Read Double Diamond Page 41


  Three hours later, feeling hungry and tired, Casey put down her pen and rubbed her aching wrist. She picked up her small list of winning entries and walked out into the bookstore. Michael was busy helping a customer and Gail was still deep in the Arts and Literature section sorting and shelving some of the new books she had picked up the day before.

  Casey walked over to her. “Gail, I need a favor.” She stopped next to the girl and leaned against the bookshelf.

  Gail stood up from where she was crouched, shelving a pile of books on Italian architecture, and groaned, “Owww, my aching knees.” She rubbed the offending body parts and regarded Casey questioningly through her over-long blue bangs. “Sure Ms. Adams, what can I do for you?”

  “I’d like you to call these people and let them know they won prizes in yesterday’s contest.” She showed Gail the list. “I’ve separated them by type of game. The winners of the painting contest all get a copy of Carolyn G. Hart’s book.” She indicated a box stacked next to the cash desk. “The books are in that box. The people who are the winners of the quotes game win a copy of Joan Hess’s,” she gestured vaguely towards the back of the store. “Those books are in my office. You can come in and get them later. Let each of these people know which contest they won and what they won. Oh, and we’ll require proof of ID to pick up their prize.” She handed the list to Gail. “We’ll do the drawing later today for the big prize.”

  “No problemo, Ma’am.” Gail took the list and examined it closely. “I’ll do it right away…there aren’t many winners are there? I mean, considering we had nearly 300 entries.”

  “I know; I was surprised myself. Not that I’m complaining.” Casey smiled and turned back towards the office. “I’ll be working on paperwork if anyone’s looking for me later.” They both knew she meant Andrew specifically.

  The bell over the door jingled. Casey looked over her shoulder and stopped. She turned back towards the door with a smile of welcome. “Angela! How are you? Welcome to the store.”

  Angela glided into the room; her daughters close behind her.

  “Hi Janie, hi Paula.” Casey smiled at the girls then directed her question to their mother. “What can I do for you today?”

  “Nothing really, we were all feeling a little stir crazy and thought we’d stop by to pick up a couple of new books.”

  The girls rushed over to the young readers area and, plopping themselves down on the floor, began looking through the titles. Angela watched them go affectionately. She turned back to smile at Casey. “They’re good kids but have a little too much energy for me these days.”

  “I can imagine. A baby must take up a lot of your time.” Casey led her into the reading room to have a seat.

  “You can say that again. It’s great to have Kevin home; I’ve put him on diaper duty for a couple of hours while I get out of the house for a while.” Angela sat down in one of the recliners and leaned her head back with a sigh. “Ooh, this is sooo comfortable. I really should get over here more often…

  “By the way, I’m really sorry we didn’t have a chance to get over here yesterday. Alexander was fussy, and with Andrew’s last minute flight…it was a bit crazy at the house.” She smiled apologetically.

  “I’m sorry…” Casey’s look was confused. “…Andrew’s flight?”   She must have heard her wrong. Andrew wasn’t leaving until next week.

  Angela’s eyes sparkled excitedly, “Yes, did he tell you about the fantastic opportunity he’s been offered? He had to go back….”

  Casey’s face blanched. He’d taken the promotion and just left. She thought they had been close enough for him to at least have told her himself. She thought she knew him well enough to believe that he wouldn’t play her for a fool. Obviously she had been wrong. She sat down with a bump on a nearby stool and stared blankly at Angela. The rest of her monologue washed over her unheard.

  Angela looked at Casey quizzically, finally realizing she hadn’t taken in a word she had said. She leaned closer to study Casey’s dazed expression. “Oh my God!” She sat up straight and covered her mouth with both hands, as if trying to stop the words she had already uttered. “You didn’t know.” She looked at Casey in consternation.

  Casey blinked twice to clear her fogged vision. No need to faint. She’d get through this. She rubbed her temple and forced a smile. “Oh, of course I knew about his work.” Her voice shook only slightly. “I was just surprised that he’d gone already.” For a moment she felt like a lost little girl. “I thought we had more time, he didn't say anything…”

  Angela jumped up and knelt down beside her. She held one of Casey’s ice-cold hands in her own. “He had to go to Chicago, Casey. They needed him. I am so sorry; I didn’t mean to break the news like that.” She watched Casey with concern.

  Angela’s words echoed cruelly in Casey’s brain. She felt like she was going to burst into tears; she felt cheated by time itself; abandoned by the one man she had loved, had hoped could have learned to love her in return. Now it was too late; he had obviously made his choice and he hadn’t even had the grace to tell her himself. Just another Scott. She should have been more careful. How many times would she have to be hurt before she finally stopped opening her heart up to the wrong men?

  Casey took a deep breath and tried to clear her head. “It’s OK. I’m fine, really.” She directed this to Michael and Gail as well as they hovered in the background anxiously watching her. “It was just a shock.” She tried to smile; only one side of her face would follow her command. “That must be what he stopped in to tell me yesterday…” Her face momentarily clouded as a fresh wave of guilt and despair washed over her. She had lost the only opportunity she had to say goodbye. She knew it was going to end but…but she hadn’t expected it to end like this. She felt one slow tear trickle down her cheek.

  Angela handed Casey a ready tissue and sweeping her into motherly arms gave her a big hug. “I’m sure Andrew will call as soon as he can,”

  Casey eased herself slowly out of Angela’s clasp. She shook her head absently but answered: “Yes…I’m sure he will.” She straightened her shoulders, her dull, lifeless eyes the only sign of her despair. “If you’ll excuse me, I have some paperwork waiting for me. It was good to see you, Angela.” Her smile felt tight and faded quickly as she turned towards Gail and Michael. “Please help Angela with whatever she needs.” With a vague wave Casey turned walked, her head held high, into the office.