Read Dragons Don't Cry Page 3

  Bethanne. I knew that name. She was claimed by this dragon one hundred years ago. We studied her in our history lessons. “How long did she live?”

  His front legs came out, landing a short distance from me. He flopped down, his head resting on his huge feet. His nose almost touched my robe. Sadness spiraled throughout every inch of his body clear to his tail, which circled around and settled over one of his legs.

  Desolation dulled his usually bright red eyes. “Thirty-two years I have lived without her. She was twenty when she came, and she lived to be eighty-eight. Sixty-eight years is not long enough to keep someone when dragons live forever.”

  My breath caught. I wanted to cry. It was his voice—depressed, mournful, completely devastated. His mammoth teeth no longer scared me. I reached out and touched his nose with my left hand because my right one was still sore. Soft, so incredibly soft and warm.

  “A dragon needs no pity,” he snapped half-heartedly.

  I pulled my hand back. “It’s empathy. I studied Bethanne when I was young. Hers was one of the more popular claimings.”

  He made that sound again. “Humph. She was feisty like you, but different too. She cried for months and I hated her tears. I stole the books in the library for her.”

  “You stole them? From where?” How could anyone with books allow someone to steal them?

  “They belonged to another realm. A place with more books than your realm has people. Will you smile for me again?” His half-hooded eyes caused my blood to pump faster.

  I fought within myself because I wanted to give him what he asked. “Why would I smile for you?”

  “What would you like? I can steal you anything.”

  I didn’t think about my answer. “You don’t need to steal what I want most. Freedom. Take me home.”

  A spark of anger flared in his eyes. “Anything but that.”

  Chapter Six


  His fingers sliding across my arm woke me up. I didn’t open my eyes; I knew it was my dream man. “Is it really you?”

  “Do you want it to be?”

  A touch of recognition in his husky voice startled me, but this had to be a dream. “Yes, I do.”

  “May I touch you?”

  I sighed, aching for his warmth. “Please.”

  His hand moved up past my shoulder to the curve of my neck. I moved my head, giving him better access. A roughened finger trailed lightly across my skin, skimming over my jaw until it ran along my lower lip. I caught the finger between my lips and heard his sharp intake of breath. I opened my eyes slightly.

  “Do not. Leave them closed, my lady.”

  His insistent voice was almost pleading, and for some reason, I obeyed. I remembered what he looked like, and fantasized that he moved downward, touching me lower.

  “Like this?” His fingers left my lips and traveled to my breasts.

  I covered my eyes. Oh, gods, no; in my dreams he could hear my thoughts. He cupped my flesh, laughing huskily at my embarrassment.

  “So soft,” he whispered against my hands, his warm breath causing a tremble to run through my body.

  I moved my arms down, and his breath eased over my cheek. He nuzzled my ear, the hair behind it with his nose, inhaling deeply. It reminded me of him, the dragon.




  They always wanted to return home at first. Settling them into dragon life was difficult and in some cases took many years. Eventually this one would come around too. She’d forget her family and friends. Forget home and think of my kingdom as her home.

  I turned to the next blank page and sketched Acasia as she looked while sleeping. I never went back to the previous pictures of past claiming brides. The pain was too great. I’d filled almost the entire book with drawings of the women I’d claimed. Their faces as they aged, so beautiful, but each passing year, the lines took them closer to death. I hated this book, but wanted the images for some reason. Seventy-eight women, seventy-eight-hundred years, seventy-eight heartbreaks, and Acasia was the seventy-ninth. The centuries in front of me stretched endlessly.

  When I heard her stir, I put the book on the highest shelf. I couldn’t share my human side with her because I needed to maintain distance to keep my heart from breaking once again. Her thinking me a dream was the easiest way. But I lusted—desired her sweet warmth. I wanted to whisper her name and hear her cry mine in surrender.

  I walked naked to the window in my bedroom and threw myself over the side. I spiraled downward, nose first. Close to the ground, my wings burst from my body, the pain of shifting a deep ache I craved. I pulled myself up until I rested on the ledge outside her window. I stuck my head into the room.

