Read Double Diamond Page 43


  Three weeks later Casey felt nearly human again except for the large chunk missing from somewhere in the region of her heart. After that one early morning call, she hadn’t heard anything from Andrew. But then she hadn’t expected to either. Hoped? Maybe just a little.

  “Michael, are you going to do the kids’ reading today? Or shall I?” Casey walked over to where her assistant balanced high up on a ladder in the romance section. She leaned her tired body against the shelf.

  “Hm? Oh I’ll do it.” He grimaced. “Anything to get out of this section. If I see one more torn bodice or picture of some muscular guy and a swooning woman, I’ll puke.” He jumped down of the ladder and wiped his hands on his t-shirt. “Couldn’t we do a History or Art gala instead?” He pleaded.

  Casey’s mouth quirked. It was the closest she had come to a real smile in a couple of weeks. “Sorry Mike. Romance it is.” She took pity on him. “Maybe the next one can be on Art.”

  He huffed scornfully and picked up a stray novel from the shelf next to him. He glared at the offending piece of literature. “What do people see in these things anyway? They’re mushy tripe.” He tossed the paperback onto the pile he was sorting.

  “They’re romantic escapes, where everyone lives happily ever after. A lot of women don’t get that in their own lives and enjoy immersing themselves in it for a few hours in a book.”

  “Whatever.” Michael obviously didn’t buy her explanation. “Do you read them?”

  “I used to.” Her voice was sad. It would be a while before she would be able to read one again without bawling for what she had lost because of her stupidity and fear. She changed the subject. “Any ideas what book you want to read this afternoon?” She pushed away from the shelf and, falling into step with Michael, wandered over to the children’s area. They looked at various options and had it narrowed down to two possibilities.

  Casey glanced at her watch. “Shoot. Sorry Mike I’ve got to run. The post office closes at one and I’ve got to get that GST return sent in. It’s already a week late.” She trotted into the back room and returned seconds later with a small yellow envelope. She waved it at Michael as she rushed by. “I’ll be back as quickly as possible. Before two for sure, but you never know how long a wait there will be at that post office.” She smiled weakly and walked out into the bright sunshine.

  The post office was a nice brisk ten-minute walk away. The warm sunshine and fresh air invigorated her senses. She was almost whistling by the time she arrived.

  Practically the only one there, she only waited a couple of minutes to be served. With her letter safely on its way and over an hour before Michael expected her back she ducked into Starbucks for one of her favourite Iced Frapaccinos.

  She chose a table on the patio and sat back to watch the world go by. She sipped her cold drink thoughtfully and couldn’t stop her gaze from straying to the travel agency across the road.

  Half an hour later she arrived back at the bookstore.

  Something didn’t look right.

  She walked up to the door. The closed sign was up and the main light was off. Casey stared at the door in confusion as if it could give her the answers she was looking for. Michael wouldn’t have left the store unless there was something seriously wrong. Thoughts of Scott immediately jumped into her mind, but she rejected that cause. She’d just heard that he had been arrested for stalking and assault. It seems he’d been doing the same thing to his secretary as he’d been doing to Casey, but in the secretary’s case there hadn’t been anyone to come to her rescue, and things had gotten nasty. Scott was now looking at 10 years behind bars. But like most other things in her life, except the store, it just didn’t seem to matter anymore.

  She hurried to the store.

  That’s odd, she thought as she stepped over the threshold. The door wasn’t locked either, Michael would have locked the door.

  “Michael?” She called tentatively into the darkened room. “Mike? Where are you? What’s going on?”

  A noise to the left made her swivel around nervously. Her heart was beating like a tom-tom and her palms were damp with sweat. She edged towards the broom they kept next to the door. Someone had broken in! Michael was hurt, in a coma, lying bleeding under a shelf somewhere, her fertile imagination started to run away with her as she edged closer to her one means of defence, although what she was going to do with it she didn’t quite know.

  “Michael’s not here.” As Casey’s hand closed around the broom handle a shadow moved from the reading room. She gasped and froze as if rooted to the spot.

