Read Dorothy Dale in the City Page 27


  "My poor, dear husband," sighed Mrs. Bergham, "he told me to never partwith those two cups, in fact, never to sell anything of his unless Icould get his catalogue price. But it was a hard struggle, and I did loveeverything so much, that--well, I simply did not bother about selling."

  "I can hardly believe those old cups can be so valuable," Miss Mingleexclaimed, as she handled them.

  "Well," said Dorothy, as she and Mrs. White and Tavia prepared to leaveafter their short call, "we will have a collector call to place a valueon all your antiques, if you wish. Of course, it will be hard to partwith them, but when the financial end is considered----"

  "My dear," said Mrs. Bergham, with more animation than she had yet shown,"you don't know what it will mean to us to have enough money to go'round! And to have my little boys with me again, and sister relieved ofthe awful strain!"

  "Wasn't it lovely for the stout guest in purple to kindly borrow thecup!" exclaimed Tavia.

  "And for you to follow up the clue," said Mrs. White, "when Dorothy and Iwere too embarrassed to know what to do!"

  "Oh, by the way," continued Mrs. White, "about an agent for this house, Ithought--don't be offended dear Mrs. Bergham--but I thought you mightlike to take charge of this property, with plenty of assistants ofcourse, and to have your commission, the same as paying a real estateagent. Don't say you won't help me! I really need someone right on thepremises."

  "Certainly," promptly replied Miss Mingle, "sister could take care of it.You see, sister has lost all confidence in herself and her ability--wehave had such troublous times for five years past!"

  "This matter was even more serious than I dared say," exclaimed Mrs.White, referring to the apartment-house trouble. "You know the houseoriginally belonged to my husband's ancestors, it was one of the oldDutch mansions here in New York, and as the years passed, it wasremodeled several times, finally coming to me, with the proviso that itbe again remodeled into a good paying apartment house, as an investmentfor the boys when they are of age. The income, as you know, has barelykept the expenses covered, and I began to fear that my boys would come ofage without the money they should have."

  "I did not know that," exclaimed Dorothy. "So we really saved Nat and Nedfrom financial disasters; didn't we?"

  "Well, we don't know yet, whether we will ever receive the money Mr.Akerson took," said Mrs. White, gravely. "But we will know just as soonas we return home. At any rate, a future is assured the boys, now that wehave taken the collecting away from Mr. Akerson."

  Arriving home, the girls found Major Dale and the boys anxiously waitingfor them.

  "Well, we're safe at last," cried Ned, "thanks to the courageous effortsof two little girls!"

  "We bow before two small thoughtful heads," said Major Dale, with alaugh, "while we men were trying to think out a way, the girls rushedahead and beat us!"

  "So it's settled?" said Aunt Winnie, anxiously.

  "Every penny," exclaimed Major Dale.

  "When we are of age," declared Ned, "the girls shall have all theirhearts desire; eh, Nat?"

  "Yes, because without Dorothy's and Tavia's courage and thoughtfulnessand quick wits, we boys would have had little to begin life with, in allprobability."

  "And girls," said Aunt Winnie, "the sweetest memories of your trip to NewYork City will be that you not only had a lovely good time, but helpedwherever you saw that help was needed."

  "So that," cried Major Dale, "Dorothy in the city was as happy aseverywhere else!"

  "Happier, Daddy," cried his daughter, with her arms around his neck."Much happier, for I helped someone."

  "As you always do," murmured Tavia. "I wonder whom you will help next; orwhat you will do? Dorothy Dale! If only I could have the faculty offalling into things, straightening them out, and making everybody livehappier ever after, as you do, I'm sure I would be the happiest personalive."

  "But you do help," said Dorothy, with a sly look at Bob.

  "Indeed she----" began that well-built young man.

  "Let's tell ghost stories!" proposed Tavia suddenly, with an obviousdesire to change the topic. "It's nice of you to say that, Doro," shewent on, "but you know I do make a horrible mess of everything I touch.But I do wonder what you'll do next?"

  And what Dorothy did may be learned by reading the next volume of thisseries to be called, "Dorothy Dale's Promise." In that we will meet heragain, and Tavia also, for the two were too close friends now to letordinary matters separate them.

  "Come on, girls!" proposed Bob, a few days later, as he, with the otherboys, called at the apartment "We've got the best scheme ever!"

  "What is it?" asked Tavia suspiciously.

  "A sleighing party--a good old-fashioned one, like in the country. We'llgo up to the Bronx, somewhere, have a supper and a dance, and----"

  "We really ought to be packing to go home," said Dorothy, but not as ifshe half meant it.

  "Fudge!" cried Nat. "You can pack in half an hour."

  "Much you know about it," declared Tavia.

  But the boys prevailed, and that night, with Mrs. White and the major, amerry little party dashed over the white snow, to the accompaniment ofjingling bells, and under a silvery moon. And now, for a time, we willtake leave of Dorothy Dale.