Read Dr. X's Island Page 2

  Phase Two

  You overheard Tony Braxton and Dr. X talking. You’ve come to understand that Tony will be shit out of luck if they do not turn the island into a resort. He is in the hole to some pretty tough people. Something you can relate to. 

  Phase Three

  You were out photographing when you happen to see Terry run into Dr. X on a path. Terry went crazy on Dr. X, yelling at him, and accusing him of all sorts of things you couldn’t quite hear. Maybe Terry’s memory isn’t as faded as he claims. Then again, he did just end up wandering off, taking a palm frond with him for “immediate delivery”.


  Bambi Ferrari X is Dr X’s daughter from the first marriage. Bambi is intensely interested in the natural world and hopes to pursue a Phd in horticulture. Raised by her mother off the island, Bambi has spent very little time with her father since she was 10 years old. 


  You came to the island to convince your father to pay for your Phd in horticulture. It’s practically your money anyway. When your mother died you were only 13 but instead of raising you himself Dr. X sent you to boarding school. And all your mother’s money went into a trust that you won’t have access to until he dies. 

  When you approached him about paying for your education he refused saying that he did not think traditional education was the best route for you. He wanted you to stay on the island and learn from doing your own experiments, like him. Of course, you would rather die than turn out like him.

  With his death you inherit a lot of money and can send yourself to school, and so much more. 

  Things to hide about yourself:

  1.Your father refused to fund your education

  2.You will inherit millions when he dies

  3.That you were alone with the oatmeal that probably killed him.

  Things to reveal about others:

  Phase One:

  You saw Cordelia in the kitchen near the food that killed your father.

  Phase Two:

  You saw Blinky Palermo with a book about poisonous plants.

  Phase Three

  You know that Cranston Thornwhistle (the big game hunter) knew about Kiki before he came to the island. You’ve noticed the way he looks at her- like a predator on the hunt.


  Tony Braxton is one of the original investors in the island. He is there to see how his investment is doing and to talk to Dr. X about some business matters. 


  You are not pleased with Dr. X’s work on the island. You thought that Dr. X would be working on how to make people more attractive. You were picturing super hot cheetah girls not half pig half dog creatures.

  You want to turn the island into a resort with casinos and all sorts of crazy shit. After all there are no laws. Not only do you think this is a great business venture it is also your only hope. As a compulsive gambler you’ve gotten yourself into a lot of hot water. However, you managed to talk your way out of it by convincing those holding your debt that they can have a piece of the island. 

  Dr. X refused to even discuss the deal with you, making it quite clear his experimentation would stop only with his death. So you turned to Mrs. X about the change. But she said it was up to her husband, though she admitted it would be a better use for the island. If Dr. X was out of the way you could persuade her to your thinking, save the island, and your own skin. 

  Things you should hide about yourself:

  1.That if the island does not start producing a hell of a lot more money you will be in grave danger

  2.That you talked with Mrs. X about changing the island over to casinos but she told you it was for her husband to decide.

  3.That you left your room very early this morning and were not seen again until Dr. X’s body was discovered.

  Things to reveal about others

  Phase One:

  You remember reading about Blinky Palermo. She was caught up in a big scandal a couple of years ago. She hired someone to yell fire in a crowded theater and then took photographs of people desperate to escape. Some people were seriously injured, Blinky Palermo won the pulitzer. Then when the truth came out she faced charges and her pulitzer was taken away. 

  Phase Two:

  While you are heavily invested in this island most of the money came from Coco X. She is originally from Philadelphia, and has cheese steak money- lots of it. But she is ashamed of where her money comes from. 

  Phase Three:

  At dinner the other night you accidentally nudged Jo-Claire, she hissed at you and swiped at your face. You got out of her way just in time. It seems to you she’s going feral. 


  Coco X is the present wife of Dr. X. She enjoys sitting by the pool, doing her nails, and tasting the fine cuisine that their chef provides. 


  You are Ashamed to admit that you’re money all comes from a chain of Cheese Steak restaurant you inherited from your father. To hide from this past you invited heavily in the island. 

  When you met Dr. X you thought he was a genius with world altering ideas. You admired his zeel but now he ignores you and you want more. Your husband’s alienation has driven you into the arms of your Chef, Gaston Moutard. 

  Now you want to flee but Dr. X controls all the money. Unless he dies you will be stuck on this island forever, but if he dies you inherit the island and everyone on it.

  Things to hide

  1.You are having an affair with Gaston.


  1.You’re shameful Cheese Steak past.

