Read Dream So Dark Page 10

  Dair bit back the curse that was attempting to fly out of his mouth. The idea of Lucifer keeping his Serenity company, as he called it, made bile rise in his throat. “You cannot have her!” he roared.

  Lucifer’s snake lips turned up into a smile. “Oh, Dair.” He tsked his forked tongue at the Sandman, a sound that, coming from a snake mouth, was quite disturbing. “I shall have her. I shall have her in every way you have not and then some.”

  Before Dair had been able to respond, his eyes had snapped open. His hands were gripping the sheets, and sweat had beaded on his forehead. Following the dream, he’d been frustrated and angry all morning. Lucifer’s words had him shaken his very core.

  When Serenity had asked him to stay, it had helped abate some of the anger. Being near her did that for him. She was a balm to wounds and the peace to his turbulence.

  She’d been in the shower for thirty minutes, humming some tune he didn’t recognize. The only thing that could have made the whole situation even better was if he could join her. But he knew that was some time off … unless he could convince her to marry him sooner. He smiled to himself. He could be quite persuasive when he needed to be. The water turned off and Dair forced himself to find a distraction. He thought about dates of historical wars, most he’d actually witnessed, so he wouldn’t be tempted to think about the fact the woman he loved was climbing out of a shower less than three feet from him.

  “Feeling better?” he asked.

  “Much. As clean as a hospital is supposed to be, I’d never felt grimier.”

  Dair chuckled. He could smell the shampoo and soap and, though it was nice, he preferred her natural scent.

  Several minutes later she said, “I’m decent.”

  Dair turned around and looked her up and down from head to toe, checking that everything seemed to be in working order and there were no new injuries. Yes, he was a tad over protective.

  “Are you alright?” he asked as he swept her off her feet and into his arms. Dair carried her back to the bed and gently set her down. She looked pale and worn out just from that little bit of exertion.

  “I’m fine,” she assured him. “Just a little sore.”

  Dair snorted. “You were shot six days ago. I would imagine you will be sore for a while. Although you seem to be moving around quite well.”

  Serenity let out a sigh. “I can’t wait until I can move around completely well and not just quite well.”

  “I like that you trust me and want me near,” he said gently as he sat down next to her and laid his hand on her thigh, giving a gentle squeeze.

  She pursed her lips. “You mean because I asked you to stay in the bathroom?”

  “You didn’t worry that I would try to get a free peek you know,” he said.

  Her eyes widened. “Of course, not. I trust you completely.”

  “And that means more to me than you know.” He leaned forward to kiss her, but stopped as he heard the door open. The nurse walked over briskly and stared at them as if they’d been caught doing something untoward. Dair rolled his eyes, which made Serenity giggle. That made him want to kiss her more, so he did. His lips pressed to hers firmly, as his hand rested on her waist. He gently nipped at her lips but finally leaned back when the nurse cleared her throat.

  Dair turned his head to look at the woman. She wasn’t on his ‘I like you’ list at the moment because she’d interrupted what promised to have been a very pleasant experience.

  “How can we help you?” he asked her.

  “Dr. Lester has ordered some tests be done,” the woman said as she flipped through the file. “I’m going to need your signature for consent.” The nurse pointed to each spot on the papers and Serenity signed.

  Dair was confused. “Why does she need more tests?” He didn’t trust Dr. Lester any more than he trusted the minions from hell. And after the things Lucifer had said in the dream, he wanted Dr. Lester as far from Serenity as possible.

  “He’s ordered a CT, to double check that all the organs are okay. Also, he charted a heart murmur the last time he examined her, so he wants to get an EKG,” the nurse explained.

  “He didn’t mention a heart murmur to me,” Serenity spoke up before Dair could say the same thing.

  “He didn’t want to alarm you unnecessarily. It could be nothing. Lots of people have heart murmurs, especially during illness or injury. He won’t know for sure until the EKG is done. “

  “Oh, okay,” Serenity said, sounding unsure of what she should do. She signed the paperwork and then handed it back to the nurse.

