Read Dragons Don't Cry Page 5



  He unlocked the door at the end of the hallway, explaining he spoke telepathically to his servants, though even in this they were unable to speak back the same way. The other side of the door housed a different world. A human world.

  Men and women moved quickly, going about the business of serving a dragon. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it, but I’d learn more before giving my opinion. The people smiled at me with curiosity.

  Men and women walked the corridors; some old, some in their twenties. I saw a few who were pretty, and jealously ate at me. Did Bastian have sex with these women? He squeezed my hand and I remembered that he might be able to gather my thoughts. Heat rushed to my cheeks.

  He stopped in a large dining hall. Two perfectly laid out table settings awaited us at the end of the long table. Bastian pulled out my chair and nodded his head at a servant. The man poured red wine into my goblet. I felt uncomfortable; no one had ever waited on me in my life. Next, he filled Bastian’s.

  My dragon raised his glass. “To you, my lady, may you be happy by my side and bring joy to my life.”

  I clicked my glass against his and took a small sip of the sweet wine.

  “Smile for me, Acasia.”

  I had no idea why my smile was so important to him; I couldn’t hold it back. His world was strange, but for the first time since arriving, I was curious to find out more and less inclined to return home.

  “Tell me about dragons, Bastian.”

  He returned my smile. “Gladly,” he said as a man placed the first course in front of us. “Dragons collect treasures. We hoard them, it’s in our blood.”

  I kind of knew this. “Our rooms, those hold your treasures?”

  His dark eyes sparkled. “Those are a very small part. Far below my lair, I have rooms filled with gems, gold, and silver. You may look and choose what you wish. The servants will move them for you. The same with what is in your room and mine. Make them your own. Decorate, change furniture. There is much unused below.”

  “What about your tower? Will you continue using it to drop your food?”

  His hand covered mine. “Not if it bothers you. I can just as easily eat where I catch my prey. What would you have done with the tower?”

  “I don’t know. I will think on it.” I took a bite of some type of spiced grain and chewed slowly. “The food is wonderful,” I said after swallowing.

  “You may also decide on meals. I must have a meat diet with only a few grains thrown in, but I want you to eat what you wish. The servants know what I like and will feed my needs if yours do not match.”

  I couldn’t help asking, “Are they slaves, Bastian?”

  He didn’t hesitate before saying, “In a manner of speaking.”

  “But they don’t speak.”

  “They live. Their families want to know they live.”

  “What do their families receive to assure themselves their loved ones are well cared for?”

  “The humans see their families every ten years for one week. They visit their realm and return to me at the end of that time.”

  “Do they always return?”

  His face grew closed and made me wonder what he was hiding.


  “So sad.” I couldn’t help thinking of my own family. I would not see them every ten years. I would never see them again.

  “Eat, silly female.”

  I didn’t feel silly; melancholy clouded my thoughts, but I ate my food, drank my wine, and listened to dragon tales.

  “Drakon was the first. He upset the gods by killing Hera’s daughter. Hera cursed us.”

  “What happened to Drakon?”

  “He disappeared. Many say Hades took him to the underworld as punishment.”

  “Why did Drakon kill Hera’s daughter?”

  Bastian stared at me for a long moment. “He loved her, but when he bedded her she was not a virgin. In his rage, he killed her.”

  “I do not understand why virginity is so important to dragons.”

  His eyes pierced me. “It is a treasure, and we collect treasures. Only a pure female has a chance of becoming a Dragon’s true mate. Eileithyia, Hera’s daughter, took that possibility away. Drakon loved her, but killed her out of jealousy and rage that she could never become dragon.”

  The story depressed me even more, but I figured I’d better learn it all so we would have no need to speak of it again. “Tell me of the curse.”

  Bastian looked away, his voice low, “One hundred thousand years. We choose a bride every one hundred years. Love her, cherish her, and lose her. I do not wish to speak of the curse. I have many years with you. We shall enjoy each one.” He turned back and I saw the sorrow he tried to hide.