  Sitting up, she clutched the thin bed covering to her body. “You are a rude dragon. I need to get up, but must cover myself with the robe.”

  I refused to look away from her delectably bare shoulders, smiling internally over undressing her in her dreams. Remembering that she always slept in her robe. “Why have you not used the clothes in the garment room?”

  She looked toward the room I spoke of before turning my way again. “They are for me?”

  I couldn’t move my head far within the window’s frame, but I looked around as much as I could. “I see no other stupid human females in here. Who else would wear the clothing?”

  Her lips pursed in vexation, but she managed a level tone. “They are strange.”

  “So you’ve examined them.”

  She appeared embarrassed, but I knew not why. “A little.”

  I could no longer take the pale show of skin and snapped, “Chose something, stupid woman, and ride with me.”


  “On my back… or are you afraid?” I challenged.

  Her excitement showed clearly in her voice and it thrilled me. “You’re serious.”

  “Yes, hurry, my patience wears thin.” I put just enough disgust in my voice so maybe she would move quickly.

  “Close your eyes.”

  I allowed my outer lids to drop. She had no idea that only my inner lids blocked my view. I watched her jump up, her luscious ass jiggling as she ran to the garment room, slamming the door behind her. I flew to my own room, shifting to human form, and grabbed the saddle that hadn’t been used since Bethanne. I tossed it from the window and jumped out, diving into the neck and wing loops in human form before calling my wings. After circling my lair once, I swooped upward and headed back to her window.

  She walked out, covered in a flimsy pair of loose leg coverings and one of my tunic shirts, which was too large for her. I was hoping for tight jeans and a similarly tight t-shirt. On the morrow, I would toss out the clothing that I didn’t want her wearing and I would just go naked so she couldn’t wear my large clothes. Though she looked delicious in my shirt, it was inappropriate for a female.

  “Those clothes will not protect you from the hard ride we shall take.”

  She blushed delightfully, smoothing the pants and glaring at me. “What is wrong with them?”

  I wondered about the blush, then answered. “My leather saddle will rub against the loose material. The choice is yours.”

  I saw her work through the dilemma in her mind, her lips forming a hard line. And she called me stubborn. I knew her answer before she gave it.

  “These will do.”

  “Humph, go into my room and wait at the doors. Do not go outside until I am there.”

  “Pushy bastard,” I heard her mutter as she walked from the room.

  Normally, I would take my time, but seeing her throw herself down into the tower the day before made me hurry. I saw her peering out the double doors, and for once, she obeyed and waited.

  I landed and moved closer. “Here, cinch the leather tight and buckle it at my neck then my chest.”

  I craved her hands on me and this was a start. “Tighter. You don’t want the saddle slipping.” She grunted, but got it latched properly. “I will turn and you will climb
up my tail into the saddle.”

  “What if I fall?”

  She sounded almost thrilled at the idea, and I shuddered. “You can’t fall more than ten feet while we’re on the ledge. Once we take off, have no fear, I will catch you, trembling female.”

  “Do all dragons have your ego?”

  “Humph, I would hope. We are the dominant species of our realm and yours.”

  The little female tapped her foot, looked down at it and back up. “I’m waiting on you.”

  I was hard-pressed not to laugh and expel smoke and fire. I turned my body around lowering my tail until it was in front of her. The end of my tail was narrow compared with the upper part, but her balance was good, and she scrambled up and into the saddle.

  “There’s no safety harness,” she whined.

  I rolled my eyes. “Place your feet in the stirrups and hold the upper pommel; you don’t need a harness.” Her wiggling while she adjusted the foot straps almost killed me. The armor covering my cock became much too tight. The sight of my unsheathed dragon’s cock would scare her for the next fifty years. I’d learned that with one of my first women. Thankfully, Acasia couldn’t see it from her seat. I eased my forescales back and gave myself a little relief.

  “I think I’m ready,” she said, her voice trembling.

  “Hold on.” I unfurled my wings, moved to the edge, and dove off. I loved this part with a new bride.

