Read Dream Rider Page 3


  "Hello..." Kate stepped into the front room of the cottage.

  "Hello beautiful..." Adam winced as he stood up. Kate put her arms around him, causing him to cry out.

  "Oh what is wrong with you? Are you okay?"

  "Sorry my back is killing me..."

  "Oh I am sorry, perhaps you should have a hot bath?"

  "No! I think I will just go to bed." He paused. "Anyway, how is Caroline?"

  "Oh well, she was fast asleep when I left her. Her mum was with her and the doctors said she will be back home in a few days although she will not be working for a while." She shook her head. "Poor girl, it was such a freak accident." Kate sat next to Adam on the sofa. "What is wrong?"

  "Oh, I am just worried about Caroline. Sorry I am distracted."

  "You are such a big softy!" Kate laughed.


  "Come on wake up!" Caroline turned round, standing before her was an event rider, she was dressed in a coloured polo shirt and jodhpurs. "Look this is Badminton and I am about to ride in the cross-country, I would appreciate it if my groom stopped day dreaming!" The woman snatched her horses reins from Caroline and, turning to face the horse held her leg out to be lifted into the saddle.

  "I am sorry! I don't know what happened." Caroline grabbed the cold leather of her riders boot and pushed her up into the saddle. "Are you okay?"

  "I am fine. It is you who seem to be away with the fairies." She leant down in the saddle and whispered into Caroline's ear. "Push them away Caroline." She smiled. "You don't need them. Right I am ready to go, wish me luck."

  "Good luck..." Caroline was distracted. "Yes, I don't need them."

  The woman rode to the starting box, the starter nodded to her before waving her off. Caroline watched as she galloped away towards the first jump. She turned to walk back to the finish line, she absent-mindedly listened to the public address system.

  'A good start over the first, clear and fast away towards the second.'

  Caroline shook her head and continued to walk, she didn't know what was wrong with her, she was distracted, tired. Suddenly she heard her riders name being announced followed by a call for first aid.

  ' confirm Annabel Lloyd-Harrison has fallen at the third fence, the ditch. It looked as if she had a tack failure, almost as if her girth snapped...'

  Caroline was running down the course pushing through the crowds of curious spectators. She approached the third jump, the horse was being held by one of the officials. She looked down into the ditch, there was her rider there were two paramedics beside her. Caroline gasped as one of them stood up and shook her head.

  Caroline's heart sunk, a chill running across her.

  "I think she's dead." Caroline span around, there was a woman standing behind her, she was about the same age as her and wearing riding clothes. "Fall like that?." She whistled. "No, there is no way that she could have survived that." The girl turned and looked at Caroline. "I bet that they will want to talk with her groom, especially as the girth was cut."

  Caroline stared at her. "What are you saying?" The women took a knife from Caroline's pocket. "I bet that is the knife that did it. Why would you do it Caroline?"

  "How do you know my name?"

  "I know lots of things." The woman smiled. "I know that you did this, you did it to hurt Annabel. Well, you seem to have succeeded."

  "I wouldn't hurt her..." Caroline was sobbing. She jumped as a strong grip was placed on her shoulder.

  "Miss Caroline Gibbs. I am arresting you for the murder of Annabel Lloyd-Harrison." Caroline pulled away from the police man and started to run. She could hear the police chasing her this was futile, she glanced back and saw the woman waving at her. Suddenly her boots slipped in the slick mud and she was rugby tackled to the ground her face slammed into the grass as handcuffs were roughly snapped onto her wrists. She was dragged to her feet the crowd jeering and shouting, one woman spat in her face. She was bundled into the back of a police van and rapidly driven away.


  Caroline woke with a start, tears running down her face. She looked around, this was not a police cell, she had a drip in her arm and a heart monitor was bleeping quietly beside her bed, there was a woman standing in the corner.

  "Hello?" Caroline spoke softly. The woman turned around slowly to face her. Caroline gasped as she recognised the woman who had spoken to her at the event.

  "Hello Caroline..." She smiled and stepped towards her bed. "Please don't get up..."

  "I must be dreaming."

  "No, not." The woman smiled.


