Read Double Diamond Page 24

“That was great lasagne, Casey.” Andrew leaned back in his chair and wiped his mouth with the corner of his napkin. “You’ve got my cooking beat hands down.”

  Casey picked up their dishes and walked towards the kitchen. “I don’t know… there is a definite skill to grilling meat.” She tossed back over her shoulder.

  Turning around to grab the rest of the dishes, she slammed into Andrew with all the force of a skier hitting a rock. Her open palms flat against his chest, her nose squashed against a button on his shirt, she emitted a little squeak of surprise and looked up, way up, into laughing blue eyes.

  Reaching around her, Andrew placed the pan and utensils he was carrying on the counter behind her. He wrapped his arms around Casey’s back and locked her into a bear hug, then bent down and rubbed his nose against hers. “Hello there.” His voice was husky.

  “You startled me,” Casey laughed. Her heart raced a little faster

  “You mean you wouldn’t have hugged me unless it was an accident.” Andrew pretended to frown sadly; his eyes twinkled.

  Casey pushed him away with a smile. He knew the answer; there was no need to respond. “Would you like a cup of coffee?” She turned and opened the cupboard next to the fridge, surprised to see her hands shaking like dry leaves in a strong wind.

  Andrew walked after her and wrapped her in his arms from behind. “Maybe later.” He whispered in her ear.

  His breath warmed Casey’s ear and stirred the hair at her temple. The masculine scent of him inundated her senses.

  “Why don’t you come back into the living room and talk to me some more.” His voice was low, seductive and was sending shivers up Casey’s spine.

  “I have to clean up.” Casey protested weakly. Her knees were beginning to turn to jelly. If he let go of her now, she’d end up in a heap on the floor.

  “You can do that later, too.” Andrew nibbled her earlobe. “Come.” He turned her around gently and led her, bemused and oh so aware, by the hand back into the living room. He by-passed the couch and sat down in the easy chair.

  Casey fell with a thump as Andrew pulled her down onto his lap. “What would you like to talk about?” She asked breathlessly her mouth only inches from his. His breath washed over her, stirring her senses. He smelled of spices and wine.

  “Well for starters, how about this.” His soft kiss feathered across her lips as light as a breeze, silencing her as nothing else could have. “And this.” He nibbled the line of her jaw with his teeth. Warm breath washed over her already heated skin.

  Casey felt every nibble, every scratch. Her senses heightened amplifying sounds and sensations, pushing boundaries she didn’t know could be pushed any farther. “And how incredibly beautiful you are and how much I’ve wanted you all day and…” He punctuated each word with tiny kisses rained across her face and neck.

  Casey’s patience wore out. The blood was flowing hotly through her body like lava from an erupted volcano; her head was spinning. No longer content be a bystander to the feelings and emotions coursing through her body, she took control of her wants, her needs. Her mouth stopped his; her tongue gained entrance and danced against his teeth. She became the aggressor, savouring the taste of his mouth, enjoying the thrust and parry of tongues clashing, breath mingling.

  Andrew submitted to the freedom of being led, of being thoroughly enjoyed.

  Casey tore her mouth away from the pleasure of Andrew’s kiss and leaned her head against his. “Maybe we should just forget about the talking.” Her voice shook. She rubbed her baby soft cheek against his rough masculine one, revelling in their differences.

  “Maybe we should.” He agreed softly, his tongue flicked slowly around the delicate shell of her ear, he nibbled her earlobe.

  She arched her head to allow him greater access, a low moan building in her throat, waiting for release.

  “Any other suggestions?” His eyes blazed hotly.

  “Ohhhh,” Dazed with passion, Casey trailed her hand down his tanned, muscular arm and twined her fingers with his. She raised his hand up to her mouth and kissed his fingers, one by one, nibbling daintily on his warm flesh. “We could go into my bedroom.” She suggested tentatively. Her eyes stared at their entwined hands, a dull flush coloured her cheeks. Sucking gently on his thumb, she waited.

  Andrew smiled a predatory, masculine smile. “We could do that.” His eyes flamed ardently, and then the heat was banked as his look turned serious. “Are you protected, Casey?”

  The question stunned her, she hadn’t even thought of birth control. She shook her head, her expression closed; she clasped his hand tighter in hers. She could get pregnant. Unbidden a small thrill coursed through her body. Andrew’s baby… She quashed the half formed thought. He would be leaving soon. A future together was not an option. Casey raised her head, her eyes sad. But at least they would have tonight.

  “Not to worry, little girl.” Andrew re-assured her in a gentle tone, misinterpreting her unhappiness. “I’ll take care of it.” He rained kisses along her cheek to her mouth. His hands came up to frame her face; he teased her lips with his tongue.

  All thoughts of his leaving fled as Casey moaned into his mouth, her desire flaming, once more out of control, as Andrew deepened the kiss. She grasped his strong shoulders as if to hang on, her mind glazed over with passion.

  Andrew rested his large hand on her thigh. Slowly he stroked her leg from hip to knee and back again, the heat of his hand scorched her sensitized flesh even through the fabric of her jeans.

  Casey broke their kiss and, leaning her head weakly against his shoulder, enjoyed his caress. His thumb teased the zipper on her jeans. Casey could hear the rasp as one fingernail ran lightly down the teeth. She could feel the pressure against her womanhood. Blood coursed frantically through her now feverishly hot body; her breath came in short gasps.

  Andrew moved his hand higher, following the line of her waist and tracing her rib cage through her shirt. His hand paused; his thumb, once again the catalyst, teased the side of her swollen breast.

  Casey gasped and buried her head in the hollow of his shoulder as he caressed the throbbing mound through the cotton of her blouse. She felt like she was floating, she felt gloriously alive.

  The pressure of his arousal against her thigh thrilled her as no man ever had before. She nibbled his neck and impatiently unbuttoned his shirt. She smoothed the offending garment open and ran her nails down through the light blanket of golden hair that covered his chest, revelling in the feel of the soft downy fur against her over-sensitized skin. Reaching lower she ran one small finger slowly, enticingly, around his navel and traced the line where the hair disappeared into his denim shorts.

  With a growl Andrew grabbed her hand and pressed it to his mouth. “Where’s your bedroom?” His voice was raw with tempered passion.

  Casey opened passion drugged eyes and nodded towards the door in the far wall. In one lithe move Andrew swung up and pulled Casey with him. With her still in his arms, as if she weighed less than a feather, he strode purposefully across the room and kicked the door open with his foot. They entered the room and the door swung closed behind them.