  “The tech will be in to get you in just a few minutes.”

  Once the nurse was gone, Serenity looked at him. “I want you to stay, but it seems silly for you to stay while I’m just getting a few tests done. You could check on Emma.”

  “I don’t want to leave you,” he said.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  Dair could tell she was putting up a strong front, but her eyes and the emotions he felt said the opposite of her words. She needed him with her. And that’s where he would be.

  “I’ll cloak myself, no one but you will know I’m there.” She started to protest, but Dair put a finger to her lips. “You will not change my mind so don’t waste your breath.”

  “Alright,” she finally relented. Dair felt peace settle in her and knew he’d made the right choice.

  The door opened before he could lean down and kiss her, which he really wanted to do. He was beginning to get irritated at being interrupted at the most inopportune times. Much to his displeasure, Dr. Lester stood in the doorway smiling at Serenity as though she belonged to him and it had been too long since he’d seen her.

  “Are you ready to go for your tests?” he asked her.

  Serenity’s brow drew together. “I thought a tech was coming to get me.”

  “They’re swamped so I thought I’d come and snatch you up.” He stepped into the room and motioned for her to sit up. “I’ll help you into the chair.” He grabbed the wheelchair and rolled it over to the side of her bed.

  Before the doctor could touch Serenity, Dair picked her up and walked her over to the wheelchair. He set her down gently and then leaned his hands on the arms of the chair. He could feel Dr. Lester’s eyes on them. Worse than that, he could feel the doctor’s loathing. Dair pressed his lips to Serenity’s and took the kiss deeper than she’d been expecting. Her sigh made him want to strut around like a gorilla and beat his chest. When he pulled back, she was breathing heavy, and her eyes were hooded by her eyelids and filled with lust.

  “What was that for?” she asked him softly.

  “Something for you to think about while I’m waiting for you.” He winked as he lied through his teeth. There was no way in hell was he leaving her with this man.

  “Don’t worry, Serenity’s soon to be fiancé,” Dr. Lester said, interrupting their exchange. “She’s in good hands.”

  The way the creep said the word ‘hands’ sounded possessive, and it made Dair want to punch him in his handsome face. Yes, he had to admit that the doctor was good looking, which only pissed him off more. He pressed one last kiss to her forehead and gave Dr. Good Hands a scathing look before walking out of the room.

  When no one was in the hall, he immediately cloaked himself and walked back into her room. He smiled at his love and he could tell she was biting the inside of her lips to keep from grinning back at him. Dr. Lester began pushing Serenity from the room and Dair couldn’t restrain himself from sticking his foot right in front of the man, making him stumble. Serenity coughed into her hand attempting hide the laughter. This might be fun, Dair thought as he walked beside Serenity, periodically running a finger over her arm or cheek. Her blush was beautiful and the fact that she couldn’t retaliate made him chuckle.

  Lucifer stared at the minion bowing before him and fought the urge to kick it in the head. Its very presence annoyed him, and yet he needed to hear what the thing had to say. “Speak up,” he growled.

  “Yes, maste
r,” it practically whimpered. “The nightmares aren’t creating any distance between the dream maker and his mate. She is troubled, but he still comes to her.”

  Lucifer’s lip curled up in a sneer. Brudair. The Sandman was becoming a very annoying thorn in his paw. He’d managed to catch the dream weaver unaware and lure his body into a sleep that allowed communication between them. Lucifer had been surprised at the strength of light in the one the world called the Sandman. For a being that was native to the darkness, he was no doubt born of light. Lucifer had once been born of light. He’d been a fool like the rest of them, letting the Creator have all the glory while he did the Creator’s bidding. But no more. Now he ruled his own dominion. He had his own plans, and he would remove any of the Creator’s beings he needed to in order to bring those plans to fruition.

