Read Dream Rider Page 5

  "I needed to talk with you..."


  "It's about Susan, and what happened to her."

  "Oh yes." Harry stood up and stepped around the desk, he sat on the edge of the desk leaning close to Linda. She shied away nervously. "You want to talk to me about how my daughter was assaulted by one of your staff. How she is lying in hospital traumatised." He paused. "Am I on the right track?"

  "Well." Linda stammered.

  "Of course it is." Harry stood up quickly. "Now what did you want to say? I am all ears." He paused as Linda stuttered. "Oh, so you would prefer me to talk to you? Well, this." He pulled a brown file from his desk drawer. " the file which contains the deeds to your property. Do you realise how simple it would be to foreclose your tenancy?" Linda started to speak. "Shut up! I am talking now!" He slammed his large fist onto the desk causing the phone handset to rattle in its cradle. "I am permitting you to have the land and buildings at a very attractive rate because you are providing gainful employment for my daughter. If you cease to be able to do this..." He left the statement hanging. "I am a reasonable man, but let me promise you one thing. The next person to try anything like that to my daughter will find a role in my next construction project." Linda lifted a finger to question Harry. "Yes, they will find themselves as part of the foundations of the next bridge across the new dual-carriageway and Miss Gibbs, just in case you think you are immune, I can assure you that you will be there with them!"

  Linda gasped, standing quickly from her chair. "Are you threatening me?..." She stuttered.

  "Yes, Miss Gibbs." Harry sat down at his desk. "I am glad that you at least realise that."

  "I will tell the police." Linda had expected any number of reactions from anger to surprise but she had not expected Harry to laugh loudly when she said this.

  "Go on!" He wiped his eyes. "But remember two things. Firstly, I own the police. The chief constable and myself are members of the same lodge and I am benefactor of the police benevolent fund."

  "And the other thing?"

  "Nobody will care if someone unimportant like you disappears. They will think you have just moved on, you will be forgotten, neglected. At least I am offering you the opportunity to be a pillar in our Society." He laughed. "Do you get it, pillar?." He shook his head.

  "Okay?. You have had your joke. Ha ha, let’s make fun of the country girl."

  Harry looked up with an evil glint in his eye which chilled Linda to the bone. "You can believe it is a joke if you wish. Just make sure my daughter is safe, you have had more than enough warning. Now, I am a very busy man." He pressed a button on his desk and the doors behind her opened. Linda saw the two men step behind her and grasp her arms.

  "Ow!" She yelped. "Okay?. I'm going." She was lifted from her feet and carried out of Harry's office and through the reception before being dropped on the floor in the car park. She sat for a moment considering the conversation she had just had before noticing the receptionist giggling at her. She stood up, brushing her jodhpurs down before driving quickly away.


  Tracy watched the taxi pull up, she paused before realising that it was Susan in the back seat. "Shit!" It was too late to go away as she had been seen so she approached her. "Look... I am really sorry, what I did was stupid and I am leaving."

  Susan smiled coldly holding her hand out. "No hard feelings. It was a joke." She started to crush Tracy's fingers, digging her nails into the back of her hand. "I can take a joke Tracy." She let go of her hand, Tracy pulled back rubbing her fingers. "The question is..." Susan started to walk away pausing to turn and face Tracy for a moment. "Can you?"

  Tracy watched as Susan opened the door and stepped into the stables flat. She did not like the sound of her comments, but pushed them from her mind.


  "So tell me again what he said to you?" Hilary poured another glass of wine.

  "Well, he threatened me." Linda paused before taking a sip of the chilled liquid. "Thanks. Something about being part of the foundations of the A30."

  "Do you think he really means it?"

  "Hil's he is a powerful man, and to be honest I would not put anything past him. It was just the way he said it, he had no fear that he was threatening me and seemed to take no pleasure in the fact that he had frightened me. It was so..." She paused. "Matter of fact. It was like it was something that he did everyday of the week."

  "Wow..." Hilary gulped down her wine.

