Read Dream Whispers Page 10

Toby released a grunt as the wind was knocked out of him. He would’ve fallen to the pavement if Gabe hadn’t maintained his grip around his neck. Red seeped into the edges of Becca’s vision as people slowly gathered around. Fear and anger fought inside her.

  Rage took over, clouding any form of intellectual battle. Becca raised her foot again, ready to smash it into Gabe’s groin. But Tim caught her leg mid-kick, stopping her movement with jarring force. He twisted her foot, forcing her to the ground as she screamed in pain. Shouting erupted from the ever thickening circle of spectators. Why didn’t any of them help?

  Becca slowly stood, her bruised body crying in protest at her movements. As she stood, Gabe’s goons grabbed each of her arms and shoved her forward. They forced her to walk until her body was only an inch from Toby’s.

  “I’m sorry,” Toby whispered. She could see the tears held back in his eyes. She knew he wished he was some great hero from one of his collection of stories. If he only believed her when she told him how much she respected him for not fighting.

  “It’s not your fault,” she spoke softly. Her anger was beyond resolving at this point. She could feel it pulsing from her body like shock waves.

  “Oh, isn’t this so sweet? Tate and Becs, sittin in a tree!” Gabe sang and then laughed along with his immature friends.

  “Grow up, Gabe,” Becca whispered. Angry tears stung the backs of her eyes now, but she refused to let them be seen. Gabe’s taunting laughter caused something to snap inside of her. The darkness that Kayde had dissolved before crept back into her heart. All the pain and anger she’d felt after losing her parents seeped through her blood, causing an ugly hatred to explode inside her; all the gossip she’d heard about how her parents had died, all the questions, the furtive glances, even from those who she’d thought were her friends.

  Becca directed all that hatred toward Gabe. How could someone like him be allowed to live when her good, caring parents had been snatched so cruelly away? “How’s your dad, Gabe? He find work yet? Or won’t anyone hire a drunken arsonist?” she spat. Even as the words poured from her mouth, she couldn’t believe she was saying them. Toby gaped at her, speechless.

  Gabe threw the crumpled paper forcefully to the ground. His face was red underneath his mousy hair. Without taking his gaze off of Becca, he punched Toby in the gut again for good measure before throwing him to the pavement. Toby lay there, holding his stomach as he tried to catch his breath.

  Becca’s anger gave way to fear again as Gabe stared at her, black venom shining in his eyes. “I-I’m sorry, Gabe. I didn’t mean to insult your dad,” Becca said lamely. She struggled uselessly to free herself of Gabe’s henchmen.

  Stars disrupted her vision as Gabe’s ape hand slapped her across the face. Her head spun around and her body flung to the ground as Tim and Greg released her.

  Through the buzzing in her ears and the throbbing under her skull, Becca realized that someone else had joined the fight. She slowly turned around, careful not to move too quickly in case her head would burst. Toby, still grunting with pain, was helping her to stand. Had one of their school mates finally become brave enough to stand up to these thugs?

  Shock and insane joy burst inside Becca with a jolt, nearly sending her to the ground again. She felt Toby steady her as she watched Kayde battle the three boys. Where had he come from? His face was filled with a terrifying fury as he expertly maneuvered around the three thrashing, kicking, and biting adversaries. Kayde swung a leg up, catching Greg in the jaw. The large youth fell to the ground like a sack of lead.

  Tim came up behind Kayde, grabbed his arms and pulled them roughly back. He held Kayde there for Gabe. Becca gasped and fought to break free from Toby as Gabe got in a few good punches to Kayde’s torso. But before he could strike the face, Kayde used Gabe’s body, running up the length of his form and flipping over the top of his captor.

  Becca could hardy comprehend what was happening; she was sure she heard some dark music from somewhere—probably her imagination. What she was seeing was like a scene from an action movie. Suddenly, Kayde was holding Tim from behind, kneeing him in the back until he fell to the ground, screaming. Gabe rushed at Kayde, but was thrown to his back, as well. Kayde had moved too fast for Becca to even know how he’d gotten Gabe down.

  A police siren sounded over the deafening cries of the ring of spectators. Everyone fell silent, some scattered. Kayde stood there, his fists clenched, his muscles bulging. His dark blue T-shirt was dotted with moisture, and his faded, torn jeans revealed a bleeding scrape on his leg. Sweat dripped off of his hair over his shining green eyes that now rested on Becca, who had mysteriously forgotten how to breathe.

  Toby inched his way in front of Becca as Kayde strode over to her, ignoring the shouts of Terrance who had entered the scene. Becca’s heart pounded, causing the bruise spreading across her cheek to throb. Ignoring Toby, Kayde came close and asked, “Are you okay?”

  “Fine, thanks,” Toby answered irritably. Becca finally took a breath, but found she could only nod. Kayde’s energy streamed across the air and rippled through Becca’s veins, keeping her from speaking.

