Read Double Diamond Page 15


  At exactly five minutes after six Andrew’s Jaguar purred to a stop in front of the Reading Room bookstore. Casey met the car at the curb, and before Andrew could do more than turn the key off, she was leaning down to smile in the passenger window.

  Andrew turned and, with a smile of his own, leaned over to open the door from the inside.

  “Hi.” Casey’s smile widened as she slid into the passenger seat and attached her seatbelt snugly around her hips. “You’re late.” She crossed her arms and leaned back against the passenger door. She tried to look stern, but couldn’t keep her lips from twitching upward.

  Andrew sputtered, and then laughed, a deep hearty laugh. The laugh stopped abruptly and the wide answering smile turned to a wince. He put a hand over his rib cage.

  Casey leaned forward in concern and put one hand on his strong shoulder. “Oh shoot, it’s your rib isn’t it? I forgot all about it. I am so sorry.”

  Andrew waved away her concern. “Don’t be sorry, it’s good to laugh.” His smile was just a bit rueful. “I just keep forgetting that I’m not completely healed. I probably overdid it today.”

  “Well, I should remember, I’m the one who got you taped up.”

  “Actually the other guy did that.” Andrew smiled at her. “But I’m sure you would have done a great job too.”

  Casey flashed him a miffed look. “Don’t be patronizing.”

  Andrew, still smiling, turned to restart the car. “Then don’t be a worry wart.” As it purred to life Casey caught the quick amused glance he risked in her direction.

  She smiled and shook her head. “So what did you do today that you shouldn’t have?” She asked as she settled herself back into her seat.

  “It’s probably better if I don’t share that with you.”

  “That bad, eh?”

  “Bad enough.” He paused as if contemplating how much to share, “I went biking through the endowment lands.”

  Casey turned her head slowly in his direction, eyes wide. “Funny, you don’t look quite that….”

  “Stupid,” He laughed, “Yeah, I know.”

  Casey just shook her head, “It’s a good sign that you are comfortable admitting your faults.” She said primly.

  Andrew’s chuckle was more subdued this time. “I would have come in to get you, you know. You didn’t need to wait for me on the street corner.” He mocked her lightly.

  Casey smiled and ran a hand through her tousled mane. “It isn’t very often that I get to skip clean up. I was afraid if I stayed inside any longer I’d get pulled into doing some important job when all I really wanted to do was get out and spend the evening with you.” She put her head back against the headrest.

  Without warning, Andrew leaned over and gave her a quick kiss. “You are great.” He smiled into her eyes.

  Casey sent him a bemused look and couldn’t stop the rush of warmth that tinged her cheeks, “Thanks….” she stopped, suddenly tongue tied, and turned to look out the windshield. She cleared her throat as unobtrusively as possible. “So, where are you taking me?” She turned the conversation to safer topics.

  Andrew signalled and pulled out into traffic. “It’s a surprise. Just hang on and enjoy the ride.” His instruction sounded pretty easy to follow as far as Casey was concerned. She was determined to follow it to a T.

  Soon the golden Jaguar was roaring along the winding Sea to Sky highway.

  “Are we going to Whistler?” Casey suggested the ski resort located in the middle of the Coastal Mountains of BC. What other destination could he possible have in mind?

  “You’ll see.” Andrew flashed her a devilish smile, then turned his attention back to the road.

  She should have taken the time to change. Her denim jeans and white blouse were perfectly respectable for what she thought would be a casual pub dinner, but not what she liked to wear for a dinner in a fancy restaurant. Glancing over at Andrew’s rugged profile, she shrugged. If he didn’t care, then why should she? Relaxing again she allowed herself to enjoy the ride.

  Casey watched the landscape soar by. The majestic trees, their boughs flapping lazily in the wind, lined the highway like regal courtesans waving their admittance to a private court. The awe-inspiring surf crashed against the cliffs far below them. An occasional harbour seal could be seen body surfing on the waves only to leap off at the last moment and disappear beneath the tumbling foam. In the distance a killer whale paddled quietly in search of its dinner and a bald eagle circled high above waiting for the perfect moment to pounce on some unsuspecting prey.

  Opening her window a crack, Casey breathed deeply. The tangy combination of fresh salty air and wet pine needles did more for her frazzled nerves than any doctor prescribed medication.

  She turned to smile lazily at Andrew, “This was a great idea.” She inhaled deeply, “I love the smell of the ocean, don’t you?” Without waiting for an answer she turned back to continue her enjoyment of the view.

