Read Dream Haunter Page 34

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Melody wakes up the next morning with a sense of peace and security warm in her belly. She rolls over; the soft white sheets twisting around her legs as she nestles her head against Sam’s chest. He moans, his eyes slowly flickering open, looking up at Melody’s mess of red strains of hair sticking up every which way.

  “Good morning Misses Winters,” Sam happily sings.

   Melody blushes, keeping her face a few inches from his. “Good morning Mister Winters.”

   Sam rolls over onto his side. “Ugh, I feel unbelievably corny today.”

  Melody laughs, hugging him close. “Ha! Yeah. Hey Sam?”

  He rolls his head to the side of the pillow to look at her. “Yeeeeees?”

  Melody giggles. “I wove you.”

  Sam rolls his eyes, using his fingers to mess with her hair. “Correction, you’re corny,” he lifts her chin up, kissing her quickly, locking his fingers gently in her hair. “I love you.”

  She opens her mouth, ready to respond, when there’s a knock at the door.

  “Housekeeping!” shouts the voice on the other side of the door.

   Sam looks at Melody, perplexed. “Didn't the cleaning lady already come by?”

  Melody nods, peeking over Sam’s shoulders at the door as someone knocks again.

  He scratches his head, sitting himself up on his elbow. “You order something?” he asks Melody.

  She shakes her head as Sam shouts over his shoulder, “I think you’ve got the wrong room!”

  The person on the other side of the door laughs. “Nope!” 

  The door flies open, banging against the side of the wall. Melody clings to the sheets of the bed as Adam marches over to them. Her right hand grips onto Sam’s upper arm.

  “I thought I got rid of you,” Sam growls.

  Adam smirks, eyeing the two of them. “Well then I guess you’ll have trouble taking out the trash now won’t you?”

  Sam’s muscles tighten. “Get out of here, now!”

  Adam sits down at the end of the bed, “Hmm… nah I think I’ll stay here.”

  Sam jumps from the bed, shoving Adam off of the edge. “Don’t make me kill you!”

  Melody crawls to the end of the bed and pulls Sam back to her, speaking in a soft yet forceful voice. “Stop, stop now. Please you guys are hurting me so much. I love Sam, Jet you just have to realize that you don’t want what you think you want.”

  Adam shakes his head, climbing back up on the bed. “I’m not ‘Jet’ I am Adam and I know what I want, and I’ll get it.”

  Melody lays her head on Sam’s shoulder. “Jet, all you want is your mom back, you think that she’s the only person that has ever loved you, but you’re wrong,”

  Sam nods, seeing where Melody is going with this. “I loved you like you were my own brother!”

  “And I loved you,” a gentle voice says from door way.

  Adam turns around, his breath catching at the back of his dry throat. “Chloe…”

  Sam sits back down next to Melody, whispering to her. “That’s Chloe… she’s been in a coma for years.”

  Adam stands up shaking and holds onto his head as he screams, “No! No, no, no!”

  Chloe walks up to him. “Jet, please.”

  Adam shakes his head, standing up and backing up to the window. “It’s Adam, not Jet!”

  Melody slides under the sheets, becoming uncomfortable with having two people in her hotel room while she’s with her new husband.

  Chloe holds her hand out. “Jet, please, I love you, but this isn't you.”

  Something inside of him breaks, letting in just enough light for him to see Chloe.

  “I-I…” Jet stutters.

  Chloe smiles, taking two steps forward, looking down at Sam and Melody, “Melody, you know of his curse but there’s more to it… There’s something that happens, he calls himself Adam and that’s when he gets like this. But Jet,” Chloe blushes. “My Jet, he’s nothing like that, he’s amazing.”

  Jet collapses next to the window. “Chloe…”

  She grabs his shoulders, lifting him up. “I'm so sorry, I’ll take him.”

  Sam puts an arm on Jet’s shoulder. “I need to talk with him, meet me in the lobby?” 

  Chloe nods and takes Jet out the door, shutting it behind her.

  Melody holds Sam’s waist tightly. “Wow. That was…”

  Sam kisses her, his lips tremble. “I know. I need to go and talk to him,” he goes to climb out of the bed, but Melody grabs his shoulder.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?” she asks.

  He smiles, kissing her again. “No, I love you Melody. I'm sorry this isn’t the best morning-after-the-wedding that you deserve.”

  He pushes his hands through her hair before reaching for his shirt.


  Sam runs his fingers through his hair, fixing it as the elevator dings with each floor it passes. He walks pass the ballroom he was married in last night; the feeling of joy and love is still flowing through him.

  Jet sits with Chloe at a small white cloth covered table; he holds his forehead in his palms while Chloe rubs his back, saying something too soft for Sam to hear.

  “Jet,” Sam pulls up a polished brown chair. “Can we talk?”

  Chloe stands up. “I’ll leave you too alone.”

  Jet stirs his lemon water with a straw, apologetically looking up at Sam. “I am so sorry for all I have put you and Melody through, I just don’t know what I'm doing, and I'm so confused!”

  Sam nods; the smell of breakfast hangs in the air and makes his stomach growl. “Thanks for the apology.”

  Sam looks at his fingers, wondering if Jet is going to apologize for something else that he had done that posed some uncomfortable feelings last night.

  Jet’s eyes fill with even more regret. “Oh, and um, I'm sorry about sleeping with Melody... um… she and you are married now and that’s so weird and I feel wrong and…”

  Sam smiles, even though the thought still hurts him, and reaches across the table and patting Jet’s shoulder. “Calm down!”

  He nods, taking a few deep breaths as he looks down at his iced cup of lemon water. “Ask me anything and I’ll answer it.”

  Sam leans back against the chair, staring out the window on the far side of the room at the changing leaves of the oak tree. “How did you get into Melody’s dreams?”

  Jet shrugs, forcing out a low laugh. “I have no idea, somehow I end up in girls dreams, usually everything takes place at my apartment,” he pauses. “I was told that I couldn’t live a normal, happy life until I learned what love is. I know it sounds like something out of a child’s fairytale but it’s true.”

  Sam leans against the table, looking over at where Melody and Chloe stand. “I think you have been loved. And you’re learning to show it, so that’s a start.”

  Melody fidgets by the glass doors that leads out to the parking lot, Sam and her suitcases sit by her feet.

  Sam looks down at his watch, the leather band sliding down his wrist when he raises his arm. “Oh hey, Melody and I have a plane to catch so I’ll talk to you later.”

  The two of them stand up in unison. Jet hesitantly leans forward, hugging Sam. Sam, shocked at first with his arms stiffly held at his sides, but soon gives in and hugs Jet back. Jet pulls back, looking over at Melody then back to Sam.

  “Can I say something to Melody?” he asks.

  Sam looks over at her; she shifts her weight uncomfortably from one foot to the other. “If she’ll talk to you.”

  Melody watches cautiously as Jet approaches her. He stops a foot in front of her, locking eyes. “I'm so sorry for everything that I have done to you; I wish I could take it bac
k you don’t know how badly I do… I understand if you don’t forgive me.”

  Melody looks at him in shock. “Um, thank you, I forgive you.”

   Jet smiles and steps back, letting Sam wrap his arms around Melody’s waist,. “Have fun,” he waves good bye as Chloe laces finger with him.

  Sam bends down and kisses Melody’s cheek. “He’s free,” he whispers.

  Melody smiles and jumps into the cab that will take them to the airport.


   “4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

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