Read Dream Rider Page 8

  Caroline shook her head. "What?" She frowned. "What's wrong?" She looked confused. "My head hurts... Have I had an accident?"

  Kate paused, pulling herself to her feet. "Caroline..." She stopped. "I hurt you Caroline. I am so sorry?"

  Caroline smiled. "You hurt me?" She laughed. "Don't be silly."

  Kate chewed her lip. "Do you not remember what happened?" Caroline shook her head. "Okay... Come into the house, I think I had better get your head sorted."


  "Mr Bishop?" Adam opened his eyes and saw two police officers standing beside his bed.

  "Hello Is this about my wife?" Adam spoke nervously as he struggled to sit. "She said it was self-defence." One of the policemen helped him with his pillows.

  "No Mr Bishop. We need to talk to you about what happened at the Redbridge Equestrian Centre when..." He double checked the name in his notebook. "Miss Caroline Gibbs attacked you."

  "It was an accident." Adam spoke firmly.

  "Really? We have a number of eye witnesses which state that she attacked you with a kitchen knife."

  "I remember that she slipped and caught me with a knife." He smiled faintly. "It was an accident."

  "Why are you protecting her Mr Bishop?" The officer cleared his throat. "She could have killed you."

  "Officer, I am very sorry that you seem to have wasted your time. I clearly remember that Caroline slipped while carrying a knife." He paused. "Can I help you with anything else?"

  "Mr Bishop." The policeman sighed. "We can still press charges. we have witnesses who saw what happened..."

  "And they will all tell you that she slipped. That it was an accident."

  "Okay!" He put his notebook away. "The case will be assessed by the Criminal Prosecution Service. Good day!" Adam smiled as he watched them walk away. He could hear the swearing and cursing as they left the ward.


  Caroline sat down heavily at the kitchen table. Dr Newton walked with Kate into the front room. He pulled the kitchen door closed behind him. "Look I shouldn't have done it but I have patched up her head. Kate she needs to go to hospital, she may have concussion and can't remember what happened to her." He sighed. "As long as you promise me that you will take her to hospital. I don't need to know how she was injured."

  "I told you I just found her here." Kate protested.

  "Of course." Dr Newton paused looking into Kate's eyes. "If that is what you say I will believe you."

  "Yes." Kate smiled faintly. "I will take her to casualty when I visit Adam."

  "Ah... Of course, how is he?"

  "He is okay. The knife missed his heart." She stopped. "It was meant for me."

  "Which is another good reason why you shouldn't be protecting her." He sighed. "She should be back in hospital. Kate, she needs to get well, doing this you are not helping her. Despite what you think you are doing."

  Kate looked away. "I understand." She sighed. "Thank you."

  "Look Kate, I am an old fool, I am helping you because I have been your doctor for years. I should...-"

  "I appreciate what you are doing." She cut across Dr Newton. "Caroline is almost family for us. I trust her, I know she will not try to hurt me."

  "I hope that is right Kate." He paused. "Have you told Adam your news?" Kate looked away. "I am guessing that is no... Don't leave it too long Kate." He sighed, knowing that Kate was single minded she would not be told what to do. He opened his car door and drove back to the surgery.

  Kate stepped back inside, Caroline was at the kitchen table. "How are you feeling?"

  Caroline shrugged. "Sore, but better thank you." She looked up at Kate. "I owe you so much. Thank you for helping me." She paused. "Tell me again what happened."

  Kate looked away. "What is there to tell?" Kate sighed. "You had been acting weird, not yourself and then. Well, we got a phone call from the yard saying that you were smashing the place up. We drove there and you were..." Kate stopped, looking into Caroline's eyes. "You don't remember this do you?" She shook her head. "Okay, you had destroyed the place and then you lunged at me with a carving knife."

  Caroline shuddered, starting to sob quietly. "Oh God! I am so sorry." She looked up, tears running down her face. "I would never hurt you, or Adam. I don't know what has happened. It is almost as if I have been missing for weeks." She sighed. "It is weird but I could not tell you what I have done for days on end. People look at me, staring, accusing and I just don't know what I am supposed to have done. They tell me some of the things but I don't remember them." She stopped. "It was not me Kate. You must believe me!"