  “Then you’re really going to love our destination.”

  Casey shot him a sharp glance. That didn’t sound like a restaurant in the bustling ski town. “Where are you taking me?”

  “I told you, it’s a secret. We’re nearly there.” His lips were twisted in a grin.

  They passed a sign indicating 10 kilometres to Squamish. Casey was confused. What was between here and that little logging town? She racked her brain but couldn’t come up with a suggestion.

  Moments later Andrew slowed the car and turned between two stone pillars that marked the entrance to the exclusive community of Hunter’s Bay. Casey had forgotten about this area. Not surprisingly, other than a small tasteful sign along the highway, there was nothing to advertise its existence.

  The jaguar purred effortlessly along the gravel path that wound its way up the side of the cliff.

  Casey watched out the window in awe. Hunter’s Bay was obviously a rich man’s playground. It was probably close enough to Vancouver to be easily accessible for overnight jaunts or a weekend getaway, maybe even for the occasional commute. But was far enough out of the hustle and bustle to be considered ‘in the country’.

  Not that the homes here were Casey’s idea of your typical weekend cottage.

  Most of the properties were at least two acres; in some cases they looked to be three or more. Each property was a perfectly landscaped forest. Artistically arranged trees and shrubs were a perfect privacy screen from prying neighbours’ eyes. It would probably be possible to sunbathe nude on any section of one of the lawns and still not be seen by a neighbour. Casey blushed at the pictures that thought invoked.

  The sky was nearly visible through the treetops when they finally turned into a driveway. Slowly navigating the steep drive up what was little more than a well-kept dirt track, Andrew was silent; Casey's attention was focused on their destination barely visible as brief, teasing glances of something grand through the trees.

  As the car rolled to a stop in front of the most incredible home…Mansion… she had ever seen, Casey couldn’t hold back a gasp. The building was gorgeous. Sided entirely in stone, it sported large leaded glass windows and a covered walkway extending to the driveway.

  A climbing vine planted around its base was nearly hiding the 3-car garage set off to one side. The effect was as if the house had been there forever, an Elizabethan masterpiece forgotten from some place in time.

  Not completely forgotten. Someone was obviously looking after the landscaping. The flower gardens strewn haphazardly around the front yard exploded with the color of early spring flowers: Tulips, daffodils, and something she thought might be crocuses. No weeds interfered with its perfect symmetry and studied disarray. It was nature at its best. Seemingly natural, obviously cultivated. Casey looked at Andrew in awe as he pulled three full grocery bags from the Jaguar’s trunk.

  “Who owns this place?” She stepped out of the low sports car, hardly realizing she had moved, and spun around slowly to view the entire yard. The sweet smell of blooming flowers
assailed her senses.

  “A really good friend. He hardly ever uses it… lives in California now. When he heard I was visiting Vancouver he offered me the use of it.” He closed the trunk with one hand and juggled the grocery bags into a more comfortable position. “I chose to stay with my sister while her husband was away but as Kevin’s returning in a day or two, I’ll probably move in here for the next couple of weeks.” He started off in the direction of the house.

  Smiling back at her, he interrupted her awed contemplation of their surroundings. “Coming? You think this is good, just wait until you see the back of the house.” Andrew unlocked the front door and stood aside to allow Casey to precede him into the hallway.

  Casey stepped in through the open doorway and was surprised nearly speechless. Again. Hallway was probably not the correct way to describe the room the front door opened into: Great Hall, Foyer or even football field would have painted a more accurate picture.

  A magnificent leaded glass dome crowned the cathedral ceiling. The waning evening light pouring through it was shattered into millions of tiny rainbows that danced on the whitewashed walls. A carved oak stairway wound around the left side of the room, hugging the wall until it became part of the open gallery that encircled the entire room.

  “The doors up there each lead to a suite. There are seven in all and each suite has a private whirlpool bath and sitting room.”

  Casey was silent as the information slowly penetrated her numbed brain. Who could possibly need so many rooms? It looked more like a hotel than a home.

  Still dazed, Casey allowed Andrew to lead her across the oak floor with its incredible mahogany and cherry inlay towards the back of the house. They passed two arched doorways and a small door. The archway on the left at the foot of the stairs led into the formal dining room. It boasted an incredible antique cherry dining set big enough to seat the entire Vancouver Canuck’s hockey team. The archway on the right led into a beautiful formal living room, also decorated completely in antiques. The smaller door situated farther down the wall past the living room was locked.