  He looked wonderful…

  His white dress shirt emphasized his muscular physique. His denim jeans hugged his lean hips. If he was a mirage, it was a very good one. Casey could only stare in amazement as the image came closer and closer until she could feel the heat emanating from his body. She looked up into deep blue eyes. “Andrew…” She managed to croak out at last. “What…?” She didn’t know what she wanted to ask.

  “Are you planning to sweep me out of your life?” Andrew asked, but his eyes were smiling as he indicated the broom she had a death grip on. “I probably wouldn’t blame you; I didn’t do a very good job of keeping in touch did I?”

  She looked mutely at the offending object in her hands.

  He slowly removed the broom from her shaking fingers, and leaned it against the wall. “Hi…. Surprise.” He smiled down at her as if nothing had changed.

  Her blood boiled. “What do you mean, Hi? Is that it?” Casey’s eyes flashed angrily as she stared up at him. “You just leave with no goodbye or explanation, no word for three weeks, and you expect to waltz back in here without a fight. Am I supposed to be happy you’re here?” She tried to brush past him and was caught in his steely grip.

  Andrew’s smile faded, he looked down at her. “I thought you would be.”

  Casey shook her arm free and marched over to the cash desk. She swung around and wrapped her arms across her waist protectively. “Why? You’ve moved on with your life. What more do we have to say? Why drag the pain out longer than we need to.”

  He stalked her silently, like a lion at the hunt until he was close enough that she could feel his warm breath move the hair at her temple. “Why did you feel pain when I left?” His expression was curious, cautious. “You knew I’d be back.”

  Casey was trapped against the desk; she could only stare up at him mutely, anger stiffened her muscles. “I knew no such thing. Your sister said that you’d taken the promotion and had to go back to Chicago. As far as I knew you were preparing to move to…. wherever the hell you were going, to take over the new presidency.” Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears, her brows lowered as confusion warred with anger. Why was he baiting her like this?

  Andrew grabbed her shoulders roughly. “I thought you knew! Angela said you knew all about it?”

  Casey pulled away and rubbed her bruised flesh. She glared at him balefully, how dared he manhandle her. “Knew what?”

  Andrew turned and walked towards the reading room. He stopped by the coffee carafe and poured himself a cup. Almost as if he was sleepwalking he continued on to the recliner Casey considered his. He sat down absently and placed his untouched cup on the table in front of him.

  He looked up dazedly as Casey followed him through the archway. “I thought Angela had told you that I was quitting ICEC and that I’d purchased a controlling interest in a small web-based company here in Vancouver.”

  It was Casey’s turn to be dazed; she walked over and perched on the edge of the loveseat across from him. “But…. No, she just asked me if I was excited about your new position and I assumed she had been speaking about your promotion.”

  “After our talk the other day, I realized that I was doing exactly what I told you not to. I was letting my work become my life. But in my case, I didn't love the work I was doing. I went out that afternoon and started looking for something I would love to do.

  “Just before I was called bac
k to fill in temporarily for the current president, I had met with a small group of people who needed investment to get their company off the ground.” His eyes sparkled excitedly. “It’s exactly what I was looking for. I had my accountant and a group of analysts go over their numbers and this week finalized a deal to purchase a controlling interest. I’ll be starting as CEO as soon as I get settled.”

  Casey turned unseeing eyes in his direction as she relived the agony. “I thought that you’d had enough of our affair and gone back to Chicago. I thought it was just over.” Her eyes focused on his lithe form as he stood up and walked over to sit on the love seat beside her. “You didn’t even call….not once.”

  “I am so sorry, Casey, I’d have explained more when I called the first time but I thought you knew. I had a lot of prior commitments to fill before I could leave and I was working twenty-hour days as it was. I never even considered that you might not know what was going on.”

  He put one warm hand on her chilled arm. “I tried to call. I really did, I left messages on your machine….”

  “It was broken.” Her voice was low.

  “I called the bookstore, but you were always out.”

  “No one gave me any messages.” Casey just shook her head; she was too confused to put it all together. What did this mean? “So where does this leave us?” She felt as fragile as a china doll as she sat still waiting for his answer.