  “Then we will need to add something to the nightmares that will cause discord,” Lucifer finally said. “We need to shatter their trust. Humans, especially the loyal ones, value trust. I have watched many strong relationships crumble beneath the weight of lack of trust.”

  “How do we make them mistrust each other?” the minion asked.

  “Lust.” Lucifer purred. “Didn’t you mention a doctor that was already open to our influence?”

  “Yes, darkness is inside of him, though there seems to be a small amount of light left. Someone is praying for him.”

  The king of hell nearly gagged. “Praying.” He spat. “We will put an end to that. Put a demon of lust on him. The demon is to encourage the attraction he already feels for Brudair’s mate, but tell the demon not to affect the man’s free will, lest he want the wrath of an angel on him. I don’t want attention drawn to the girl or what we are doing.” He paused and reconsidered the words he’d said to Brudair and then a slow, sinister smile spread across his face. “No, don’t call a demon of lust.”


  “I will be personally taking care of Serenity. You can be on your way.”

  “Yes, master.” The minion bowed as it backed away from Lucifer and then popped from Lucifer’s lair, moving on to do his king’s bidding.

  Lucifer perched his steepled hands in front of him and chuckled. What sweet, poetic justice it would be to orchestrate Serenity Tillman’s fall from grace. An affair would be just what the doctor ordered to bring Brudair to his knees. With Brudair no longer looking out for Emma, Lucifer would need only contend with one paltry warrior angel. That would be a piece of cake.

  He stood and took a deep breath, calling on an image that would no doubt catch the young female’s attention. Humans were so predictable. They were controlled by their emotions and their fleeting attractions. Lucifer took on the form of a man that would cause even Serenity’s pure mind to falter. When he was ready, he closed his eyes and pictured her in his mind. When he reopened his eyes, he was standing outside of a door that read ‘Proceed with Caution. Radiation Present.’

  Serenity felt exposed as Dr. Lester helped her onto the table of the computed tomography machine. Dair was standing on the opposite side, looking like an angry bear. She wanted to console him, but anything she could do would make her look like a lunatic. She glanced at him when the doctor looked away, and blew him a quick kiss. That, at least, earned her a smile. But then Dr. Lester began reassuring her she didn’t need to be self-conscious. He was a doctor, and there wasn’t anything he hadn’t seen. The scowl on Dair’s face returned.

  Regardless of what he’d seen, Serenity thought, he hadn’t ever seen any of her, and she didn’t want him to. But she kept her mouth closed, smiled politely, and tried to hold the stupid hospital gown closed. Dair stepped closer and tugged on the hem. She tried to swat his hand away. But he just held it more firmly.

  Once she was on her back, Dr. Lester laid a warm blanket on her legs. When he turned to talk to her, his hand rested on her thigh. The touch was light, but it was disconcerting all the same. She felt as though only Dair should be the one to touch her in such a way, but she didn’t want to be rude and make a big deal out of something that didn’t mean anything. Dair didn’t feel the same way. He was growling. Serenity was surprised he wasn’t actually foaming at the mouth. She turned her hand outward where it laid at her side and opened her palm. When she pressed it to his leg, his head snapped down to her and his eyes softened. He reached down and stroked a finger across the back of her hand and up her arm. Her face grew warm and she knew she was blushing.

  “We will move you into the machine, and I will need you to be very still,” Dr. Lester said as she tried to focus on him, rather than his hand and not Dair’s finger. “I will tell you to hold your breath a couple of times, and then you need to breathe normally again. It’s very simple and won’t take long at all.”

  He looked at her and frowned. “You’re a bit flushed. Are you alright?”

  Just as he asked the question, Dair’s finger moved higher, running across her collar bone. She shivered and gritted her teeth together. She was so going to pay him back for this. “Yes,” she said, trying hard not to sound breathless. “I’m a little warm, but I’ll be fine.”

  “I could make you warmer,” Dair said, his voice deep and filled with meaning.

