Read Double Diamond Page 32

Casey was sitting in the same spot, hunched over yet another form when Andrew returned hours later.

  Casey looked up and smiled. She had a sinking feeling that the dark circles under her eyes were now her most prominent feature. “Hi.” She sat back in her chair and arched her back. The sound of vertebrae popping echoed across the room. “What time is it?” She looked up at the wall clock and answered her own question. “Five o’clock, already! I had no idea.” She swivelled to look at Andrew directly. “Where’ve you been all day?” Her tone was slightly accusing. Visions of Scott and his secret wife would probably haunt her forever.

  Andrew watched her carefully as if he wasn’t too sure of his welcome. With a smile, he pulled her out of her chair gave her a big hug. “Jealous?” He smiled down at her teasingly.

  Safe and warm in his arms, Casey’s feelings of insecurity vanished. “A little.” She admitted. Her voice was muffled against his chest.

  “Well, you have no need to be. Roberta and I had lunch and then went our separate ways. She’s a nice girl but talks way too much. I just drove around the city for hours afterwards and thought about the argument we had earlier.” He lifted her chin with one hand to look into her eyes. “I’m sorry Casey, I know this store means everything to you, I selfishly want to spend time with you too.”

  Casey closed her eyes tiredly. “I know. I’m sorry too, I shouldn’t have snapped. There’s just so much to do.” Her gaze was apologetics. "And I hate to say this, but I had flashbacks of Scott trying to pull me away from the store to spend more time with him." She grimaced. "I guess I lost it for a bit."

  "No need to apologize." Andrew hugged tighter. "You're right; I was being selfish and shouldn't have made you feel bad for needing to work. Can't you get Michael to help with some of the paperwork?”

  “He’s busy too, but I think I’m going to take your advice and start delegating a bit more. There are just some things that I still need to do myself.” She opened her eyes and smiled. “But, as my sister pointed out, I need a life too, and I’m really bad at the accounting anyway. I’m going to start contacting a few accounting firms to get references for reputable bookkeepers. I think doing my own is costing me more than getting someone to do it right the first time, anyway I hate it.”

  Andrew looked over her shoulder at the pile of documents on the desk. “Are you ready to go home, or do you need a few more hours? I can come back later.”

  “I'm more than ready.” Casey agreed, and without a backwards glance walked through the door Andrew held open for her. Home. If it were only true.

  “No more sign of Scott?” Andrew asked as they headed out of the city. He’d managed to wear her down over the last few days and she’d all but moved into the house in Hunter’s Bay with him. It was just easier, was the excuse she gave herself. They had dinner together almost every night and the road was dark and winding, too dangerous to drive back to her apartment. Even Tigger had made the temporary move and seemed to be loving every minute of it, chasing birds and squirrels every chance he got. He was a much happier mountain cat, than he’d ever been as an apartment cat. Casey had to laugh to herself. Who wouldn’t be happier living in the lap of luxury?

  “No sign of him. Knock on wood. The restraining order is in effect now; I spoke with the chief today, so if he comes within viewing distance of me I can legally call the cops on him.” She shrugged. “He’s a businessman. I can’t see him being stupid enough to risk a court case; it would be financial suicide for him.”

  Andrew was thoughtful for a moment. “I hope you’re right. But you do still have the cell phone I gave you, right?”

  She patted her purse on the seat beside her. “Never leave home without it.” She smiled.

  He glanced over at her with a stern look. “And it’s charged?”

  “Absolutely.” she fibbed just a little, she was going to charge it as soon as they arrived at the house. Besides it had been charged for most of the day.

  “I’ll have to stay down at my apartment tomorrow night,” Casey said a little sadly. “I’ve agreed to help with the hill clean up, closing up the first aid room and all that fun stuff. We have a meeting tomorrow evening to go over what needs to be done. And I need to be at the store early the next morning.” And with you leaving in less than a week, it might be best to start pulling away now, she thought silently. Goodbyes were hard enough. This goodbye might just kill her.

  “That’s right; you mentioned that a while ago.” He turned the car smoothly into the driveway of the mansion. “I’ve made plans to hang out with my sister and her family for the evening, and have some calls I need to make and things to organize for when I get back to Chicago. It’s probably for the best.”

  “Yeah, probably.” she agreed despondently. He could at least have sounded a little sad. “You can come over to my apartment when you’re finished.” She tried to sound offhanded, as he pulled the car into the driveway, and turned off the engine.

  “I thought you’d never ask.” He smiled. "Unfortunately I already agreed to look after Angela's girls while they go out to a late movie and a romantic evening at a hotel downtown. It's their anniversary." He explained. "I'm not expecting them back before morning." He paused. "You could come with me." He offered.

  Casey just shook her head. "I'd better not. I'd hate to get stuck in that traffic on the drive over to the bookstore. We'll just meet back up here after work the day after tomorrow."

  "It's a date." Andrew smiled as he opened the car door and stepped out into the night. Casey met him on the front walkway.

  They walked to the house hand in hand for one more night together in the huge manor house. As they turned their attention to their evening rituals, Casey realized that it might be their last, ever. Andrew must have felt it too. Their lovemaking that night had a haunting, poignant quality to it that almost made Casey cry... But she wouldn’t cry, couldn’t put that kind of pressure on Andrew. He had his life, his plans, and she wasn’t going to be one of those women who made him choose. Who made him have regrets. But she couldn’t stop the lone tear that fell as Andrew turned and snuggled her against his chest. She felt him kiss the top of her head and smiled softly as she sunk into a deep dreamless sleep.