Read Dragon Wars: A Dragon Novella Page 8

know where we were at this time, I looked at my mom, and she looked a little calmer than before. “In your element, huh, mom?”

  “We must continue to move,” Zalie urged. My mom hadn’t said much since the whole school incident. She really hadn’t had time to grieve for my dad. Nor had I, but, right now, I guess, we needed to survive. “Just up this hill and we will be at the hiding spot.”

  We walked a few minutes in silence. After we got up the hill there was a cave.

  “You are not being serious right now?”

  “Boy, we must stay hidden. He will not think to look for us in the wilderness. Here we hide until we form a plan, and I call upon the proper people,” Zalie explained.

  “This will be good enough,” My mom said. I wasn’t going to win so I gave up.

  “Lead the way, small leader.” We followed him into the cave. It was a little cold and damp. Zalie snapped his finger and a fire appeared out of nowhere.

  “You have to teach me that,” I exclaimed. “That would be a fun party trick.”

  “We don’t even know if you have the power of the Dragalyn,” Zalie said.

  “Well, Mr. Fireball wants me for something,” I retorted as I looked into the fire.

  “This is true, but you haven’t shown any types of abilities to show that you are a Dragalyn. At least not yet.”

  “How about we start from what in the world is a Dragayln?” I suggested. I was frustrated. My mom settled herself near the fire.

  “Being one cost your father his life,” She remarked quietly.

  “Dear Nancy, don’t say that. He was the greatest one ever.”

  “I shouldn’t have took him away from his world. Maybe if he would have married his own kind maybe Bryce would be a lot safer.”

  “Mom, what in the world are you talking about?” I was confused.

  “Nancy, don’t you worry about it. He knew what he was doing. He loved you, dear, and that is all that matters. He loved both of you, and that is why I must keep you safe. His death will not be in vain,” Zalie continued.

  “How about we start with what in the world is a Dragalyn,” I repeated. “And we can work towards what in the world my mom is talking about.”

  “Boy, you finally had a good idea.” Zalie said. I just rolled my eyes. “I hope you are prepared for a long story, because this is one.”


  “This may be hard to believe, but there are two worlds that are shared on this earth. One of course is the one that you know of, and the other is the Dragon World.”

  “That’s original…” I said quickly. He gave me a dirty look and continued.

  “Our race and world was separated by a portal deep in a mountain that no human can ever reach,” Zalie continued. That reminded me of the mountain I kept dreaming about. “Our people used to live side by side with Dragons. Yes boy they are real…”

  “You are talking about the fictional reptilian creatures? Not the one that scooped me up a few hours ago?” I questioned. I didn’t want this to be true, but I knew it had to be true, based on what I have seen up till now.

  “Yes boy they are real and not some piece of fiction. They are beautiful creatures! But they can be the most vicious and dangerous creatures. “ Zalie eyes narrowed as he stared into the fire. “You see Dragons are very powerful, and they are extremely difficult to kill. Their skin is extremely difficult to penetrate, their swift movements through the sky makes them hard to capture, there is no matching their power.” Zalie sighed. He must have seen some crazy stuff back whenever he was young. “We used to live in harmony with them. They are magical creatures that lived in the mountains, and allowed us to live in our villages. Our people even possess some of the power of the Dragon. That is how closely associated we are with the creature. There was one man that the Dragons respected. I would dare say the Dragons feared him. And, that was your father…”

  “Wow, you know more about my father than I did,” I said in such frustration that he was telling me about my dad, and I really didn’t know anything about him.

  “Boy! Your father was a great man…”

  “Don’t you mean a great Dragalyn?”

  “Our society is just a fragile as humans, yet we are more powerful. We are still men and women.” Zalie coughed. “We have been around for centuries. You see, we don’t age like the humans do. Our bodies age at a much slower rate.” Zalie explained. I don’t believe this. These people lived basically forever.

  “So where did you guys come from?”

  “Well our Dragon world was or is still called Dragonlaire. Dragons and Dragalyns co-existed just fine with one another. Your father was the leader of our people. We had a treaty set up between us and the Dragons…” Zalie continued. “Your father was the strongest one of us, yet he never abused his power. He knew full well that it could create a war…” Zalie paused for a moment, and twirled his pointer finger at the fire, the fire started to form figures…Dragons.