  He asked a question instead. “Was our time together just an affair for you?” His hooded gaze gave away none of his feelings. His voice was strangely serious. He picked up one of her cold hands and played absently with her fingers.

  “I…it doesn’t matter what I thought.” She pulled her hand away. “You were only here for a couple of weeks, what else would it have been.”

  Andrew’s voice was low; he closed his eyes tiredly. “Maybe it started out that way.” He shook his head, his tone apologetic. “The last thing I wanted was commitment. Every relationship I’ve ever had has been brief, no strings. I thought I’d be able to spend a fun couple of weeks with you and go back to Chicago without a qualm.” He opened his eyes, his expression intent. “But that’s not how it turned out.” His smile was self- mocking.

  Casey leaned a little closer. “What do you mean?” She tried to keep her voice from shaking.

  He didn’t answer her question, choosing to ask one of his own instead. “Do you love me Casey?”

  The naked anguish in his expression caught her off guard; she lowered her gaze in confusion. “I…don’t…think…it doesn’t really matter does it?” She picked up a discarded book off the table in front of her, turning it over and over in her hands. “You’re a wanderer, I need roots. I could never live the kind of life that you want to.” She looked up at him in despair. “I nearly bought a ticked to Chicago today. I was going to say ‘to hell with it all’ and go after you but I just couldn’t. I’d end up being unhappy and that would make you miserable and it wouldn’t be fair.” She looked down at her now tightly clenched fist.

  “Do you love me Casey?” He asked again moving closer.

  She shook her head wordlessly. “It doesn’t matter.” She stared at her hands. Her face was a mask of confusion and doubt.

  Andrew grasped her chin and forced her head up to look him in the eye. “It matters to me.” His expression was tender and a little wary. “I love you, Casey. I have since my sister’s garden party. I was so worried when you were late and when you finally pulled into the driveway covered with dirt and grime…I still thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.” He laughed slightly. “And then that night Scott scared you so badly….. I wanted to kill the guy with my bare hands and then dance on his grave.….. I knew then that I wasn’t going to be heading back to Chicago with my heart in one piece.”

  She just stared up at him. It was the last thing she had expected, a proposition maybe but a declaration of love? She pinched herself to make sure this wasn’t just a dream.

  “Casey?” He gave her a little shake. “This is where you’re supposed to jump all over me and tell me how much you love me too.” The laughter in his voice was a little uncertain.

  “Oh Andrew, I do. I do love you…” Her voice was sad; there were still so many problems…

  “But…” He waited for her to finish the thought.

  “But,” Her eyes had darkened in sorrow. “It doesn’t change anything. I told you. I can’t follow you around when you move from place to place.”

  “I’m not asking you to.” He smiled a genuine smile and sat back against the cushions watching her reaction intently.


  “Casey, the company is based in Vancouver.” He reminded her. “I’ll be doing more than enough business traveling to keep me happy but will still be able to keep a steady home base.” He smiled tenderly and wrapped a strand of her hair around his finger. "Here with you."

  His words slowly sank in; she started to feel a tiny flicker of hope.

  “But you love moving around.”

  “I love you more. Besides, without you by my side, moving from place to place every few years would wear thin very quickly. But maybe, once in a while, you could go with me on my business trips. Just for a holiday, of course.” His thumb stroked her cheek.

  Casey had no more arguments. She was speechless. She just stared, forgetting why she had been arguing in the first place. This was everything she hadn’t let herself hope for.

  “Casey?” His eyes asked the question before he even uttered a sound.

  She raised sparkling eyes to his. “Yes, Andrew?”

  He bent his head close to hers. “Tell me you love me.”

  “Oh Andrew, I love you so much. I did almost from the first moment I saw you on the hill. I was so afraid I wouldn't survive a short term relationship with you, but I just couldn't help myself. A few weeks with you was just going to have to be better than nothing at all. I can hardly get my head around the fact that it isn't going to end that fast after all." She breathed softly.

  Andrew placed her face between his hands and kissed her softly. “I love you, Casey and I'm not planning on going anywhere. Who knew that a simple decision to take a run down a double diamond slope would change the whole direction of my life. ”

  A spark leapt to life deep in her emerald eyes as he pulled back. She looked at his lips. “Was it a good decision?”

