Read Dragon Wars: A Dragon Novella Page 6

are you doing here? You’re going to embarrass me!”

  “Bryce, I just saved you, and Ziora. Speaking of, you have a lot of explaining to do, young lady, but not now. We have to move and quickly.” She hugged me before I could stop her. “Bryce I know you don’t believe this, but you have to believe me this was not an isolated incident. They will try and get to you. Once you are out of the way there is no stopping them.”

  “Who are you talking about? What are you talking about?”

  “There is no time now, Bryce, but she is right. We have to go and now. I have two more finals today, but I can make them up. You’re more important ”

  “I think that is the least of your worries.” I said.

  “Come on,” my mother said as she led the way to the car.

  We got home without any crazy crap happening. I remained quiet during the short ride home, but inside, I was actually flipping out. I was like a duck on the pond; calm over the water, scared as hell under it.

  “What is going on, mom?!?” I practically shouted once we got inside.

  “Bryce, I don’t think I’m the one that should tell you,” my mom wearily replied.

  “Uh, I was almost the main course of a BBQ. So, if not you, then who?”

  “Bryce, dear, I think we all have explaining to do. Especially you, Ziora. You better start talking.” Ziora just looked at the kitchen floor avoiding all eye contact.

  “Um… I really don’t know how to explain this. I mean it won’t make any sense now,” she began but then bit her bottom lip. She always did that when she was nervous.

  “Ziora, I saw what you did for Bryce. Only one of them could have done that. You must be one of them.” My mother stated as she placed cookies and chocolate milk on the kitchen counter.

  “One of whom?” I looked between them in confusion. The silence was deafening and I began to feel like they were hiding something from me. “One of whom?” I repeated.

  “Bryce, are you going to have a fit?” Ziora smirked as she watched me.

  “If it gets the job done, yes, yes I will. One of you please start explaining. I seem to be so important for some reason.”

  “Um… I don’t know if I should start or not. Mrs. Walop, shouldn’t you start?”

  “I don’t care who tells me what. I just need answers.” I was losing my patience with the both of them. I was majorly freaked out. My life was threatened, Ziora could kick some ass, and my mom was hiding something from me.

  “Well, Bryce, perhaps it is best to start with…” My mom said quietly, “That your father wasn’t exactly human.”


  “What are you talking about? He was human enough to die!” Probably not the best phrasing, but as I was distraught I hoped she’d forgive me eventually.

  “Hold it! Your dad is…” Ziora muttered almost to herself as sadness covered her face.

  “Now, you know why I was such a sour puss in school today,” I said harshly.

  “Bryce, you don’t know how they are. They are mainly like us, but not,” My mother continued. “Ziora, you are going to have to help me out here. Explain to him, please. Since you are one of them. I meant the younger ones, but you are still one of them.” My mom was practically begging her. Ziora sighed, and, by all the indications I knew I was in for a story time session.

  “Well it is hard to explain…”

  “Try me. I’m pretty smart. I can pick stuff up quickly.”

  “Well, I am, or, we, I must say, are Dragalyns…”

  “Yes, that is what she is, and what they are,” My mom interrupted.

  “Did you just say that you guys are drag queens?”

  “No, Dragalyn. It is a long story, and quite a complicated one, as well. We are half dragon and half human…”

  “Dragons? The mythical creatures that fly? Come on, you guys are expecting me to believe that?” my skepticism was evident.

  “Well, it doesn’t matter if you believe me right now. You saw what a powerful one is capable of,” Ziora replied.

  “Mr. Flamethrower? Please, any crazy person with a penchant for gadgets could do the same thing.” I was still in denial.

  “Bryce, your dad tried to protect you from this, but he couldn’t. you have to listen and go into hiding,” My mom pleaded.

  “That is the same thing that he said in his email…”

  “Email?” My mom nearly dropped her cookie.

  “Yeah, that is short for electronic mail,” I responded annoyingly.

  “I can’t believe…” Ziora muttered

  “He knew that they were after him. He knew his time was coming.” My mom had tears filling up in her eyes. “If they get you his death will be in vain.”

