Read Double Dare Page 4


  “She requires a three hundred dollar cash donation, per hour.”

  “I……,” the guy gave his head a little shake before he asked, “Are you saying that she’s a hooker?”

  Darrin just stared at him.

  “Jesus!” the guy gasped, stabbing his fingers through his neatly combed hair.

  “Do you have the money or not?” he asked, hoping to speed this thing up so that he could get back upstairs and convince Marybeth to crawl back in bed with him for a few hours. He’d rather use the time to try to convince the stubborn woman that she was madly in love with him, but he was too fucking exhausted to do anything more than pass out.

  He’d been working too many extra shifts and not just for the overtime, but to earn more vacation days. For every eight-hour shift he worked, he earned an hour of vacation time. So far he’d earned an additional six weeks of vacation time this year. Add that to the five weeks of vacation time that he’d earned last year, and the four he earned the year before that and he was going to have plenty of time to help his cousin and her husband out when the time came.

  If it came….

  Three years later, Connor and Rory were still trying to get their project off the ground. They were aiming high, very high, and they needed to raise an insane amount of money to get their project going, but Darrin had faith that they were going to do it. They were going to turn Rory’s dream into a reality and when they did, he was going to be there for them.

  Every Bradford was.

  “I’m sorry, but there must be some mistake. I’m looking for Marybeth Dawson,” the man said, sounding hopeful that this had all been a mistake and bringing him back to the problem that he needed to take care of so that he could catch up on some sleep.

  “She prefers to be called Caramel Butter,” he said, giving the guy a knowing smile and just to fuck with his head, a wink.

  “Caramel…..Butter……..,” the guy repeated back slowly, making Darrin feel kind of bad. The guy looked decent enough. It wasn’t his fault that Marybeth was his, had been since they were little kids even though the stubborn woman refused to accept it. He opened his mouth to explain things to the guy only to end up shaking his head in disgust.

  “Listen,” the guy said, licking his lips nervously as he glanced around, “I only have fifty bucks on me, but I can hit an ATM and be back here in ten minutes.”

  Typical, he thought as he reached back and pulled his badge out. “Run,” he simply said.

  “Oh, shit!” the guy said, stumbling back. “I’m gonna go now.”

  “You do that,” Darrin said, shoving his badge back in his pocket and sighed in disgust.

  He was going to have a word with Jake, he decided as he threw the lock on the front door, walked back in her apartment and dragged his ass back upstairs.

  “Did you get rid of him?” Marybeth asked as he walked into her bedroom, not sounding terribly upset that he’d ruined her date, which of course pleased him.

  “Yeah, he went running,” he said, smiling when he spotted her curled up in bed beneath the covers.

  “Did you pull your badge out?” she asked teasingly as he pulled his gun free and placed it on the bureau next to her Bradford Construction baseball cap. He shoved his pants off as he made his way towards the bed.

  “Had to,” he said, pulling the covers back so that he could join her.

  “You couldn’t have just told the guy that I wasn’t interested?” she asked, snuggling back against him.

  “I wouldn’t have to if you just told your brother that we’re together,” he said, pressing a kiss against the back of her neck.

  “That would be lying,” she said, groaning softly as he wrapped his arm around her and cupped her bare breast.

  “Would it?” he asked, pressing a kiss against her bare shoulder as he gently squeezed her large breast.

  “Yes,” she said, turning her head so that she was looking back at him as she pressed her bottom against his erection, reminding him that he hadn’t had her since yesterday morning just before he’d left for his shift, “it would.”

  He released his hold on her breast and reached down between them. He reached inside his boxers and pulled his eager cock out. He watched as she licked her beautiful pink lips as he gripped his cock and aimed seconds before he pushed inside her warm, wet core.

  “Fuck,” he groaned as he moved his hand out of the way so that he could slide deep inside her.

  She gasped as she went ahead and licked those beautiful lips of hers, driving him out of his fucking mind. He reached up and pushed a strand of her black hair out of the way as he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. “We can do this for the rest of our lives,” he pointed out as he moved his hand down her arm, over her breast, making sure to brush his palm over the large brown nipple that he loved to devour with his mouth, and down her soft stomach until he was tracing her wet slit.

  “This is only temporary,” she reminded him as she spread her legs to give him better access.

  He decided that it would probably be for the best if he didn’t remind her that they’d been doing this for over six years as he found her clit and gently teased it with his fingertip. He slowly pulled back, loving the way that she moaned as she reached down and gripped his hand to keep it right where it was while he pushed back inside her.