  “That’s Ted’s office. He still keeps some files here. Nothing really important,” He assured her at her questioning look. “But, he’d rather not have it available for just anyone to go through. Of course he’s also got a lot of expensive computer equipment, and more security is better as far as insurance companies go. Not that they drop the premiums any.” Andrew muttered the last part under his breath, obviously remembering a not so pleasant conversation with his own insurance adjuster.

  “I guess his insurance is a lot more than the twenty dollars a month I pay.”

  Andrew smiled lazily at her. “I guess his insurance is more than your annual rent.”


  The front hall ended in the largest kitchen/family room Casey had ever seen. It was big enough to put at least two apartments the size of hers in and still have space left over for a friendly game of softball. While Andrew put away the groceries, Casey explored.

  The back wall was what drew her attention. It was entirely made of glass! Nearly seamless, it spanned the entire length of the house and looked directly west out over the setting sun reflecting off the ocean far below. Perched as it was on a bluff above the other homes in the area, there was almost nothing in the way to impair the view.

  “This place is incredible!” Casey exclaimed as she walked down the two steps into the family room, her feet sinking into the thick cream-colored carpet. A fire blazed in the huge stone fireplace at the far end of the room.

  “Did someone know we were coming?” She turned to ask Andrew. Indicating the fireplace.

  He was right behind her. Handing her a chilled glass of sparkling wine he noted the direction of her gaze. “The groundskeeper knew I was coming. The fireplace is gas; all it required was a flick of the switch. ” He smiled down at her still dazed expression. “To an incredible two weeks.” He raised his glass in a toast.

  Casey raised her glass to his and paused as his words sunk in. "So, does this mean you're sticking around for a while?" She had to ask. "I thought you'd said you were planning to leave in a few days?" She found herself holding her breath waiting for his confirmation.

  "Change of plans." Andrew smiled over his glass. "I've got a couple more weeks vacation and I'm finding that I'm enjoying this area more than I thought I would. The company's pretty nice too." His voice turned serious. "I like you Casey, and I find myself wanting to spend a bit more time with you, get to know you a bit better. Besides," He smiled again. "What does Barbados have that I can't find in B.C.?"

  "A couple dozen degrees of heat?" Was her laconic response, but inwardly she was doing cartwheels. He wasn't leaving. He wanted to spend more time with her. Two weeks. She had to remember that was all she had. Only two weeks. Nervously, she took a quick sip of the wine.

  Andrew’s bright blue eyes darkened as he watched her lick a tiny drop of moisture from her bottom lip. Desire swirled in their depths. Casey caught her breath, captivated by the intensity of his gaze.

  With a quickly indrawn breath, Andrew turned back towards the kitchen. “Why don’t you go out on the patio and take a look around while I make us some dinner. I hope you like barbeque, I’m afraid that’s all I can make.” He called back over his shoulder. “Steaks and salad work for you?”

  “Sounds great.” Casey said weakly taking a gulp of her drink. "Are you sure there's nothing I can do to help?" She asked, following him into the commercial grade kitchen.

  "Not this time. You're my guest and I have everything under control. Besides you're too distracting. I might burn the steaks." He grinned over his shoulder as he pulled a couple of T-bones out of the huge stainless steel fridge.

  Casey could totally relate. She wanted his kiss so badly she could taste it. "I can't argue with that." She laughed and with a deep breath to control her overactive imagination she turned quickly and easily located the latch for the sliding door. Closing the door behind her with a small click, she crossed over to lean against a low stone wall that seemed to be the only thing between her and the/ ocean thousands of feet below.

  What would it be like to live like this everyday, to consider it the norm? She couldn't imagine. She thought about the people who owned it. Did they still revel in the splendour of the location? Stand in awe at the overwhelming view? Appreciate their good fortune, and be thankful every day for the opportunity to enjoy this lifestyle? Or was it no more to them than Casey's apartment was to her, just a comfortable place to call home, a place to sleep and work and eat, and nothing more? The idea made her sad and she decided right then that, as soon as she won the lottery, she wouldn't take any of those things she dreamed of someday having for granted. She laughed softly. As that was next to impossible maybe she'd just try to not take for granted the things she already had. She turned her attention back to the view and eagerly watched for signs of wildlife moving through the rushing surf.

  Lost in her enjoyment of the scenery she was surprised when nearly half an hour later Andrew appeared next to her. “Supper’s ready.” He smiled down at her and fitting his hand to the arch in the small of her back, escorted her into the house.