  “How did he communicate with the Dragons? Do they talk Latin or something?” I was intrigued by this world I have never heard about. I was thirsty for more information.

  “To this day I don’t know. All I know is that he could communicate with them. You see when your dad was younger he was granted powers that none of our kind had.”


  “Well, this is going to seem odd, boy, but he saved a baby Dragon,” Zalie informed me.

  “Why did they need dad’s help when they are more powerful than you guys?”

  “Yes, boy, they are more powerful than us… We were hunting one day out in one of the fields when we saw a young Dragon falling from the clouds. We’d never seen such a scene. Usually Dragons learn to fly with their parents, but this one seemed alone. We waited but, to our horror the small dragon hit the river. Knowing that the young dragon could drown if not helped in time your father wasted no time wading in after it. The Dragon was trying to make it to the bank but with its injury could not. Your father attempted to help. At first the little Dragon snapped at him, but soon enough it realized that it needed your father’s help. Your father was a very talented Dragalyn. He slowed the river current down with some of his powers.

  I finally jumped in to try and help. Of course your father didn’t need my help, he was far more powerful than I could ever hope to be. We soon had the Dragon on land. We saw that there was arrow that was shot through the wing of the creature, and it was poisonous. Then all of the sudden a blistering wind came from above followed by a roar. The Dragon’s mother landed. Your father did not seem afraid of the big creature. I wanted to run for the hills. You see the Dragon thought we probably were the ones that shot the child down. But your father knew that we were innocent, of course. The Dragon mother didn’t care; it quickly breathed a long line of fire at your father, and what I saw left me in awe…” Zalie continued and the awe was evident in his voice. “He manipulated the Dragon’s fire so that it danced around him.” Zalie paused so that the magnitude of what he just said would be emphasized.

  “So, I saw you do that before,” I commented. It still impressed me I guess.

  “That was nothing. Listen to what I’m saying. I did a cheap trick. Your father manipulated one of the most powerful forces ever. No other Dragalyn had ever done something like that. I was in shock, and so was the Dragon. Your father at that time tried to communicate the best he could with the adult dragon, trying to advise that the baby dragon didn’t have that much time. It was dying. Your father quickly tended to the Dragons wing upon examination the Dragon was weak as the poison was taking effect. I thought it was too late, but your father knew better. You see, boy, your father was a man of the woods. He went into the woods leaving me with the Dragons, and went to get the proper ingredients for the cure. It seemed to take forever, but he was back within ten minutes. He brought some plants back from the woods, muddled them together and applied them to the wound. At first the Dragon was not taki
ng to the ointment but I saw no panic on your fathers face. Then about an hour later the infant dragon started to come around. The mother Dragon hovered, as it was intrigued by this strange event as I was. The infant Dragon was soon alert and well, so the mother Dragon awarded your father special powers. Powers beyond what any other Dragalyn had, one major power was the power of communication with the Dragons. Your father humbly accepted her gratitude.” Zalie said as he had painted an impressive portrait of my father.

  Excited by this insight encouraged him to tell me more, “What other powers did the Dragon award my dad? And, how do you guys just have regular powers? How long ago did that story take place? How do you get to your world? Where is it anyway? Did you and my dad grow up together?” I quickly asked.

  “It’s getting late. There is much to tell, and I’m glad you are eager. At the same time, we must be ready to fight against Zelter. It’s unfortunate, but I, by myself, am no match for him.”

  “What is the next course of action?”

  “Your father had setup a series of hiding spots for you. So, we will continue to move you until I figure out what to do. We will move in a few hours,” Zalie responded.

  “Hold it!” I wasn’t going to sleep without knowing why this man is after me. “You told me a great story about my father, but now I need to know why this guy wants to toast me over open flames.”

  “That is a question I don’t have an answer to,” Zalie said as he avoided eye contact with me. I shook my head for a moment, and then fear and anger overwhelmed me.

