Read Drama Geek Page 8

Chapter 8

  The rest of the weekend was spent avoiding Laurel’s calls and beating myself up wracking my brain trying to figure out whom the guy was I got all hot and heavy with at the party.

  Monday afterschool I’m still thinking about it while waiting outside the English department office.

  I start to feel flushed just remembering it all, and heaven knows there was a heck of a lot to remember.

  I’m leaning against the wall waiting for Mr. Valasko who apparently has forgotten our appointment to review my English assignment, so I’m trying to focus my attention on Melville’s Captain Ahab and his white whale hunting while I wait. But, all I can think of is the party Saturday night and who my mystery guy is when Player leans against the wall next to me.

  “The cantaloupes are looking lovely today,” he said lifting a hand toward me as if he’s going to grab a handful.

  “Touch and die,” I say smacking away his hand, “I am not in a mood to be messed with this afternoon.”

  My icy tone must have registered in his one-track mind. He pushes off the wall to stand in front of me with his hands up so I can see his palms.

  “Hey just kidding Katie. I may be an asshat but I’m not a dick. There are rules. I never put my hands on a girl without a clear invitation. And I have plenty of invites believe me,” he said, shoving his hands in his pockets. His face is blank, not a hint of joking.

  Could I possibly have hurt his feelings? Player has feelings?

  “Wow. You’re totally serious aren’t you?” I say.

  “Of course. Any guy that has to force himself on a girl, that’s just…” He’s actually pissed. I can’t believe it. “There’s not enough vile words I can think of for a dick move like that. It’s just wrong. One hundred percent wrong. Always. You don't treat people like that, especially girls.”

  I snort a little, “I can’t believe it. You are actually human underneath it all. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a crap-ton of obnoxious piled on top of it, but it is there.”

  Lightning quick his mood changes and that wolfish smile slides back in place as he puts a hand on the wall on each side of my head and leans in, “I’m a complex guy Katie. Care to find out what else is underneath?”

  There is no stopping my ear-to-ear smile. He is just so…Player.

  “You’re positively incorrigible,” my giggling can’t be suppressed either.

  He smiles wide and laughs along with me, “If that’s one of your fancy vocabulary words that means you think I’m hot, I’ll take it.”

  “Not even close. It means you can’t be corrected, improved, or reformed.”

  Why am I still laughing and talking with this goofball? I cannot be turning into one of those girls who giggle at boys all the time for their attention like Cheerleader Barbie. If I do, just kill me now.

  “Improved?” he pretends to be offended putting his left hand on his chest, “why would anyone want to change little ole me. I’m perfect just the way I am.”

  He reaches up to tug a strand of my hair free from my headband and tucks it behind my ear and glances back down to catch me watching him. Just that fast, the moment of giggling silliness shifts to something else. The look in his eyes is anything but silly. He’s serious again.

  “Maybe you’re the one girl I’d change for. Maybe you’re the one who would make me want to change.” His voice is silky smooth and so sincere.

  My brain is starting to fog over. I am more than a little wary. What is he up to? Neither of us is smiling now when Player rests his free hand on my shoulder and his thumb starts making little circles on the side of my neck that are making me want to jump out of my skin. He tilts his head to the side, and starts to move closer never taking his eyes off my lips. I self-consciously lick them and he sucks in his breath. I think I dropped my book a while ago because now both my hands are on his chest and we are barely an inch apart. His breath is hot on my cheek and now his lips are right next to my ear whispering in a shaky voice, “what are you doing to me little bookworm? I'm thinking about you in ways I never have before in the last five years.”

  He is breathing hard and fast, I can hear it and feel his heart racing under my palms. My ragged breathing is almost keeping time with his rapid heartbeats. All I can do is close my eyes and be grateful the wall is holding me up as he gently rubs his cheek against mine. His lips are agonizingly soft as he drags them up to my temple. Do they pull senior guys aside and teach them that move or is he just a born natural at it? My brain clicks back on. My eyes fly open.

  Didn’t mystery guy do that Saturday night? Put his lips softly to my temple?

  “Were you the one Eli?”

  I don’t even realize I said it out loud until I hear him answer, “I could be the one you want.”

  Just as he pulls back and starts to bring his lips toward mine, a small part of my brain that is still functioning hears the heavy metal doors at the end of the hallway open. The sound jars me back to reality and I look to see who is coming in case it’s Mr. Valasko. Before it registers with me how I must look with my hands on his chest and him so close he’s practically pressing me against the wall with his whole body, Player said loud and clear, “Dude, your timing royally sucks.”

  My brain fog clears just in time to register the fury on Josh’s face right before he turns on his heel throwing the door open so hard it slams against the wall. The deafening sound in the small hallway makes me jump.