Read Dream Travel Page 9

  Part Two Chapter 1

  Martin prays a lot. He studies and plays hard. His wisdom is amazing at such an early age. He is well liked at school.

  Jane ponders all these things in her heart. She cannot believe how fast time has flown. She and David are closer than ever. He has become a wonderful father. His patience has improved greatly.

  Jane was so glad that Martin would probably be a very successful man. She hopes he will stay away from drugs. She is glad he will probably not have a lot of problems like she did.

  She is sleeping peaceful, finally glad she has a decent career. She is really glad that she does not dream travel anymore. She hopes her son will never have this gift.

  Jane looks out the window reflecting on memories of the past. Time has flown so quickly that she can hardly believe she is still alive amidst the loneliness of her life. She longs for when she will be reunited with her husband.

  Jane is eighty-five now and her husband has been dead for ten long years. She did not want this day to come when she would be alone again but somehow she knew it would be her to live on without him. She had no dreams left to see and longed to be in heaven. She lived with her two dogs in the same house who were like her children.

  Her son Martin was now forty-five years old. His wife's name is Betty Anne and her maiden name was Simms. They have a daughter who is twenty-five years old and her name is Megan Anne Shane. Jane and Megan are very close and Jane loves her visits.

  Jane does appreciate all God has given her. She stays very productive and takes care of her health. Jane feels very sad for all her losses. Her friends are all dead and the only family she has left is her sister Karen and a few nieces and nephew's which are grand that is. Karen spends a lot of time together with Jane since both their husbands are gone.

  It has been very sad to out live many people she has loved. She thinks of Missy but has never tried to contact her. She spends a lot of time in church, which is her greatest comfort. She would not feel sad since Megan would be coming over for dinner and she would have to prepare the meal.

  Martin is a very successful Catholic priest and the church has now for many years allowed priests to be married. His wife helps him to run the parish. He has now been at Our Lady Star of the Sea for many years very near to his mother. The values his mother instilled were his greatest influence on his career choice.

  Megan is a Carmelite nun. The church now allows nuns to be married. It is a nun's choice whether she wants to live at the convent or to live somewhere else. Megan chooses to live at the convent but she is free to visit her family or to travel. Megan is so happy with her vocation but eventually wants to be married.

  Karen did computer work when she was younger but of course has long since retired. She does volunteer work for a hotline. Her and Jane work in the soup kitchens to help the poor. Jane is still writing and has had many books published.

  Jane served Lasagna, mashed potatoes, green beans and garlic bread for dinner. Megan and Jane had lots to talk about as usual. Megan loves music and writing like her grandmother. She hopes to get some of her writings published.

  It seemed tonight would be a strange night for Jane. The conversation went toward s a direction she did not expect. She would be both frightened and happy for Megan . The conversation proceeded as follows.

  "Grandma I have something that I want to discuss with you . I have not told anyone of this experience. I hope you will be able to shed some light on this and believe in what I am about to tell you."

  Jane looked at her puzzled and assured Megan that whatever she said would be respected. Jane was feeling very shah.-y about what Megan was to tell her. She insisted that Megan speedily tell her the information.

  "Inmy dreams I ended up in Dallas,Texas visiting a woman named Maria. She is an artist and wanted to know what I did for a living. The dream seemed so real but I did not tell her how I got there because I was afraid she would think me crazy. I feel like there is a purpose for me being there but I do not know the reason. Do you think the dream is real?"

  Jane was in shock and did not know what to say. She was upset that her granddaughter had the gift of dream traveling as she once did. She would have to tell her of her experiences except for the sex part.

  "I believe you have the gift of dream traveling. I once had that gift but asked God to take it away from me. I also had visions which I no longer have either."

  She continued to tell Megan of everything that progressed between her and Patrick. Megan did ask her if they had sex and she told Megan they did. Megan and her wondered if this visit had something to do with Patrick or Missy. Maria could possibly be their child. Jane informed Megan that she hoped there would be no danger like she experienced.

  Megan informed her that this was her very first experience. Megan could not believe this dream was true. She really did not consider that being in Texas was real but now she was not sure.

  Megan went back to the convent and Jane was left with her thoughts. She was connected with Megan now like never before. It was a great shock to hear this information and she pleaded with the Lord lifting up her lamentations hoping for his mercy.

  Megan did not want to believe or think about what her grandmother told her. Could she be in danger? Is her purpose in dreamt traveling connected to her grandmother? Would her child also receive this gift? Would she have visions? She hoped for visions just like any religious zealot. Is it just the women in the family who receive this gift?

  These questions plagued Megan making it difficult for her to pray and fall asleep. She tossed and turned afraid to go asleep. She finally fell asleep and awakened with no remembrance of her dreams.

  Karen and Jane were to go to an Art show in D. C. Karen drove them to this event, which was during the day. Jane never told Karen about her dream traveling and so would not tell her now.

  The art was done by many dead artists and the newer artists who were becoming very famous. There were many portraits but mostly artistic scenery. Classical music was playing while many people observed the art with a fascination and a feeling of being in a different time.

  Jane was responsible for getting Karen interested in things of culture. Karen was grateful for keeping an open mind.Jane never tired of being in the company of great talent.

  Jane had almost forgotten about Megan when suddenly she saw a picture that haunted her. Karen commented that she looked like she saw a ghost. It was a picture of Patrick painted by Maria Anne O'Conner. Copies were sold and she bought one. She frantically looked around for more pictures of her familiar past but she did not see any.

  Jane asked the director for more information about this artist. She was informed that this artist would have her work 'displayed here in another week. Jane would take Megan with her to this art show. She made light of the situation hoping Karen would not continue to be suspicious.

  Karen and Jane ate an early dinner at a Mexican restaurant that looked out on the water. Jane tried not to show her anxiousness for this night to be over. It was a very peaceful environment but she was not at peace. It was so good to see Patrick again even though it was only a picture.

  Karen talked about how she loved going to different events with her sister. It was a pleasing day for both of them. Jane would be glad to study this painting when she got home.

  Jane studied every detail of the painting. He was wearing the blue rosary around his neck that Demelza gave him that night at the movies. This meant a lot to her for he must think of her sometimes if he were still alive. This painting however, was of him at his youth.

  She took her green rosary out of the drawer that he gave her many years ago when she was dream traveling. It was amazing how much she still cared about him and valued this portrait before her. She wondered if she would ever see him again. She was afraid to explore this possibility and wanted to bury the memory of having sex with him.

  Megan was busy about doing her gardening. She felt a strong desire to call her grandmother but she had too much work to do. She would ca
ll her in a few days. Megan would soon hear from her grandmother and begin a journey of the past and present weaving into a puzzle only to complete an ultimate answer.