  "Here, let me prove it." The woman reached down and grabbed the needle which was on the back of Caroline's hand, she twisted the needle. Caroline cried out.

  "Please stop..." Caroline sobbed. The woman shook her head, reaching down she lowered the bars on the side of the bed, she dragged Caroline's arm until she fell from the bed landing on her dislocated shoulder, she screamed in agony. The woman knelt beside Caroline smiling.

  The lights snapped on and two nurses rushed inside. "Oh no. The bars are down. Are you alright, Miss Gibbs, Caroline let's help you." The nurses gently lifted Caroline back into bed.

  "For God's sake dose her up, she mustn't remember this otherwise the trust will be sued and we will all be out of a bloody job." The sister signed the observation sheet forging the duty doctors signature. "The sleep will do her good anyway."

  The pain was slowly subsiding and Caroline felt herself drifting to sleep, she watched as the woman stood beside the nurses.


  Caroline looked around her, it was dark outside the window and the lights were flickering. She pulled back the sheets and swung her feet out of bed and onto the cold floor. Stepping through the door to her private room she saw the ward was silent, the beds were empty. "Hello..." Caroline called out but there was no response. She walked towards the nurses’ station, there was a woman standing behind the desk, she had her back to Caroline as she approached. "Hello?" The woman ignored her, "Hello there..." Caroline reached out and put her hand on her shoulder, she flinched, pulling back as she felt an icy coldness through her blouse. The woman slowly turned around.

  "Hello Caroline." The woman smiled coldly. Caroline stared at her, a sudden fear washing over her, she had the urge to turn and run but did not know why.

  "Kate, what are you doing here?" Caroline stuttered.

  "I have come to help you Caroline." Kate walked around the desk and stepped towards Caroline who shifted back from her. "What are you afraid of Caroline, it's me." Kate took Caroline's hand, the chill from her flesh seemed to run through her body.

  "Please." Caroline staggered back, stumbling into a wheelchair behind her.

  "Go on, sit down." Kate grabbed Caroline's shoulders and forced her into the wheelchair. "You should be resting, you are ill." Kate laughed. "They did this to you." She knelt in front of Caroline. "You should push them away. Go to her. She will protect you."

  "What?" Caroline shuddered. "What do you mean? Go to her, go to who. You are making no sense Kate."

  "You will see Caroline." She started to push the wheelchair along the ward, pausing to press the lift call button. After a moment the lift arrived and the doors slid open. Kate pushed Caroline into the waiting car and pushed a button for the top floor. "This is exciting isn't it!" She laughed.

  The lift car jerked to a halt and the doors slid open again. Kate pushed Caroline out into a corridor. "Where are you taking me?"

  "You'll see..." They reached a set of double doors, Kate unlocked them and pushed Caroline through, she struggled as she saw they were on the roof of the building.

  "No..." Caroline cried out. "Please no..."

  They reached the edge of the roof. Kate pushed the wheelchair to the very pinnacle. "Are you ready for a ride? Just remember what I said. "You need to go to her, or she will take you." Kate smiled.

  "Who are you?" Caroline watched as Kate smirked.

  "I am a frien
d Caroline." She paused. "You will know me soon..." With one great shove she pushed the wheelchair over the edge of the roof. Caroline screamed as the cold air buffeted her, she blacked out.


  Adam woke from a bad night’s sleep, the pain in his bad had not subsided with the painkillers he had taken but he could not tell Kate about what had happened or what he had done. He realised that he had been stupid but he didn't know what else he could do, it had been a particularly bad month with big vet bills and the feed merchant demanding full payment before he would allow any more fodder to the yard. He had approached the bank but they kindly reminded him that the business was already beyond its overdraft limit as was his personal account.

  He had not known what to do, he could not face the thought of losing the stables and as their small cottage was part of the deeds they would lose their home as well as their business. He had panicked and in desperation had responded to an advert in the back of the local paper offering loans.

  He had borrowed the thousand pounds but in his haste and ignorance he had not realised that he would be paying over two thousand percent interest. He had tried to reason with the lenders but they had made it clear that they were not open to discussion. He had begged and borrowed the money to pay the monthly amount and had managed to keep them away for almost a year but now it had been impossible, there was no cash left and the bank accounts were again empty.

