorothy, crowding her muff under her arm. Something fellto the floor with a crash at the movement of Dorothy's arm. Immediatelythere was great confusion, because, a little woman, flushed and greatlyexcited had cried out, "My purse! I beg your pardon madam, that is mypurse you have!"

  The small, excited woman was clinging desperately to the arm of anotherwoman, who towered above the crowd.

  "Why, that's Miss Mingle!" cried Tavia to Dorothy.

  "Oh, Miss Mingle!" called out Dorothy.

  "Girls," cried the little Glenwood teacher, excitedly, "this womansnatched my purse!"

  They were all too excited at the moment to find anything strange in thusmeeting with one another.

  The big woman calmly surveyed the girls: "She, the blond one, knockedyour purse down with her muff, I was goin' to pick it up, that's all.It's under your feet now."

  The woman slowly backed into the crowd.

  Dorothy's eyes opened wide with wonder! The thing that had fallen hadcertainly made a crash! and the leather end sticking from the cuff of thewoman's fur coat sleeve surely looked like a purse! Dorothy gasped at thehorror of it! What could she do? The woman was moving slowly farther andfarther away.

  Miss Mingle stooped to the floor in search of the purse. As quick as aflash the woman slipped out of the crowd, as Miss Mingle loosened herhold. Amazed and horrified at the boldness of the theft, Dorothy for oneinstant stood undecided, then she sprang after the woman and faced herunflinchingly:

  "Give me that purse! It's in the cuff of your coat sleeve!"

  The woman drew herself up indignantly, glared at Dorothy, and would havemade an effort to get away, scornfully ignoring the girl who barred herpath, when a store detective arrived on the spot.

  She, too, was a girl, modestly garbed in black. In a perfectly quietvoice she spoke to the woman.

  "These matters can always be settled at our office, madam. Come with me."

  "The idea!" screamed the woman. "I never was insulted like this before!How dare you!"

  "There is nothing to scream about," said the young detective, in her softvoice, "I've merely asked you to come to the office and talk it over.Isn't that fair?"

  "Indeed, I'll submit to nothing of the sort! A hard-working, honest womanlike I am!" She made another effort to elude her accusers by a quickmovement, but Dorothy kept close to one side and the store detectivefollowed at the other. The woman stared stubbornly at the detective.Disgusted with the performance, Dorothy quietly reached for theprotruding purse and held it up.

  "Is this yours?" she asked, of Miss Mingle.

  "Yes, yes, my dear!" cried Miss Mingle, gratefully accepting the purse,"I'm so thankful! I caught her hand as she slipped the purse away from myarm. How can I thank you, Miss Dale?"

  Tavia led the way out of the crowd, and the store detective took chargeof the woman, who was an old offender and well known.

  "Dorothy Dale and Tavia Travers!" joyfully exclaimed Miss Mingle, whenthe excitement was over. "Where did you come from, and at such anopportune moment?"

  "We are as surprised as you," exclaimed Dorothy, "and so glad to havebeen able to be of assistance!"

  "We'll hang the saucepan in the main hall at Glenwood in honor of thebargain rush," said Tavia, waving the parcel above her head.

  "Girls, I'm still picking feathers out of my hair!" said Miss Mingle,laughing gaily.

  "Don't you love New York?" burst from Tavia's lips. "I'm dreading thevery thought of returning to Glenwood and school again!"

  But Miss Mingle sighed. "I'm counting the days until my return toGlenwood, my dears. But, you don't want to hear anything about that,you're young and happy, and without care. Come and see us--I'm with mysister, and I would just love to have you." At mention of her sister,Miss Mingle's lips involuntarily quivered and she partly turned away. "Docome, girls, this is my address. I'm glad you're enjoying New York; Iwish I could say as much."

  As she said good-bye, Dorothy noticed how much more than ever the thin,haggard face was drawn and lined with anxiety, and the timid dread in hereyes enhanced by the bright red spots that burned in the hollows of hercheeks.

  "We must call," said Dorothy, when Miss Mingle had disappeared. "There issome secret burden wearing that little woman to a shred."

  "Her eyes have the look of a haunted creature," said Tavia, seriously."We can't call to-morrow; we have the matinee, you know."

  "Yes, that's always the way, one must do the pleasant things, and letmisery and sorrow take care of themselves," sighed Dorothy. "Well, we canthe following day."