  1.That you had powerful pain killers from a recent accident (you broke your leg) and they are now empty. 

  Things to reveal about others:

  Phase One:

  Tony Braxton was missing all morning. You went looking for him to discuss his plans for the island which includes building casinos. 

  Phase Two:

  Dr. X told you that he planned on putting down crab cakes and it was very upsetting to Bo Binzwanger. Dr. x thought he was getting too attached. 

  Phase Three:

  Dr. X also told you that he was not going to continue Jo Claire’s grafting. He was afraid she was becoming feral. He had asked her to leave. 


  Gaston moutard is the chef on the island. From French descent, Gaston loves to cook. He has worked on the island for a little over a year and only cares about food, drink, and pleasure. Hot tempered and easily distracted, Gaston, like most people working in the food industry, has a checkered past. 

  For Your Eyes Only

  While you may not care what or who Dr. X chooses to experiment on you do care deeply about his wife, Coco. Your affair started soon after you arrived on the island. You want to leave and take Coco with you. But she is loyal to her husband even if she no longer is in love with him. There is only one man standing in your way.

  Things to hide about yourself:

  1.You were sneaking around the lab the day before. Were you looking for poison, or is there a simple explanation? 

  2.You did make the food that killed Dr. X 

  3.Mrs. X recently broke her leg and was on powerful painkillers. Since you’ve been sleeping in her room you’ve had access to them.

  Things to Reveal about others:

  Phase One:

  You might have cooked the food that killed Dr. X but Grace Church was the one to serve it to him.

  Crabcakes is having an affair with Dr.  Bo Binzwanger. you’ve seen them together several times down by the lake, at night, naked.

  Phase Two

  Coco told you that Tony Braxton approached her about getting rid of Dr. X and turing the island int
o a resort with Casino’s and other awesome illegal activities.


  Dr. Bo Binzwanger is Dr. X’s assistant.  He came to the island because he thought the experiments Dr. X was preforming could help change the world. He has been on the island for ten years, ever since he graduated college.


  Though you came to the island an idealist young man hoping  to change the world that was 10 long years ago. Since then you’ve done things you never thought you’d stoop to. And the more time that passes the more you’ve begun to think that Dr. X is a monster.

  In the past several months your conscious has gotten the better of you and you’ve begun working with Cordelia Turnbuckle, aka Phyllis Grasley (an undercover animal rights activist posing as the maid). Together you’ve been collecting evidence in a vain attempt to stop Dr. X through traditional channels of justice. While you had little hope in the success of the operation (you are in the middle of the Pacific Ocean after all, there is no law) it relieved your conscious and allowed you to continue to work.

  However, yesterday, Dr. X told you that he planned to “put down” # gr107f, a half crab, half women you’ve grown to love. Unaware of your deep feelings, Dr. X confided that he felt her mutations had become too severe. He was afraid she may start to breath under water, and escape the island. You argued against it but he was adamant that she be destroyed. You know there is only one way to save your baby crab cakes.

  Things to hide about yourself:

  1.You are having an love affair with # gr107f, aka baby crab cakes. 

  2.Dr. X confided that he planned on killing # gr107f the next day and you argued strongly against it. 

  3.That you were working with Cordelia to gather evidence against the Doctor. 

  Things to Reveal about others:

  Phase One:

  You know that Coco X had powerful pain pills from when she broke her leg a month ago. You gave her enough to last a long time. Are there still pills in the jar or has she used them to kill her husband? You saw Gaston in Coco’s bathroom the other day when you were walking up to the house. What was he doing in there? Stealing the pills? 

  Phase Two:

  Dr. X discussed with you that his daughter, Bambi, asked him to pay for her to get a Phd in Horticulture. He refused, asking her to stay on the island and learn first hand. However, she seemed determined to leave and pursue regular education. Dr. X was very upset about this. But probably not as upset as Bambi.

  Phase Three:

  You knew that Coco and Gaston were having an affair because Dr. X told you (he was practically a father- an insane, murderous father but still you two were tight). He told you that Grace Church told him. She is always up in everyone else’s business. 


  # gr107f is one of the Doctor’s creations, she is affectionally known as crab cakes or just cakes for short. She lives in the "lake". She loves the water but is a surprising bad swimmer, maybe it is because she has a lobster claw instead of a left hand. 


  Not only do you have the claw of a lobster you are also developing the ability to breath under water. This would be awesome since then it wouldn’t matter that you were a terrible swimmer. You could enjoy the water the way you were meant too. 