  He knew the beating he had received was just the start, an ironic joke from Ruth Thompson, an amusement for her as much as a warning for him. The next warning would be considerably more harsh.

  Kate was asleep as he woke and walked into the bathroom, she took off his t-shirt and looked over his shoulder in the mirror. His back was covered in reddened lines where he had been beaten, the bruises were starting to darken already. He sighed he had no idea what he could do.

  Kate rolled over, seeing that Adam was not in bed she looked around and saw the bathroom light on, she glanced and saw the door was slightly ajar. Kate gasped as she saw a part of the mirror and the state of Adam's back. She did not know what to think, he had been cagey the night before and now he came home like this. Adam switched the light off, Kate quickly laid down and pretended to be asleep, her mind spinning with the possibilities of what could have happened to Adam.


  Adam was downstairs in the kitchen when Kate came downstairs an hour later. "Hello..." He gently hugged her, Kate watched the pain in his eyes as she put pressure on his back. She wanted to blurt out and ask him what had happened but she promised herself that she would wait for him. He poured her a mug of tea and stood leaning against the worktop.

  "Are you not going to sit down with me?" Kate nodded towards one of the chairs at the worn kitchen table. Adam pulled out the chair and perched on its edge. She paused. "Adam, you would tell me if there was something wrong wouldn't you?"

  Kate noticed Adam look down for a split second before answering. "There is nothing wrong Kate..." He smiled coldly. "Why do you ask?"

  "No reason..." Kate stood up quickly. "Come on it's time for work."


  "Hello..." Caroline slowly opened her eyes, blinking she looked around. She groaned her head groggy and clouded. "Are you alright?" The nurse took Caroline's hand. "It looks like you had a bit of a rough night." She started rearranging Caroline's sheets which were knotted around her body. "Let me just check your medication." She took the clipboard from the end of the bed and started to read down the page. She paused. "Excuse me."

  Linda was confused by the entry for additional morphine during the night, it seemed to be a large dose when the patient had already been receiving pain relief. The night shift were still finishing the hand-over so she approached the night sister.

  "Jane, can I ask about something?" She turned and Linda handed her the clipboard. "This is a patient in one of the private rooms, Caroline Gibbs she was a riding accident."

  "Oh yes?" Jane shifted nervously. "What about her?"

  "It says here that Dr Ransom prescribed morphine last night."

  "Yeah I remember she was in pain last night."

  "Are you sure it was Dr Ransom?" Linda smiled. "Just want to be sure for the paperwork."

  "Of course I am!" Jane laughed nervously.

  "Thanks." Linda took back the clipboard and wished the departing nurses a good day. However she knew that there was something being covered up. Not least as Paul Ransom had spent most of the previous night in the nurses quarters with her last night. The trouble was to reveal this would get them both in trouble as he should have been on call. She walked back and hung the clipboard back on the end of the bed. The patient was fine Linda told herself, if she had even got the morphine. But if the night shift wanted something to get them through the night?. She smiled and walked back to the nurses’ station.


  Kate managed to rearrange her work for the afternoon to travel to the hospital. She noticed Caroline do a double take when she stepped into the room, a moment of fear crossed her face. "Are you alright?" Kate took Caroline's hand. "I brought you some grapes." Kate put the bag of grapes on her bedside table. "I hope you like them, I think it is what you have to bring people in hospital!"

  "Thanks." She shook her head before smiling warmly. "Sorry I was being a bit silly, I had a nightmare last night. I am really glad to see you I have been bored silly in here."

  "So how are you feeling?"

  "In pain, but they say it will settle down soon. They have reset my shoulder." Caroline smiled as she watched Kate wince. "Yes, it was painful! And I have cracked a couple of ribs." She paused. "I feel really stupid. Fancy stepping out in front of a horse with a rider I was teaching. I don't think I will live that down!" She giggled.

  "No that was just a little silly." Kate paused. "Do you know what happened?"