  “Tell me of the other dragons.”

  His facial muscles tightened as anger replaced sadness. “You will avoid them, especially Laryn.” I could hear jealousy in his voice.

  It didn’t stop me from asking, “Why Laryn?”

  Red sparked in Bastian’s dark eyes. “He just lost his mate. He is sad and lonely… desperate. He is my friend, but I will kill him if he touches you.”

  My heart went out to Laryn. “Are you sad when your claiming bride dies?”

  He came to his feet and faced me. Thousands of years of sorrow shown in each line on his face. “My life ceases to exist. I die a little more each time. Someday I may finally die a real death and find peace.”

  I stood moving closer until I felt the warmth of his body. I don’t know what came over me or why I spoke my next words, “Not while I live, Bastian. I will make you happy and go with peace after our years together. You will find happiness again and I pray to live a long life so you do not wait too long.”

  His voice went husky, “Are you finished eating?”

  Heat burned between my thighs. “I have need of dessert. A fierce but sweet dragon to be exact.”

  We left the dining area. He stopped in different alcoves, pushing me against the walls, kissing me. Teasing me and driving me wild. I giggled and kissed him back. When the need between my thighs became unbearable, he moved us on. He was driving me crazy, but in a good way.

  “You will sleep with me each night,” he demanded once I was naked and spread out on his bed.

  I looked at his powerful body, excited that it would soon be a part of mine. “Make me.”

  “You play with fire, Acasia.”

  I needed him desperately. “Burn me, Bastian, burn your will into mine. Take away thoughts of home and replace them with thoughts of you.”

  He covered me, then rolled so I lay over him. “Move your knees to either side of my hips and sit astride.”

  I smiled and did as told.

  “Lift your ass and take my cock into your body. Slowly. You are sore and should rest, but I need you again.”

  I moved up, wiggled, and slowly sheathed my dragon. His eyes went half-hooded, but still the red sparks scorched my flesh. I was sore, but able to take him deep with only a little discomfort. He palmed my breasts, molding them to his hands. I wrapped my fingers around his forearms, digging my nails into his skin.

  “You are beautiful, Acasia. Your hair covering part of your face your pouty lips separated and your breathing heavy. Now it’s time to ride a dragon.”

  I lifted my bottom, then pushed back down feeling him so deep within me. He released my breasts and grasped my hips.

  “Hold on.” His guttural words were barely controlled.

  He started a new pace, a faster one. I turned to liquid in his hands, flowing over him, loving his control. The burn built in my center. I tried to keep my eyes open to watch him, but finally threw my head back in ecstasy. The heat built and he was right, he seared me from within. His body emitted a glow, soft at first but gaining brightness. I could actually see it behind my closed lids. At the same time my body exploded, I opened my eyes. Red streaks of light burst from our bodies. I’d felt it the last time but hadn’t seen the beauty. We lit up the room, making
the gold around us sparkle. I’d planned to get rid of much of it, take it down to his treasure rooms, but now I couldn’t. The pieces magnified the exquisiteness of our release. I managed to stay conscious but dreamy. He watched me. The red light continued to shine.

  I smiled and started laughing.

  My dragon was full of surprises.

  Chapter Eleven


  I watched her read, her legs curled on the settee, pillows propped behind her shoulders. “Do you play chess?”

  She gave me another treasure I hoarded—her smile. “I play checkers.”

  “Humph. Chess is the game of kings. I do not play a child’s game.”

  She innocently gazed around the room not looking at me. “I see no kings here.”

  That was why I enjoyed her so much. She liked teasing me and keeping me on my toes, or talons depending on my form. “I shall teach you and maybe in twenty years, you shall be competition.”

  “Twenty years?” she scoffed.

  “It will take at least that long to train your human brain in the game of warfare.”

  “Only if I may teach you checkers.”

  “Humph, when you beat me, I shall learn your silly game.”