  "I wish I could. But it is you, I have seen you Caroline. Being nasty to people, hurting people." Kate shook her head. "If it was anyone else they would have been out weeks ago."

  Caroline wailed. "What have I done?" She sniffed. "Kate I don't remember any of it. It has almost as if I have been living in a dream." She stopped. "A nightmare really. I just seem to wake in the morning and then remember nothing until I go back to bed. I am so frightened."

  Kate sat down. "I have to take you to hospital. You are likely to have concussion, that needs to be treated." Caroline nodded. "I think I should take you back to the ward you were on."

  Caroline stood quickly knocking her chair to the floor, she grabbed hold of Kate's shoulders. "No!" She sobbed. "Please don't leave me there... I hated it." She stared into Kate's eyes. "It would kill me to go back there Kate, please."

  "But what can you do? I don't think you can go back to the yard." Kate sighed. "I'll give your mum a call."

  Caroline shook her head. "No..." She sat down heavily with her head in her hands. "Did you know, when I was in hospital you were the only person who visited me. Mum has disowned me. She never wanted me to work at the yard and told me that anything that happened in my own fault."

  Kate shook her head. "What?" She sighed. "How dare she! What the hell is her problem?"

  "It's a long story, but one of the grooms poisoned her horse."

  "What? Oh that is horrible..." Kate sighed.

  "Oh it was worse. Mum found the girl the next morning, she was dead next to the horse." Caroline wiped her eyes. "It shook mum up a lot, as you can imagine."

  "Oh Caroline, I am sorry." Kate paused. "Look I have to take you to casualty to get you properly checked, but I promise I will not send you back to where you were. You can stay here. At least until you are feeling better."

  "What?" Caroline looked up. "Are you sure." She stopped. "I can't." She stood up supporting herself on the back of the chair.

  "Caroline, what's wrong?"

  "I can't stay. After what I have done."

  "No Caroline..."

  "I attacked Adam." She shuddered. "I could have killed him..."


  "No." She stopped. "Thank you for everything, but I really can't ask you to help me." She staggered, gripping the table for support."

  "Whoa..." Kate grabbed her. "Let me at least take you to casualty, then let’s take it from there."

  "Okay..." She sniffed. "I don't deserve this..."


  "Hello there..." Kate sat down next to Adam. "How are you feeling now?"

  Adam smiled. "Hello... A little better." He paused. "I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that you told me you have hurt Caroline." He smiled faintly. "Weird eh..?"

  "Yeah weird dream..." Kate's voice trailed away. "I have just brought Caroline to casualty to have her checked over."

  "Oh is she okay? What has happened to her?"

  "She will be fine..." Kate looked away. "Tell me how you are feeling..."


  "Miss Gibbs?" The nurse pulled back the curtain surrounding her bed. "I have a couple of people who need to talk with you." She stepped aside and two men stepped into the cubical.

  "DCI Jones and DC Peterson." They both showed Police identity cards. "We have a few questions we would like to ask."

  "Okay." Caroline looked up. "About what?"

  "There was an
incident at the Redbridge Equestrian Centre."

  "Oh yes... I work there."

  "Yes... You attacked one of the owners."

  Caroline looked confused. "Did I?"

  "You attacked Mr Adam Bishop with a carving knife."

  Caroline shrugged innocently.

  The nurse stepped in. "Gentlemen do you realise that Miss Gibbs is suffering from concussion, and amnesia."


  "She was admitted with a head injury earlier today."

  "A head injury, how did that happen?"

  The nurse looked down at Caroline's chart. "A riding accident apparently."

  "Right. We'll back!" The two police officers stepped out of the cubical.


  Kate stood up as Caroline walked into the reception area. "Hello there... How are you doing?"

  Caroline smiled. "Sore, but better now thanks." She paused. "Look as I said before, I can't impose on you and Adam. Not after what happened..."

