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  ©2016 Nichole Haines and Dima Galdin


  Narrative Story based off my dreams are written by Russian Author Dima Galdin.

  There was a morning. Elena, the 14 years old, blond little girl, sat at a table and had tea. Her mother turned into the kitchen. On TV showed the news. Having drunk tea, the girl has gone to be going to school. So there was no wish to go, she was bothered there. But the meeting with the friend attracted her. She wanted to tell a dream today. She dreamed that she was at home at with her grandmother. She was on the third main deck and there was a huge dark helicopter flying in the sky from far away. It was huge and dark. As it came nearer, it became louder and louder. She has understood that the helicopter was behind her. She has seen that the helicopter was with tinted windows therefore she couldn't see who flew in the helicopter and who was behind her. As it flown up closer to the house, she has got up on the edge of the deck and run away at the mountain. At this moment she has woken up in sweat. Having considered everything, she has heard the helicopter for mile...

  Lessons have ended. Her friend has decided to take her home. Elena complained about her mother. Once again there was a fight concerning the music to which Elena listened to. Eternally her mother was against her. Having distracted with experiences, Elena has remembered a dream of two-week prescription about... she tried to understand him. The friend listened to her and has introduced the idea...

  Mother has given the girl a cordial welcome and just wanted to talk, but Elena didn't want. The bad mood has spoiled everything. She has silently gone to the room and was closed. She has spent in total evenings in the room and when left, has stared in the TV and ignored mother. Mother worried and tried to talk, but everything was vain.

  A day has passed. Elena waited for night, she dreamed of a dream. Having read the book, she has fallen asleep. She dreamed about her mother.

  For the morning she has woken up happy and in good mood. Having kissed her mother and had breakfast, she has run to school. There were examinations today. Summer day tenderly touched a body and it was good to live. Having told a dream to her friend, she has thought of a dream.

  Having come back home, she was closed in the room and has turned on the music, having taken pencils, she has wanted to draw a dream, and then to it to her mother. Anybody there was no wish to see at this time. And here on a leaf heroes of a dream slowly appeared...

  The psychologist of Lena noted vulnerability still of soul, and treated dreams as an exit from difficult situations. He accurately wrote down dreams of the girl and has suggested to publish her book.

  Today she dreamed she was with the her friend were in her old school to the pool and water was very dirty. The pool was on the first floor and he also was on the second floor. Her friend has decided to bathe in dirty water of the pool. She has advised her to get out of water as she was very dirty. Also were taking a roller coaster around the pool at school in my dream. She has come to a conclusion that it was necessary to drive on them so she has got in line. There was

  the person with white hair smoking a cigarette. He has appeared as though he was a person of the 50th years. He has swung and has just looked at me. When I look in his eyes, I have seen that his eyes don't look typically. Pupils are not round, they were slit-like. His pupils have reminded me of the devil. Then I have woken up from my dream.

  THE next day after this dream to her it became valid really badly, considering all circumstances, with a temperature and rash she was hospitalized. By her appointed steroids. Doctors have told that it is a virus.

  The friend has come to visit also has brought apples and chocolate. They talked long and were happy.

  In two weeks have still written out. The disease passed.

  There was vacation, and Elena spent all her days at home . Once she dreamed

  She was at movie theater, but seats weren't and all sat on a floor, including her. All in a dream were strangers and there was a person, on the screen, dressed in a silvery cape with a white veil so his face wasn't visible while he talked to all, around me there were people as though they were in a stupor, and his voice was very terrible while he spoke, then there were two persons who poured some liquid on the heads of people. Elena has got down on a floor and has begun to cry and say I have faith in God! And she has woken up.

  This dream has moved her to visit a church where she prayed and to light a candle. The relations with her mother developed badly and Elena thought about leaving the house. Her friend still supported her. Said that to you it isn't necessary and to think of it.

  Her Dreams were an outlet and together with her friend they began to write down them in a notebook.

  The next dream was such.

  She would like to find the hidden pool in the building in the unknown place where the pool was, it reliably extremely was big and as soon as she wanted to get to the swimming pool it was hilarious. Her body laid in the pool. A Noise and water begin to move around as a whirlpool, trying to drain in her, she has quickly ran out from the pool and has woken up.