  We moved to the table holding my chess set. The pieces were heavy gold and silver, the board black and white marble. I’d stolen it from a king in a faraway realm. The fool thought he’d captured a dragon. I challenged him to a game for my freedom. He’d agreed, and I won. The set was not part of the bargain, but I swiped it before he knew of its loss. No one holds a dragon without losing something. Usually their life.

  I carefully explained each piece and how it moved. “We will play a slow game and I will help you if needed. I will not be so giving the next time, so beware and accept your defeat with grace.”

  “Yes, my lord, oh great one. I will bow at your feet when you take my king.”

  Her teasing made me laugh. I watched her study the board with a burning intensity. The game began. It took me little time to understand she played a mean game of chess. My hand landed on hers when she tried to move her knight. “You lied, you have played before.”

  “Never, but I’ve watched.” She captured my rook.

  I switched gears. She was a worthy opponent.

  An hour later… “Check.” The delight in her voice angered me.

  I was dragon, I did not lose a war game to a female playing her first time or even her hundredth. I looked at the board with nowhere to go.

  “Did you expect me to allow you to win?” She pushed her luck. She did not want to tempt an angry dragon.

  I swiped the board and pieces from the table—my human roar not nearly as fulfilling as my dragon’s. Tearing my clothes from my body, I avoided her gaze. Anger clouded my mind. I strode from the room when I was completely bare and jumped through the window, running for the ledge of the perch. Now my roar was louder. She beat me. A fluff of nothing, harebrained female won. I would have swirled around a few times and allowed my anger to cool, but I heard her laughter and saw her standing at the doors. I spewed smoke and fire. I knew what I was doing, and allowed the fire to end twenty feet away from her. She wasn’t afraid. She laughed louder.

  When I got like this, it had scared Bethanne. She hid in her chamber and waited for my fury to dissipate. Acasia challenged me. I swooped behind my lair and came at her from the top, out of her sight until the last second. She screamed when I grabbed her, but laughter soon replaced her fear. My anger left, melted with her playfulness. I flew her to the lake, and hooking my talons under her arms I slowed my flight and dragged her feet through the cold water.

  “No, no, Bastian, it’s ice cold.”

  I dropped her. The water reached her neck.

  Her scream filled the night air. “I will kill you for this, you stupid dragon.”

  I made a circle and plucked her from the cold lake and sat her on the bank. Her teeth chattered and her body was blue. The gown she wore was wrapped around her legs like a second skin.


  I moved closer and enveloped her between my legs, settling her against my chest. I pulled the magic in and released heat from my body. My scales glowed with the warmth, and her shaking diminished.

  “Remove your gown and you will be warmer.” I had ulterior motives, and she would figure that out soon.

  Her teeth stopped chattering and she pulled the dress over her head and let it splat against the ground. Her arms grabbed my chest, barely covering half of me, but it felt good.

  “You vex me, female.” I didn’t mean to sound pitiful, but it came out that way.

  “You needed your ego taken down a tad.”

  “Not by a slip of a girl.”

  “I love you, Bastian. Cranky loser, huge ego, and all.”

  My body went completely still. I couldn’t love her back. It hurt too much.

  “Ow, you fool, that hurt.”

  The words startled me from my thoughts. “What hurt?”

  “I kicked you and now my foot hurts. The proper words, you stupid dragon, are… ‘I love you too, Acasia.’”

  I couldn’t say it. “We must get home. It is late and we travel to Sarn’s home tomorrow.” I knew I ruined her good mood. She said very little the rest of the evening and went to sleep on her side of the bed without snuggling.



  He did love me. And if I said it over and over, I would make it true and believe it. I dressed for the trip to Sarn’s lair with care, learning from my last ride. The garment, which Bastian told me was named blue jeans, was soft and supple. They formed over my legs and ass. I chose a light flowing, almost see-through top. The front swooped low, so I added a gold chain with a large black stone that matched Bastian’s human eyes. The coolness of the stone rested between my breasts.

  Bastian walked into the room naked. He stared, looking me up and down. “Stay by my side. Do not go more than a foot away.”

  He didn’t say he liked what he saw, but I could see in his eyes that he did. “I shall do as you say, dragon.”

