Read Dorothy Dale in the City Page 20


  The owner of the voice on the telephone had appeared in less than aminute in the person of Bob, and before greetings were over the Major,with Nat, Roger and Joe, appeared, and there was a grand reunion.

  When the boys took Bob off to see New York, the girls retired.

  "Does it really seem possible that a few days ago we were country schoolgirls?" mused Dorothy, as she and Tavia lay wide awake the next morning,waiting for the breakfast bell to ring. Tavia had succeeded in convincingDorothy that on a holiday trip, one should never get up until two minutesbefore breakfast was served, and then to scramble madly to reach thetable in time. This, Tavia, contended, was the only real way of knowingit was a holiday.

  "I feel as much a part of New York City as any of the natives might,"answered Tavia. "And there are such stacks of places we must yetexplore."

  "How different we will make Miss Mingle's days, after we all return tothe Glen," Dorothy said. "We'll elect her one of our club, the noblelittle thing!"

  "I feel like the most selfish of mortals in comparison," replied Tavia."Such goodness as hers is not common, I'm sure."

  A jingling of musical bells announced breakfast, and to further impressthe fact upon the family, every young person banged on the other one'sbedroom door, and the noise for a few minutes was deafening.

  "Now, Tavia, please," pleaded Dorothy, as she hurriedly dressed, "don'tact so to Bob! You were so contrary last evening!"

  "Can't help it," declared Tavia. "He inspires contrariness! He's so easyto tease!"

  During the meal Tavia kept perfectly quiet, her eyes modestly downcast,and Dorothy watched her with great misgivings. Tavia was beginning theday entirely too modestly.

  Another hour found the whole party on the banks of the lake in CentralPark. The ice was in fine condition, and the lake as crowded as everyspot in New York always seemed to be.

  "Oh, I haven't forgotten the figure eight," said Major Dale, with alaugh, as he struck out. Aunt Winnie watched him anxiously because shehad less confidence in his recovery than did the major. It was great funfor Roger and Joe to skate with their father.

  "Girls," said Aunt Winnie, as she tried bravely to balance herself, "I'mreally not as young as I think I am! I believe I'll return to the car,bundle up in the fur robes and just watch."

  The girls begged her to remain. Nat and Bob, after a long run to the endof the lake, had returned, and Nat grasped Aunt Winnie suddenly. Togetherthey started up the lake, Aunt Winnie skating as gracefully as any of theyoung girls. Ned was tightening Dorothy's skates as Bob approached Tavia.

  "Weren't you surprised to see me yesterday?" Bob wanted to know. "Youdidn't think I would come; did you?"

  "I've been so busy, I don't know what I really have been thinking," wasTavia's non-committal answer.

  "But did you?" persisted Bob, anxious to know whether Tavia had thoughtof him during her holiday. Tavia knew that he was anxious.

  "I hardly think I've thought much," she answered, as she did some fancyskating, just eluding Bob and Nat as they tried to catch her.

  Dorothy complained to Tavia: "Isn't it horrid the way people gatheraround just because two country girls can do a few fancy strokes on theice!"

  "It's embarrassing to say the least," replied Tavia, still dizzilywhirling about. "I'm glad, aren't you, that the rules for city park lakesforbid small gatherings on the ice? The guard has broken up each littlegroup that has threatened to intrude on our privacy."

  "Let them watch!" said Ned. "We'll give the city chaps some fine pointson how to get over the ice!"

  "Most of the girls seem to enjoy just standing still in the cold," saidBob, with a laugh.

  "I know that girl with the bright red skating cap just bought skatesbecause she had a skating cap; she can't move on the ice," said Dorothy.

  A tall man, with heavy gray hair and a fur overcoat, was skating near by,and he watched Tavia constantly. Dorothy noticed him and wondered at hispersistence in keeping near their party. Tavia, however, was too deeplyenraptured with her own antics on the ice, to pay attention to the mereonlookers.

  Nat and Dorothy challenged Bob and Tavia to a race to the end and back ina given time, and a strong breeze carried them swiftly down the lake. Asthey disappeared from sight, the tall stranger in the fur coat plainlynoticed Mrs. White and the major, who stood watching the young peoplesail away down the lake.

  It was Mr. Akerson.