  After this dream, she didn't dream for a long time, but once she had another dream

  That she was in the building similar to a distribution center and there were individuals on the conveyor belt, including me. Besides, as the population was bypassed in general by transport lines, the aliens did awful things and experiments on their bodies. When the conveyor belt reached the aliens and Elena had a ball, she has really begun to beat them in the head, and has even lifted one of aliens and has thrown him. After she has woken up from this dream, she panted and was all in a sweat.

  Summer days flew very quickly. And here has come the first of September.

  School has begun.

  Her friend met her at an entrance. Also saw off in school and home. The relations with mother all as that didn't develop. And mother has decided to send the daughter for a while to the father. Elena was against, but there's nothing to be done. The first night at the father was a nightmare, dreamed it that she was in the elevator at office of the company on installation, and the elevator has ceased to work at the following floor and the normal man was there. He has taken by the throat her and has told: "Elena, you know who I am? I want that you to be together with me." Obviously, she knew who he is in spite of the fact that he was the normal man. But I knew he masks a face of as the normal person, nevertheless he was a Satan. I have taken him by the throat and have begun to shout: "Isn't present!" Then she has woken up. The father stood nearby and has told:" Get up, it is morning already!"

  And of course, Elena trusted in the UFO. To her imagination there was no limit. Here and in a dream she saw newcomers. Dreamed her that she with group of strangers in big open area and as they looked into the sky, have noticed a linking of the UFO of an oval form flying through clouds in the sky. UFOs, appear, came to us, thus, all have begun to run... She has tried to run with such speed as could, but her laces were untied. She has tried to stop to connect them, but all have told her to run. They has got into the car with two strangers and with the girlfriend Amanda. Have reached on the highway and have tried to leave from the UFO. Elena sat on a back seat with her girlfriend observing in a back window in the huge UFOs arriving to Earth. Children accelerated on the highway quickly enough, but they caught us... Elena has woken up in sweat.

  Having returned from her father, Elena was glad meeting with her mother. Their relationship has improved. As friends they spent time together. Elena was happy. She took great pain to help her mother. In one of nights has dreamed it that she was in the building and there was a tram station which flashed at edge a subway train. It was sad inside.
The tram was operated by the Chinese man. She was with her family, and they have made the decision to go to bar which was this sad quarter formed by buildings. It was so sad that they could hear just really the subway coming to them, however that she saw that the building looked modern, Thus, the tram has stopped at the landing, and has landed us in bar. Elena has entered and has seen a wooden box on a floor with a considerable mass of materials. She has found things from Russia in a wooden box. Her family hasn't accepted refusal of her in bar while have darted a glance at her, thus, Elena has tried to come back to the subway, however they continued to meet me, and she couldn't come back on is mute, nevertheless they have met her as she could hear that she was met. Eventually she has woken up.

  From this dream Elena has understood how the family is important for her and she quickly a pose was about the tricks.

  There was a birthday party . Elena invited the closest friends and of course the friend. There were many delicacies and entertainments. She has put gifts in the room and didn't open, having left for later. Anton has presented flowers, scarlet roses. They were very lovely. The mass of impressions, noisy evening, but Elena already thought of night that to dream her today. And has dreamed her that she was in the kitchen, settling down behind a dining table.

  There was a knock on a rear entrance which removes to her apartment on the third floor. Her boyfriend Anton has opened a door. She still sat in the place when he has opened a door. There were a man and the woman facing a doorway on the deck. I couldn't see a woman's face, but I saw a man's face. He was bald and had points. He had a military rifle in his hand, she was similar to a military machine gun. He has told my boyfriend Anton that they looked for Elena Haines. He looked through a shoulder of my boyfriend Anton and saw that she sat on a chair. He has taken up the military arms and has pointed him directly to Elena and has begun to pull the trigger. Her boyfriend Anton has begun to curse and try to slam the closed door. She then has woken up. The nightmare has come to an end, she has thought of the life, these minutes still life was so expensive to her and she wanted to live still so that wasn't excruciatingly painful for the lived years.

  The school waited for her every day and she gave her all herself up to the end. It was very interesting to study. New entered her life with ease. In total at her it was good both the relations with mother and the friend and progress in study. Having left still, I have written down her last dream.

  She was in the building in which it was extraordinary futuristic building and in the building there was a pool. Once again I have been captured by panic before strangers. For the unknown reasons, unknown people had to die as soon as they have reached a certain age and when they entered the pool, these metal silver spheres with small edges will pour on their heads and to execute strangers in general in the pool when her time has come and the sphere was near and it was time to enter the pool to be killed and I have run away and left the building. In the morning at school she has told about the nightmare to the friend...