  "Caroline, stop it!" Kate grabbed her holdall. "Look you've been in hospital the least I and do as a friend is to look after you."

  "Why?" Caroline stopped. "Why should you be a friend? I hurt you, I really hurt Adam..." Her voice trailed away.

  "Caroline the doctors have told me that you are a lot better." Kate smiled. The doctors had said that Caroline seemed to have stabilised but had wanted her to stay in for much longer. She could tell by the look the doctors had exchanged that they felt she was mad taking her in. But they had to admit that all the tests they had run seemed to show that whatever episode she had suffered had passed. They had still given her a collection of pills and tablets that they demanded Kate ensured she took every day. It was a small price to pay to get Caroline back.

  Still at the back of her mind she wondered herself what she was doing. Here was the woman who had attacked her husband and she was welcoming her into her home. Adam had refused to press charges and had said it had all been an accident but Kate knew that the look in Caroline's eyes had shown that her actions were anything but accidental. But that was a look that was not there now. Kate told herself that she was on the mend and if her mother would not take her in where would she go? She could not put her out on the street, Caroline was like family to her.

  Caroline smiled coyly. "Thank you." Kate reached out and hugged her as tears filled her eyes.

  "Come on, don't be silly." Kate looked away trying to stop herself blubbing like a baby. "Let's go..."

  They walked across the car park, the cold air made Caroline's teeth chatter after being cosseted in the warmth of the hospital. Kate stopped beside her scruffy Land Rover, fumbling with the keys and opening the door. "Thanks..." Caroline took a bridle off the front seat and cleared a space in the foot well, pushing aside empty feed sacks and a grooming kit. Pulling the door closed she felt an immense relief wash over her, she would be away from the hospital and back home.

  "Right, I'll get the heater on and warm us back up!" Kate turned the key. "Come on..." She willed the cold engine to start as it chugged and turned over. It caught with a roar and a cloud of black smoke. They were soon started, driving out of the car park and back towards Redbridge.

  They both fell into a familiar conversation about the horses and goings on at the yard and the journey passed quickly. All too soon they were parking up outside Kate's cottage. "Are we not going to the yard?" Caroline unclipped her seat belt.

  Kate froze for a second. "I thought you would rather stay with me for a while, at least until Adam is out of hospital."

  "Thanks, but I would rather be back at work... It would help me take my mind off things."

  "Ah..." Kate turned to face Caroline. "I think you need to give that a bit of time."

  "What do you mean?" Caroline scowled. "I'm fit and well..." She stopped. "It's the others isn't it?"

  "I am sorry Caroline." Kate gulped.

  "I understand. I would not want me back..." She shook her head, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

  "Give them some time. It will not take long, but just enough for them to know you are okay." Kate took her hand. "You upset them a lot before. But they care about you, they have been asking after you, wishing you well."

  "They must hate me?"

  "Oh goodness no..." Kate sighed. "You scared them. The person you were was not the Caroline we knew. Jacqui has already asked to see you as soon as you are here, she wants to catch up. I just think we need to take it slowly."


  "I am on your side Caroline..."


  Chapter 7

  July 1974

  Hilary ran down the corridor of the hospital, she turned the corner into an open ward and saw Linda lying in a bed beside the window. "Linda! Oh goodness." She embraced her. "How are you?"

  "Sore..." Linda sighed. "Look it could have been worse."

  "What the hell happened?"

  "Do you want the truth or what the police are saying?" Hilary raised her eyebrows. "I have been charged with trespass for being on the work site of the new by-pass and the fact that I had 'fallen' down a foundation pit was my own fault and I was lucky that the weather had been too bad to pour concrete in the morning." She shook her head. "And that just shows the power Harry Thompson has around here. I don't know exactly what happened, I was at home when suddenly I found myself in that pit and he was there telling me..." She burst into tears.

  "I am sorry." Hilary passed her a handkerchief. "How did you get out?"

  "I screamed until I was hoarse, one of the workers found me and helped me get out. When I tried to tell them what happened they charged me."

  "But you are okay now?"

