Read Double Diamond Page 21

Andrew was sitting on a barstool at the long island in the middle of the kitchen. His incredible feeling of relief when Casey had arrived had surprised him. When was the last time he had felt so much concern for one woman who wasn’t his mother, or sister? He couldn’t remember. Andrew smiled slightly. This strange new feeling wasn’t making him feel like he should turn step back a few paces, like he thought it would. In fact he was actually kind of enjoying it.

  Andrew could hear the party going on behind him through the patio doors and had no desire to join them. All he could think about was Casey standing naked in his shower; maybe drying herself with the towel he had used just this morning. He took another long cool drink of his iced tea and wished she would hurry up. Any more fantasizing and he'd be in no shape to rejoin the party. Swirling the ice cubes around in his glass, he tried to make his mind blank.

  A noise behind him in the doorway made him look up. He turned around and stopped in shock. This was much worse than his fantasizing. Heat surged through his body as he regarded the beautiful woman standing there.

  She had resembled a half drowned cranky puppy when she pulled up into the driveway earlier, cute but not too cuddly. That description did not fit well now at all. Now she was looking definitely…cuddly seemed too tame a word.

  Her still slightly damp hair fell in shimmering waves that caressed her face, her eyes glowed emerald as she watched him watch her, and those lips…her ruby red lips possessed just a touch of shimmer, just enough to make any man want to taste them to see if they tasted as good as they looked.

  Casey started over to him, the skirt of her buttercup yellow dress brushed tantalizing against her smooth, shapely legs. The bodice hugged her curves like a besotted lover.

  Andrew took another gulp of his drink and nearly choked. At this rate they would never get out to the party.

  “Sorry, did I startle you.” Casey’s soft concerned voice washed over him. Her eyebrows were knit together in alarm. “Are you OK?” She put her hand on his arm.

  Andrew pulled himself together. “I’m fine, just a piece of ice went down the wrong way.” He reassured her. Straightening, he smiled into her eyes. “You look very lovely. Can I get you a drink?”

  “Incredible what a nice cool shower will do, isn’t it?” she joked. Awareness flashed in her eyes and was smothered quickly.

  Andrew knew exactly how she felt.

  “I feel much better and yes, thank you, I’d love something cold. Non-alcoholic, please. I’m driving.” She continued in a safer vein.

  Andrew strode over to the refrigerator. “All we’ve got is pop, juice or iced tea in the non-alcoholic drinks category. Any preference?” He asked over the fridge door.

  “Juice will be fine, thanks,” Casey let her eyes wander around the room they were standing in, admiring the view and the beautiful decorating touches. She’d have to remember to compliment Andrew’s sister on her talent. She really was quite good.

  Andrew returned and handed her a frosty glass filled with some sort of fruit punch “Ready to meet the crowd?” He smiled down at her inquiringly.

  “In just a minute,” She stalled momentarily, accepting the glass and taking a much-needed long sip. She smiled up at him in pleasure. “Just what I needed.” She caught an ice cube in her perfect teeth and munched it contentedly.

  Andrew’s eyes blazed with desire as he watched her.

  Casey caught the look and blushed fiercely.

  She swallowed the ice quickly. “Let’s get to that party.” She grabbed the forearm Andrew offered and allowed him to escort her out onto the patio.

  Inquisitive neighbours immediately surrounded Casey as she walked into the yard. She smiled bemusedly as Andrew made a round of introductions.

  Casey looked down inquiringly as Mrs. Applebottom tugged on her arm. “Hello dear, Cassidy isn’t it?” She peered up at her myopically through thick horn rimmed glasses. Ignoring Casey’s correction of her name she continued, “So are you dear Andrew’s fiancé?” Mrs. Applebottom was obviously a big fan of happily ever after romances.

  Casey blushed and flashed Andrew a mortified look. He gazed back evenly, enjoying watching her deal with the old lady.

  “Oh no.” She corrected swiftly. “We aren’t getting married. We’re just friends, I…”

  “I love a wedding.” Mrs. Applebottom gazed dreamily at the happy couple, ignoring Casey once again. “You’ll have to have it in June, of course.” She looked around her appraisingly. “This garden would do wonderfully. The flowers should all be in bloom by then.” Pleased with herself for helping the young couple with the difficult job of planning such a special day she beamed all around. “Of course, you’ll continue your book writing after you’re married.” She regarded Casey seriously, “It would be a shame to give up such a wonderful career.”

  “I don’t write.” Casey corrected in vain. “I own a bookstore.”

  “Oh, that must make it easier to sell the books you write then if you can display them in your own store.”