  Prior to new meetings.

  Было утро. Елена, 14 летняя белокурая девчонка, сидела за столом и пила чай. Ее мама крутилась на кухне.По телевизору показывали новости. Выпив чай , девочка пошла собираться в школу.Так не хотелось идти , все надоело там. Но встреча с другом манила ее.Она хотела рассказать сегоднящняный сон. Ей снилось что она была дома у своей бабушки.Она была на третьей верхней палубе и там был огромный темный вертолет, летящий в небе издалека. Он был огромным и темным. Как он приближался , то становился громче и громче. Она поняла, что вертолет был позади неё. Она увидела, что вертолет был с тонированными стеклами, поэтому она не могла видеть, кто летел в вертолете, и кто был позади меня. Как он подлетел ближе к дому, она встал на краю палубы и побежалав гору. В этот момент она проснулась в поту. Обдумав все, она услышала вертолет за милю...

  Уроки закончились. Друг решил проводить ещё домой. Елена жаловалась на мать. В очередной раз был скандал по поводу музыки, которую Елена слушала.Вечно мама против неё.Отвлекшись от переживаний , Елена вспомнила сон двухнедельной давности о ... она пыталась его понять.Друг слушал ее и высказал мысль...

  Мама встретила девочку тепло и хотела просто поговорить, но Елена не хотела.Дурное настроение все испортило.Она молча ушла в комнату и закрылась. Весь вечера она провела в комнате , а когда вышла , уставилась в телевизор и игнорировала маму. Мама переживала и пыталась поговорить, но все было тщетно.

  Прошёл день. Елена ждала ночи, она мечтала о сновидении. Прочитав книгу,она заснула. Ей снилась мама.

  На утро она проснулась счастливой и в хорошем настроении. Поцеловав маму и позавтркав, она побежала в школу. Сегодня экзамены. Летний денек ласково касался тела и жить было хорошо. Рассказав сон другу, она задумалась о сне.

  Вернувшись домой , она закрылась в комнате и включила музыку, взяв карандаши, она захотела нарисовать сон, а потом показать маме. Ни с кем не хотелось в это время видеться. И вот на листе потихоньку появлялись герои сна ...

  Психолог Лены отмечал ранимость ещё души, а сны трактовал как выход из сложных ситуациях. Он аккуратно записывал сны девушки и предложил издать ей книгу.

  Сегодня ей снилось, что она была в ее старой школе с подругой находились в бассейн и вода была очень грязная. Бассейн был на первом этаже и он также был на втором этаже. Ее подруга решила искупаться в грязной воде бассейна. Она посоветовал ей, чтобы выбраться из воды, поскольку она была очень грязной. Так же были захватывающее американские горки вокруг бассейна в школе в моем сне. Она пришла к выводу, что нужно было покататься на них,так что она встал в очередь. Там был

  человек с белыми волосами, куривший сигарету. Он появился как будто он был человеком 50-х годов. Он размахнулся и просто посмотрел на меня. Когда я взгляну в его глаза, я увидел, что его глаза не выглядят типично. Зрачки не круглые, они были щелевидные . Его ученики напомнили мне дьяволов.Потом я проснулся от моей мечты.

  На следующий день после этого сна ей действительно ?
?тало по-настоящему плохо, учитывая все обстоятельства, с температурой и сыпью она попала в больницу. Ей назначили стероиды. Врачи сказали, что это вирус.

  Друг пришёл навестить ещё и принёс яблоки и шоколад. Они долго разговаривали и были счастливы.

  Через две недели ещё выписали. Болезнь миновала.

  Были каникулы, Елена все дни проводила дома. Однажды ей приснилось.

  Она была в кинотеатре, но сидений не было и все сидели на полу, включая ее. Все в сне были чужаками и там был человек, на экране, одетый в серебристый плащ с белой вуалью, так что не было видно его лица, пока он разговаривал со всеми, вокруг меня появились люди, как будто они были в ступоре, а его голос было очень страшным,пока он говорил, потом были два человека, которые лили какую-то жидкость на головы людей. Елена слезла на пол и начала плакать и говорить нет у меня веры в Бога! И она проснулась.

  Этот сон сподвиг ее на поход в церковь , где она молилась и поставила свечку.

  Отношения с мамой складывались плохо и Елена подумывала уйти из дома. Только ещё друг поддерживал ее.Говорил , что не стоит и думать об этом.