  "I am not under several hundred tons of concrete, for now." She shuddered. "I have to leave, I can't go back to the yard."

  "No..." Hilary paused. "Harry Thompson has been around, saying how he is going to redevelop the land. I was scared, I didn't know where you were, he said you had left."

  "Well now I am going. As soon as I am out of here I am selling up. The cottage, the horses, whatever I can get. I have to." She paused. "I am sorry Hilary and for everyone, but there is nothing I can do. I don't think I could go back there again anyway."

  "I will help you in anyway I can, just promise me one thing."

  "Anything, what is it?"

  "Keep in touch with your old friends wherever you go." She smiled faintly.



  “Lot number three, three six, is comprised of five saddles and bridles. Can we start the bidding at ten pounds?”

  Hilary turned and stepped away from the small group of bidders, the stables were quiet now that the horses had gone to market, this was the final step, the sale of the remaining tack and equipment, everything offered with no reserve. This was not going to make a fortune for Linda but no doubt enough for her to live on for a while if she was frugal.

  She walked down the row of empty stables, pausing at Magpie’s box. She sighed, shaking her head. The stable was empty now, the straw removed and the concrete swept clean, if only she could sweep away the memories so easily.

  “Lot three, three, seven, ladies and gentlemen...”

  Hilary could hear the distant sounds from the auctioneer from the tack room, she had never had to arrange an auction but she had offered to take care of everything for Linda, she realised that she would never step foot back on the yard, this was a closed chapter in her life.

  Linda had sold her cottage, it had sold remarkably quickly to a rich London family who wanted somewhere to spend weekends in the country, she had bought a tiny, dilapidated farm house hidden in the middle of Dartmoor.

  Hilary had paid off the last few staff just yesterday, there had been tears, this had been a happy yard once despite what Susan had done. They would all be going to different places, the nature of the horse industry meant that they would be scattered far and wide, all promising to keep in touch but quietly knowing that this would be the last time they would hear from each other.
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  Hilary looked up, a young lady was walking towards her.

  “Miss Jones? Hilary.”

  “Yes, hello?” The woman held out her hand, Hilary shook it.

  “I am from Baileys Auctioneers. I need Linda Gibbs’ address for our records so that we can send the cheque on to her.”

  “You can pass the cheque to me, I will send it on to Linda.”

  “But I do need...” The woman stopped mid-sentence. “Alright, but Mr Thompson will find her. I hope you realise that.”

  “I am sure he will. But this is over. She has not gone into hiding she has gone away. Tell your boss to leave her alone.”

  “Mr Thompson is quite insistent.”

  “I am sure he is. Just tell him he has broken her. This was her life, that has gone. Susan killed her horse, destroyed her business and destroyed Linda.” Hilary stared at the woman. “Linda did nothing but try to help Susan. Please tell him to leave her alone now.”

  The woman smiled coldly. “I will pass on your message.”


  “Here you are.” Hilary handed over the cheque. “Not much for all your work I am afraid but...” Linda smiled.

  “It is enough, with what I got for my house and the horses.” She reached down and took out another cheque. “This is for you.” She pushed the piece of paper across the table.

  “What?” Hilary picked up the cheque. “No... No, this is too much. You don’t have to do this.”

  “Hilary I have left you with no job and you were there for me every step of the way.” She smiled. “Call it a gift. Please don’t insult me by refusing it.”

  “Okay...” Hilary smiled, folding the cheque and putting it in her pocket. “Thank you.”

  “So what will you do now?”

  “I think I have had enough of working with horses. I start in an office typing pool next week.”

  “You, a typist?” Linda giggled.

  “Oh shut up!” Hilary smiled. “I learnt it at school. Mum wanted me to be able to do a proper job!”

  “I give it six months. You all cooped up in an office.” She paused. “Take the money, do something with your life. For me.”

  “You’re right...” Hilary sighed. “I will miss the outdoor life. Perhaps I need to think about it.” She smiled. “I will have plenty of time to do that, back living at home with mum and dad. I just can’t wait for the ‘I told you so’. So what about you?”