  "He is dangerous, I know that before it was the fact I could lose my home and business now, if I believe him I could lose my life." She shook her head. "Let's just keep Susan safe and encourage her to go off and trouble someone else."

  "I'll drink to that..."


  Susan herself was busy, this despite the fact that the other staff had gone to bed some hours before and the yard was dark and quiet. She had already doctored the riding out list for the next day and was now busying herself in the tack room. Once she was satisfied that she had finished what she had to do she silently closed the door and walked in the shadows back to the flat.


  Tracy looked down the list, she was riding Pegasus. She sighed, he was a thoroughbred and one of the few horses that could not be trusted, he was prone to take a dislike to certain individuals and in his eyes Tracy was someone that deserved hatred. She was a good rider and his antics did not greatly concern her, but it would take almost all of her attention to watch for him jumping and shying. At least she had a good group of riders for her hack, they could mostly look after themselves. She grabbed the saddle and bridle and headed to his stable where the biting and kicking display would start while she tried to tack him up.

  It was some minutes later and sporting a bruise on her upper arm where Pegasus' teeth had made contact even through her thick jumper that she led Pegasus out onto the yard. She got a leg up and sat in his saddle watching as the other riders gathered around her. She smiled, tapping the horse with her crop as he tried to kick out at one of the grooms. "Come on then!" She called out and they led out onto the moor.

  Tracy was going to take one of the usual tracks, over their time at the stables each instructor found routes which would take one or two hours as required and include some walking, trotting and some faster riding. On this track this meant that the group would gallop up the hill to Cabbots Ridge, a long and gently rising path with a good viewpoint at the top. She raised her arm to indicate that they were about to start and pushed her horse on.

  Pegasus snorted and bucked earning a crack of the crop, with this he shied quickly catching Tracy unaware, she sat the movement well but realised that her position was moving. She felt the saddle slipping beneath her and in a flash she was falling. There was nothing that she could do as she fell landing heavily on the path winding her but more seriously putting her in the path of the other riders.

  Although they tried to pull their horses up it was impossible as Tracy was so quickly in front of them. The riders pulled up and rushed back to her prone body. Tracy was badly injured having fallen and been trampled and bore the marks of steel horse shoes across her arms and head. One of the riders remounted and galloped back to the yard, the others tried to make Tracy comfortable.

  Pegasus had bolted and would not be found for some hours, his saddle was missing and was eventually found a short distance from the accident, when investigated it was found that the girth straps had been cleanly cut almost all the way through and had given way.


  Chapter 4

  Present Day

  Caroline stepped out of the taxi and opened the gate, already Kate was opening the front door. "Hello!" She glanced at her watch. "I wasn't expecting you for another couple of hours!"

  "I got bored and discharged myself." Caroline smiled. "Just so glad to be out of hospital!"

  "I know, I hate being in hospitals myself!" Kate laughed. "Here, let me take your bag and you come on inside. It will be nice to have someone else around the house." Kate showed
Caroline into the front room. "Now, you will be in the spare room, it isn't massive..."

  Caroline smiled holding up her hand. "You know the room I share at the yard, this is luxury in comparison!"

  "Well you stay as long as you want." Kate paused. "I'll let you settle in and then we will have some dinner as soon as Adam has come home."


  Caroline closed the door and dropping her bag on the floor slumped onto the bed. It's softness compared to the hospital bed was amazing and she snuggled down pulling back the duvet and getting comfortable. Perhaps just a few minutes sleep would make her feel so much better. She closed her eyes and was fast asleep in moments.


  Adam locked up the office and pushed the keys into his jacket pocket. It had been a long day and he was glad to be going home. He started walking down the driveway when he saw a black Range Rover approaching, he paused as the vehicle stopped and the doors opened. "Sorry, we are closed now-" Adam's sentence was cut short as the passenger door swung open.

  "I know that you are, and if you don't pay me you will be closed for good." The woman smiled coldly.

  "What are you doing here? You told me I had a week to pay you..."

  "I did didn't I." She sneered. "I lied."

  "I..." Adam paused. "Look I don't have your money yet."