  A small wrought iron table had been placed at the top of the steps leading from the family room. Andrew had decorated it with sparkling crystal and crisp linens. It looked cozy and inviting. In the soft light of the fading sun a dozen small candles flickered around the room like lost fireflies. The effect was incredibly romantic. Casey’s heart started pounding so hard she was sure that he could hear it. Too bad she couldn't tell if it was anticipation or fear. At least then she'd know whether her body was telling her to sit and enjoy, or run for her life.

  Striding into the kitchen Andrew grabbed the two steaming plates that waited under heat lamps. Walking back towards the table he gestured for Casey to have a seat, taking the decision out of her hands. “Would you like another glass of white or would you prefer red with your meal?” His voice was light.

/>   “More white please.” Casey sat herself down and smoothed one of the beautiful linen cloths over her lap, her heart rate reaching a more normal rhythm once again.

  Andrew poured them both more wine and sat himself down across from her, the setting sun glowed red and orange and pink as he raised his fork.

  The dinner he had prepared was delicious. The steaks were perfectly grilled and the salad crisp and fresh. Andrew was the perfect host, putting her at ease immediately.

  “So tell me about your bookstore. How did you end up as an entrepreneur bookstore owner in North Vancouver, Canada?”

  Casey was surprised. “What would you like to know?”


  “It’ll take a while.” She cautioned laughing.

  Andrew just smiled. “We have all night.”

  Casey smiled back. “So we do. Well it all started about six years ago. I grew up an army brat, travelling all over the world with my family, from one post to the next. It was fun, interesting. I saw a lot of the world." She smiled remembering, but Andrew didn't miss the quick shadow that crossed her expression. It hadn't been all fun for her. "We finally settled down in a small town outside of Ottawa, but even though we were there for more years than we'd been anywhere else I still didn't feel at home, settled. "Her brow wrinkled as she though about it. "It was odd. I was with my family, we'd finally stopped moving and I should have been happy, but something was missing." She chewed contemplatively and shrugged.

  "That's when I packed up my little car and headed west. I ended up here." She laughed, well not here, here." She waved her fork to indicate the house, but North Van. And here I stayed. I got work in a local bookstore, joined the patrol, saved money, got a second job, saved more money. When the bookstore I was working in went up for sale I had my sister, who's an accountant by the way, help me with projections and a business plan, put in an application for a loan, made an offer and voila!" She smiled. "I was the proud owner of a rundown retail outlet in the heart of North Van, with more debt over my head than I ever in my life imagined I could hold." She shook her head. "It's been tough some times but fun. I love my little store, and have finally found a place I feel like I'm home."

  Casey looked down at her plate surprised to see that she'd finished her meal. She looked up, eyes wide. "Oh my gosh, why didn't you shut me up? I can't believe I just rambled like that for so long. The steak was incredible by the way." She smiled sheepishly.

  Andrew reached over and covered her hand with his, giving it a quick squeeze. "No apology needed. I was interested. It's quite the story. You love that store." It wasn't a question.

  "I do. I've put a lot of work into it, a lot of myself." Andrew refilled her wine glass and she took a small sip. "Last year I hired Mikey, he's been indispensable, has lots of great ideas on how to improve things, attract more customers….we've got a good partnership going now. I'm thinking of bringing him on as a legal partner and making it official." Her grin flashed briefly, "but I'm having a hard time giving any of it up yet."

  "I don't blame you. It's hard to just hand off something you've built yourself and move on. Finished?" He asked indicating her empty plate.

  "Oh yes," She dabbed her lips with the napkin and placed it on her plate. "It was absolutely delicious. Thank you."

  Andrew smiled. "Anytime." He said, and Casey couldn't help but wish that he really meant it. Andrew quickly cleared the table and disappeared into the kitchen. He reappeared with a delicious looking fruit salad served in sparkling cut glass bowls for dessert. Or at least Casey hoped they were cut glass. Just her luck they'd be crystal and she'd drop it for sure.

  “What, no German chocolate cake? Trifle? Crème Brule?” Casey was mock-affronted.

  “Nope.” Andrew patted his trim waist. “Watching my weight…” He pulled a can from behind his back. “Whipped cream?”

  Casey giggled; she didn’t remember having so much fun in a long, long time. “I would love some.” Andrew obligingly sprayed a healthy dollop of the canned foam onto her salad.