  "For once in my career I've made some kind of a mistake," he muttered tohimself. "It was an inspiration to try to meet that pretty red-hairedgirl again, and by Jove! the knowledge gained was worth the effort! Nowwhich one is she; the niece or the niece's chum?" he mused as his carsped through the park, for he had soon tired of the ice.

  "Well," he said, with a laugh, "the little red-haired lass is not yetthrough with Mr. Akerson."

  Before his car had reached the park entrance, another car passed him,containing Mrs. White and Major Dale homeward bound, the young peoplehaving decided to remain on the ice until lunch.

  Tavia had kept Bob just dancing whither her will o' the wisp mood mightlead. Finally it led the whole party up to the man who sold hot coffeeand sandwiches.

  "This is the first really sensible move Tavia's made to-day," commentedNat, as his teeth sank into a sandwich. The steaming coffee trickled downthe throats of the party accompanied by various comments, but no one,except Dorothy, noticed a little lad, followed by a yellow dog, who stoodhungrily watching the steaming cups. He was the typical urchin of thestreets of New York City, who had wandered from goodness knows whereamong the East side tenements, to bask in the sunlight of Central Park.His hands were dug deep into his ragged trousers, and his dirty littleface sank into the collar of a very large coat.

  "Is dat orful hot?" he asked with interest, as Dorothy daintily drainedher coffee cup.

  "Are you cold?" she asked, kindly.

  "Naw," he answered, in great disgust, "I ain't never cold, but the dawgis. Say, lady, could yer guv the dawg a hot drink o' dat stuff?"

  "Dogs can't drink coffee," said Dorothy with a smile, "but you must havesome."

  The boy slipped behind the dog and smiled wistfully at the coffee urns.

  "Naw," he said, "I don't want none." But the hunger in his eyes was notto be denied by his brave little lips, and while Tavia and the boys mademerry at the lunch counter, Dorothy quietly ordered coffee and sandwichesfor the thin little boy. And he drank, and ate, every bit, insisting onsharing many mouthfuls with the yellow dog.

  He stayed with the party, wandering up and down the banks of the lake,until they were ready to depart, and then he followed at a respectfuldistance as they walked across town to Riverside Drive. He had nothingelse to do, and the lady with the fluffy hair was kind and good to lookat, and as his whole life was spent on the streets, he carelesslyfollowed along until they reached home. Turning, Dorothy saw him, andsomething in the little face went straight to her heart. He did not lookat all like her own little brothers, there was only the small boymanliness about him that, somehow, reminded her of Joe, and smilingencouragement for him to follow, he did so, until the porter stopped himin the apartment hall.

  "It's all right," said Dorothy, in a low voice, "he's with us."

  "What are you going to do with him?" asked Tavia, as they piled on theelevator.

  "Feed him all the things his little stomach has ever yearned for,"declared Dorothy. "I've seen so many of him about the streets, and nowI'm going to try and make one happy, for just a day!"

  The little thin boy being enthroned in the kitchenette with the yellowdog sprawled out on the floor, Dorothy returned to Tavia and the boys.

  "Why did not I see that little boy?" asked Tavia, soberly.

  "Because," said Bob gently, "you were ministering to the enjoyment andsuccess of the skating party."

  "Huh!" said Tavia, in disdain. "Dorothy is the most perfect darling! Whoelse would have looked about for someo
ne to bestow kindnesses upon? I'mgoing right out to the little boy and--and help entertain him." And indeep repentance Tavia strode out to the kitchenette, to make up to thethin boy whom she would have passed by if Dorothy had not been kind tohim.

  Soon the boys stood outside the door listening to Tavia patiently tryingto say the very nicest things!

  At Ned's suggestion, that a little practice on Tavia's part, in sayingnice things, should by no means be interrupted, they rushed to thedrawing room, and Dorothy played the piano while the boys sang. Dorothyfinally jumped up, with her fingers in her ears, and declared she wasbecoming deaf, so Nat immediately sat down on the piano stool, and thesinging continued.

  Aunt Winnie looked in for a moment and begged the bass to try to singtenor! And even the very boyish major closed his door to shut out thehideous sounds. But nothing disturbed Tavia, who was bent on making up tolittle Tommy.