  Casey looked up at Andrew dazedly.

  He took the hint and made their excuses, “We really do have to find my sister.”

  Mrs. Applebottom let them go with a smile.

  “You’ll have to excuse Mrs. Applebottom,” Andrew whispered when they were out of earshot. “She’s a little hard of hearing. She’s partly deaf and refuses to wear her hearing aid. But she’s a sweet old lady. Angela mentioned she just celebrated her 95th birthday.”

  “I liked her…..I think. And I can only hope to be that with it when I'm 95. But she does seem to twist your words a bit, doesn’t she?” Casey agreed with a shake of her head.

  "Don't let her fool you; I think she does it deliberately. There's a steel trap of a brain in that head of hers."

  Andrew caught a glimpse of his sister across the lawn. “Angela!” he called over the crush of guests milling around.

  Angela lifted her head from a very involved tête-à-tête with a very important looking man, and waved. Drifting over the well-kept lawn towards them she said hello and exchanging pleasantries with everyone she passed. Eventually she arrived at their sides.

  “Hey, little brother, I wondered where you’d disappeared to.” She hugged her brother and turned to introduce herself to Casey. “Now I understand perfectly.” She held out one perfectly manicured hand. “Hi, you must be Casey. I’m Angela, Andrew’s big sister.” She smiled conspiratorially. “If he gives you any trouble, just give me a call. I’ll put him in his place.” She winked at Casey.

  “I don’t think I want to stick around and listen to anymore brother bashing.” Andrew pretended to be hurt. “I’m going to find myself another iced tea.” He grasped Casey’s arm in his gentle grip. “Can I get you anything? Another juice?”

  “That would be lovely, thank you.” Her smile lit up her face.

  Andrew turned back to his sister and scowled. “Be nice while I’m gone. Don’t go scaring her off.” He turned and walked toward the house.

  “If you haven’t done anything she would consider scary then you shouldn’t have to worry.” Angela teased his retreating back.

  Andrew shot her a dirty look and kept walking.

  Angela turned to Casey and grabbing her hand pulled her to a bench under a nearby maple tree. They made themselves comfortable. “So.” Angela’s gaze was probing. “You are the patroller that saved my little brother.”

  “I didn’t exactly save him, just found him and brought him down off the mountain.” Casey protested. “I’m trained in first aid, not medicine. We just keep them stable until the doctors can do their stuff. It’s a challenge, but I really enjoy it.”

  “Tell me about it.” Angela instructed. “How do you get into something like that? What can you do?”

  They spent the next 10 minutes happily discussing patrolling, decorating and the new upcoming mystery gala at the bookstore until Angela suddenly leaned towards Casey.

  “Did Andrew tell you why he was here?” She gazed directly at Casey as if
trying to see into her head.

  Casey was taken aback. “I’m not sure what you mean. He’s on holiday, isn’t he? And sort of helping you out from what I’ve witnessed.”

  “Well, yes and no.” Angela leaned back again her expression thoughtful. She smiled over at Casey. “This is where I get to do the big sister routine and tell you exactly how wonderful my little brother really is.”

  Casey looked at her questioningly; she smiled slightly as she remembered the past couple of days. “I think I already know how wonderful he is.”

  “Did he tell you that he gave up what could have been a fantastic 4 week vacation anywhere he wanted to help me with the kids?”

  Casey was surprised. “No, he didn’t, I knew he was giving you a hand but didn’t realize that was his sole purpose for being here.”

  “I needed help.” Angela’s gazed into the distance remembering. “Kevin, my husband, was going out of town for a couple of weeks.” She glanced at Casey and frowned. “A bloody business trip. And I was terrified of being on my own.” She glanced around. “My two beautiful daughters, Paula-she’s eight and Janie, 12 are around here somewhere, they’re great kids but a handful at the best of times and are home on spring break.” She smiled proudly. “I don’t know if he told you but I have a brand new baby boy too, he’s only 2 months old and such a sweetie.” She paused, a soft maternal smile softening her features.

  She snapped back with a self-conscious grin. “Anyway, the baby’s been a bit colicky lately and I was terrified that I couldn’t handle an entire two weeks on my own. I didn’t know who I could trust to help with the babysitting, and I didn't want strangers in my house….I'm a bit odd about that sometimes." She shrugged philosophically."…So, I called Andrew and cried a bit.” She smiled at Casey conspiratorially. “You know the whole girly thing.”

  Casey had an idea that it hadn’t all been an act, but didn’t say anything.

  “And he offered to come, he had holidays he was planning to take anyway and decided to spend them with us.

