Read Down the Slope Page 22



  Fred was forced to attend to his duties at the store immediately afterthe return from Black town, and while so engaged could not fail to hearthe many comments upon the case.

  The news of the alleged robbery had spread with wonderful rapidity, andthe majority of the miners believed Sam to be guilty.

  Twice during the afternoon the cashier questioned Fred closely as towhat the prisoner meant when he spoke of their desire to buy land, butdespite the coaxing and even threats he refused to divulge the secret.

  "If it can't be helped I'll tell Mr. Wright, but nobody else," the boyrepeated, and further than this he positively refused to speak.

  "Then it's time you went home," the official finally said, in an angrytone. "You know so much about this thing that I don't believe it's safeto have you where there are many valuable things which might be stolen."

  "If you think I'm a thief, why not send me to jail with Sam?"

  "I shall suggest to Mr. Wright that you be arrested, and I fancy he'llfollow my advice."

  Fred walked out of the store knowing that several of the clerks hadoverheard the latter portion of the conversation, and believing thosewhom he met on the street already looked upon him as a thief.

  "It can't be helped, my boy," his mother said. "You have thesatisfaction of knowing the accusation is false, and that must sufficeuntil the time when the whole affair is brought to light."

  "I'm afraid that never will be. Everybody thinks Sam is lying, and if weshould tell of the coal we discovered the folks would say for sure hestole the money."

  During the remainder of the day Fred staid in the house, not so much asshowing his face at the window, and shortly after sunset Bill called.

  "I've found out who owns the land," he cried triumphantly.

  "I wish we'd never walked across the mountain."

  "Now don't be foolish, lad."

  "How can I help it when people call me a thief."

  "I heard the cashier had kinder turned you out: but that don't 'mount toanything. Wait till the superintendent comes back."

  "He'll believe as the others do."

  "Then wait till I catch the real thief."


  "I'm going to try it."

  "But you can't leave the mine."

  "That's jest what I have done."

  "What? Have you thrown up the job?"

  "Me an' the cashier had a little tiff a few minutes ago, an' I've closedaccounts with Farley's."

  "I hope you didn't take up what he said to me."

  "Well, I kinder had a row on my own account, but that ain't neither herenor there. We're both loafin' now, an' I want you to take a trip withme."


  "I ain't jest sure, but we'll strike Blacktown first, an' then gowherever things look most promisin'."

  "Have you heard anything?" Mrs. Byram asked, as she gazed at the mansharply.

  "I can't say I have, an' I can't say I haven't. Skip give me a ideethat's worth workin' up even if it comes to nothin', so we'll have avacation."

  "Tell me what you've heard?" Fred cried, excitedly.

  "It ain't so very much, only jest enough to set me thinkin'. One ofSkip's regulators was over here this noon, an' flashed up considerablemoney for a boy like him."

  "And you think he stole the package from Sam?"

  "I don't say anything of the kind, but Skip heard 'bout the trouble Samwas in, an' thought it wouldn't do a bit of harm if we found out wherethis feller got so much cash."

  "When are you going?"

  "In the mornin', but don't get your hopes up, for it may all end insmoke."

  Regardless of this warning Fred did grow excited, and before Bill tookhis departure he felt quite confident that the thief would soon bediscovered.

  His spirits fell considerably next morning when Joe returned from NewYork, having come home on the night train.

  "It's no use," he said sadly, as he entered Mrs. Byram's home just asFred and Bill were making ready to set out for Blacktown.

  "Won't Mr. Wright do anything to help Sam?"

  "No; he says if the boy is innocent it will be much better to have thematter settled in court, when everybody will know he was wrongfullyaccused."

  "Does he believe him guilty?"

  "I'm afraid so, though he didn't say very much."

  "When is he coming home?"

  "Day after to-morrow. He got a long letter from the cashier yesterday,an' I reckon that made the case look pretty tough agin Sam."

  "Well," Bill said, speaking for the first time since the arrival of hismate, "we've spent the money for nothin', but it can't be helped now. Wethought it would be best to see him, an' since it's turned out wrong allwe can do is to push the other plan for what it's worth."

  "What's the other plan?" Joe asked.

  Bill explained, and concluded by saying:

  "It will be a good idee to have you here to post us on what happenswhile we're away. Keep your eyes peeled, an' if anything pertic'larturns up come over."

  Then, without waiting to hear whether Joe was pleased with the idea,Bill started, calling sharply to Fred as he left the house:

  "It won't do to loaf, lad, if we've got to get Sam out of the scrapewith all the officers of the company agin us."