  An answering spark was ignited in Andrew; he lowered his head once again. “It was the best decision I have ever made.” He said, and then slowly, softly, his lips met hers in a whispered promise.…. and there were no more words for a very long time.


  Casey leaned back against the cold metal of the ski lift seat and lifted her face to the warmth of the sun. Her legs swung loosely below her, swaying gently in sync with the movement of the chair lift as it travelled slowly to the peak of Snowcap Mountain.

  She smiled.

  "What are you smiling about?" Andrew linked his fingers with hers. Lifting her hand to his lips he kissed her knuckles one by one.

  "The day." She answered, leaning her head against Andrews shoulder. "This kind of day makes all of those weekends of patrolling in the rain worth it." She turned and kissed his sun-warmed cheek. "Although some of those rain-soaked weekends, one in particular, will remain one of the best weekends of my life."

  "I have to agree with you there." Andrew hugged her close and kissed her softly on the temple.

  The chair clanged past a post and the sign that indicated it was time to raise their safety bar. With a laugh Casey and Andrew unwound their arms and prepared to disembark.

  "Hey Roberta!" Casey waved to her friend as she hopped off the chair and slid down the ramp. She allowed herself to slide toward where Roberta was standing with a group of teens and Rich, who was not only head patroller, but one of the mountains highest qualified instructors.

  Andrew stopped at the end of the ramp to adjust his ski boots
and bindings.

  Roberta smiled, said a word to the man teaching the class, and skied over. "Hey Case, I haven't seen you around lately. How are you? Whatcha been up to?"

  "Oh, you know, the usual, running a business, buying a house."

  "No way!" Roberta grabbed her hand. "You got the cottage?"

  Casey smiled. "I got the cottage." She confirmed. "It took almost every penny I could scrape together, but I managed it. The exact one I've been looking at for the last few years. The woman who owned it was going into a home. She put the 'for sale' sign up just as I was driving by. I stopped, made an offer and closed last week."

  "That's awesome! I'm so happy for you." Roberta pulled her close in a bear hug.

  Andrew appeared next to Casey's side. "Hi Roberta, good to see you again."

  "Hey yourself good looking." Roberta reached up and gave him a smacking kiss on his cheek. "You're looking just as hot as usual."

  Andrew laughed. "Thanks. I think."

  "This the first time back skiing since you crashed and burned last spring?"

  "Yeah," Andrew nodded. "So far, so good though."

  "Going to take him down the double diamond?" Roberta asked Casey, tongue in cheek.

  "I though maybe we'd start with a nice easy intermediate slop first." Casey winked at Roberta.

  "In a pig's eye." Andrew laughed, catching the wink Casey directed toward her friend. "I'm not some old guy who needs to be coddled, you know, I can ski just fine. Besides," He laughed, "This kind of snow is a dream to ski in." He kicked up a ski full of soft powder and watched it float away on the breeze. "I'm not wasting it coasting down some old intermediate run."

  Casey turned to look at him, hands on hips. "Well, just remember Bub, I'm here to ski today, I'm not on duty, so don't expect me to pick up any pieces if you crash and burn again."

  "We'll see who crashes and burns this time." Andrew smiled and kissed the tip of Casey's nose.

  Roberta watched the teasing banter and smiled. The two of them were so good together. Andrew made Casey so happy, and she seemed to do the same for him. They shared their sports, had their own careers. Andrew travelled extensively with his new firm, but he always came home to Casey. And Casey joined him for the odd weekend away whenever she could leave the bookstore. He'd bought that gorgeous house in Hunter's Bay and they'd been living there together for the last few months. Roberta knew it had been hard for Casey to give up her little apartment, but it had been the right move for her, and she knew Casey hadn't regretted her decision for a moment. And now that she had her dream cottage, she had everything she ever wanted…well, almost everything anyway, if Roberta knew her friend at all.

  Roberta felt a brief flash jealousy, but pushed it away. She glanced over toward Rich as he helped a young girl master the intricacies of the snowplough and sighed. Someday. Rich looked up and waved to catch her attention.