  Picking up a dab of the heavy, sweet cream on her dainty dessert spoon she licked it off slowly, closing her eyes and savouring the taste of the sweet rich topping melt on her tongue. Opening her eyes slowly she looked straight into Andrew’s heavy lidded gaze as he watched her lick the last of the cream from the small utensil. She blushed, suddenly realizing what she'd done. It hadn't been her intention to…..she tried to think of something to direct his attention elsewhere. "Ok, your turn."

  The look Andrew turned on her was dazed. “What?”

  Casey took a huge spoonful of fruit and chewed energetically. She swallowed. “Tell me about you, now. Your family, your work…everything.”

  Andrew blinked and smiled. The look he gave her told her he wasn't going to forget the thoughts she'd put into his head, but he could wait. “Everything, eh? Not much to tell. I was born thirty-four years ago in rural Alberta, both parents are still living, my sister lives in Point Grey and I have a brother who has a ranch near Lethbridge. I had wanderlust for years, so when I applied to Harvard and got in on a scholarship I jumped at the chance. I ended up with a job in management in a huge construction equipment firm in Chicago and worked my way through the ranks. Now I just have to decide whether or not to take this promotion I've been offered. It’s a fantastic opportunity but…" He looked pensive for a minute but shook it off quickly. "I haven't decided yet what I'm going to do. I thought it was the culmination of all of my years of studying and working, and now I'm not even sure I want it." He popped a grape into his mouth. "Funny how sometimes you can work and work for what you want so badly, only to find out when you get it that it really wasn't what you wanted at all."

  Casey considered that for a moment. "Maybe it's the thrill of the chase you enjoy. Not so much the catching."

  Andrew looked at her quizzically. "Interesting observation. I hadn't really considered that." He shrugged. "Something to think about I guess."

  Casey shook off the strange pain that coursed through her when he mentioned his job in Chicago. He’s not from here; remember? This is just a temporary fling and it will end. Keep repeating that to yourself and you’ll be fine.

  Andrew’s voice intruded on her thoughts.

  “Why are you so determined to get that cottage you talked about at lunch the other day?” The expression on his face was intensely curious as he finished his last bite of fruit and put down his spoon. “There is so much of the world out there to see. Don’t you want to do more exploring before you settle down?”

  “I’ve explored all I really want to at this point in my life.” She took a healthy sip of her third glass of wine, feeling very mellow. “Any other traveling I do will be with the knowledge that a home waits for me to come back to.” That cloud passed back over her expression. “My Dad was an army officer. I was an army brat for the first sixteen years of my life. I don’t think we stayed anywhere more than two years while I was growing up and I’d like any kids I have to grow up with roots, to know the same children all their lives, to have best friends”

  “It sounds like you had a sad childhood.” Andrew leaned back in his chair.

  “Oh, don’t get me wrong, it was exciting.” She swirled the dregs of her drink around her glass. “I got to see all sorts of places: Italy, Germany, all of Canada, Britain. I just never really made a lot of close friends.” She smiled ruefully. “More acquaintances than I can count but no real close friends.

  “I guess that’s why I love the job I have.” Andrew looked pensive. “Growing up in a small Alberta farming community all my life made me determined to see as much of the world as I could when I was older. I love the work I do and the places it takes me to. It can be very exciting.”

  “We’re very different aren’t we?”

  “Differences can be a good thing.” Andrew took Casey’s hand in his and raised her knuckles to his lips. “They can make life more exciting.”

  Casey looked at him uncertainly.
Even the most intense excitement couldn’t make up for all their differences. She shook off her doubts, determined to enjoy as much of his time here as she could.

  Andrew pushed back his chair and started gathering their empty dessert dishes. “Time to clean up. Why don’t you make yourself comfortable? I’ll bring you a liqueur.” He banished Casey to the family room.

  Not one to argue over clean up duty Casey requested a Bailey’s and chose a spot on one of the huge overstuffed couches nearest the fireplace. It faced the hearth but was still angled enough to be able to watch the flickering stars through the window.

  Casey was startled when the lights were suddenly extinguished. Andrew moved slowly around the room lighting candles. He turned the stereo on and picked some slow romantic music she didn't recognize. With a sigh she forced herself to relax and stretched her legs out onto the leather footrest that matched her couch. She sunk so far back into the cushions that she was afraid she would never be able to get up.