  A hurried good-bye to Joe, a kiss from his mother, and Fred followed,bent on proving his friend's innocence in order that the suspicion ofcrime might also be removed from him.

  During the walk to Blacktown hardly a word was spoken, but Bill saidwhen they were within sight of the village:

  "We'd best separate here an' to-night I'll meet you over by the hotel."

  "Ain't we going to see Sam?"

  "Not to-day."

  "But what am I to do?"

  "Walk 'round 'till you run across Skip, an' then make friends with thefeller what's with him."

  "Is Skip here?" Fred asked in surprise.

  "Of course, else how could we find the boy? I gave him money last night,an' reckon he come over on the first train."

  "Did he say where he'd be?"

  "No, but you'll sure run across him. Then hang 'round till it's time tomeet me. It don't stand to reason well find out anything to-day, butwe'll get our pipes laid."

  Bill turned away as if fearing to prolong the interview lest he be seenby the boy whom he fancied knew something about the case, and Fredwalked aimlessly to and fro for nearly an hour, when he was accosted bySkip.

  "When did you come?" the latter asked, as if in surprise as he glancedmeaningly toward a rather disreputable looking boy at his side.

  Fred told the exact truth, and added that he was "laying off" from workfor a day or two because of an invitation of Bill Thomas' to see thesights in Blacktown.

  Skip's friend at once proposed that Fred spend the day with them, andthe two strangers in the village were soon pretending to enjoy thelavish hospitality of the fellow who was known by the name of GusDobson.

  Only once, before it was time to meet Bill did Skip have a chance tospeak privately with Fred. Their host had left them while he talked inwhispers for several moments with a friend of about the same age andgeneral appearance, and Skip said:

  "I'd like mighty well to help Sam out of his scrape, 'cause it wouldkinder square off what I did to hurt you an' him."

  "Do you think this fellow knows anything about the money?"

  "He ain't givin' himself away; but jest see how much cash he's got. Asmany as three dollars were spent yesterday at Farley's, and he's stillslingin' it out."

  "Perhaps this is some he's been saving."

  "Gus Dobson hasn't worked any to speak of since the Regulators wasstarted, an' I know he hadn't a cent at the time of the fuss over toFarley's."

  "Has he said anything about Sam?"

  "Yesterday he asked a good many questions."

  "I don't see how we're going to find out where the money comes fromunless he wants to tell us," Fred said, with a sigh, and then Gus,looking conside
rably disturbed, joined them.

  "When are you fellers goin' home?" he asked, abruptly.

  "I'll start pretty soon," Skip replied, "but Fred don't have to leavetill Bill Thomas gives the word. What's up?"

  "Nothin' much 'cept I won't see you agin."

  "Why not?"

  "I promised to take a trip with the feller what was jest here, an' it'stime we was off."

  "What's that for?"

  "I don't know as it's any business of yours," and Gus looked at hisguests suspiciously.

  "Of course not," Skip replied quickly, "but we've had such a good timethat a feller can't help feelin' sorry you've got to go."

  This explanation did not appear to be entirely satisfactory.

  The boy alternately gazed at one and then the other for several momentsin silence, and finally said in a threatening tone:

  "A good many fellers have tried to get the best of me, but I allers made'em sick before the job was finished."

  "Now what are you drivin' at?" Skip asked, in well simulated surprise.

  "If you don't know I won't waste time talking," was the reply, as Guswalked hurriedly away, and the boys saw him join his friend a shortdistance off.

  "He's tumbled to our game," Skip said sadly, "an' I'd like to knock thehead off the feller what put him up to it."

  "That shows he knows something about the money."

  "He may think we're on another racket; but there's no use loafin' 'roundhere. I'll go to the depot an' you find Bill."

  Fred had no difficulty in following this last suggestion. The miner wasalready at the rendezvous, and when the details of the apparent failurehad been given, he exclaimed angrily:

  "It's all my fault, an' instead of helpin' Sam I've done him a power ofharm."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I was in too much of a hurry, and thought myself mighty smart, so toldthe lawyer what we suspicioned. He ain't much less of a fool than I am,for he sent out to find a friend of Gus', and asked him all kinds ofquestions. Now we've driven 'em away, an' may as well go ourselves."

  "Are we to give up working?"

  "There's no use in stayin' here any longer, an' we'll strike across themountain. Come on, so's it'll be possible to get home before dark."