  “Of that I have no doubt. You would not enjoy being Laryn’s concubine.”

  If Bastian didn’t love me, that’s all I was to him—a concubine. I shook off my sour thoughts. Of course he loved me. His stubbornness only kept him from admitting it.

  A large leather bag sat on the ledge outside his room. After he threw the saddle over the side, he took a dive in human form and flew back up after shifting.

  My curiosity was killing me. “What’s in the bag?”

  He gave me an impatient grumble. “We play cards and I must bring gold and jewels to gamble. Clothes are also inside for me.”

  I adjusted the straps across his chest and might have tightened them a little too much, but he only grunted. I ran up his tail and landed in the saddle, loving the feel of the jeans and the freedom of movement they gave me.

  “Did you bring gold for me to gamble with?” I couldn’t keep the excitement from my voice.

  “No. This is a game for dragons,” he blared.

  I imagined him rolling his eyes. Someone was in a bad mood and it wasn’t me. What he wasn’t saying was that his dragon’s game of cards was too difficult for a little human. “I’m very good at cards; let me know if you need help.”

  He launched himself over the edge, diving down while I screamed with the thrill. I would make him take me riding again in a few days just for the fun of it. I loved this feeling. Bastian ignored my attempts at conversation, but I wouldn’t allow him to ruin my mood. I decided to sing.

  Sweet little baby don’t you cry, we will sing a lullaby. Sweet little toes go in the air, fingers run through shiny hair. Pat your feet and clap your hands, fly away to pixie land. Sweet li…

  “Quiet. That infernal racket is driving me mad.”

  “Insufferable oaf.” I couldn’t hit him because it only hurt me. I was sick of his mood and hoped it improved when he saw his friends.

  Chapter T


  Sarn’s lair was different. Not as comfortable as Bastian’s, barren actually. Calista, his bride, welcomed me with a soft melodic voice. She was much older than I was, her hair long and grey, her face wrinkled but the beauty she once held was still evident. It was surreal meeting a claiming bride whom I’d studied in school. The other, Megan, belonging to Tahr. She was middle aged, with graceful beauty and still full of life. The dragons seemed relaxed, friendly, and curious of me until Laryn arrived. I received a sharp jerk to my hand, which brought me closer to Bastian’s side within seconds of the devastatingly handsome man’s approach. With gentler and more subtle moves, Sarn and Tahr brought their women nearer too.

  Laryn nodded his head in greeting. “Tahr, Calista, Sarn, Megan.” He looked at Bastian, but then his eyes wandered to me.

  Internally, I winced. Not from the leer he half-heartedly gave me, but from the pain I saw deep within his dark eyes. They had a blue spark; whereas, Bastian’s was red. I wondered if this defined the color of the true dragon once they shifted. I tucked my question away to ask Bastian after we returned home.

  “Will you introduce me to your bride, Bastian?” Laryn’s low voice ran over my skin, and I shivered. How could he cause that reaction in me? The perplexity he triggered made me feel uncomfortable.

  With little more than a tight snap of his lips, Bastian did the honors. “Acasia Laryn, Laryn Acasia. Do you insist on ogling my bride and starting a war or do you wish to play cards?”

  Laryn’s teeth flashed in what I hoped was a smile. “Cards, by all means. I plan to take your second-most precious treasure this night.”

  Bastian stomped to the card table, pulling my hand, causing me to trip behind him. When I righted myself, I looked up. Laryn winked at me and I gave him a small smile. Bastian growled.

  The women sat slightly back from their men, able to watch and within reach. The game soon started and I carefully followed the play. I wasn’t familiar with their game, but quickly caught on. Mathematics was my specialty and I was soon counting cards. Bastian held my hand against his thigh. He started to discard the wrong card and I squeezed the tight muscle. He looked at me and I moved my head slowly in a barely perceptible motion back and forth. He chose another card from his hand and laid it on the table. He won the hand after the others made their play. After that, he followed every tip I gave him.