  "Well I just stepped out and Toby caught my...-"

  "No..." Kate cut her short. "Why did it happen?"

  Caroline sighed looking down. "Kate, I was really tired, I have not been sleeping well." She wiped her eyes. "I haven't slept properly in weeks, I have had these terrible nightmares."

  Kate stood up and hugged her. "Oh Caroline I am so sorry."

  "Oh this will sound so stupid, I think I was hallucinating." She gulped. "There has been this woman in my nightmares. The same person appears every time, always bringing me down, causing me pain." She paused. "Well, I thought I saw that woman standing by the arena fence." Caroline glanced at Kate.

  "I think you need to talk to the doctors about the nightmares, a lack of sleep can do terrible things to you." She smiled. "Did you dream about her last night?"

  Caroline paused. "No!" She shyly looked up at Kate. "It was you last night." She laughed nervously. “You were pretty nasty to me...”

  "Oh.” Kate stopped. “Caroline I am so sorry. But you do know I would never do anything to hurt you." She hugged her again. "I hope you get some better sleep soon, and get yourself fit we miss you on the yard."

  The two woman spent some time talking about the yard and horses. Eventually visiting time was over and Kate stood to leave. "I had better go, I'll try to pop in again tomorrow. I guess your mum will be coming in later..." She stopped as she noticed Caroline had started crying. "Oh dear, what's up?"

  "No, she won't come and see me again. She told me that she would have nothing to do with the stables and as I went against her wishes and started working there she wants nothing to do with me." Caroline sobbed.

  "What!" Kate was indignant. "How dare she? I mean why?"

  "She had a bad time at the yard many years ago." Caroline gulped. "Some bad things happened while she was the head-girl. To be honest she hasn't told me all of what happened, but she never returned there and when I got a job there..." Caroline stopped. "She was furious, I had gone against her wishes and she would not have anything to do with me while I was still there."

  "But you have worked with us for years..."

  "Yes." Caroline looked up with red eyes. "To be
honest I was surprised she came in to see me yesterday."

  "Look." Kate could no longer hold back tears. "I'll look after you Caroline. You are already like family to Adam and me. We'll always be there for you, even if your mother will not be. You remember that." They both hugged.


  Chapter 3

  June 1974

  Linda Gibbs sat sorting through paperwork when the office door was flung open, Hilary one of Linda’s more senior riding instructors stepped into the room. Her once blond hair was dripping with thick black liquid which was running down her white blouse. "What the hell has happened to you?"

  "Hoof oil!" Hilary snarled slamming her fist on the desk. "Let me make this clear, either she goes or I do."

  Linda sighed, it had been obvious who had done this to Hilary. "I am so sorry." She paused. "We would miss you."

  "What?" Hilary sat down heavily. "You would keep her?"

  "By choice, no." Linda sighed. "You know the situation, she is the daughter of the person who owns the land the stables are standing on and her father has made it clear that we have to employ her to keep her out of his hair. If I fire her he will close us down." She paused. "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

  "Well unless you know something that will remove hoof-oil?"

  "Washing-up liquid. It worked for me when she did it to me. I'll buy you a new blouse though as you will never get it out of there." She smiled. "Look come round tonight I'll make some dinner and I'll get a couple of bottles of Blue Nun. I know it is not much..."

  "Okay." Hilary smiled holding up her hands. "I'll come round later, we can plot how to get revenge on the nasty cow! Now I had better go and try and wash this out before it sets!" She stood up. "Washing-up liquid you say..."


  Susan Thompson was seventeen years old, with fiery red hair and a matching temperament. Her father had got her a job at the Redbridge Riding School and had told her that she would only get her allowance if she stayed there. She hated the work, although she could ride very well the idea of days spent mucking out and grooming was something for staff to do for her, the fact that she was now staff herself frustrated her. So she found ways to find her fun, she realised pretty quickly that the head-girl was frightened of her, or at least of the threats from her father, so she found she could pretty get away with anything. Susan made it her aim to watch others suffer, she took great pleasure in setting up practical jokes, spreading rumours and being totally dislikeable. She was so above these fools that she felt they deserved all they got.