  “I could fuck you all day,” he said against her lips, knowing exactly what that would do to her.

  She moaned as her grip tightened around his hand. He deepened the kiss as he continued to slowly thrust inside her, his finger matching the rhythm of his thrust as he took his frustration out on the infuriating woman that refused to put him out of his fucking misery and marry him.

  “My turn,” she said, allowing him one last thrust before she pulled away slowly, making him groan as his cock slid free.

  After six years, he knew what she wanted and had no problem giving it to her. He brushed his lips against hers one last time before he moved back and sat up. He reached over and cupped her ass as she rolled over onto her stomach. By the time that she raised her ass up in the air he was already moving behind her and entering her.

  Leaning over her, he pressed a kiss against her spine, on her shoulder and on her neck as he pulled back and slid back inside her. She felt fantastic, absolutely fucking fantastic, he thought as he placed his hands over hers and entwined their fingers.

  “Move in with me,” he said, pushing inside her only to pull back quickly, hoping that it was enough to distract her into agreeing to his plans.

  “No,” she said, panting as she turned her head in silent demand.

  Chuckling, because honestly this woman was going to be the death of him, he leaned down and gave her what she wanted as he slowly pulled out, groaning against her mouth as he noted how wet she was, and pushed back inside. She was so damn stubborn, but that was okay, because he would do whatever it took, no matter how long it took, to have her.

  “Then spend the day with me,” he said against her mouth, noting the exact moment that she went still beneath him.

  “Ummm, I can’t,” she said quickly as she tried to entice him with a wiggle and a kiss that had him groaning and forcing himself to remain still, because he knew without a doubt that she was hiding something from him.

  Chapter 2

  “On your back,” Darrin whispered, pressing a kiss just below her ear and making her wince.

  Damn it!

  He knew!

  “This is fine,” she said quickly, daring a glance behind her, wondering if she could make it to the door before he could stop her.

  “On. Your. Back,” he whispered again, stressing every word and letting her know that there was no escape.

  Not for her.

  “This is good for me,” she said, sounding hopeful.

  “You have ten seconds, Marybeth.”

  “I’m not hiding anything,” she lied, squeezing her eyes shut as she swallowed nervously.

  “Why don’t I beli
eve you?” he asked as he slowly pulled out until the tip was at her entrance.

  “Because you have trust issues,” she pointed out, discreetly pushing back and trying to force him back inside in an attempt to distract him and because she’d been enjoying herself damn it!

  “Marybeth,” he said sighing her name heavily as he pulled out the rest of the way and flipped her over onto her back.

  Before she could even consider trying to argue her way to freedom, he was running his very talented tongue between her slit. “Oh, God…”

  “What’s going on, Marybeth?” he asked as he leisurely licked her.

  “Ummmm, nothing,” she mumbled, licking her lips hungrily as she tried to resist him.

  “Try again,” he said, settling more firmly between her legs, getting comfortable, which was not a good sign.

  It meant that he was planning on stretching this out for as long as it took to get what he wanted. She couldn’t do this. Not after the last time. She’d barely survived. She also hadn’t been able to talk for two days after that since the bastard hadn’t stopped until long after she’d lost the ability to scream his name.

  “Please, Darrin,” she said, moaning his name as she spread her legs and reached down to run her fingers through his hair as he continued to lick her out.

  “Tell me what I want to know,” he said, pausing to flick the tip of his tongue over her clit.

  “N-nothing,” she said, licking her lips hungrily as she tried to roll her hips and force his tongue inside her, but the bastard wasn’t having that.

  He kept her hips on the bed and kept leisurely licking her, hitting all the right spots and driving her out of her mind, but it wasn’t enough to send her over the edge.

  “Just tell me what I want to know, Marybeth.”

  “There’s nothing to tell!”

  A long, drawn out sigh was his response as he tilted his head and gently suckled her clit, momentarily robbing her of her ability to breathe. She closed her eyes and tried to think of something, anything else to distract herself from what he was doing, but he refused to grant her a reprieve. He flicked his tongue over her clit before he traced a path down to her core and slid his tongue inside her.

  “There’s nothing!” she practically cried even though he hadn’t asked her another question. At this point it wasn’t really necessary, because they both knew that he would keep going until she told him what he wanted to know.