  But when you told Dr. X about this exciting revelation he looked very upset. You later over heard him talking with Dr. Bo about executing you. Dr. Bo Binzwanger, who is in love with you, argued with the Doctor but could not sway him. 

  Dr. Bo did not tell Dr. X how he felt about you. And if Dr. X lives you will die. What is a a half crab, half woman to do? 

   Things to keep secret

  1.You are having an affair with Bo.

  2.You Knew Dr. X was planning on killing you. 

  3.You were planning on escaping. Something not even Bo knows. He also does not know that you know that Dr. X was planning on killing you. 

  Things to Reveal about others:

  Phase One:

  This may seem obvious but Dr. X was poisoned and there is only one chef on the island: Gaston. Point out that he was the one with the easiest access to Dr. X’s food. 

  Phase Two

  You overheard Cordelia and Dr. X fighting this morning. You heard him say “over my dead body”. You were in the lake and they were on the shore. You were practicing breathing under water. The very reason Dr. X was planning on killing you.

  Phase Three

  You saw Deadra Molysocken’s notebook- all reporters carry notebooks. But in this one she revealed that she was on the island to confront Dr. X and prove to him “that she was better then he’ll ever be”. Before you could read more she came into the room.


  Deadra Molysocken is a horticulture writer who just arrived this morning. She has come to the island to write about the unusual plants that grow here. 


  You are a writer for a horticulture magazine but more than that you are Dr. X’s first successful creature. He banished you from the island after you ate his beloved cat. 

  You’ve managed to make a life for yourself. You’ve kept it a secret that you have the vision, sense of smell, and appetite, of an Eagle. Over the years you’ve become a successful naturalist. You’ve been published in some of the best journals in the world.

  However, no amount of success in the real world will make up for Dr. X’s betrayal. You’ve come back to the island to confront him. All you want to do is talk to him. Show him how well you’ve done with yourself. At least that’s what you tell yourself. 

   Things to hide about yourself:

  1.You are not Deadra Molysocket but #1, Dr. X’s first successful creation. 

  2.You came to the island to confront Dr. X.

  3.You have written many articles about the poisonous nature of our natural world.

  Things to Reveal about others:

  Phase One:

  You know that Kiki only has free run of the island because she killed her cage-mate and promised to do it again if Dr. X kept her locked up. Of course, no one on the island knows who you really are so I wouldn’t tell anyone about Kiki’s past unless yours has already been revealed. 

  Phase Two

  You recognize Holden Stillwater, you’ve heard through the publishing grapevine that he is working for SCANDAL Magazine. A magazine with about as clean a reputation as a dive bar’s bathroom floor.

  Phase Three:

  You know that with the death of Dr. X his daughter, Bambi, will inherit a lot of money. Her mother died when she was a teenager and all the funds went into a trust to be released to her once her father passed. Well, well, well.


  Grace Church is Dr. X’s personal secretary. She has been with him longer then anyone else on the island. Grace Church is totally devoted to the work and believes that what Dr. X is doing is very important.


  You have been in love with Dr. X ever since he hired you, when he was still married to Bambi’s mom, almost 20 years ago now. You believe Dr. X is a genius and that what he is doing will change the world.

  However, recently you’ve been finding it harder to be around him. You know his wife, Coco is cheating on him with the chef, Gaston. You told Dr. X but he is doing nothing about it. Why won’t he throw that tramp off the island? Coco does not deserve him! If you can’t have Dr. X than maybe nobody should.

  Things to hide about yourself:

  1.You are in love with Dr. X. You write lovely poetry about him (please bring some of this with you).

  2.You served the soup that killed him.

  3.That you were the one who told Dr. X about Coco and Gast
on’s affair

  Things to reveal about others:

  Phase One:

  That Coco and Gaston were having an affair. You’ve seen them together many times.

  Phase Two:

  You know that Kiki wants off the island now, you heard her and Dr. X arguing about it in his office just two days ago.

  Phase Three:

  You saw Gaston in the lab, last time you checked chef’s didn’t need to be in the lab, what was he doing in there?


  Jo-Claire Masterson is a gymnast who broke her hip. She has come to the island to under-go a series of operations to be grafted with a cat in the hopes that she will regain her agility. So far, they are working.


  The operations have been working but Dr. X refuses to continue his work. He claims that you are becoming feral. Ridiculous! Just because you enjoy spending time in the woods chasing small rodents does not make you feral. Without the further operation you’ll never get back on top of the gymnastics world. 

  This morning Dr. X told you once and for all that he would not continue the operations and that you needed to leave. He did not trust you to stay on the island. Obviously this enraged you, but what is a girl to do?