Read Dragons Don't Cry Page 7

  A private jet waited. I walked with Acasia up the stairs and we sat down in the luxurious seats. Brunya joined us.

  Acasia focused on the other woman. “This is a strange realm, Brunya, but very fascinating. How did you know where to meet us?”

  Brunya smiled softly and replied, “I was given your crossing location. It is the first time I’ve come to welcome visitors from elsewhere. It’s an honor to be given this trust and doubly so for a female of my clan.”

  “If things are better for males than females in this realm, then we have a lot in common. I’m glad to hear that it may be changing for you.”

  I grunted at her words, but stayed out of their conversation. Female weakness was not my problem. Acasia expressed her glee once we were airborne, and I relaxed. I knew she would enjoy part of this visit, though I also knew she wouldn’t be happy when she discovered the true reason we came.

  Another car and driver waited for us when the plane landed and drove us through the city known as Denver. Brunya had some place else to be and didn’t accompany us. We pulled up to the nightclub. Our driver opened the car door and ushered us inside the large double doors that were guarded by two enormous men who nodded at our approach.

  We stepped inside. I’d known the vampire walking toward us for centuries, but he looked different; more relaxed, happier perhaps.

  “Welcome, Bastian, and please waste no time introducing me to your lovely bride.”

  I pulled Acasia into my side, keeping a possessive arm around her. “Dmitri this is Acasia.”

  The vampire took her hand, ignoring mine and kissed the backs of her fingers. I was ready to shove him away when a low growl sounded over his shoulder. He laughed, released Acasia, and pulled the softly growling woman in close to him.

  “Bastian, Acasia, I would like to introduce my mate, Nikka. She is unable to verbally communicate with you, but she has plenty to say to me at the moment.” Dmitri laughed and kissed the woman. “I know kotika, but if I can’t razz my friends, life would be boring.” He listened for another moment and turned back to us.

  “Nikka welcomes you both. She would love to show your bride around while you and I discuss business. One of our female pack mates will accompany them and communicate for Nikka.”

  I looked at the excitement on Acasia’s face and wondered what she was thinking. Every so often, I received tidbits from her but only when her emotions were strong. Even then, I only gleaned a word or two. “Would you like to go with Nikka?”

  She had ahold of Nikka’s hand and the two were walking away like old friends almost before I finished the sentence. I looked at Dmitri and said, “You’ve never had female drivers or females other than waitresses in the club before. I believe I have a lot of catching up to do. Will your female corrupt mine?”

  “Without a doubt. Come, we have much to discuss.”



  I was away from Bastian and in the presence of another woman. It was difficult not to jump up and down with excitement but I acted reserved so I wouldn’t scare Nikka away. Brunya had spoken aloud, and Bastian told me they could so I knew earth humans spoke. Another female named Mandy joined us. She was as excited to meet me as I was to meet her. She explained that she was a wolf and human mix and that Nikka was mountain lion and human. Since I now knew dragons shifted, I had no trouble accepting what she told me. I had so many questions about their realm, and Mandy patiently answered for about three minutes.

  She finally broke in when I asked about what Bastian called a cell phone. “So tell us about yourself. We’ve only just learned of your race and we’ve been dying to meet you. Honey, my mate, thought he could keep me away today. The man is seriously messed up in the head sometimes.” She stopped talking and looked at Nikka before turning back to me. “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll let you answer my question. Nikka’s right, I talk too much.”

  I wasn’t sure what to say and didn’t remember her question. “Umm, I, umm.”

  This didn’t stop Mandy. “Nikka says you’re not a shifter or a vampire. Is there another species we’re not familiar with?”

  I was shocked. I’d heard of vampires and knew they were sent up from Hades to plague the world. “No, I’m sure Bastian would kill any vampire he saw.”

  Mandy laughed, covering her mouth while looking at Nikka. Nikka smiled and shook her head at Mandy.

  “What did I say?” It was obvious I’d messed up.

  “Dmitri is a vampire and I doubt Bastian could kill him.”