  “Okay, if you’re sure,” Dr. Lester said.

  Serenity nodded and then stared up at the ceiling, waiting for the machine to do its thing and fighting the urge to slap Dair’s wandering hand a way. As she waited, her mind drifted to what Dair had said about having to hunt down demons in order to try and figure out why she was having the nightmares. The idea of him in the presence of those vile creatures made her sick. She knew he was immortal, but what did that mean in the spiritual realm? She’d have to ask him and hope he was willing to tell her the truth no matter what it might be.

  “Take a deep breath and hold it for me,” Dr. Lester’s voice came over a loud speaker. She did as he instructed and then started breathing again when he said she could. The whole test took about fifteen minutes and was completely painless, which was a plus in her book. She sat up on the edge of the table, arranging her gown and the blanket on her lap. She felt Dair tug it closed in the back and fought the urge to groan in embarrassment. Nothing could be done about it now.

  “Who on earth is this?” Dair snapped.

  She had been so focused on making sure all of her was covered, that she hadn’t noticed Dr. Lester was gone and in his place stood a different man. Serenity’s eyes widened. Not just a man. No mere man could be that attractive. He was tall, broad, and held himself with a confidence that would cause other men to cower. His eyes were bright blue, his lips full and simply sinful to look at.

  He had an aura that seemed to radiate sex. Serenity didn’t know how else to describe it. He walked further into the room, and his movements were sensual. How the hell can a few steps be sensual? And then he smiled.

  “Serenity?” Dair said, at the same time giving her hair a slight tug. She blinked and, for half a second, she felt clear headed again. But then she looked back at the man and that devastating smile. Her heartbeat picked up and she felt her stomach clench. Okay, she was going to have to get a grip. If she didn’t, Dair was going to uncloak himself and forcibly remove the man from the room. That actually might not be a bad thing.

  “I’m sorry to have to take over, but Dr. Lester was needed elsewhere,” the man said as he held out his hand. “I’m doctor Michaels.” He glanced over her head momentarily and it made her wonder if he could see Dair, or maybe he just felt that someone else was in the room.

  He just had to have a bloody accent. Serenity mentally growled. Why was she suddenly finding men other than Dair attractive? She’d never even been attracted to a man before she met Dair. Apparently, getting shot had turned her into a hussy.

  “Don’t touch him,” Dair told her as he walked around the table upon which she was sitting and stood beside her.

  Too late. Her arm was already out stretched. She took his hand and smiled. “Nice to meet you, I’m Serenity.” His large hand wrapped around her smaller o
ne and warmth spread throughout her body. Was it getting hot in here?

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Serenity.”

  She bit her lip. The way the word ‘pleasure’ rolled off his tongue made it sound like he was attempting to bring her pleasure simply by talking to her. Score one for the good doctor because it was working. She suddenly jumped. “OW!” Serenity grabbed the back of her arm where Dair had pinched her. He’d freaking pinched her!

  “Stop drooling and I wouldn’t have to take such measures.” He hissed, but rubbed the spot soothingly. If it hadn’t felt so good, she would have pulled away.

  “Everything okay?” the doctor asked.

  “Yep,” Serenity said with a smile she hoped looked more reassuring and less poster child for the psych hospital.

  “I have to admit, I can see why Dr. Lester requested more hours. I would want to snatch up extra time if it meant getting to be around a beauty such as you,” Dr. Michaels said smoothly. “You are a lovely one.”

  His eyes held hers captive. Serenity didn’t even realize he’d pulled her to her feet. She was too distracted by his full, entirely too kissable lips and mesmerizing eyes. As he turned her, she felt his hand on the skin of her back and realized he was turning her to help her into a wheelchair. Her gown had opened a bit in the back and his hand had slipped beneath it onto her flesh. She shivered under his touch. She should push him away, she knew it in her mind, but instead she simply smiled and offered a breathy, “thank you.”