Read Double Diamond Page 5


  “Uncle Andrew? Are you awake, Uncle Andrew?” a small voice whispered in his right ear. “Uncle Andrew.” The voice was more insistent this time.

  Afraid the next call for attention would be more than his pounding head could handle, Andrew opened his eyes and peered at his visitor.

  “He’s awake, Mom!” Little Paula screeched towards the open bedroom door.

  How could something so small be so loud?

  Andrew groaned, rolled over onto his good side, being careful not to jar his taped rib, and pulled a pillow over his head. He felt like he’d been hit by a Mac truck and then gone a few rounds with a WWF wrestler just for fun. Every bone in his body ached and it hurt to breathe.

  “Paula, I told you not to wake your Uncle.” His sister’s voice chastised her youngest daughter from the doorway. “He needs his rest.”

  “But, he’s already awake.” Little Paula protested in her own defence. She tugged at the pillow covering Andrew’s head to prove to her mother that she was telling the truth.

  Andrew held on tight.

  Realizing he was unfairly teasing an 8 year old, he pulled the pillow from over his eyes and slowly sat up in bed.

  “It’s OK Ange, I’m awake. I need to get up anyway.” He winced at the pain in his rib and smoothed the chenille bedspread over his legs.

  He was sleeping in his sister’s guest bedroom, a beautiful room at the back of the house that overlooked the Sound. He knew that just by opening the sunflower printed curtains framing one end of the room he would feel as if he was floating over the water with nothing between him and the North Shore but birds and boats and maybe a few bugs. The view was incredible.

  His glance swung around the room taking in the polished antiques, the pale yellow walls with bright white trim and the lush beige carpet he knew his toes would sink into as soon as he stood up. The décor was not something he would choose himself but it was attractive and very cozy, even from a guy’s point of view.

  “How are you feeling this morning?” Angela was the epitome of the concerned mother. She strode purposefully into the room and smoothed his brow with her hand. “Are you sure it was a good idea checking yourself out of the hospital last night? The doctors said they wanted you to stay around for observation.”

  Andrew grabbed his sister’s hand before she did any more motherly smoothing. “I’m fine. A little sore and stiff maybe but otherwise fine.” His reassurance would have been more convincing if he hadn’t winced in the middle of it. “I would have just worried about you being here on your own and not gotten any rest anyway.” He smiled fondly at Angela and reached over to pull one of Paula’s braids.

  “Fat lot of good you would have been in an emergency.” Angela scoffed, bending over to pick up the wooden crutches from where they had fallen the night before. “What would you have done, hobbled over to an intruder and hit him over the head with one of these?” She leaned the crutches against the wall near the bed. Her gaze was mocking as she turned back to face him. “Assuming of course you didn’t fall over in the process.” She was laughing openly.

  “Laugh at a man when he’s down, will you?” Andrew roared in his best boardroom voice, then winced and held his breath as his ribs protested. With a sheepish smile he admitted: “Well, I could have dialled 911 and offered emotional support.” He started laughing with her, being careful this time not to cause himself any more pain.

  He sobered quickly; he had too much to do today to spend any more time sitting in bed.

  “OK, that’s enough! All women out of my room.” He pointed to the door.

  “Little girls too!” He leaned over to growl at Paula. “I have to get up and dressed and unless you want to see me in my skivvies, you’d better get moving!”

  Angela laughed. “Now that’s a sight I haven’t seen since you were 10. I don’t think I need an encore, little brother. Come on, child of mine; let’s go see how your sister is doing with your baby brother.” She ushered Paula out of the room. “I let Janie baby-sit this morning.” She glanced at Andrew, “That child’s cry can rattle even the hardiest soul.” She was through the doorway and about to pull the door shut when Andrew stopped her.

  “Angie, I’m really sorry about this. I’m supposed to help and here I am practically a cripple from my own stupidity. As soon as I’m back on my feet I’ll give you a hand again.”

  He was totally serious now. His main purpose for this trip had been to give his sister a hand while her husband was out of town, and he meant to keep that promise.

  Kevin had been called away on an important assignment for his accounting firm. As head of the fraud division he was often away for long periods of time on classified assignments, and while that in itself wouldn’t have normally required Angela to have company, she had just given birth to a baby boy. With two energetic girls running around she had been a wreck at the thought of coping on her own. Andrew had, in true, if unexpected, brotherly fashion, offered his support.

  After all, even he could keep a couple of young girls entertained for a couple of weeks. And he had done so, admirably, until yesterday.

  Angela regarded him fondly. “You know what Andrew? You may have been joking but that emotional support you offered is a great help. Besides,” She continued, laughing, “If the girls start getting under foot, I can just send them over to help you. That should keep them busy for a few hours.” She started to close the door, still smiling. “Oh, by the way, I’ll be up later to get more of the scoop on that sexy little patroller that helped you yesterday. I want all the juicy details.” She shut the door with a click.

  A rolled up sock hitting the back of the door was his only response.

  Andrew sighed, pushed the blankets aside and slowly got out of bed. He’d better get moving or he’d be late for his ten o’clock appointment. The only way the doctor had allowed him to be released early was by promising to come in first thing this morning for a follow-up. He had half an hour to get there and hurrying was going to be difficult in his condition.

  As he hobbled into the guest room’s en-suite bath, his thoughts turned to yesterday’s cute little angel of mercy. In his mind he could see her sexy legs and tiny waist and those incredible emerald eyes.

  Andrew felt his groin tighten as he removed his one piece of clothing and temporary knee brace and stepped gingerly into the shower.

  As the warm water rushed over his now naked body, he couldn’t help wondering what they would have been like together. Too bad she wasn’t someone he could really ever consider asking out. She looked like the home and hearth type, and he definitely wasn’t.

  Shaking his wet head he quickly turned the water to cold.

  At this rate he’d never get to the hospital on time.