  Oh great, I’d spoken out against Nikka’s mate. “I’m sorry. Things are very different in my realm. I meant no offense.”

  Nikka only smiled, taking my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. I liked her, and the curiosity was killing me. “Does your vampire drink your blood?”

  Now both women laughed. “I’m sorry; that was very rude of me.”

  By the tone of Mandy’s voice, she wasn’t insulted in the least. “Not at all; he’s the reason we live forever. Vampires give us healing enzymes from their blood. Vampires co-exist with beastkind because we make each other stronger. Dmitri leads our clan.” Mandy took barely a breath. “We’re also interested in your mate. Dragons are outside of our knowledge.”

  “He is not my mate. I’m his bride. It’s a barbaric practice within our realms, but I have discovered it’s hard on the dragons too. I will gladly answer all your questions if you will answer mine without taking offense at my ignorance.”

  I continued pressing them about their customs, beastkind, and vampires. Technology was the thing I liked least about their world. Mine was simpler and more comfortable.

  Strong arms wrapped around my shoulders. “I have business to attend elsewhere. Would you like to go to our hotel room or stay here?”

  Mandy spoke before I could. “What if we take her to your hotel so we can keep talking and all be more comfortable?”

  I twisted around a little to look at him. “I would like them to take me if you don’t mind.”

  A slight smile played on Bastian’s lips. “I don’t mind at all. I’ll be there in about two hours. Order dinner and enjoy their company.” He gave me a quick kiss and walked away.

  A driver took us to the inn, or what my new friends referred to as a hotel. The rooms assigned to us were on the top floor and looked out over the city.

  After our small bags were placed in the bedroom, we ordered food on a phone, which they showed me how to use. Wine arrived first and we all got comfortable. Mandy told me of her mating with Honey—kidnapping him and making his life miserable until he gave in. She spoke of their child and her hope for another one.

  I looked to Nikka when Mandy finished her story; Nikka spoke into Mandy’s mind and Mandy relayed her thoughts. She told me about Nikka’s mating with Dmitri. I was fascinated with vampires and asked questions for an hour. Mandy told me of the war between beastkind species and how much better things were now that it was over. I was enthralled with their entire realm, and Mandy happily answered even the most probing questions.

  When I took a long breath, Mandy spoke, “Now it’s your turn to spill. Tell us if your man breathes fire in bed, out of bed, or both.”

  Two sets of eyes waited for my response, and I could feel heat traveling to my face. “He, ah, I’m not sure how to answer that.”

  Nikka smiled in a mischievous way while Mandy laughed loudly. “Well, the man is gorgeous and now that we’ve spilled our secrets we want to know all about him. Have some more wine and start with the easy stuff.”

  “Okay.” I gladly had another sip. “He breathes fire when he laughs in dragon form. I’ve never seen him do it as a human, but I haven’t asked if he can. He also does it most often when he’s in a temper.”

  “Typical man. How did you meet?”

  I told them what I knew of the curse and then of the claiming. They were both outraged. Dinner arrived and I was given a short reprieve from their questions.

  Mandy looked at Nikka and shared the other woman’s thoughts when
we finished the meal. “Nikka says your lack of choice is similar to ours when our beasts lock onto a mate. He’s chosen for us and we have no say in the matter. It’s the same for our mates so in this, both male and females are equal. I, on the other hand, think the women in your town need to rise up, overthrow the men, and demand a say in this claiming. I’m sure if there were female dragons and the men had to register, it would be an entirely different story.”

  I know she didn’t mean to make me sad, but I couldn’t help it. “I need to explain what I’ve discovered since living with Bastian.”

  I told them of the love the dragons had for their brides and how the loss affected them. By the time I finished, both women were in tears and hugging me. After our dinner and more wine, we talked about odds and ends until there was a loud, insistent knock at the door. I managed to wobble my way to the door. A strange, huge, scary-looking man stood with his hand up to pound the door again when I opened it.

  “I’ve come for my mate,” he demanded.

