Read Dream Whispers Page 14

  Chapter Twelve


  Everything was different after that night. Becca saw the world as a bright and amazing place. Kayde picked her up from school almost every day—when he wasn’t doing some work for Mrs. K—and they spent every evening together. Becca was thrilled that Chris continued to show trust in Kayde, too. She wasn’t sure how things would’ve gone if he hadn’t. She wouldn’t have left Kayde; she didn’t think she even could. But she owed Chris everything. Luckily, she didn’t have to worry about it.

  There was a dim spot in all of her euphoria, however. Terrance had become suddenly very close to Gabe—a kid that Terrance had taken into custody for D.U.I.’s on more than one occasion in the past and had enjoyed it.

  They seemed to be everywhere she and Kayde were; at the theater, on the road, in the park. Many times, Becca noticed them conversing with other people in town, no doubt spreading the ridiculous gossip about Kayde, the no good drifter, taking advantage of sweet, innocent Becca Snow.

  On one occasion, the stalking pair entered the ice cream shop where Becca and Kayde had stopped for a treat. They smiled in their stupid way; Gabe with his ape-like manner, and Terrance with wolf eyes staring at their prey. Becca felt Kayde’s wild, dark energy rippled through the air. The look in his eyes was frightening as he watched the two men sit at the other end of the shop.

  “Kayde,” Becca said softly as he and Terrance stared each other down. Although Kayde’s expression was deadly, Terrance seemed to be more amused than anything. “Let’s just go. He’s not worth it.”

  His hand felt hot as she placed her fingers over his. The connection distracting him enough to get him to tear his eyes off of the policeman and look at her. His jaw was clenched, his mouth in a thin line. He only nodded, and Becca jumped up and led him out of the shop.

  Once outside, Kayde’s energy lightened, if only slightly. “You can’t let him get to you, Kayde,” Becca said. “You know he’s baiting you, waiting for you to mess up.”

  Kayde growled, sighed, and let his shoulders relax. “I can’t help it. I hate the way he looks at you.”

  Becca hated it, too. But she knew a confrontation with the policeman would only end badly for Kayde.

  Gabe’s thick voice sounded from behind them. “Hey, Becs!” She just kept walking, but a dark melody played softly in the back of her consciousness. Kayde was tensing up again, and his melody was getting darker.

  Becca squeezed Kayde’s hand, pulling him along. But when Gabe shouted at her again, Kayde forced them to stop and turn toward him. The brute’s smirk irritated Becca, but fear dominated as she felt Kayde’s darker energy increase.

  Gabe just stood there, smirking, as Terrance came forward. The closer he sauntered toward them, the tenser Kayde’s muscles became until his hand was nearly crushing Becca’s. What was Terrance doing? Why couldn’t he just leave them alone?

  He came within a couple feet from them, his eyes boring into Kayde’s for a moment before turning his attention on Becca. Under his steely gaze, she wanted to cower behind Kayde; but she felt the need to be brave for the sake of keeping her boyfriend from killing the cop.

  Terrance licked his lips and opened his mouth as if to speak, but the radio suddenly sounded off through the open window of the cruiser, causing Becca to jump. She didn’t hear what the dispatcher said, but she was extremely grateful when Terrance growled with irritation and turned back toward his vehicle.

  A good five minutes passed before Kayde relaxed enough to move.

  After that, Becca worried, knowing how much Kayde struggled to keep himself from actually becoming the person Terrance and Gabe broadcast that he was. As a result, she found herself driving out to Mrs. K’s more often than Kayde came to town. They were able to keep clear of the madness out there. Mrs. Kline always looked at the two of them with warmth in her wrinkled cheeks. “I had a feeling about you two that first day!” she’d said several times, causing Kayde to roll his eyes and Becca to chuckle. To top it off, the cats made a point of being a nuisance any time Kayde and Becca attempted to kiss, squeezing themselves between them for attention just at the wrong moments.

  One Saturday, though, Kayde had come to Becca’s house for a change. She didn’t really want to go anywhere when he asked, afraid they might bump into Terrance, so they decided to take a short walk along her street. The late May sun was warm and soothing. The days seemed to stretch on longer, giving them more time together. They walked down the block holding hands and smiling at each other, listening to the birds and the sounds of distant traffic passing along the main roads.

  Becca kicked a pebble with the toe of her sneaker and watched it bounce along the sidewalk. It stopped in front of Toby’s house. She felt a twinge of guilt. She’d been neglecting her friend lately, spending every spare moment she had with Kayde.

  Toby’s mother, Catherine, was in front of the house, trimming the full rose bushes. Several blood red buds dotted the plants, promising future roses. Toby was sitting on the steps of the porch, his nose stuck in that same book Becca had checked out for him over a month ago. A crinkled piece of tablet paper stuck out above the pages.

  “Hey, there!” she stated cheerily. Toby jerked his head up and Catherine spun around, nearly sending her expensive looking, wide-brimmed hat flying off of her head. Becca felt Kayde’s hand squeeze hers tightly. She knew he wasn’t comfortable around Toby, but she couldn’t just pretend she hadn’t seen them there.

  “You’re going to make me have to pay for that book, Toby,” she teased. He snapped it shut and stared at her as if she were a complete stranger. He scowled at Kayde quickly, then composed himself. He gave her a crooked smile as Catherine approached them.

  “Well, Rabecca! It seems I haven’t seen you forever! We’ve been missing you.” She gave Becca a quick hug, forcing her to release Kayde’s hand. When they parted, Catherine looked Kayde up and down with intense interest that caused Becca to squirm uncomfortably. “And this,” she said quietly, “Must be Kayde Harper. I’ve heard so much about you. I’m sorry Jack, my husband, couldn’t be here to meet you, too. He’s always working.” She removed her gardening glove and extended that hand for Kayde to accept.

  Kayde deliberately stuffed his hands in his pockets and pressed his lips together. Becca gaped at him. She knew he didn’t care to be here, but that rudeness was uncalled for. She was about to reprimand him when she felt a strange ripple of energy through the air. Something was wrong. Kayde’s face, though set in an emotionless stare, was pale, and she could see his heart trying to pound its way through his chest.

  “Are you okay?” Becca asked.

  Glancing quickly at Becca and then back at Catherine, he answered, “I-I’m not feeling well. I’ll see ya.” He turned on his heal and walked heatedly toward Becca’s house.

  Becca stood speechless for several moments, trying to decipher what had just happened. She turned sheepishly back to Toby and his mom. “I’m sorry—must’ve been something he ate,” she said quickly.

  Catherine eyed her strangely before saying, “Of course.” Becca said a quick goodbye to Toby and raced after Kayde. She found him pacing back and forth by his Shadow in front of her house.

  “What in the world was that all about? Are you really sick?” she asked worriedly. His face was pale and damp with sweat.

  He jumped at her voice and then ran a hand over the back of his neck, then wiped the sweat off onto his jeans. “I don’t know,” he said, his voice cracking. “I must be. I have to go.” He mounted the bike and revved it to life.

  “I’ll go with you, then,” she shouted over the sound of the motorcycle.

  Kayde shook his head and he kept his eyes averted from hers. “No. I just need to go lie down. I’ll call you later.”

  And with that, he took off, taking the road that led him away from Becca as her heart screamed for him to stop. She felt panicked as she realized she couldn’t hear or feel Kayde’
s music. She was desperate to help him, whatever was wrong. But some strong, undeniable force, told her to stay put.