  “He’s taken the girls hiking and biking, and the day you found him, bruised and beaten on the slopes,” Angela laughed, “he was attempting to take them skiing. I don’t know what he was thinking; he hadn’t been on skis in years.” She shook her head. “He used to be really good when he was younger, won prizes and all that, but it’s been a long time…” She looked over at Casey and smiled. “So have I succeeded in making my little brother seem like a much more wonderful person than you had ever imagined.”

  Casey just smiled softly and watched Andrew in the distance. “You didn’t have to convince me. It’s too bad he’s only here for such a short time.”

  Angela sobered quickly at the look on Casey’s face. “I think he really cares about you, he’s never brought anyone to meet the family before. Maybe the two of you could work something out?”

  “We’re really just friends.” Casey wasn’t really surprised at the sardonic look Angela threw her way. She didn’t really believe it herself. But if not just friends, then….. What?

  By the time Andrew returned with Casey’s juice the two girls were giggling helplessly, their previous conversation long forgotten.

  “I hope you two aren’t laughing at me?” His tone was reproachful. The look in his eyes said he wasn’t concerned. He handed Casey her drink and sat down beside her.

  “Of course not.” Casey was quick to defend herself. “I was just telling Angela about my new assistant Gail.” She shot a laughing look at Angela. Turning back to Andrew she continued, “You haven’t met her yet. She’s…. different. I’ll let you form your own opinion the next time you come to the bookstore.

  “Have you met Kevin yet?” Andrew directed the question towards Casey but looked at his sister when he asked it.

  “Oh my.” Angela jumped up. “I completely forgot to introduce him. Hold on and I’ll get him for you.” She wound her way through the crowd.

  “Your sister’s really nice.” Casey said softly, watching the older woman stop to talk momentarily with one of her guests.

  “The two of you seem to be getting along well.” Andrews look was searching. He picked up Casey’s hand and twined their fingers together.

  “She’s very easy to talk to.” Casey agreed. She smiled up at him and hugged his arm. “Don’t worry she didn’t say anything that I didn’t already know.”

  Andrew just looked sceptical.

  Angela appeared as quickly as she had disappeared. She was towing behind her a very handsome dark haired man. In his arms he was carrying a tiny baby, wrapped tightly in a blue receiving blanket.

  “Here are the two most important men in my life.” Angela announced regally. “Except for you of course.” She directed as an aside to Andrew.

  Andrew just smiled.

  “This is my husband Kevin. He’s the best forensic accountant in the country.” She introduced proudly.

  Kevin rolled his eyes and shot his wife an amused look. He shook his head at Casey as if to say she was just exaggerating.

  Picking the sleeping baby from her husband’s arms Angela smiled softly. “And this little fellow is my unemployed son Alexander.” She looked up at Casey. “Would you like to hold him?”

  Casey protested but was overruled. Angela placed the small child in her wary arms and stepped back. “See, he likes you.” She laughed as the baby opened his eyes tiredly and blew a bubble at her.

  Casey smiled down at the infant. He was so adorable, so tiny, and he smelled of baby powder. Her maternal clock started gave one big tick, and she knew she was in deep trouble as she gazed down at the child. “He’s perfect.” She whispered, playing with one tiny perfect fist. “He looks just like you.” She said to Kevin as she handed the child back to his father’s waiting arms.

  “Thanks, I thought so too. A bit shorter of course, but that handsome jaw line is unmistakable.” Kevin was every inch the proud father.

  “We’d better get back to circulating sweetie.” Angela put an arm around his waist and leaned her head against his shoulder.

  “Of course Boss, whatever you say.” Kevin smiled indulgently at his wife. “Enjoy yourselves, you two.” He directed towards Andrew and Casey. “There’s lots of food and drink floating around here. Help yourselves.” They said their goodbyes, promising to drop in at the bookstore Friday and went to circulate among their other guests.

  Casey watched them go. She turned towards Andrew and they started off across the lawn in the opposite direction. “They seem very happy together.” She reflected enviously.

  “They are. They’re probably the only example of a happily married couple that I know.”

  “You sound…I don’t know…almost as if you don't believe in happy marriages.” Casey looked at him in surprise.

  “I just know too many relationships that were great before the wedding and fell apart afterwards.”

  “Maybe it was the relationship that had problems in the first place, but just weren't addressed before the marriage happened.” Casey suggested logically and shrugged. "I see friends who seem to think all of their small, seemingly unimportant, relationship problems will just magically resolve themselves if only they were married. It's a recipe for disaster."

  Andrew looked at her consideringly. “You’re probably right.” He offered her his arm and changed the subject. “Shall we circulate?”