  The woman laughed. "I know that." She pulled out a collection of papers waving them towards Adam. "Your bank statements, your credit card bills, the outstanding invoices."

  "Where the hell did you get them?" Adam lunged forward, trying to grab the papers.

  "Ah, ah!" She smiled. "I own you Mr Bishop, don't you ever forget that." She paused. "And I also know that you are not going to give in if I hurt you. You are just like some dumb toy, I can beat you or try to hurt you but you will just keep bouncing back." She smiled. "But the people you love..."

  Adam blanched - "If you touch Kate I'll..."

  "You'll what?" She laughed. "Go on, I do love such bravado! But it is so misplaced. Let me make this clear. You find a way to pay me or you will regret the consequences." She turned on her heel stepping back to the Range Rover. Adam leapt forward grabbing the door.

  "Look please! Anything..."

  "Try pleading." She sneered. "Yes, down in the dirt, kneel down and plead to me. Beg like the worthless worm you are..."

  Adam paused before slowly kneeling before her. "Please, don't hurt Kate..."

  She shook her head, climbing into the car and slamming the door. Adam watched as the window whirred down. "I pity you?. Here is some advice, two things. First, get the money." She closed the window, Adam stared up at the darkened glass before it opened again. "Oh and second?. Get up you snivelling bastard."

  He watched as the Range Rover sped away spraying him with grit.


  Kate opened the cottage door as Adam arrived. "You're a bit late..." She paused looking into his eyes. "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing..." Adam was tired, he felt a weariness that went further than purely physical exhaustion. He sighed, how could have put Kate at risk, all for money. "I'm okay..."

  "Aright..." Said in a tone that meant anything but. "Okay, I've made dinner and Caroline is here too, she discharged herself from hospital." The conversation rapidly lightened up, Adam and Kate were soon discussing the day, the customers they had been teaching and the horses conditions. After a few minutes Adam excused himself and softly climbed the stairs to get changed before dinner. He glanced across to the spare room, the door was ajar and he could hear Caroline moaning and struggling in bed.

  "Caroline?" He stepped towards the door pushing it gently. "Are you alright?" There as a sudden movement and the door was slammed shut. Adam staggered back. "Wow sorry!" He said to himself. "Dinner will be ready soon..." There was silence in the guest room. Adam went downstairs and waited with Kate for Caroline, after another ten minutes he went back upstairs. He knocked on the door. "Caroline?" When there was no answer he slowly opened the door. Caroline was lying fully-dressed on the bed. "Hello Caroline..." She stirred, stretching and smiling.

  "Oh hello. Sorry I must have dozed off." She smiled.

  "No doubt after the last time I came up you must have gone back to sleep."

  "Last time?" Caroline frowned. "Now I must be more tired that I imagined. When did you come up before."

  Adam laughed. "Well, ten minutes ago you slammed the door on me!" He smiled at Caroline's puzzled face. "Oh come on sleepy head, we better get downstairs or we will both be in trouble!"

  Caroline smiled and they both walked down to the kitchen where Kate was dishing out bowls of chicken pasta. "Hello, do you feel better now?"

  "Yes thanks Kate." Caroline sat down and started to wolf down the warm pasta hungrily. "Wow this is great! Better than the hospital food."

  Kate smiled. "I am glad you are enjoying it! Here have some more bread!" They relaxed around the table, the conversation again falling back to horses. Caroline polished off her bowl of pasta before tucking into seconds. The evening passed with them sitting in the front room chatting and laughing, before, just a couple of hours later Caroline became drowsy and was soon fast asleep in the armchair.

  "I suppose we had better wake her to go up to bed!" Kate smiled and stood up. "Caroline. Wakey, wakey!" She gently rocked Caroline's shoulder, her eyes snapped open causing Kate to step back in shock. "Are you okay?"

  "Oh yes..." Caroline snarled loudly. "This will be so much fun..."


  "You will be..." Suddenly Caroline slumped forward groaning. She looked up timidly. "Kate?." Her voice was now quiet, broken. "Help me..."

  "What?" Kate knelt in front of her.