  “What do you mean you don’t know?” I shouted. I turned towards me mom, she had drifted off to sleep, but all she did was just stirred a little from the sound of my voice. I lowered my voice. “I need to know, I need to know what to do.”

  “Your father did tell me that you always needed to know everything,” Zalie said. “He was proud of your clever mind, and your need to be thorough.” Somewhat floored by this compliment I pleaded.

  “Then help me, Zalie.”

  “All I know is that your father seemed prepared for this. He told me where to go and how to keep you safe. In due time, I will tell you more stories about our kind. So that you will know what you are. But now, we need to rest,” Zalie said. I couldn’t really argue with him any longer. I was too tired, and he wasn’t going to answer my questions. So, I laid on the cold cave floor and closed my eyes. I half hoped that when I woke up everything would be as it was a week ago.


  “Boy…” I heard someone say, and a stinging sensation on my face alerted me. I opened my eyes to see a blurry small figure in front of me. I rubbed my eyes, and Zalie came into focus.

  “What?” I was groggy and slowly sat up.

  “We must move and now. I heard movement outside. I think they found us.”

  “What? But how?” My mom whispered in panic. “I thought we were safe.”

  “I don’t know, but I hear too much movement outside,” Zalie whispered. I glanced outside, but it was still dark. I must have been only sleeping an hour or so. Zalie had extinguished the fire. We were engulfed in darkness. Then I heard it outside; footsteps.

  “Maybe it is an animal,” I said hopefully.

  “Boy, I know it isn’t. No animal tromps around like that.”

  “So, get us out of here. We can teleport. I’ll be okay this time.”

  “That type of power takes a lot of energy. I don’t think I could get us far,” Zalie replied back.

  “Anywhere is better than here!” I said.

  “Good point,” Zalie responded.

  “I know.” Then all of a sudden I felt a tug in my midsection, then wind whipped and whirled around us, and then I felt the numbing sensation fall over me. Then we landed, and I hit the ground hard, but I felt grass under me.

  “Bryce.” I heard my mother call out to me. We were still surrounded by darkness, but I did see the sun coming up.

  “Yeah, I’m over here.” I answered.

  “Where, boy?”

  “I’m here. I’m fine,” I said as our shadows all united under the dark sky.

  “We must walk from here. I’m too weak to use any more of my power.”

  “Where exactly are we going? And where are we?” I asked as I took a step forward only to have my foot sink into water.

  “Swamp,” Zalie responded. I could tell he was smirking. “Follow me.” He said, and we followed his small outline.

  The sun rose sending a blaze of heat over the swampy marsh we were trekking through. We had to be in Florida again. I didn’t think our previous location was though. I was getting thirsty, and apparently, provision hadn’t been on Zalie’s ‘to-do’ list.

  “Are we nearly there yet?” I asked as my sneakers kept making the squishing sounds due to them being water logged.

  “Bryce, stop complaining. We will get there when we get there.” My mother scolded.

  “Not if I die of dehydration.”

  “Boy, quiet. We are almost there. I see the house at the distance.”

  “No wonder no one would come looking for us here. There are probably alligators waiting for their dinner,” I complained as I looked ahead at the small house that was basically on a dock that led to a river. Florida was famous for alligators. I still haven’t seen one up to this day I guess there was a first time for everything.

  “That is the point, boy. Zelter will not look here to find you. It is out of the way, and it is somewhere none will look,” Zalie said confidently that this was a great hideout. “I helped your dad pick this place out, before…” He stopped talking for a while and just walked. My father knew his end was near when he decided on this place, and so did Zalie. Yet, my father had kept going, kept doing what he had to do to make sure I was safe when my father was gone. How important was I? And why? What powers did I have? Up to now I seen what type of powers these people had, yet I had none. Maybe I’d never have them and that would save my life. Or, maybe I did have them and that would also save my life. Only time would tell.

  We kept getting closer to what I now called Alligator Den. I wasn’t feeling particularly safe. I’d make a nice alligator snack. My mom was looking every which direction like someone or something would come out of the grass lands and attack her. I don’t blame her after what happened yesterday. Then I heard a southern voice.

