Read Dream Catcher - Romance Short Story Page 2

  "I need a couple bails of hay and a bag of Purina for Max" I said lifting up a bag of Purina carrying it to the counter.

  "Hey Samantha" said Ed.

  Oh my God she's here I said to myself. How do I look? I wasn't expecting to see her until tonight at the B&B.

  "Hi Ed" she said in a perky voice making sure I heard her.

  "O', hi Samantha" I said tipping my hat to her.

  "Hi Cody, you're up early" she said.

  "Well, Max and I got an early start this morning'" I said patting him on the head.

  "Hello Max" she said kneeling down waiting for him to come over to her. "How you doin' boy" she said showering him with air kisses looking him dead in the eyes.

  "Soooo, did you remember your tool box?" she asked.

  "Yep, I put it in the truck as soon as I got home last night" I said paying Ed for the hay and Purina.

  "Good. Then we'll be seeing you this afternoon?" She asked.

  "Yeah, I should get there 'bout seven o'clock." I said picking up the Purina walking towards her.

  "Mamma's pies looked good this morning. I am cooking dinner if you want to save your appetite?" she asked hoping for a yes.

  "Sure. That'll be great." I said with a big smile.

  "Okay we'll see you?later then" she said smiling at me walking backwards then turning around picking out some vegetables.

  Max and I went back to the truck. "Well that was unexpected boy" I said opening the door as he hopped in. I looked back at the feed store, started the truck and drove on to the caf?.

  "Hey Mary Anne" I said turning on the Open sign and adjusting some of the salt and pepper shakers on the tables as I walked to the counter.

  "Hey Cody, heard you saw Samantha at the feed store" she said with a big smile.

  "How'd you know that? I just left the place" I said not believing my ears.

  "Well it's a small town, news travels fast" she grinned. "I am just kiddin' ya, I saw your truck and her truck their when I was coming to work" she said grinning ear to ear.

  The day went by fast with customers coming and going. Before I knew it, it was six thirty. Mary Anne and I started wrapping things up. I turned off the Open sign and lowered the blinds.

  "So you're going over for pie? asked Mary Anne.

  "Yep, leaving in a few minutes" I said.

  "Now Cody, don't be shy. Ask her to the dance. Trust me; it's okay to move on now. I love Melissa too and I know she would've wanted you to move on. You're not going to forget her. She's everywhere and deep in your heart. Samantha knows that. Just give her chance."

  Mary Anne was right and I knew it.

  "I'll ask her tonight Marry Anne, I promise." I said as we both started walking out to our trucks. Max hopped in and off we drove to the B&B.

  The sun was beginning to set as we drove down the middle of downtown. I turned on the radio and settled back into my thoughts of how and when was I gonna' ask her to the dance tonight. Maybe after I take a look at the water heater in the cabin or maybe after dessert. I didn't know when but I could see the B&B exit coming up. Max stood up in the seat. He knew we were close by.

  "You want to see Molly don't ya' boy?" I said to Max pattin' him on the head. "We're almost their. See yonder" I said pointing at the road sign.

  We turned right then left?up the long driveway to the B&B. I could see the lights shinning in the tourist cabins and then Samantha's parents' main house. My heart started poundin' in my chest as we got closer. Max started whimpering. "There's Molly boy!" I said as I saw Samantha and Molly standing on the porch waving at us. I pulled up and parked next to Samantha's truck. Max jumped out the passenger window and ran to Molly barkin'.

  Samantha looked as beautiful as ever. She had her hair down and parted in the middle, with tight wrangler diamond cut jeans on, cowgirl boots, a pink top and a blue jean jacket on with one hand tuck in waving at me with the other.

  "Hi Cody" she said bursting into a smile.

  "Hey Samantha, you look nice. I like what ya' did to ya' hair" I said in a bashful smile.

  "Awe it an't nothin' special, I just brushed it out a little that's all" she said pulling on hair.

  "Hey Cody" said Mr. Summers. "Hello Mr. Summers. How ya' doin" I said with a respectful tone taking off my hat.

  "Cody we been knowin' each other far too long to be all proper with last names" said Paul lighting his pipe and taking long puffs.

  "You're right Paul, how you doin'" I said reaching out shaking his hand.

  "That's more like Cody, I am doin' fine. Come on in, the girls are just about done with supper" Paul said holding open the screen door.