  "The girl?. Please help me..." Caroline grabbed for Kate's hands gripping them tightly. "Don't let her take me..." Caroline gave Kate one last frightened look before collapsing.

  Kate stepped back with her hand to her mouth. "Adam, can you tell me what the hell just happened there?" She sat down heavily beside Adam. "What was that?"

  "Caroline is ill. She shouldn't have left the hospital." He stood up.

  "I suppose you are right." Kate shrugged.

  Kate was still concerned the next morning. Adam had called the hospital and driven Caroline back where she was admitted. She had not woken to be put into the car and stayed unconscious until he watched her being wheeled away on a trolley.


  Kate had called the hospital just a few minutes before but had been told that, as she was not next of kin, the data protection act prevented them passing on any details. She had slammed the phone down. Caroline was family, not in the eyes of the hospital but she was as close.

  Visiting time was still some hours away and Kate had work to do, she was glad of the distraction but could not push away the uneasy feeling as she grabbed her hat and crop and left the office to take out her usual hack.


  "Come on then." Harriet was one of the five ladies Kate regularly took out on a hack. "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing..." Kate smiled.

  "Bollocks!" Harriet laughed. "We just had a conversation about famous horse people we would sleep with and you didn't get all prudish as usual. There is something wrong." She winked at the other riders. "Is it man trouble?" He held up her gloved hand with her little finger outstretched.

  "What?" Kate blushed. "Oh god no!" She laughed. "Okay, sorry I have been distracted. It's Caroline."

  "Something you are not telling us lover?" The group laughed raucously. "Playing for the other team now are we? Well, she is a pretty girl. A bit shy but if that is what you like..." The ladies laughed loudly for a moment before Harriet held up her hand. "Woah?. Kate are you crying?" Kate wiped her eyes quickly, looking away. "Oh shit Kate, you know we don't mean anything by what we say. It is only a joke..."

  Kate gulped. "I'm sorry. No, it's not that. Caroline is ill..." She went on to describe the events of last night and that she was in hospital still. The ladies listened in silence.

  "Oh I am sorry Kate." P
at rode up beside her and put her hand on Kate's thigh. "Look, she will be fine. She had that accident and then discharged herself from hospital. She has probably had a bump to her head or something. She is tough, she will be right as rain in no time, just you see."

  "Thank you?." Kate smiled. "I am just being silly?. I am really sorry. Come on, let’s have a good gallop up to the ridge!" She pushed her horse on with the others following behind.


  "Okay Miss Gibbs." The doctor smiled warmly. "Tell me again about the woman, the one that you are saying is trying to take you?"

  Caroline looked up. "I think she is trying to hurt me. She is trying to turn me against my friends." The doctor scribbled notes on his pad. "I can't sleep, she comes for me when I go to sleep." Caroline sobbed.

  "Alright, please don't distress yourself." He handed her a box of tissues. "I believe that you are suffering from depression, but I would like you to stay with us for a few days so that we can assess you and find out exactly what is wrong and to start to help you."

  "Stay?" Caroline gasped. "But I want to go home."

  The doctor sighed and pulled out a series of pieces of paper. "Now I really want you to make the decision to stay in hospital. If you will not consent I will be forced to detain you under section four of the mental health act."


  "I want to help make you better Caroline. Sadly you are in no fit state to go home at the moment, you need some time and our help." The doctor smiled. "We will have you as right as rain in no time."

  Caroline slumped in her chair, the nurse helped her stand and led her back to her bed.


  "Penny for them?" Kate sat down next to Adam, she had been watching him from the doorway of the tack room, he was cleaning a bridle and had spent at least five minutes polishing the same throat lash.

  "What?" Adam looked up with a start. "Oh sorry..." He smiled. "Things on my mind."

  "Want to share them?" Kate smiled.

  "Oh Kate..." He took her hand. "I have to do the accounts paperwork, there is a load of health and safety stuff that has come through to be completed." He shrugged. "I didn't expect all of this when we took over the yard."

  "Look, please don't worry too much..." She smiled. "We will get through it." She hugged him and stood up. "I have to dash, see you a bit later!"