  The room wasn’t completely dark: The fire lent a warm glow over the room, and the twinkling stars filling every inch of the back wall gave the impression of being in the middle of a huge field. Except, of course, that she was sucked into the middle of a very comfortable couch. She sighed contentedly and snuggled deeper.

  Andrew’s nearly soundless form drew closer.

  Casey was too comfortable and relaxed to feel more than the slightest twinge of nervousness as he lowered his strong body onto the cushions next to her. She turned a smile on him as he placed their drinks on the low coffee table and eased himself against the back of the couch.

  Making himself comfortable, he pulled Casey into the crook of his arm. She couldn't stop herself from tensing up. As if he understood, Andrew just held her softly until she relaxed and snuggled closer, closing her eyes. This was heaven.

  Andrew’s gently fingers played idly with a single curl at her temple. “So my little Casey,” His breath stirred the hair above her ear. “Have you enjoyed yourself so far tonight?”

  Casey arched her neck and turned her head up to face him. In the firelight he glowed like a burnished God. She smiled contentedly and looked deeply into his smiling eyes. “Yes, I do believe I have.”

  Something changed. An indefinable tension gripped her, not fear this time. Anticipation, she recognized as the look in Andrew’s eyes grew more serious. The hand at her temple moved to cup the hollow at her throat and he lowered his head so slowly that Casey didn’t even consider objecting. She closed her eyes.

  Andrew’s kiss was warm and slow. He nibbled the skin of Casey’s lower lip, his breath warm on her mouth. Casey sighed as he shifted slightly and traced the line of her jaw with his mouth and tentatively nibbled her earlobe.

  Casey shuddered with sudden intense longing. She opened passion-dazed eyes and watched as he bent his head and softly kissed skin left bare by the v of her shirt. Her gasp brought his head up and he regarded her steadily, his gaze questioning. The expression on her face, and the look of quiet acceptance and burning desire in her eyes, gave him the answer he was looking for, and his lips met hers once again, his kiss no longer soft and slow. This time Andrew kissed her with an intensity that left Casey’s head reeling. She kissed him back with equal fervour, tongue meeting tongue, tasting, taking, asking for more. Casey's hands ran down his chest of their own volition. With what sounded like a low curse, Andrew broke the kiss and raised his head. His gaze hooded, he regarded the expression on her face. Casey feared he was going to stop, feared he wasn’t.

  “I want to make love with you.” His gravelly voice washed over her. He framed his words as much as a statement as a question and as if he couldn't help himself, ran a line of soft kisses across her cheek. Part of Casey wanted him to just take her, not give her any choice and make the decision easier for her. She could count on one hand the number of lovers she’d had, and none of those relationships had been entered into lightly. It just wasn’t in her nature and she was torn about whether or not getting that close to Andrew would be a good idea. She was terribly afraid she would get too attached, and she was going to end up getting terribly hurt. But he felt so damn good, the idea of stopping was almost as terrifying. Almost.

  Casey looked at him uncertainly. “This probably isn’t such a good idea right now.” She felt bereft at the loss of his mouth on her skin.

  “No?” Andrew rubbed the tip of his nose against her forehead in a strangely tender gesture. “Why’s that?” He kissed her lightly on the temple.

  “We don’t even live in the same country.” Casey shut her eyes; the feel of his lips lightly feathering her skin was too much for her concentration.

  “Hmm, that is a problem.” Andrew’s words were offhanded, his attention obviously on the line of kisses he was trailing across her cheek to her earlobe.

  “Yes…. I…” Casey lost her trail of thought and opened her eyes. Andrew was so close all she could see was the unmistakable desire reflected in his gaze.

  Something in her expression caused Andrew’s gaze to flame even higher. With a low groan of defeat, Casey submitted willingly as he took her mouth almost savagely with his, opening her lips and plundering their warm depths.

  His tongue teased, danced, mated with hers and was quickly withdrawn. His warm lips nibbled and caressed.

  Casey foundered on a sea of intense awareness. Then as a deeper simmering passion burst to life in her unsuspecting body, she kissed him back, matching his passion, giving as good as she got, revelling in their complete understanding of each other’s needs.

  She felt bereft as Andrew tore his mouth from her throbbing lips and buried his face in her hair.

  He pulled back slightly.

  Intensely aware of his eyes on her, she tentatively raised a trembling hand and smoothed the cotton fibres of his shirt over the bulging muscles of his bicep; her passion drugged gaze watched her hand in wonder as it followed the fabric up over his strong sinewy shoulders and down the front of his powerfully built chest. One button of his shirt popped under her tentative exploration. She looped her fingers through the opening and rested her knuckles against his hot skin.