  So this was Honey, the cantankerous bear. I smiled. “She’s trying to get up from the couch. We’ve had a bit of wine.”

  He peered over my shoulder, and if Mandy hadn’t told me what a big teddy bear he was on the inside, I’d have been worried. I followed his gaze.

  Mandy managed to stand, but when she tried to take a step in our direction, she put her hand out to catch the couch and missed completely. Honey was around me and at her side in an instant. I pretended not to see the slight lift at the corner of his mouth, and just listened to him grumble.

  “Our son is waiting for you at home. What am I supposed to say, ‘Mommy can’t read to you tonight, she fell on the floor and damaged her brain?’”

  “I didn’t damage my brain on the floor. I did it on the wine.”

  He raised his eyebrows.

  “Acasia, meet Honey, my mate, the father of my son, and the keeper of my…” she stumbled again, but this time Honey picked her up over his shoulder and looked at me.

  “She meant to say balance. I keep her balance.”

  “Heart, you dumbass. Let me down.”

  He ignored her and turned to Nikka. “I have two shoulders for situations such as this. Your mate wants you home. Do I need to carry you, or can you walk?”

  Nikka put her hand out and rested it on his arm. He turned slowly walking to the door.

  Mandy lifted her head and smiled. “Nice tomecha, Acasia.” Keeping her head up was obviously too much trouble, so she mumbled the rest against Honey’s back. “Sheeyanexttime.”

  Honey turned at the door. “Your mate is on his way.”

  I didn’t have time to correct him before he was gone with both my new friends, and I was left alone. I sat down on the couch, grabbed the half-filled bottle of wine, and took a swig.

  I needed my dragon.

  Chapter Fifteen


  It was an hour later than I expected. This was an especially difficult pickup and I needed to discuss what was happening with Acasia. She was key to the situation and she wouldn’t be happy about her role.

  I walked into the suite and found her passed out on the couch, an empty bottle of wine laying on her chest. This wasn’t what I’d expected to find, but how could I not smile? Removing the bottle, I picked her up and carried her to bed. She mumbled, but I couldn’t understand what she said. I removed her clothes, regretting that I couldn’t take my bride this night. I lay beside her on the bed and willed my stiff cock to calm.

  Hours later, she scrambled up and ran for the bathroom. My bride did not handle her alcohol well. I followed and leaned down beside her, gathering her hair to keep it out of her way.

  “Go away.” Her hand limply tried slapping me aside, but I ignored her.

  “If you remember correctly, you’ve upchucked on my feet before.”

  “Those were claws or talons or something, not your human feet.”

  “One and the same. Are you finished?”

  “I will be after I die. You should have been here and stopped me from drinking so much.”

  “Yes, it is my fault, silly female. Here, let me help you back to bed.”

  “You could argue about it or something.”

  I was trying not to laugh, but it was impossible. “Come on.” I put her back to bed, found a glass for water, and practically forced it down her throat. She sputtered groggily a few times, and thanked me before falling asleep. I crawled back in next to her hoping she’d rest until daylight.

  A loud groan from Acasia, who was burrowed beneath me, had me opening my eyes to bright light pouring into the room.

  “Oh, this is not good. Can the sun go away?”

  “You are hung over, female.” I moved over a little so she could breathe better.

  “Please do not remind me. I was fine while the other women were here.”

  It took me a moment to answer because I had to bite my lip. “I think you continued after the others left. Their beastkind metabolism also helps them handle alcohol better than a human.”

  Another loud groan. “I’m never drinking again.”

  “From what I’ve seen, it’s probably wise.”

  “Can I stay in bed all day?” she whispered.

  I gave her a gentle squeeze. “No. We must return home and we need to pick up a package first.”

  “If I wasn’t so sick, I would beg to know if it’s a surprise for me.”

  “We should talk about it first, but no it’s not for you.” I had no way of knowing how she would react, but I was betting it wouldn’t be good.

  “I need to get in the bath so I can die first please.”

  A chuckle escaped me. “I’ll have food waiting.”

