Read Double Diamond Page 13

Stretching her shoulders to ease the ache building, Casey leaned back in her desk chair and rubbed the tiny ache in her temples. Filing sucked. But at least today she’d finally had the time to get working on it.

  The early morning interview with Gail Woods, the girl Michael had suggested, had gone extremely well, even better than Casey could have hoped. Gail was young, bright and so full of energy that she made Casey feel old and tired just watching her, but she was wonderful with the children and treated each customer as if their question was the most important one she had ever heard. They had hired her on the spot.

  Casey felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders, although maybe they should have hired someone to file instead. With a last circular rub to the still sore temple she leaned forward and started sorting through the huge backlog of paperwork once again.

  “Boo!” Michael’s head appeared around the side of the half-opened office door.

  Casey looked up, a bit dazed from concentrating for so long. “Hey, Mike.” She smiled foggily. “Do you need me out there?”

  Michael came farther into the room and perched on the edge of her desk. “Nope, everything is going AOK boss.” He gave her a thumbs-up sign and smiled cockily. “So…. what do you think?”

  “About what?” Casey’s brow furrowed as she tried to make sense of the oddly worded document she was trying to file.

  “About Gail, of course! Earth to Casey.”

  A hand was waved in front of her eyes. “Sorry Mike.” She put down the form and leaned back in the chair. “You were right, she’s perfect.” Casey smiled slightly.

  “Can I pick ’em, or what?” He puffed his chest out mock-proudly.

  “You certainly can.” Laughing at his grandstanding, she deflated his chest with her index finger.

  “Speaking of members of the opposite sex…”

  “Hmmm?” Her attention was already back on the document.

  “I didn’t get around to asking you yesterday how the date went.” Michael waggled his eyebrows at her suggestively.

  Lowering the document, Casey smiled archly. “As a matter of fact it went extremely well.” She blushed, smiling. “He’s supposed to call me today about plans for the weekend as a matter of fact.”

  “Well, Well, Well…Sounds like it could get serious.”

  “As serious as any relationship can get when one party lives in Chicago and one lives in Vancouver.” Casey retorted realistically. “I’m just going to take one day at a time. Which reminds me,” She rocked back further in the chair, it’s springs protesting with a squeak. “I’m sure you won’t mind training Gail this week. I’m planning to be taking a day or two off.” Her smile was coy.

  “I’m sure I can handle it boss.” Michael agreed quickly. “You deserve it. Just be careful OK,” His expression was completely serious now. “Don’t let him hurt you.”

  “I’m a big girl, Mike.” She smiled to soften her rebuke. “But, thanks, I appreciate the concern.”

  Michael stood up and opened the office door. “Well, remember, if he ever needs a beating, just give me a call.”

  The phones shrill ring echoed through the room.

  “I’m sure I won’t. Now scat, that’ll be him.” Casey shooed him out of the room. “Oh, before you go, do you know where to file this?” Michael took one quick look at the document and opening the L drawer plopped it in under Leases-store. “Thanks, hotshot,” Casey’s voice was dry as the telephone shrilled for the third time. “Now leave.”

  Michael gave her a two-finger salute and walked out the door, closing it behind him.

  A deep breath, a quick wipe of her suddenly damp hands on her denim jeans and she was ready. Her voice was only a little breathless. “Hello…?”

  “Casey.” The voice on the other end of the line was masculine, smooth and abrupt. And Casey felt an inexplicable frisson of fear.

  “Scott.” She responded coolly. “What can I do for you?” She was proud of the cool tone, the even timber. She would not let him know how much just hearing his voice affected her. He’d enjoy the power he felt that gave him over her. She’d learned that about him, but much, much too late.

  “I’ve missed you baby-doll.” Scott’s voice dripped honey. “I thought we could get together, have dinner and drinks. For old time’s sake.”

  “How’s your wife?” She didn’t answer his question.

  His voice chilled. “She’s fine. What does she have to do with two friends getting together for a bit of reminiscing?”

  “I would think everything.”

  “Come on babe. I know I should have told you about her before we hooked up, but I explained about that…”

  “Scott, I’m not interested. You are a liar and a cheat and I have no interest in going to dinner with you. Ever. Why is that so hard for you to understand? Just please stop calling me.”

  “You’re just playing hard to get.”

  Oh my God, was the man totally obtuse? Casey pulled the phone from her ear to look at the receiver as if she could see the man on the other end. What an idiot. And to think she had thought herself in love with him at one time. “Scott, I have to go. I’m seeing someone. Do. Not. Call. Me. Again. I’m not interested.” She intoned, and hung up the phone before he could reply.

  For long moments Casey just sat there. Placing the phone on it’s charger she laid her head on her desk and sighed deeply. She didn’t want to be, but she felt….something. She just couldn’t explain what. Scott was rich, powerful, and not a man to take no for an answer. She’d thought those traits were romantic and exciting when she’d first met him and he’d pursued her relentlessly. But that soon changed. She thought that part of her life was over when his wife had found out about her, the “other woman”. God, how that still burned. And to find out the way she had…..

  She stood quickly, almost knocking over her chair in the process. She’d hoped it was all over. After his wife had found out he’d stopped coming around and stopped calling soon after. Why again now? She took a deep breathe and walked out into the book store. She needed the distraction of work, something, anything, to get him out of her head.

  Mikey smiled as she approached but it soon changed to a frown when he saw her expression. “What’s wrong?”

  “It was Scott.”

  That was all she had to say. Mike’s eyes frosted over, the planes of his face went taught. His anger was palpable. “What the fuck….”

  “Mike!” Casey’s voice was reproachful as she glanced around to make sure none of the patrons had heard. That kind of language wasn’t good for business. “I’m Ok. I told him to leave me alone and hung up. I’m sure that’ll be the end of it.”

  “Are you OK?” He placed a hand on her arm. Mike had been with her when the whole sordid mess went down a year ago. He knew everything.

  “I’m a bit shaken, but I’ll be fine.” She tried to smile.

  At his disbelieving look: “I mean it. Really.” She gave up the sorry attempt of a smile.

  He was obviously not convinced, but held his tongue. “I’m here if you need anything.”

  “I know, and I appreciate it.” Casey said and turned away to make a coffee. She turned back almost instantly. “There is one thing you can do.” Her voice wavered only slightly.

  “Name it.”

  “Would you mind answering the phone for the next few days? I don’t think I can handle talking to him again.”

  “Of course.”

  “Thanks Mikey, you’re the best.” She turned back to make her coffee, her hands only shaking slightly.

  Mike watched her for a moment with concern, but was called away by a client wanting to make a sale. He’d be sure to watch her. Scott was a creep, and a jerk and Mike had always felt that there was a deeper layer of pure evil in him. He hadn’t trusted him from the beginning, but he’d seemed to make Casey so happy, until… he shook off the memories and rung up the sale. Hopefully Scott would listen to Casey and leave her alone, but just in case he’d do whatever he needed
to, to keep her safe.

  Mike had just finished up the sale process when the phone rang again. He glanced once at Casey who had tensed automatically and looked over with a fearful light in her eye. She visibly relaxed when she heard the welcoming sound of his voice.

  Casey watched as Mike smiled and sent her a thumb up. He placed the phone against his chest and mouthed “It’s Andrew.” She felt all of the tension melt from her body.

  “I’ll take it in the office.” She smiled as Mike told the man on the other end that she’d just be a minute. She clasped his hand briefly as she walked by and sent him a ‘thank you’ glance.

  Closing the office door behind her once again, she sat back in her chair, took a deep breath and picked up the extension. “Hello, Casey here.” She smiled, her tension from her earlier call fading even further.