  He felt so damn good….so…good……..

  “Please, Darrin!” she begged, moaning and whimpering when he kept licking her, bringing her to the edge and-

  Pulling back to trace her slit again.

  “You…son of a bitch!” she said, gasping and trying to shift away from him.

  She couldn’t tell him where she was going.

  She just couldn’t.

  “Oh, God!” she screamed, her back bowing off the bed as he slid his tongue back inside her and brought her right back to the edge. Just as she felt her orgasm building to the point of no return he pulled back.

  “I hate you!” she gasped, releasing her hold on his hair to reach back and grab the headboard in a useless attempt to pull away from him, but he wasn’t letting her go.

  “No,” he simply said, “you don’t.”

  No, she really didn’t, but at moments like this she really wished that she did.

  “I can stop this at any time,” he said, pulling back just far enough to gently blow cool air on her over-sensitized clit.

  “Then stop it now!”

  “Not until you tell me what I want to know,” he said, leaning back in to press a kiss between the two spots that craved his attention the most.

  “I can’t!”

  A lick.

  “Tell me.”


  Another long, leisurely lick had her licking her lips and moaning, as her body was once again brought to the edge only to leave her groaning as he moved away, leaving her on the cusp of a powerful orgasm. Her body trembled as he started all over again, she couldn’t take this, couldn’t do this. He’d find out eventually. She knew that he would. It had been useless to try and keep this from him and foolish.

  When she felt his tongue slowly move between her slit, she gave in, unable to take anymore.

  “I’m meeting Zoe,” she admitted before releasing a moan of pleasure as he rewarded her with a finger.

  “Where?” he asked, sliding his thick finger inside her as he slowly moved up her body.

  He continued to lazily finger her as he slowly kissed his way to one breast where he took her nipple between his lips and suckled. When he pulled back, he allowed his teeth to gently slide over her nipple, earning a gasp of pleasure.

  “Where are you meeting her?” he asked as he moved up her body the rest of the way and smoothly removed his finger, replacing it with his hard shaft. He slid inside her as he kissed her cheek.

  “At an agreed upon location?” she said, hoping that it would be enough to get him to finish what he’d started and forget about what she’d said, but unfortunately, for her, it wasn’t.

  “Where?” he asked, kissing her other cheek as he slowly pulled back until the tip of his cock was the only thing left inside her and stayed that way.

  He wouldn’t…….

  Oh, God, who the hell was she kidding? He would definitely start this torture all over again if that’s what it took to make her talk. When he sighed heavily and moved to pull the rest of the way out, she quickly wrapped her arms and legs around him, desperate to keep him where he was.

  “An amusement park!” she rushed out, uncaring at the moment that she’d just sealed her fate.

  He chuckled as he pushed back inside her. She started to sigh in relief when the bastard took her by surprise and suddenly pulled out.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, making a mad grab for him as he started to kiss his way back down her body.

  “Getting started on your punishment.”

  “Oh no,” she mumbled even as she managed to turn over, scramble off the bed and-

  Scream in pleasure when he caught up to her and took her to the floor where he dished out her punishment for the next two hours.


  “Still not talking to me?”

  “Rot in hell,” Marybeth said, taking a sip of her soda as she walked away from him.

  “Come on,” Darrin said, quickening his pace to catch up with her, “you know that you’re happy that I came.”

  “No, not really,” she said with a tiny shake of her head as she walked past the games lined up on either side of them.

  “You’ll have more fun with me,” he pointed out, wondering if she was still pissed that he’d told Trevor about Zoe’s betrayal.

  She shot him a glare as she kept walking, probably hoping that he wouldn’t notice that she was walking away from all the fun rides. “How exactly am I supposed to have more fun with you when I came here to have fun with the kids?”

  “Because you hate children,” he decided to remind her.

  “No, I don’t,” the stubborn woman said as he reached down and relieved her of her soda.

  He chuckled as he finished off her soda and tossed it in a trashcan as they walked past it. “Yes, you do.”

  “Then explain why I invited them this weekend instead of you?” she asked, cocking an eyebrow in challenge.

  “Simple, you don’t like going to places like this by yourself and,” he said, grinning because he simply couldn’t help himself, “because you knew that I would dare you to get your beautiful ass on one of the rollercoasters.”

  “You bastard!” she gasped, quickening her pace until she was almost running through the crowd, but she couldn’t run fast enough to get out of earshot before he took it to the next level.