  "Well looka here, how you doin' Cody" said Linda wiping her hands off on her apron reaching for a hug.

  "I am doin' fine Linda and you?" I said giving her a big hug.

  "Oh, I am getting' along. Better now that Samantha is here to help us out. We got a nice big snow this year" she said patting me on the back and whispered "Ask her to the dance".

  "Yeah we are getting' a good snow this year. What smells so good? You girls must have been cooking up a storm" I said rubbing my stomach the gave Linda a wink.

  "Oh just a little somethin' you'll see when I call yall for supper. Now you and Samantha go out to the parlor.

  "You want a beer Cody?" Linda said push Samantha and I towards the parlor.

  "Yeah, that'll be great. It's been a long day". I said.

  "I'll get it for him momma" said Samantha running off to the kitchen before she could answer.

  "She has a crush on Cody" Linda said with a smile walking me to the parlor. "You have me and Paul's blessings if you two find away towards each other" she said in a soft voice.

  "Thank you Linda, that means a lot to me and Max. I am thinking about asking her to dance" I said taking off my hat.

  "That would be great Cody, she asked me if I thought you might ask her" she whispered to me seeing Samantha coming out of the kitchen.

  "Here you Cody" Samantha said handing me a beer. I winked at Linda and gave her a confident smile.

  "Now you two go on in yonder and visit, I'll call you when I have supper set out" Linda said smiling back at me with approval.? Samantha and I walked to parlor and sat in the rocking glider I made for Paul and Linda.

  "So do you know there's a dance in town next week?" I asked Samantha.

  "Yeah, momma told me about it the other day, why?" she said looking at her beer pulling on the label.

  "Well, I was sorta wonderin' if you might want to go with me?" I said trying to look her in the eyes.

  "I'd like too Cody. I was hopin' you would ask" she said pulling more of the beer wrapper off.

  "Great" I said with a deep sigh of relief. We just sat their rocking back a forth looking up at the stars.

  "Ya'll ready to eat" said Linda standing at the screen door.

  "Yeah mama" said Samantha with a big smile.

  "Well, ya'll goin' to the dance or what?" said Linda wondering if I asked her.

  "Yeah" we both said at the same time. Linda clapped her hands and twirled around.

  "Yes! I knew you two should get together".

  "Mama!" said Samantha smiling.

  Chapter 5 "I like you a lot Samantha"

  "That sure was good eatin'" I said to everyone at the table.

  "Glad you liked it Cody" said Linda picking up the dishes from the table with Samantha.

  "So I heard you takin' Samantha to the dance" said Paul.

  "Yeah, I finally worked up the courage. I was hopin' she would yes and she did" I said with a smile and taking a long drink of my beer.

  "Good on you Cody. She's a good woman and you're a good respectful man with his head on right" said Paul.

  "Well we'll see if my dancin' is any good". I said as we both laughed slapping the table top.

  "What are you two laughing about?" asked Linda bringing in a dish of pie and ice cream.

  "Oh just guy talk mother" said Paul.

/>   "Well, here's your pie and ice cream" said Linda placing his in front of him.

  "Cody?" whispered Samantha standing at the doorway of the parlor with two dishes of pie and ice cream in her hands signaling me to come with her.

  "Well if ya'll will excuse me I am being summoned" I said to Paul and Linda and got up from the table.? Samantha and I went to the parlor and sat on the glider and began eating our pie.

  "So what are your plans tomorrow?" asked Samantha.

  "Well, Max and I plan on doing some riding on the north side in the morning. That's his favorite exercise route on Sundays my day off." I said.

  "Want company?" she asked.

  "I'd like that Samantha. I could show you the ranch. It stretches for twenty acres." I said with a big smile.

  "Great, I'll get daddy to hook my trailer and bring Molly over." She said beaming.

  "Come over whenever you get ready. We'll be up and about. We're early risers."

  "How you two doin' out here?" asked Linda reaching for our empty plates.

  "Fine mama" said Samantha.

  "Well me and Paul are goin' to bed, lock up when you done visitin'" said Linda.

  "Okay mama".

  I stood up and reached for Samantha's hand. "Can we go for a little walk?" I asked. She place her hand in mine, pulled me towards the screen door.


  The night was perfect. The night sky was full of stars. Max and Molly followed behind us.

  "Samantha, it's been awhile since I've let anyone close to me and Max. It's been a tough year with Melissa being gone and all. But I like you. I've been alone, but not lonely. Ya' know what I mean?"