  She slapped my chest. “No, no food. If I make it out of the bath alive, I know food will most definitely kill me.”

  She wobbled to the bathroom, her naked body giving me ideas that I could do nothing about. I ordered enough food for two dragons. She would eat. The food arrived and she walked out wrapped in a fluffy bathing robe, her wet hair combed and pushed behind her ears. I squirmed in my chair, thankful the table covered my hard cock.

  “Sit down and drink this. You’ll feel better.” Our realm didn’t have coffee, so I doctored her cup with sugar.

  She willingly sat and took a small sip. A series of emotions played across her face; finally she asked, “What is it?”

  “Coffee. I have tea here for you too, but coffee seems to help with a hangover for some strange reason.”

  “I think I like it.”

  I put a few pills in front of her along with a glass of water. “Take these with the water and they’ll help too.”

  “Is this realm made for hangovers?”

  She always made me laugh. “It does have its advantages.”

  “Do you ever drink too much?”

  The question startled me and sadness broke into my thoughts. “Not often.” I’d spent years drunk after the death of my last bride.

  Acasia took the pills then opened the dome over her plate. She took another drink of coffee and a few bites of food. I needed to broach the subject of why we were in this realm.

  “The package we need to pick up is an infant child.” It probably wasn’t best to just spit it out, but I wasn’t known for my tact.

  She swallowed, looking at me with her large eyes. “As in crying, wet diapers, drinks milk infant?”



  “It’s unhealthy and will live in my realm.”

  It only took a few seconds before she exploded. “As a slave!”

  I tried to take her hand, but she moved hers away and placed them in her lap. “If we do nothing, the child will die.”

  “So the parents want their child to live even at the cost of its freedom?” Her breathing had increased. She turned away.

  “You have no understanding of the humans who live in my realm. They gladly serve me. They raise these children and are happy to have them. This baby’s new parents will love and cherish

  “And he will never know his true parents… oh wait. He will see them once every ten years. As a child and then an adult, but he won’t ever really know them. Just a few visits until they die. You are heartless.”

  I ignored her last jibe. “If he stays in this realm for very long, his illness will return. It is the way of the magic from my realm. His parents grant him life at a great sacrifice. They love him enough to give him away.”

  She faced me, her eyes piercing. “You take advantage and sit on your throne commanding people to take care of your every whim. People who cannot even speak due to their sacrifice. You have no idea of the mental anguish these parents must feel. You’ve never had a child.”

  Her words hurt and I knew it was what she aimed for. I placed my napkin on the table. “We will leave in one hour. Be ready.” I stood and walked from the suite. I didn’t make the rules. I couldn’t imagine giving up my child the way humans did, but it hurt more because I would never have one. I needed a true dragon mate to produce a child. Acasia would die as my other brides had. I would drink myself into oblivion and wander the skies like Laryn until it was time to choose my next bride. I would pick up children, break their parents’ hearts, and rule from my throne. The fact I didn’t have a throne made no difference. I ruled my territory and protected what was mine. The humans served me and enjoyed doing it.



  The nerve. I tossed clothes and other items into my bag. I loved the damn dragon, but he made me so angry. How dare he bring me here to help him abduct a child? It didn’t matter that the child’s parents freely gave him away. They didn’t have a choice. My anger pulsed to the tune in my throbbing head, the leftover remnants of drinking too much.

  I heard the door to the suite open. I picked up the bag and walked from the room without a backwards glance. I didn’t ever plan to return to earth’s realm.

  Bastian took the bag from me. “The car waits. We need to go.”

  I followed, but with each step, my trepidation grew. The drive seemed to take no time at all. We stopped in front of a small home. Bastian took my hand and helped me from the vehicle then dropped it as soon as I stood straight.

  “You can make this easier or harder for them.” His eyes pierced me.

  I glared back. He turned without another word and walked up to the front door. A woman answered, her face tearstained. She held the door for us. A large crib with a clear film covering it, along with beeping machines, took up a large part of the front room. A man stood by the crib, his hand under the film resting on the baby within.