Read Dream Whispers Page 19

  Chapter Seventeen

  The Darkness

  Kayde’s legs stretched over two steps at a time—not an easy thing to do while bounding down a flight of stairs. He just couldn’t move fast enough. He’d felt it the instant Becca had entered Toby’s house. He didn’t have to call or text, he just knew. Her current state of endangerment stabbed at him as forcefully as a metal blade. Why on earth had he left her without his protection?

  The Shadow roared to life and Kayde was halfway down the highway before his mind caught up with his body. He tried to calm down, to think clearly. But fear had murdered his sanity. He could think of nothing except getting to Becca and saving her from…

  Finally, Kayde’s senses snapped to attention. He didn’t even know what he was facing here. What horrors would he find when he got to Toby’s house? What was there that made him fear so deeply and want so desperately to get to Becca and pull her away from it? He could see her scowling now, irritated that he’d interrupted her time with Toby for no reason.

  But it wasn’t for ‘no reason’. His fear was real. Something was wrong.

  Kayde’s fears were replaced with fury as he approached Toby’s house. The police cruiser stood in the driveway, its headlights flooding a scene tainted red by Kayde’s rage. Toby was on the ground, holding his stomach and rolling back and forth in pain. Becca had transformed into a wild animal, thrashing, kicking, punching, and screaming as Gabe and Terrance laughed and circled around her like vultures.

  The Shadow came to a screeching stop, gaining the attention of the persecutors long enough for Becca to connect her fist to Terrance’s jaw. His eyes bulged for a moment before he turned and slapped Becca across the face, sending her spinning.

  It was all Kayde needed. With a furious cry, he tackled Terrance. They landed hard on the cement driveway, grunting and growling. Kayde couldn’t stop the flow of darkness coursing through his veins. He didn’t even try. He allowed it free reign as he assaulted Terrance with his fists.

  He wanted the man dead.

  Kayde was yanked off of Terrance by a pair of thick hands. Gabe pulled Kayde’s arms back and squeezed, his hot breath blasting against Kayde’s neck. Kayde growled with pain and rage, struggling to break free. Becca screamed for them to stop, but Terrance pushed her back again, forcing her to the ground next to Toby.

  Something snapped inside Kayde. Seeing Becca abused by Terrance’s rough hands had sent him to a new dark place. His body suddenly relaxed and his mind became cool, calm, and calculating. The darkest music became clear and real in his mind as Terrance wiped the back of his hand over his bloody lip and gave Kayde an evil smile. “You’ll pay for that one,” he growled.

  Kayde glared back, returning Terrance’s dark smile. Not tonight! Terrance took slow, deliberate steps, attempting to intimidate Kayde. It wasn’t working. Deep, dark chords of music fought against their leash Kayde held, snapping their jaws like hungry animals. Soon. He’d release them soon. Nothing else existed now except the music and Kayde’s all-consuming desire to use it against Terrance and Gabe.

  The dark melody took wing as Kayde opened the cage door, allowing his vocal cords free reign. The sound ran smoothly up his throat and out his nostrils, permeating the air with deadly darkness. Terrance froze, his eyes widening. Kayde felt great satisfaction as he watched the smile melt off the policeman’s face.

  Kayde continued to hum, the music growing louder. Gabe’s grip loosened and Kayde felt the boy’s arms tremble. This was it. Kayde was going to sing the darkest spell he’d ever sung. Terrance would pay now--and then he would die.

  A sliver of light sliced against Kayde’s darkness, stinging like a paper cut. He was vaguely aware of Becca standing next to him, her hand on his shoulder. Kayde struggled to stop the flow of evil emanating from his core before it could harm Becca. What was he doing? He wanted to hurt Terrance in the worst way, but kill him?

  Kayde slowed his music, altering it slightly to keep it from doing permanent damage. But his fury was not quelled—it wanted to remain free. Terrance’s eyes glossed over as the new spell washed over him. Kayde turned to Gabe, making sure the song had affected him, too. Quickly he looked at Toby and Becca, assuring himself he hadn’t touched them with his dark song. Toby stood gaping, his eyes a mixture of fear and awe. Becca’s face was streaked with tears, creases wrinkled brows over her desperate eyes. “Don’t do it, Kayde,” she pleaded softly.

  But he couldn’t stop it now. He didn’t know how. Turning away from Becca, he focused on Terrance and Gabe. A million horrifying commands raced through his mind—commands that would cause them to harm themselves or each other. But Becca’s pleading eyes haunted Kayde’s vision. He clenched his fists, fighting against himself and the music. Finally, he spoke quietly, darkly. “You both need to go home. Now.”

  Without hesitation, Terrance and Gabe got into the cruiser and peeled away. Heavy silence followed. Kayde turned to Becca, ready to ask if she was okay, ready to demand she leave with him now before anything else could happen. But her expression threw him off guard. She shook and her visage was fierce, her eyes pained. Her ragged breath threw Kayde’s heart off beat. “How could you? You promised yourself…you promised me you would never…” her words broke off as Toby came to stand defensively next to her.

  “I was trying to protect you!” Kayde shouted. His emotions were still wildly out of control. “I did it to save you!”

  Becca shook her head slowly. “I don’t think so, Kayde. You couldn’t even hear me. I was screaming at you to stop. I lost you again—that dark music, it cut me off. You cut me off, shut me out. You did it for your own selfish desire to do it!”

  The words slapped Kayde. How could she think that? “I was defending you!” he shouted. The pain of Becca’s words had turned to anger. His fear that she was slipping away from him now only added fuel to that anger. The tension between him and Becca was nearly tangible. Breathing heavily, Kayde spoke, “Fine. You don’t want me to protect you? You don’t need me around? Then I’m gone!” He spun on his heal and took enormous strides toward the Shadow he’d practically tossed aside in his fury. He suddenly wondered why he’d been so quick to help Becca. She obviously could handle things!

  Kayde heaved the bike upright and mounted it. He struggled for a moment, wanting to stay with Becca, but needing to escape her painful accusations. Becca tried to shout to him, but he revved the engine, drowning her voice. He had to get out of here. He knew when he wasn’t wanted. Unshed tears stung his eyes. Kayde put the bike in gear, allowing the tires to squeal against the pavement and leaving an angry cloud of blue smoke in his wake.