  "More than you know Cody. I like you too. We can take it slow. There's no rush and we have plenty of time." She said interlocking her fingers in mine to reassure me.

  "That makes me happy Samantha. It's a little scary but I feel like I am ready to move on but not with just anybody, but with you." I said swinging our hands slowly together.

  "I am glad I am the one you picked. I was hoping you would have. The moment I heard about the dance you came to mind." She said. We walked and talked about her and where she lived for a while.

  "Well here we are. I'll see you the in morning?" I said standing, looking at her with her back at the front door. She pulled back her soft hair.

  "Yes, you'll see me in the morning. Have coffee ready" she said as she stepped to the door opening it slowly letting Molly in first. I walked up to her and pulled her close.

  "I can't wait Samantha." I said

  "Me neither."

  She moved closer to me. I could smell her perfume and feel her soft breath. Our noses touched as we softly and slowly kissed each other.

  "Good night Cody". She said slowly pulling away.

  "Good night Samantha".

  Chapter 6 "Let's give it try"

  I was putting another log on the fire when I heard a knock at the door. I brushed my hands on my jeans and went over to the door.

  "Mornin' Cody" said Samantha with a big smile and Molly by her side.

  "Mornin' Samantha and Miss Molly, ya'll come on in" I said showing her into the living room.

  "Wow, this is a nice log cabin" she said looking around.

  "Thanks, we wanted a big place with lots of room. It has three bed rooms, family room, gourmet kitchen, back patio, and of course the living room. You want coffee and biscuits?" I asked with my hands in my pockets.

  "Sure would." She said looking around.

  "Right this way" I said leading her to the kitchen. She looked beautiful. Her long hair was down, her smile was warm, and she smelled liked spring flowers.

  "These are good biscuits and the honey butter is just like at the caf?" she said taking a bite.

  "Thanks. It's a handed down recipe and the honey butter is Melissa's doing'" I said fixing myself one.

  We took our cups of coffee and biscuits out to the front porch and sat on the rockers.

  "That looks like a special place" she said pointing at Melissa's swing and tree on the hill. I looked down into my coffee cup.

  "That's where Melissa is. She wanted to rest there facing the mountains." I said looking out at her swing. Samantha reached for my hand.

  "You are a good man for doing that for her and I am lucky girl that has met this good man. I respect her and what she meant to you and Max. We'll be alright. Some things take time." She said.

  "I am okay with it now Samantha. I am glad you came into my life and I want you to be here. I have been looking forward to today and our ride together." I said standing up leaning against the post sipping my coffee.

  "Well then, let's get our horses and go for that ride" she said standing and walking towards me. Her gaze was pure as rain as she looked at me taking my hand and leading us to her trailer.

  We saddled up our horses and headed out to the north ridge. The morning was beautiful and filled with sunshine and snow. We rode for about an hour to Lookout Point. It was my place I go to reflect and gather my thoughts.

  "This is beautiful Cody. I've never seen such majestic views of the mountains like this before" said Samantha sitting on her horse looking out over the vista.

  "Yep, this is Lookout Point, my spot on the ranch that gives me pause and reflection." I said getting down from my horse and walking to towards the edge. Samantha got down and walked over to me.

  "It's just divine Cody, just divine." She said.

  I reached for Samantha's hand as she reached for mine. Our pinky fingers looped together, then all of our fingers interlaced into each others. I turned her towards me. Our eyes met as she looked up. I pushed back her long hair from her face.

  "Samantha, you are my wish. You have my heart. I want to give us a try. I know we can make this work out. I realize you have a life back in the city and all, but if you give me a chance I know you'll love it here."

  "I made a wish too Cody. It was to hear you say these exact words to me, that you want me here, now, in your life and for me to give what we have found a chance. There is nothing in the city that is holding me there. I needed a reason to be here in Twin Rivers and now I have one" she said. I cupped her face and drew her lips to mine and softly kissed her as she put her arms around me.


  We went to the dance and two weeks later we drove my truck and a trailer to the city to move her things up to Twin Rivers. It's been two years now since that day. We both run Melissa's caf?; Mary Anne is still working her magic in the kitchen. Max and Molly had six puppies this fall and we are expecting our first child in spring. The doctor said it's going to be a girl.

  We both decided to name her Melissa.
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