  Her scream was louder and longer than I remembered the others being. Of course more than half the females passed out, lost their seat, and I had to catch them. I noticed when her scream changed and became laughter. I swooped upward in disbelief, catching a tailwind gliding on the current.

  “Again—dive again, dragon.”

  Amazing. Acasia wasn’t afraid. Many of my woman never rode unless forced. I made this dive sharper, and her cry rang through me—exhilarated. I knew she smiled even though I couldn’t see it. I flapped my great wings and pulled from the dive. The lake came into view and I went in low, skimming the surface with my claws, water spraying over us.

  “Cold, you ass,” she shouted, though I could still hear her glee.

  There was no stopping my laughter this time. Smoke and fire exploded from my mouth. Turning sharply, I avoided flying her into the flame. I’d learned that the hard way too. Human females didn’t heal easily from burns.

  The heat warmed her, and we continued our flight. She held on, her strong legs grasping my neck within the saddle. I loved every minute. Occasionally, I felt her petting me. I don’t think she realized it. Then, I heard her stomach growl. I was hungry too.

  “What part of my eating habits repulse you, female?”

  “Argh. You play with your food. I understand the need for sustenance, but make it a quick kill.” She spoke aloud, not knowing she could communicate inside my head. Her human voice echoed her mind voice and I liked it.

  I swooped down over a herd of deer. Dropping my legs, talons extended, I swiped with the front ones and grabbed with the back. Quick and efficient. A perfect kill.

  Her hand ran across my scales. “Thank you, dragon.”

  I puffed up, feeling proud at her softly spoken words as I spun and headed back for my lair.

  “Will you leave me at the window? The smell of your uneaten dead plays with my stomach and I would like to eat too.”

  “As you command.”

  “I like that, dragon. You may get a smile from me yet.”

  Chapter Seven


  A meal waited for me. I needed to ask him who cooked. The door at the end of the hallway remained locked. My only contact was with my dragon; my dream man didn’t count. I fisted my hand and stretched it a few times. It was still a little sore from hitting the dragon’s nose, but it didn’t keep me from eating. I noticed a jar of cream and a missive at the other end of the table. After the meal, I read the note.

  Rub this in where you need it most.

  The dragon must have had the note delivered when I changed my clothes. I couldn’t help wondering who wrote it for him.

  Standing from the chair and walking to the end of the table had given me an idea of where I needed the salve most. I could feel heat rise in my cheeks. I made my way to the bath, shed my clothes, and submerged myself in hot water. I couldn’t help the sigh of relief for my tender backside.

  In just two days, I was falling for a dragon, no longer thinking of him as my enemy. I soaped my hands and ran my fingers over my breasts. It felt good. I pinched my nipples slightly and heat rushed between my legs. I forced my mind off the red eyes and scales, picturing my dream man inside the steamy room. One of my hands smoothed down my belly and found that forbidden place between my legs. I’d never touched myself there. As a claiming bride, touching oneself was prohibited. I wasn’t sure of the rules now, but refused to feel guilty, because it felt so damn good.

  My flesh was soft and swollen, and I wondered if the puffiness was an aftereffect of riding the dragon. The heat flaring in my cheeks had nothing to do with the hot water.

  Riding the dragon.

  I might be a virgin, but I’d listened to females talk about sex. When the dragon explained I could ride him, I almost died. Sex with a dragon... impossible. But I could dream and pleasure myself. I had my man of shadows. He touched me in just the right ways, though I wanted more. I needed to work on my sexual fantasies. The fleeting thought to check the library for books about sexual information entered my mind at the same time I slipped one finger to my center. Tight heat, too tight to go farther unless I wished to disrupt my hymen. I arched my body, rubbing my breasts and the softness between my legs. Pressure built. Elusive, but so close.

  My eyes had closed with thoughts of my dream man, but I opened them to see the effects my hands were having on my body. My nipples were tight little buds and I touched them again. Movement from the corner of my eye startled me. I jerked my head sideways. It was him, my dream man. He stood naked, holding his enormous erection.