  “Who are these people that you are speaking of?” I was switching back to panic mode. Denial was not an option unless I just wanted to be stubborn. It was crazy and far-fetched, but why would my mom lie?

  “Bryce, I don’t think we are qualified to tell you anymore to what is going on,” my mom sounded so sad as she said these words.

  “Then who? Dad? Well, guess what? He isn’t here anymore.” I was frustrated.

  “I have contacted one of your father’s friends. He will be here in a few minutes to take you away, and he will explain everything to you. I think it is best this way.” My mom said. Ziora shifted uneasily. I could tell that she was hiding something from me. I just knew it.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked once she finally made eye contact.

  “Oh, nothing. Just a little nervous that is all. So much has happened today. I haven’t used my powers in such a long time,” She responded, as she dropped her eyes. She definitely was hiding something. The doorbell rang, and we all jumped. We were all on edge. I wanted information and I wanted it now. I just hoped this was the person that my mother had mentioned.

  My mother went to answer the door. There was a quick and muffled conversation between the two. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but I could guess that the person was advising my mother what to do next. After a minute or two I heard footsteps making their way into the kitchen. I looked down at the figure that came into the kitchen. He was a small little guy.

  “Mom is this the guy that is supposed to protect me? He can’t even get up on the kitchen stool.”

  “Bryce! Your manners!”

  “I think he needs protecting,” I mumbled. This earned a shove against the kitchen counter.

  “Mind your manners,” the small man said to me. Okay this guy meant business. “And, don’t be rude to your mother.”

  “Okay, you’re winning me over.” I said. Ziora quickly shifted her face away from the man. The man leapt agilely onto the vacant stool. I could see this guy was someone not to mess with.

  “We must move with haste,” The man instructed.

  “I guess you are not one for introductions. And you tell me to mind my manners,” I mumbled again.

  “Good point…my name is Zalie,” he said, and that seemed to be it. I was going to let it slide because I needed to know what was going on. He seemed to notice Ziora but he didn’t pay her any attention at that moment. “We have to move you to a safe place because they will be after you. You have what they want, or at least what they need.”

  “Okay, I have heard that so many times now. Who are they and what do they want?”

  “I will tell you all this when we get to a safe place. You need to be out of sight in order to be protected,” Zalie said. “Nancy, your life is in danger as well. You must go as well.”

  “I don’t think so, Zalie. He would have killed me if he had the chance at the school,” she said.

  “You are alive because he wanted you alive. He has nothing to fear now. Your husband is gone.” Zalie said.

  “Thanks for the reminder, Zalie.” I said.

  “I must tell the truth. Zelter is the most powerful Dragalyn now. If you escape him it is because he let you, not because you succeeded against hi
m.” Zalie continued.

  “Well then why did he let us go?” My mother questioned.

  “That is a good question. He did have you right where he wanted the boy. How did you survive?” Zalie questioned. He seemed impressed that I was still alive and well after my brief encounter with Mr. Popularity.

  “Well, Ziora here helped me with that, didn’t you?” I said. She stood silent and faced away from Zalie. I found this odd, why would she not want to be noticed? She was one of them.

  “Hold on a moment, did you just say Ziora?” Zalie questioned as he hopped off the stool and made his way to her. He slowly made his way to face her, and then looked up, “You!!! How dare you come into this house!!!” he growled.

  “I guess she rejected you to prom, huh? Don’t worry that is a long ass line.” I said trying to ease the tension. Ziora now turned around to face me and my mother, she was crying.

  “Ziora, what’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Don’t you dare care for this one!” Zalie said.

  “A little harsh isn’t it?” I asked the small little man.

  “Zalie, what is going on here?” my mom asked.

  “I’m not being harsh at all, considering the fact she is one of the reasons that your father died.”


  “Excuse me? What do you mean by that?” I gaped at Ziora who was literally squirming with discomfort.

  “Her father is the one that killed your father,” Zalie explained in a cold tone.

  My mother gasped before sputtering, “How can that be? Her parents are lawyers.”

  I just stood there. I felt as if ice water was pumping through my veins. As I continued to gape at her she took on a strange blue-ish hue. My