  “Hey! I’m talking to you!” Terrance’s grating voice broke the moment. Kayde spun around and faced him. Another, older policeman walked behind Terrance, surveying the scene with an open expression. Becca saw Officer Adams’ shoulders bounce up and down as he chuckled at the sight of Gabe and his friends rolling on the ground, groaning. Terrance’s eyes rested on Becca’s face. His own complexion reddened at the sight of the bruise forming on her cheek. “Who did this to you?” he growled. His narrowing eyes slowly turned on Kayde. “I’ll put you away for life for hurting her!”

  Officer Adams stopped Terrance from pouncing. Kayde’s fists clenched, but he kept himself under control. The next several minutes were filled with Terrance’s accusations and attempts to arrest Kayde. Adams took time to question everyone who’d been brave enough to stick around. Finally, the older officer turned to Terrance and said, “Sounds to me like Gabe and his boys deserved it, Terrance. Besides, boys will be boys. There’s nothing more for us to do here. Let’s go.”

  A few lame protests from Gabe followed before Adams forced him and his friends to leave. Gabe and Kayde glared at each other as Gabe limped to his truck and left. The policemen left directly after, but not before Terrance gave Kayde one last threatening look.

  Kayde then turned to Becca, his features softening. They gazed at each other and the corners of their mouths slowly and simultaneously curled up until they were smiling goofily at each other. Then, Kayde’s brows furrowed as his eyes trailed to the bruise on Becca’s cheek. “I should kill that guy for hitting you,” he said darkly.

  Becca lightly touched her cheek, glanced out the corner of her eye at Toby’s face, and then said, “It’s okay. It’ll heal. Toby’s had to take much more than that from Gabe.”

  Kayde looked at Toby as if he just realized he were there. They stared at each other for an uncomfortable moment. Becca could tell Toby still didn’t trust Kayde, in spite of the fact he’d just saved them. She quickly introduced them, and they nodded curtly before Kayde turned his attention back to Becca.

  Kayde cleared his throat and shifted his weight from one foot to the other. He looked beautifully bashful for a moment before he blurted, “Your offer to have dinner still good?”

  Toby stiffened beside Becca, but she ignored his small signal. “Sure,” she said softly, feeling her cheeks blossom with heat. “Tonight?”

  “Sure,” Kayde said. “I’ll see you tonight, then. Six?”

  “Sure,” Becca couldn’t keep the stupid, giddy smile from her face. Her angel had just asked her to dinner! She watched Kayde walk to his motorcycle and mount it. Toby was pulling on her arm, wanting her to leave. She waited until Kayde and his bike disappeared around the corner of the school before she moved toward the car.

  “Becca, I’m rea
lly sorry.” Toby apologized.

  “Toby, don’t make me tell you again that I respect you for not fighting. I don’t know what happened to me back there. I just lost it!”

  Toby, gave her a crooked smile as they slid stiffly into his car. “Well, you didn’t seem to mind Kayde fighting too much.” He shook his head as he turned the key to start the ignition. He looked at Becca, his crooked smile gone. “Don’t get too close, Becca. I know you’re taken by him. But you just saw how dangerous he can be.”

  Becca scowled at her friend. “Just drive, Toby. Let me worry about me.” They drove home in silence.

  Kayde showed up that night at six o’clock on the dot. Chris clasped Becca’s necklace for her as Kayde rang the door bell. “Remember to be careful, Becca. I like Kayde, but--”

  “Save the speech, Chris. We’re just going to dinner.” Chris had been unbearable and smothering all evening after learning about what had happened after school. Toby hadn’t helped, describing every detail to Chris. The whole thing sounded like a horror story the way he’d told it. Now, Chris wouldn’t stop staring at her bruised cheek and he fussed over her every movement. She scowled as she walked past him.

  Becca put on a smile before opening the door. Kayde stood there, his hair mussed to perfection, his black T-shirt hugging his fit body. He was holding a blue helmet. “I found this at the second-hand store. I thought it would match your eyes.” He looked at Chris as Becca’s face heated. “I’ll keep her safe, Chris, I promise.”

  Chris grasped hands with Kayde for a moment and smiled. “You better, man. Or I’ll have to kill you.”

  “If I hurt her in any way, I’ll let you!” Kayde answered. They laughed before Becca snatched the helmet, rolled her eyes and strode toward the Shadow. She heard Chris thank Kayde for helping his little sister before the guys said their farewells. Then, Becca took in a nervous breath as her stomach tickled at the sound of Kayde’s approaching footsteps behind her. She turned and smiled into his amazing eyes.

  “You ready?” he asked. Becca nodded. She nearly jumped when Kayde’s hand brushed hers as he took the helmet from her and gently placed it on her head. He carefully tightened the strap under her chin, keeping his curious gaze on her face. His eyes seemed to look past hers, into her thoughts, into her soul. He paused, his fingertips still touching her chin, sending ripples of goose bumps down her throat and through her body. She could hardly believe how such a tiny action could be so powerful.

  Finally, Kayde whispered, “Let’s go.” Abruptly, he turned and mounted the bike, placing a black helmet on his head. Becca followed, wrapping her arms around his waist as he brought the powerful machine to life. She fully intended to unlock a few mysteries about Kayde this evening. Excitement crackled in the air and Becca laughed as Kayde put the Shadow into gear and roared down the street.