  I screamed, uselessly trying to cover myself.

  He backed quickly out of the doorway.

  Jumping from the bath, I grabbed a clean robe left on the back of the door and ran from the room. He wasn’t there. I searched throughout the chamber rooms, but found no sign of him. As I headed to my room, the dragon’s loud roar had me turning toward the tower. For once, I didn’t notice the smell. I felt his pain deep in my gut. My dragon suffered. I stopped at the top of the stairway and slowly walked to the end of his perch to look down to the bottom. Nothing. I looked up. He swooped just under the ceiling with another roar.

  Oh my.

  My dragon had an erection. The scales of his underbelly pulled back farther and a giant red cock displayed proudly. I shivered. It would never fit, was anatomically impossible. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t appreciate his endowment and fight jealousy over the female dragon who would eventually take on his cock.

  He swooped low and roared again. Fire spewed upward. I stepped back out of its path. I heard a loud clatter and peered over the ledge. He swiped piles of bones aside, shattering them against the wall. I fought a smile with relief; he was throwing a temper tantrum. A lust-filled rage, I thought. Smoke puffed from both nostrils, but he didn’t release fire. The smell began to upset my stomach and finally it looked like he calmed a bit. I turned and ran back to my chambers and didn’t think about the naked man until I closed the door behind me.


  I walked into the bedroom with the huge bed.

  Go into my room and wait at the window.

  It clicked.

  Go into my room and wait at the window. That’s what he said to me before we took our ride. This was his room, the dragon’s. The only way he could fit in here was if he was also human. My dream man. Mortification almost overwhelmed me, but anger won and simmered slowly. I wish I could roar and eject fire. The jerk tricked me. The longer I thought about it, the more devious my thoughts turned.

  Payback was a bitch.

br />   Bastian

  My rage centered on my own stupidity. I’d snuck into my bedroom and heard the splash of the bath. She’d left the door open a crack, and once I looked inside, some unseen energy drew me closer. She pleasured herself—her nipples stiff peaks, her body arching up seeking a deeper penetration with her finger.

  I wanted it.

  Wanted to be the first inside that tight passage.

  She’d stopped, but I had no way of knowing if I was too late. It was stupid really. I knew the rules unfair for the claiming brides. Hell, we dragons had made those rules out of jealousy. I’m not sure which of us would actually kill the families of those who broke the decree. We’d never faced the predicament. Our brides always proved virgins. This was why the annoying females needed quick deflowering. Sarn, Laryn, and Tahr, my brethren, argued with me continually. I had a problem with taking an unwilling bride before she settled. I’d learned through trial and error that if human females had a mental connection, they took to bedroom activity with more zest.

  My talons clicked on the stone. Sucking in air, I noticed the putrid odor of decaying animals. My thirty-two year period of mourning had turned me into a slob. I gathered the first pile, which was harder to pick up now that I’d smashed the bones. I flew my garbage out of the upper parapet. It took hours, but I cleaned the tower and finally sanitized the floor and walls with fire.

  Black soot now coated the room, but the odor was more pleasing. My anger dissipated while I swam in the closest lake and removed the smell of death that clung to my scales. Cleaning my mess gave me a clearer view of what I wanted, and a certain young human was at the top of my list.

  Chapter Eight


  I lay in bed working to keep my breathing even. Where did he stay while I slept? For my plan to work he needed to stay in the room next to mine. It was hours later that I heard someone open my door. It closed softly. I waited another hour before slipping through the bathing and garment rooms, entering his chamber. In the soft glow of light from the moons, I could see he slept on his side, facing away from me, a powerful arm cast over his head. The bedding dipped at his waist, and a firm ass cheek caught my attention. This was only the second time in my life I had seen a totally unclothed man. Him standing naked and watching me in the bathing chamber being the first. As a claiming bride, the male body was hidden from me. When older women spoke quietly of erections and the changing male body, I could only imagine the phenomenon. It was almost like I was born with a brand on my forehead.