  Casey’s blood rushed through her body; her head started spinning. She lowered her hot face and pressed her lips against the skin left exposed by her wandering hands. Her control was nearing the breaking point. The strength of her desire amazed her.

  Andrew raised Casey’s head with gentle hands and stared deep into eyes bright with her need, her uncertainty, and the wonder. He groaned and reclaimed her lips softly, tenderly.

  Casey trembled under his strong form as his body weight pushed her farther back into the cushions and one large hand wound itself into the copper halo of her hair.

  His mouth still on hers, Andrew lowered the other hand and roughly pulled Casey’s blouse free from her jeans and cupped the natural indentation of her now bared waist. Slowly, tenderly, he smoothed one rough palm upwards until he reached the border of her lacy bra. One finger tentatively traced the bottom edge.

  Casey moaned as Andrew relinquished her lips almost grudgingly and blazed a scorching trail across her cheek and down her neck; His breathing rasped harshly in the otherwise quiet room.

  In the back of her mind a small seed of uncertainty scratched at her subconscious. She knew she should object, should stop him, but the reason why was way too far beyond her immediate comprehension. With a small purr of satisfaction, she gave up trying to think and grabbed the back of his head in both hands as his lips slipped lower down her neck to the open V of her shirt. She gasped aloud as the hand stroking her rib cage slipped under the lace trim of her bra to cup her burgeoning flesh. Her eyes never leaving his face, she watched as Andrew’s mouth wandered lower still, his tongue lapping slowly across her overheated chest. Casey writhed impatiently waiting for something she couldn’t define. She stared, bemused, as he suddenly moved his hand and pushed her throbbing breast free of it’s confining garment. She gasped as he drew the turgid peak into his mouth.

bsp; Casey couldn’t think; she could only feel and she felt so, so good. She moaned again and pressed her lower body closer to Andrew’s arousal. “Please, please,” She implored brokenly, not exactly sure what she was pleading for.

  A cracking flame startled them both, making Casey jump. She opened her eyes slowly and met Andrew’s passion drugged gaze with one of her own.

  Slowly, Andrew’s gaze ran down between their bodies, locked together almost as close as it was possible for a man and a woman to be. He planted a tiny kiss between Casey’s aching breasts and with a deep, steadying breath, straightened her clothes. He sat up pulling Casey with him.

  Her dazed look questioned why he had stopped. Her body still hummed for his touch.

  Andrew smiled ruefully and tucked her small form once more under his arm; he tenderly kissed the top of her tousled head.

  Casey could feel his lips move as the spoke.

  “Much as I want you …" He broke off with a low curse. "Now is probably not the best timing. I know it might be hard to believe, but this isn’t what I planned for us tonight.” He kissed her again and raised his head to look around them. “At least not yet, and not like this.” At her confused frown he kissed her tenderly on the lips, his breath warm on her skin. “When I make love to you for the first time, I want it to be somewhere we can be comfortable, not on a couch.” He laughed ruefully, his own gaze puzzled as if he didn’t completely understand this need to stop either, “No matter how romantic the setting….. I’ll be moving in here in a couple of days to finish out the rest of my vacation now that my sister’s husband is coming back home.” He smiled down at her, his eyes dark. “I’m hoping you’ll spend some time with me.”

  Casey looked back, her needs warring with her caution. He was leaving, there was no future. Was she strong enough to enjoy what they had together so briefly, and just say goodbye when it was over, but if she didn't, would she spend the rest of her life regretting? Need won and she leaned in and gave him a slow, sweet kiss. “I think I’d like that.” She was almost surprised to hear herself admit it, but it was true. She would like that. Very much.

  He sat up straight and picked up their drinks, handing Casey hers. “Drink up little girl, we should be getting you home. You have a big day tomorrow.”

  He moved away slightly, giving Casey room to recover.

  Casey shook her hair, took a deep breath and sipped her drink. Giving him a look that still had remnants of the passion they had just shared she smiled dazedly. “Wow,” Was all she said before she leaned over and kissed him softly on the cheek.

  Leaning back she looked deeply into his eyes. “Thank you for stopping,” She breathed softly. “I certainly didn’t have the strength.” She laughed ruefully. “This may sound strange, but….why? Why stop?” Her hand shook slightly with reaction as she took another sip of her drink. Part of her was thankful he stopped when he did, part of her was just piqued.