  "Earth to Roberta. Come in Roberta." Casey smiled.

  "Sorry, I was lost in a daydream for a minute." She gave Casey a final hug. "Got to get back to the class. You guys have a great day, y'hear?" She turned in her skis and, pushing off with both poles, ski-skated back over to the class.

  Casey adjusted her goggles, snapped the top latch of her ski boot closed, and looked at Andrew expectantly. "Ready?"

  "Thought you'd never ask." He smiled.

  Together they slid to the top of the mogul run and as one they leapt off the edge and bounced through the mogul field. Andrew sped ahead, zigzagging crazily, his skis barely hitting the tops of the moguls. Casey picked her way a bit more carefully, but in total control and right on his heels.

  Suddenly Andrew veered off the edge of the moguls and stopped at the edge of the trees. Casey slid up beside him.

  "This is where I crashed, isn't it?"

  "Yes, it is." Casey looked around. "Doesn't look quite the same this time, does it?"

  "Not quite." He was quiet for a minute and then took Casey's gloved hand in his. "This is where it all started. If it hadn't been for bad weather, a miscalculation and just plain stupidity on my part we may never have met."

  "Incredible to think that if any one thing had changed that day….my shift ending sooner, you picking a different run, another patroller answering the call…I wouldn't even know who you are today. I am very glad you were stupid that day." Casey smiled and hugged him tightly.

  Andrew laughed the sound bouncing off the trees and echoing around them. "Put like that, how can I argue?"

  With a speed that would have made the best magician proud Andrew produced a small square box from the pocket of his jacket and flipped open the lid.

  Casey stared. Inside was the most exquisite ring she had ever seen. "Casey, will you marry me and have my children?" Andrew asked softly.

  Casey felt one lone tear slide down her cheek. She looked up at Andrew hardly daring to believe what she was hearing.

  Andrew froze. Had he misjudged the depth of her feelings? Maybe she wasn't ready, maybe she needed more time. And then she laughed and flung her arms around his neck, and he relaxed.

  "I thought you'd never ask." She smiled up at him, eyes shining with unshed tears, and this time he knew they were from joy. Andrew lowered his head and their lips met softly, slowly, until desire sparked and the kiss deepened. The sounds of the ski hill disappeared and for a time it was just the two of them.

  A group of older teens flashed by on their snowboards and their catcalls brought them back to earth. They broke apart with matching self-conscious grins.

  Andrew leaned his forehead against Casey's and smiled. "Is that a yes?"

  "That is absolutely a yes." Casey laughed and hugged him tighter. "I love you."

  "I love you too." Andrew pulled away slightly and removing Casey's glove slipped the ring onto the third finger of her left hand. She bent her head to look at the ring closer. Made out of white gold it was a simple single diamond with an inlay pattern of smaller diamond chips in the band. She looked closer. "Am I seeing what I think I'm seeing?" She laughed. "Is that the double diamond symbol on the band? In diamonds?" She laughed delightedly.

  "Like it?"

  "I love it, it's perfect! This is the place it first began, and now a whole new beginning. I can't think of a better way to remember." Casey smiled up at Andrew as she pulled on her glove. "I love you."

  Andrew smiled. "Not as much as I love you." He laughed and adjusted his ski poles. "Let's go home and celebrate. Race you to the bottom."

  "You're on!" Casey pushed off and flew down the side of the mountain, Andrew matched her pace. She smiled as she thought about her news. It wasn't confirmed yet, but as soon as it was she'd find a way to tell him on the mountain. It was a place of beginnings, a place where dreams came true.

  As she floated over the mogul field, her gaze landed on the view of the chalet far below, surrounded by the blue of the sky and the white of the reflected snow on the opposite ridge, and she thought of ways to tell him. Maybe with the tiniest ski books she could find….or double diamond rattles. She laughed out loud. Who knew that a simple call to a ski accident could result in all of her dreams coming true? One thing she was sure of, she would never complain about patrolling in the rain, ever again.

  The End

  Thank you for reading Double Diamond!