  “Zalaye is that your small ass?” So far this guy seemed okay in my book.

  “Oh Zalgon…must you be so loud?” Zalie said.

  “Shit, how else will I tame these alligators,” Zalgon said as we neared his house. He came walking to us. The man had a full head of red hair. His stature was imposing at least over six feet tall. His arms were huge. He wore just a vest without a shirt under it, and ripped jean.

  “Come give me a hug…” Zalgon said to Zalie, as he made his way to us. Right after he reached Zalie he picked him up and hugged him. It looked like an overgrown boy hugging a teddy bear. He looked me over and nodded his approval before wrapping his massive arms around me.

  “Thanks, I always needed some affection.” I said as he put me down. Zalgon then bowed low to my mother gently and kissed her hand.

  “I’m sorray about your husband, me lady. He was a great man.”

  “Thank you,” My mother said softly as tears started to form in her eyes.

  “Well, what are we waiting for? Get ya’ll in da house. It is not safe out here, ya know,” Zalgon said. Zalie nodded, and then waved me and my mom to follow. I didn’t feel safe inside either.

  When we entered Zalgon’s house my jaw dropped. There was really nothing to it.

  “Sorray, Zalaye, you know we were taught to live off the land, and basically nothing else. Living tis long on tis side of the portal is not easy.” Zalgon said.

  “I feel like I’m in a red neck witness protection program,” I mumbled.


  “Well, mom it is the truth. Where am I to sleep??
?? I was tired, hungry and grumpy.

  “Boy, mind your manners. This is just temporary. Plus, you have lived a life of luxury up until now I’m sure you can handle the living arrangements for a while,” Zalie scolded.

  “Sorray, kid, I know you lived nice, but sleeping on some cots I have for ya’ll won’t ya do any harm. No, sir” Zalgon smiled.

  “So what’s next?” I asked.

  “The kid don’t have no patience, do he?” Zalgon looked at me and smiled. “Just like his old pa.”

  “We wait. Rest now.”

  “He wants me out of the picture, doesn’t he? This Zelter guy?”

  “Kid, you are too important to our peopal. We will protect you.” Zalgon said. I didn’t know why these people needed me. How could I help these people out?

  “What was my husband doing when he was killed? Why couldn’t you guys protect him?” My mom blurted out suddenly. She wanted answers.

  “Well…that is a tough question to answer darling… we don’t know. Ya see he kept secretive to what he was doing because he didn’t know who he could trust.” Zalgon said.

  “Does anyone know anything? Someone has to know something! Why is Zelter dead set on my destruction?” I said. Zalie and Zalgon’s vacant expressions gave me little hope of answers. “So, I’m guessing you guys know squat…”

  “Bryce…be polite,” My mom interjected.

  “Sorry, mom, but I have someone that is trying to kill me. I don’t have time to be polite.”

  “The kid is right. We don’t know exactly what he wants with him. Our best guess is that you can open the portal to the other side,” Zalgon flinched when caught Zalie’s eye.

  “Genius!” Zalie muttered.

  “Portal to where?”

  “Zelter’s power is strong, but it is also limited. Even when he was friends with your father it was obvious that he was jealous. Your father’s power had a depth to it that none of our kind has ever had. Your father was the one that closed the portal. Now Zelter is probably wanting to open it, but he isn’t powerful enough.”

  “Hold it! Did you say that they were friends? Some friendship that was, huh?”

  “Boy…” Zalie started.

  “Loosen up, Zalie. The kid is right. Zalfer did not see the true nature of Zelter. He only wanted to get close to him to see if he could persuade him to open that gate,” Zalgon said.

  “Zalfer was the best leader our people ever had. Respect is due and should be given,” Zalie stated sternly while shaking his head at me.

  “How about this: once I know the whole story maybe then I can actually show respect. Maybe once my mother can get some rest and have some peace of mind that her only child will not be turned into a smore then I will show some respect. All you have been able to tell me so far is a story about how things used to be! Which, you know, back story is awesome, but the present is kind of full of danger. Especially towards my well-being. Which, I think is important.”

  “Ouch, Zalie he does have a point,” Zalgon smiled.