  “I’m not exactly sure myself,” Andrew admitted ruefully. “We have a romantic setting, a suite upstairs we can use for the night, but it isn’t set up for me yet and….” He gazed down at her softly, “and I get the impression that tonight might be too fast for you." He paused thoughtfully. "I like you Casey, and I want to spend more time with you.” He laughed ruefully, “and I guess I’m a bit afraid that if I rush you, you’ll bolt and that will be the end of whatever this could be.”

  Casey just looked at him. “You are definitely not what I expected when I first saw you on that ski hill.” She admitted almost sheepishly. “I expected you would be some arrogant, macho womanizer who loved and left a string of broken hearts across the west coast.”

  “It’s not as easy to love and leave as you might expect. It has its own problems.” Andrew hugged her tight. “I don’t have the kind of life that lends itself to long term relationships, but that doesn’t mean the relationships I do have need to be anything less than meaningful. And I hope you know I'd never do anything to hurt you.”

  She wanted to believe, she truly did. But she just wasn't sure enough to respond. The hurting wasn't going to be intentional, that didn't mean it wasn't still going to cause her pain. Closing her eyes Casey savoured the contact, and then pulled away reluctantly. “I guess we’d better go.”

  Andrew pushed himself up off the couch and offered her one strong hand. When she stood, he slowly, tentatively, pulled her into the gentlest embrace she had ever experienced, and kissed her lightly. He drew back, leaned his forehead against hers and took a deep breath. “Let’s go minx, before I change my mind.”

  Before Casey realized his intentions he had spun her around so she was facing the exit and slapped her lightly on the rear end.


  Andrew was already halfway across the room. “Are you coming, or what?” His laughter echoed from the front hall.

  Muttering under her breath about bossy, arrogant men, Casey followed slowly. She couldn’t seem to stop smiling.

  The drive back down the mountain was quietly enjoyable. Conversation was easy, relaxed, and they chatted easily all the way into Lynn Valley.

  Arriving at the exit to Casey’s neighbourhood, Andrew followed her directions and eventually stopped in front of a faded brownstone building.

  Casey had always considered it a charming older building, like a blue haired old lady still stately and proudly erect that only on closer inspection revealed sloped shoulders and wrinkled skin. After the evening spent in such splendour she now just thought it looked old and worn out. Will anything look the same after tonight?

  “I had an incredible time.” She smiled tiredly.

  Andrew leaned over and gave her a soft kiss. “Goodnight sweet Casey. Have wonderful dreams.” He leaned over her to open her door, his muscular forearm lightly brushing the ultra sensitive tips of her still throbbing breasts. She gasped; he smiled knowingly and slowly removed his arm. “I’ll call you tomorrow about this weekend.” His voice grew serious. “You will come to my sister’s party won’t you?”

  “As a matter of fact it’s my day off.” Casey smiled. “It sounds like fun.” His sister was planning a welcome home party for her husband as an excuse to entertain for a few hours. Casey was looking forward to meeting this sister and finding out the latest news from Ottawa from her husband. Andrew had mentioned something about him being on an important business trip to the capital city. As it was close to the only home she had ever really known, she was interested in hearing first hand what had been happening since she visited last.

  Casey turned as if to leave, changed her mind and turned back. A devilish light shone in her cat green eyes. Smiling slightly she slowly leaned towards Andrew and placed her hand on his hard muscular thigh. Ever so delicately, she kissed the point where his earlobe met his neck and blew softly in his ear as she drew back. She could feel his body tighten and strain towards her.

  Removing her hand she quickly turned and slid out of the car. Her expression was taunting. “Two can play that game.” Her dancing eyes conveyed the message; no words were needed.

  Andrew leaned towards her. “You are playing with fire, little girl.” The look in his eyes was intense. It excited her and scared her at the same time. “I hope you’re capable of dealing with the consequences.”

  “I’m not a little girl and I can’t wait to see what the consequences could possibly be.” She licked her lips seductively and pushed herself away from the car, slamming the door closed behind her. With a jaunty wave she disappeared into the building.

  Andrew sat there. He watched her go and let out a low whistle as she disappeared from view. Suddenly he wasn’t quite sure which of them was calling the shots. Although as he pulled out onto the deserted street he had a sneaking suspicion that if she hadn't been able to escape quite so easily she might not have been so cocky. He chuckled softly as he turned towards the bridge; the next couple weeks were definitely going to be interesting.
